2022金融学优秀留学申请书范文2022金融学优秀留学申请书范文最新 Dear _, Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve. When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department). I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking. The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled “To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly”, I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works. After an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance or management I plan to go onto post graduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in a BA will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied. For the last four years I have been part of our schools volleyball team ICE. We have retained our ISAC (Inter Schools Activities Conference, Middle East) title for four years. Playing in the power hitters (spiker) position requires immense physical fitness and to accomplish that I regularly go to the gym for fitness training. I am also part of my school track and field team. Being the fastest sprinter in the school since 11th grade the 100m, 200m and 400m races are my specialty even though I still pursue long distance running. In my spare time I explore and master the computer as I am conversant with a Visual Basic Programming course. It is imperative for me to have the latest hardware and software and I make it a point to install everything myself. I also learn Urdu as it is my native tongue and a link to my culture, to maintain that is crucial. Living in a diverse international community of over 52 nationalities has allowed to me recognize and appreciate different cultures. With the experience I have and the strong motivation to craft a bright future I feel I can justify my decision to pursue a career in Accounting and Finance or Management. Yours sincerely, xuexila 留学泰国生活常识一览 1、穿衣 泰国地处热带和亚 热带,全国大部分地区属热带季风气候,全年分为凉,雨,热三季。泰国的年温差很小,即使在凉季,月平均气温也不低于18摄氏度。四月是最热的月份,温度一般在33-38摄氏度之间,夜里稍凉。 留学人员住泰国院校的学生,需自备蚊帐、毛巾被、枕头等床上用品。自备电扇、暖瓶、台灯等生活用品,不过泰国市价不贵,也可在当地购买。全衬中山装、西服不适用,一般自备一套半衬西装,以参与重大活动用即可;短袖衬衣、连衣裙较相宜,需多带,颜色宜多样。 2、饮食 泰国的饮食是以稻米、蔬菜为主食。 在泰国,您可以吃到其它国家的很多美味佳肴。数不清的各式饭店按各种可能的亚州烹饪方式供应饭食。中餐馆在泰国随处可见,不要担忧吃不上家乡饭。 3、交通 泰国全国铁路比较发达,共有4条国立铁路:北方线-由曼谷至清迈,东方线-由曼谷至柬埔寨境旁边的阿兰亚著托多,东北线-由曼谷至老挝国境城市诺凯,南方线-由曼谷向南沿马来半岛而行。 各府、县都有马路相连,四通八达。要留意的是,出租车经常不按表收费,需事先谈妥价钱。懂英语的出租车司机较多,假如要到有些距离的地方去,可以租车前往,价格须要进行交涉,大致在10-20铢左右。专线公共汽车:一些主要地方都有专线公共汽车,有的公共汽车号码一样,但线路不同。可以查看公共汽车交通图或询问饭店的服务人员后乘坐(近距离3铢)。 4、银行 一般银行的办公时间是周一至周五,上午九点三非常或十点至下午三点三非常或四点。除周六、周日、法定假日休息外,一般平常每天营业时间从上午8:30至下午3:30;一般银行都有外币兑换处,外币兑换处整日营业,可以随时兑换外币。 学生到泰国后,一般学校统一组织学生兑换外币,并帮助其办理定期存款和提款卡相关事宜。 5、购物 泰国购物中心一般周一至周五早10:00到晚9:00开放,也有的早9:00点,甚至是8:00就开;晚上最迟的有到11点关的;不少购物中心休息日照常开放。百货公司的营业时间为每日上午十点至下午八点或以后,其他商店营业时间为每日上午十点到下午七点。 挪威自费留学费用清单 一、学杂费 1.语言 挪威高校授课目前采纳的大部分是英语,可以更好地接轨国际的需求,对国内的学生来说,是比较有优势的,但是要想应对学校的专业学习需求,还是须要接受培训和提升学习的,费用也许须要2-3万元。 2.专业 正式入学之后,假如大家选择的是公立学校,不管专业是什么,都只须要统一交2500-4500元的注册费;私立院校的专业就读须要考虑到专业的影响,一般来说一学年须要4-8万元。 3.教材 大家还须要自己购买教材,这部分取决于大家买新书还是买二手,纸质书在挪威的价格是比较贵的,但是二手会便宜不少,而且完全可以在二手市场中淘到,一年的教材须要1000元左右。 二、生活费 挪威不算大,城市之间的经济发展水平,也是比较平均的,所以大家的生活开销会比较稳定,一般一年吃住加上出行和购物,以及社交的开销,都在5万元左右,当然预算多做一点可以生活得更舒适。 1.住宿 学校就会有宿舍,新生可以无条件申请入住,每个月只须要2000元左右,就可以享受15平带独立卫浴的环境,而且房租中还包括大家日常运用的水电的费用,之后续住只须要保证成果优异即可。 2.吃饭 大家餐椅可以去食堂解决,虽然只有西餐但是会很便利,而且一天均开销在50元左右,假如想更加省钱一些,可以考虑自己做,在宿舍内虽然没有齐全的做饭环境,但是简洁菜色还是可以做的,一个月加起来1500元足够了。 3.出行 学生的出行一般来说都会选择地铁和公交,会很便利,大家只须要办好学生专属的交通卡,就会很省钱,刷卡还能够节约时间,满勤出行一个月500元左右。 4.购物 日用品的选购属于每个月的固定开销,尤其是女生,卫生费就是不能省的,还有洗护用品,都是须要刚好选购的,还有大家买衣服、鞋子的支出,预算一个月最少1000元。 2022金融学优秀留学申请书范文