GRE阅读备考那些提分技巧值得一学GRE阅读备考那些提分技巧值得一学 GRE阅读提分心得:限制时间 GRE阅读考试的时间很惊慌,假如考生不习惯的话很简单因为耽搁时间影响考试,在平常备考中就要学会限制时间读一篇文章,一般安排时间为长文章1.52分钟,短文章11.5分钟,然后以平均每题1分钟的速度解决关联的题目。在平常练好了限制时间做题的节奏,到了考试就能更好的适应。 GRE阅读提分心得:分析错题 对于做错的题目,不要对个答案就结束,要学会分析为什么会做错。一般来说,阅读题做错主要有两类缘由。一类是看错,比如:定位错误;题干中的NOT,EXCEPT,LEAST,ERR等看错;选项没看懂,拼法相近的单词高搞错了意思等等。其次类是想错,比如中国式思维美国式思维ETS的思维,我们所要作的就是在中国式思维与ETS的思维间建立直觉联系。 GRE阅读提分心得:探讨文章 GRE考试的阅读题,在选择文章上都是很有讲究的,特殊是文章的结构和用词,堪称经典,所以大家不妨在做完阅读题后再把文章细致探讨一遍,主要探讨层次结构,起承转合,语言套路及选项特征,把阅读材料的精华都解析出来融为己用,对于提升阅读和写作都会很有好处。 GRE阅读提分心得:总结思路 在做完题目后,除了对答案分析错因,对于那些没有做错的题,最好也就解题思路再进行深一层次的总结和探讨,想一下此题的解题思路是什么,是否具有多种解题方案,自己距离某种解题方案还有什么缺陷或不足,什么样的方法最适合自己,找出最快速的效率做法。对于题目的五个选项,分别找出对错的理由,虽然可能会花一点时间,但从整体复习效果上来说,对于考生熟识题目出法和提高辨析实力都极有帮助。 GRE阅读提分心得:找寻节奏 GRE阅读虽然提速很重要,但也不能一味求快,单纯读得快却忽视了理解文章意思,到头来还是竹篮打水一场空。在速度和理解中间找寻平衡点,发觉适合自己的做题节奏才是关键所在。这样才能在考试中做到既确保速度又能理解其中含义。 GRE长难句练习及解析:植物基因插入 One such novel idea is that of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution: specifically, the idea of inserting into nonlegumious plants the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence, the intensified research on legumes. One such novel idea/ is that of/ inserting into/ the chromosomes of plants/ discrete genes/ that are not/ a part of the/ plants' natural constitution:/ specifically,/ the idea of/ inserting into/ nonlegumious plants/ the genes,/ if they can be/ identified and isolated,/ that fit the/ leguminous plants/ to be hosts/ for nitrogen-fixing bacteria./ Hence,/ the intensified research/ on legumes. 一个这样的全新的想法,是把非此植物的自然组成部分的不相关的基因插入到植物的染色体中;详细来说就是这么一个想法,把一些使得豆科植物能够成为固氮菌寄主的基因(假如它们能够被找到并分别出来的话)插入到非豆科植物的基因中去。因此才出现了对豆科植物的深化探讨。 倒装:inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution. 正常语序:inserting discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution into the chromosomes of plants. 倒装:the idea of inserting into nonlegumious plants the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. 正常语序:the idea of inserting the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria into nonlegumious plants. GRE长难句练习及解析:斗争的花费 Granted that war cost much less than it does today, that the Church rendered all sorts of educational and recreational services that were unobtainable elsewhere, and that government was far less demanding than is the modern statenevertheless, for medieval men and women, supporting commercial development required considerable economic sacrifice. 1Granted that war cost much less than it does today, 2granted that the Church rendered all sorts of educational and recreational services 3that were unobtainable elsewhere, 4and 5granted that government was far less demanding than is the modern statenevertheless, for medieval men and women, supporting commercial development required considerable economic sacrifice. 1. 长句。granted that引导的让步状语从句。 2. 平行结构省略。平行结构中省略了granted,granted that引导让步状语从句。 3. 定语从句。that引导的定语从句修饰educational and recreational services。4. 长句。and连接的平行结构。5. 平行结构省略。平行结构中省略了granted,granted that引导让步状语从句。 尽管过去斗争的花费与今日斗争的花费相比已经大大降低了,尽管过去教会供应了在其他地方难以获得的各种教化与消遣服务,尽管过去的政府没有现在的政府那么苛 GRE阅读备考那些提分技巧值得一学