哈佛大学研究生申请条件2022哈佛高校探讨生申请条件 1.学位背景要求:4年制正规高校毕业,并且已经取得学士学位。 2.GPA要求:目前还没有设定最低的GPA要求。 3.语言要求:托福总分在80分以上,没有单项分数要求,目前不接受雅思等等其他一些任何语言成果。 4.GRE要求:任何一个专业要求申请者必需要供应GRE成果。 申请哈佛高校读研的条件是学位背景,GPA和GRE以及语言条件,想胜利去哈佛高校读研就必需满意这些条件。 哈佛高校学费 哈佛高校(Harvard University),简称“哈佛”,成立于1636年,是美国历史最悠久的高等教化学府,成立之初哈佛高校原名新市民学院,后来为了几年约翰哈佛牧师,在1639年更名为哈佛学院,1780年改称哈佛高校,哈佛高校在美国的各个领域都有着很强的影响力。 哈佛高校坐落于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿都市区剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立探讨型高校,是闻名的常春藤盟校成员。截至2018年10月,哈佛高校共培育了8位美利坚合众国总统 ,而哈佛的校友、教授及探讨人员中共走出了158位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第一) 、18位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第一) 、14位图灵奖得主(世界第四) ,其在文学、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教化机构之一。 1、本科学费 哈佛高校的学费也是比较贵,哈佛高校本科生本科的学费几乎是私立高校平均本科学费的两倍,本科一年的学费54496美元左右,书本费是6742美元/年,学生服务费用2360美元/年,保险费是930美元/年。虽然哈佛高校的学费贵,但是几乎三分之二以上的新生都可以享受到奖学金补助,平均每人近34000美元。 2、探讨生学费 哈佛高校探讨生平均一年的学费也许在43938美元,不同专业之间学费会有所差异,其中商科专业、法学专业和医学专业的学费会比其它的学科高一些,像文理学院和工程与应用科学院的学费是41762美元/年,商学院的学费是58875美元/年,设计学院的学费是43700美元/年,教化学院的学费是41616美元/年,政府学院的学费是48261美元/年,法学院的学费是54850美元/年。 美国留学申请书 Dear Sir: Due to the comprehensiveness of China's reform and opening up policy, the economy is playing a more and more important role in the development of its global status. Although more and more companies have been established, the management of the company can not keep up with the development of the company. Management is an emerging field in China, so I hope I can learn more modern knowledge about management at Harvard University in the United States. My strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father is one of the earliest modern entrepreneurs in China. As a young girl, it is instructive to hear stories about his business adventures and meet with all kinds of interesting entrepreneurs. My mother is also an accountant, helping him do simple calculations. Therefore, early in my life, I hope one day I can also enter the business field. As I grow older, I prefer reading to satisfy my curiosity. I never stopped thinking about the problems I encountered. Courses on business and management are particularly attractive to me, and my knowledge of psychology and interest in this field are growing rapidly. My insistence on reading saved me from the darkness. In fact, my favorite books include the American encyclopedia and Peter Drucker's books on management. I began to notice an interesting thing: why can some companies produce more than others? Why do some companies have higher sales than others? Why can some companies be set up in the face of the same difficulties, while others can't? With these questions, I began to read many related books. I was lucky to read Jack Welch's Book Jack: go straight, in which John A. Byrne clearly explained the importance of management to the company. When I was a junior, I opened a bookstore near my school. I not only manage the finance in the store, but also manage the employees in the store, and even formulate some strategies to expand the business in the store to maintain the operation in the store. As a result, my interpersonal and business skills have been greatly developed, and I am more and more interested in what I do. By December 2003, I finally decided to take business management as my career rather than it. In order to accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strive to gain more practical work experience in some large companies. Fortunately, as a senior, I began to practice in a construction company in Zhejiang Province. For more than six months, I worked as a manager assistant to coordinate the relationship between different departments of the company and draft some management systems, which broadened my vision of management conditions and business performance in different industries. These experiences tell me that in large companies, management is much more important than I thought. After graduation, I continued to work in this company. The company provided me with an opportunity to participate in a training program organized by a famous management college. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classroom, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in the field of management and to study at Harvard. Because of my intelligence and the new ideas I mentioned. During the short training period, I realized that it was a wise choice for me to pursue a higher management degree. Harvard perfectly meets my needs with its excellent management. In your challenging environment, I can build a knowledge base related to management to achieve my goals. I firmly believe that your admission will be the first step to my success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application and await your good reply. Yours, xuexila 哈佛高校探讨生申请条件2022