澳洲博士留学申请书范文澳洲博士留学申请书范文 Dear _, Since a very young age I have always enjoyed caring for people and I feel a great sense of achievement helping people. Biology and Chemistry have always been two of my strongest and most enjoyable subjects throughout my academic studies. My interest in the chemistry of life has lead to me deciding that I wish to pursue a degree in the Pharmacy discipline. From my A level work I have gained many key skills which will be beneficial to a career in Pharmacy. Two of the strongest skills that I have been able to develop are my organisation and communication skills which are essential for Pharmacists. Throughout my AS Biology I was able to improve upon my communication skills as I had to deliver a presentation about data for which I had independently recorded on the field trip in Oxford. I enjoy the application of logical scientific thinking and knowledge of natural laws to analyse and solve problems occurring in Pharmacy. As a Pharmacist you do require some skills in mathematics. Maths A level has provided me with the knowledge in analysing and solving problems and from this I have gained sharp numerical skills. With Maths, I am able to calculate the accurate dosage of the drug which is required for the patient in relation to hospital pharmacy. A levels required a lot of independent work compared to my previous educational years, hence I have learnt to organise myself efficiently. This has helped me to set feasible revision timetables and meet the tight schedules that were presented to me during my A levels. Consequently this has lead to a great improvement in my organisational skills. I believe that these skills are essential and will aid me to become a successful Pharmacy university student. I am currently gaining work experience in my local dentist, which I enjoy thoroughly and I am gaining a wonderful insight to the world of Dentistry. I completed two successful weeks of work experience at MG Rover in Longbridge which was very beneficial to me as I was able to improve my communication skills and learn more about the so called new world. During this time I was involved in a variety of tasks, which included producing a problem resolution action report relating to an investigation I was involved with. I attended and completed the 'Challenge of Management' course which develops key skills such as communication, planning, problem solving and responsibility, I feel these skills are important and have guided and helped me in my academic studies to-date and will further assist me to become a productive and efficient Pharmacy university student. I have completed 6 weeks community service at Grestone Primary School. This also allowed me to develop my personal traits, as I have always been keen to help others. Many positive comments were made on my appearance, punctuality, attitude and professional relationships with children. In my time at Handsworth Grammar School I have assisted at Open Days, Parents' Evenings and 11+ Examinations. My main priorities were showing visitors and potential students around the school to make sure each occasion was run smoothly. I have been awarded certificates of gratitude for such events. I have benefited a great deal from such responsibilities as they have helped me improve upon the quality of my teamwork skills immensely. In addition to this I have also been supporting the Duty Team on Wednesdays, where I have to supervise students coming in to school. This has helped me widen my communication skills amongst both younger and older students. All of these key skills have enabled me to attain high academic grades constantly throughout my school life thus I have been awarded numerous certificates for achievement. Outside of school I have many interests which include attending a snooker club once a week as I have an interest in the sport, which also helps to improve my concentration skills. I am currently a member of my leisure centre, which I use regularly due to my passion in keeping fit and healthy. I particularly enjoy sports such as football and badminton. In addition I have been involved in taking part in Punjabi lessons in my local library. As a result of taking part of this I have achieved a certificate for supplementary education attendance certificate. I am a reliable, determined and enthusiastic person who will relish the opportunity to study pharmacy if I am given the opportunity. Yours sincerely, 澳大利亚博士留学申请流程与条件 一、博士申请流程 1.找寻导师 利用网上的各种资源,例如学校或探讨机构详细,找到详细你感爱好的学校,以及你想申请的专业所在的学院。之后,你须要详细到学院的某一位在你领域的教授,也不肯定非要 100% 和你过去的探讨相关 ; 但是,你的涉及的领域或想要探讨的方向肯定要和导师相关。 2.联系导师 一旦你确定了导师,你就须要和导师联系了,也就是传闻中的“套磁”。找到详细的导师,然后给他发邮件联系一下,表明你对什么探讨感爱好,想要在他们手底下读博,自己的背景是什么什么的,你喜爱详细哪方面的探讨等等。这里须要留意的是,尽管只是发邮件,但是肯定要留意专业性。 另外,附件加一个简历,让导师可以清晰你的详细状况,例如你的教化背景,探讨方向等。当然,你也不能期盼每个导师都会给你确定的回复,但是肯定要留意不要把发件人弄混了,不要发错导师哦! 假如导师感爱好,他会回你,好一点的告知你如何申请 offer ,有没有奖学金什么的 ; 也有一些只是礼貌的告知你,你的背景不错,申请 offer 有机会,但是申请奖学金可能比较困难。另外,假如你所在的国内的学校,或者探讨机构与澳洲的高校,或者探讨机构有合作,那你也可以问问能不能举荐一下。 3.向学校申请 一旦你收到某个学校的导师表示情愿接收你作为 PHD 学生,你就须要向学校申请 offer 了,同时看看有没有奖学金机会,可以同时申请。录用和奖学金是两回事:你可能拿到学校的 offer ,但是不肯定拿到奖学金,奖学金的申请,竞争比较激烈。 申请时间:澳洲主要几所知名高校的博士申请在一年中的任何时候都可以进行,但奖学金的评比每所学校有不同的时间轮次,这个要留意。一般在递交申请材料之后三个月左右收到录用结果,建议提前一年起先申请的打算。 4、时间规划 申请澳门留学博士应至少提前一年打算申请安排。这里所指的是,在英语标准化考试成果、科研背景等都打算基本就绪的状况下,查询博士探讨方向和教授信息,跟自己的状况匹配,并且根据学校的要求提交入学申请的时间规划。即探讨生毕业申请博士,须要在研二的时候起先。探讨课题及论文发表、获奖证明更为重要,需提前打算。假如有志于申请博士并且想要获得奖学金的话,建议从进入高校的那一刻就起先为此做打算,越早起先,越能发觉自己的真正爱好,也越能有机会在科研方面获得成果。语言标准化考试如托福 (或雅思)和GRE等成果,在提交申请前打算完成并且在考试时间支配方面给自己预留两次以上的考试机会。 二、澳洲博士申请条件 1、学历条件:同学们可参照学校官方网站要求进行申请,通常要求拥有硕士学位或荣誉学士学位,或者证明有相当的科研创新实力,发表过期刊论文的申请者很有可能申请到奖学金。 2、探讨条件:申请学生必需要证明自身有较强的探讨实力,在查询目标院校网站要求后,找寻符合个人方向的项目和导师,并通过邮件或电话取得联系。 通常导师会偏爱发表过文章、并能申请到奖学金或者负担的起学费的学生。 3、语言条件:雅思总分至少达到6.5分、单项不低于6.0,部分专业要求更高。 4、材料条件:申请澳洲高校的博士课程,一般须要供应申请表格、举荐信、个人简历、学历学位证书及成果单、探讨安排书、选择探讨课题等资料。 材料环节中最重要的要数探讨安排,探讨安排须要说明申请人的探讨方向、探讨方法、选择本项目的缘由等,要尽可能的突出个人对项目的一些实质性想法。 三、澳洲高校博士奖学金的申请条件 1、申请时为中国内地居住的永久中国公民; 2、正在国外工作或学习者不得申请; 3、学成后必需返回中国; 4、申请人必需达到澳院校探讨型硕士课程在学术和英语水平方面的一般选拔标准,即雅思索试总分6.5分,各单项成果不低于6.0分; 5、必需符合国家留学基金管理委员会的选拔标准。申请对象具有本科以上学历的申请者,包括在读硕士和博士探讨生的学生国内探讨机构工作人员、大型企业研发机构工作人员。 申请者具有明确的探讨方向或课题,能够用英文撰写奖学金和博士学位申请书。申请不包括联合培育博士生项目,学习时间为三年。 澳大利亚留学办理签证要留意的事项 一、担保金肯定要打算充分 澳大利亚使馆明确了担保金的计算公式: (生活费+学费+健康保险)x读书年数x汇率+国际差旅x汇率=担保金。如有配偶或小孩的话须要再计算他们的生活费用。 二、材料不能照搬照抄 每一位澳洲申请者的状况都是不同的,在递交澳洲签证申请的时候,肯定不能仿照别人的签证材料来申请,每个学生所在的家庭经济条件都是不同的,因此澳洲签证的申请肯定要依据自己的实际状况来打算材料。 三、须要符合澳大利亚各类签证规定 针对不同学历的学生,都有其所对应的澳大利亚签证类别和详细规定,不要小看也不要忽视这个签证类别,因为签证成败的第一步就是这么迈出的。比如,572类学生签证所配语言最长不能超过20周。假如超过了规定的语言周数,会出现以下两种状况,一种是干脆拒签,还有一种是只能拿到语言课程时间的签证,结束语言后还要回国续签。澳大利亚签证政策不仅条款多,而且还会时时更新。建议学生在不了解这些政策的时候,不要盲目自己递交申请。 四、递签时间要合理支配 澳大利亚签证现在有两种方式:普签和电签。以这两种方式递交的签证评审时间和过程都不一样。所以在递交签证之前,肯定要考虑清晰,学生还考不考雅思了-5分怎么递、6分怎么递-如学生还有两个月就开学了,就须要选用电签的方式。 澳洲博士留学申请书范文