2022本科生德国留学申请书示范2022本科生德国留学申请书 Dear _, I hold the British physicist Hawking in great esteem in that he was able to complete such a great work as History of Time when he had to rely on mechanical devices to sustain his life and was deprived of his ability of speech. Although his body was confined to a wheelchair, his mind soared freely in the boundless universe. I was shocked deep in my soul. Therefore, I am convinced that the meaning of a persons life, transitory as it is, dwells in learning and innovation. I keep reminding myself that the journey of life that I wish to pursue should consist of incessant progress and innovation. Hard efforts always pay off. My industry in high school studies ended up in my success of being admitted into ZheJiang University without being required to take entrance examination, which was itself a special honor. There, the liberal academic atmosphere and heavy coursework effectively augmented my horizon of knowledge and my perspective. In the first year of my undergraduate studies, as the 150th top student out of a total of 3000 students, I was selected to study in the Mixed Class which consisted of top students of the University with inter-disciplinary backgrounds. In this class, competitions were unusually fierce. All the basic courses including physics, general chemistry, and mathematical analysis were taught in English and all the textbooks were in English. The curriculum was characterized by great diversity and the level of difficulty of all examinations far surpassed those administered to average students, and even surpassed those in Tsinghua University and Peking University. Though the majority of students initially felt displaced and their GPAs were correspondingly relatively low, the scores represent more than their surface value. In my undergraduate studies, I chose to specialize in computer science and engineering. Having completed all the basic coursework in the first two years, I devoted virtually all my energy to the study of computer graphics because graphics is one of the most important media of information as well as one of the fastest developing and most lively branch of computer science as a whole. It has extremely wide prospect of application. The course that I liked most was Fundamentals of Data Structure in Computer because it made me realize that a good algorithm could substantially conserve the cost of resources and reduce both the time complexity and the space complexity. This factor has encouraged researchers to undertake continued exploration and improvement of algorithms. The thesis on Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction that I am preparing is designed to improve conventional algorithm. At present, I am involved in a robot project being developed by ABB Company. The problem that our group face is how to transform the robots visual information into data that can be stored and processed by the computer. In that part of project that I am in charge of, my work is to implement a more effective method for the texture mapping module. On one hand, some of the principles and methods in this project can be derived from 3-D reconstruction technology. On the other hand, I have found that many aspects in the development of the CAD/CAGD are far from mature. I hope that I can undertake further research in this area. I believe that I will be qualified for this research because I have received systematic trainings in mathematics, physics, logic, and computer programming. In addition, I have accumulated relatively abundant practical experience in actual experiment operations and developed my ability to conduct independent research. The 3-D Reconstruction is an important subject within the general framework of computer graphics that has the widest application. Currently, its methodology comprises of two major categories: dynamic reconstruction and static reconstruction. In view of the limitations in terms of the size of the object processed and the cost of processing in dynamic reconstruction, I have put forward a new algorithm based on static reconstruction, that is, the algorithm embodied in the reconstruction of a convex singly-connected 3-dimensional object by means of 2-dimensional photos. Compared with conventional algorithm, this algorithm that I have designed saves more space, and is quicker in speed. The effect is especially salient in processing relatively large-sized real objects like a building, rockets, space shuttles, and mountains. It is conceivable that my approach of reconstructing 3-D information by utilizing the 2-D geometric and topological information of real objects will enjoy a very bright prospect of application. Nevertheless, to translate my design concepts into reality so as to work out many problems in graphics will be impossible without more advanced levels of knowledge. Therefore, I apply for a high-level degree program in the University of -. It is my belief that the advanced educational system, stimulating academic environment, and creative ideas of research will combine to bring into full play my active thinking and solid academic foundation, ultimately leading to a fruitful career in the field. My interest of research mainly lies in the three sub-areas of Computer Science Engineering. Computer Graphics Imaging Technology is my first choice. Apart from this field, I would also like to concentrate on two other fields related to computer science. Naturally, Network becomes my second choice. Network security is becoming an increasingly important issue in computer technology, but unfortunately the relevant technology has failed to reach high sophistication. There is much room for improvement and I see this as a possible area for me to achieve some sort of breakthrough in the future. I would also like to devote myself to Software Engineering. I have already established a relative solid foundation in this field as it is the strongest undergraduate program of CS Department of my university and I have already done a series of projects, both by myself and by group work. Such experience will also assist me in completing my degree programs satisfactorily. My ultimate aim is to become professionally trained and return to China with the knowledge and expertise that I acquire from my studies abroad. By that time, I will be an expert on computer graphics to be engaged both in research and in teaching. I can solve sophisticated technical problems on one hand and impart my accumulated theoretical knowledge to others on the other. In this way, my life will be made rich and meaningful. Yours sincerely, xuexila 德国留学申请要求介绍 1、中学留学 在国内读完初中二年级的学生,就可以起先进行升学的打算了,不过正式的申请,须要等到了毕业之后才可以提交,还要出示自己的GPA成果单,要在3.0分左右,并且要有合格的毕业证。 对语言没有强制的要求,但是建议大家咋国内接受德语的培训,确保自己能够跟得上学习,一年的学习费用也许在18万元左右,没有保证金的要求,可以干脆前往德国,家长可以陪读。 2、预科留学 迎接的中学毕业生,是没有方法干脆申请本科的学习的,只能够先进入预科接受专业的过渡学习,不过大家该满意的要求是一样都不能少的,须要完成学业出示证书,并且GPA要达到3.0分以上。 对语言也会有肯定的要求,要出示500个小时的德语学习的证明,假如德福考试达到四级还可以免读语言班;一般的学校还会设置有入学的考试,通过考试才可以正式入学。 3、本科留学 想要干脆入读本科,学生必需要出示本人在211高校中读完一个学期的证明,或者双非学校中读完三个学期的证明,通过考核是可以干脆进入相关阶段学习的,当然GPA要有3.0分以上。 还要通过APS的考核,并且确认自己的德福考试在四级以上,目前跨专业的申请在德国高校中的审核是比较严格的,所以大家在打算的时候,还须要确认自己的背景符合要求。 4、硕博留学 在读的学生也可以提交申请,只要能够出示证明个人专业实力的证明即可;一般还是兼职完成本科的学习之后再提交,尔德福德考试分数,也要有四级以上,达到五级会更有竞争力。 博士的入学会更重视学生的成果,大家能够展示出自己独立工作和科研的实力,有现成的成果会更有竞争力,对学历没有要求,但是德语实力要合格。 德国留学就业前景介绍 1、留在德国 德国目前处于人口老龄话比较严峻的阶段,国内人口供应社会的需求是比较吃力的,所以对海外的优秀人才尤其的重视,在德国顺当完成学业的毕业生更是吃香,大家留在这里是很有优势的。 可以从事的岗位遍布各行各业,一般企业的认可度都是比较高的,假如大家在学习期间就进入相关企业实过习,那么完成学业之后递交正式入职的申请,会更高一些。 一般的学生,就业的起薪年薪都在5万欧之上,毕业之后可以无条件的申请一年半的求职签证,工作满了两年就可以递交长期居留申请,满了五年可以递交永久居留申请。 2、回到国内 首先政府为大家供应了很不错的政策福利,会特地开展针对归国学生和企业之间的聘请会,搭建起一个不错的桥梁,便利双方进行沟通,也便于双向的选择,提高人才筛选的效率。 接着就是企业对留学生的学历、技能和创新会更认可,因为不同的培育方式,可以帮助大家获得和国内不一样的阅历,这样在求职的时候,留学生的优势其实会更加明显一些。 假如大家有自己创业的准备的话,千万不要忽视了政府为大家供应的优势,可以提交免税的申请,还可以进驻到工业园,享受更好的硬件设施和器材,前提是你的企划案可以受到认可。 3、其他国家 作为欧洲的大国,德国的各所高校,发放的学历的认可度,还是比较高,不管大家想要去往哪一个国家就业,只要学历进行了认证,那么起点就不会打折扣,甚至会更有优势。 建议大家先从合资型的企业起先,因为这样你的语言优势才会比较明显,当然在生疏的国家求职的难度会更噶一些,须要大家做好吃苦的打算。 2022本科生德国留学申请书示范