托福阅读推理题技巧分享托福阅读推理题 详细来看,推理题的解题思路主要有如下三步: 第一步审题,分析题干关键信息用以确定原文考点句。就一般规律而言,题干的关键词在原文中会出现一两处,并且邻近几句中出现。所以先分析和确定题干中的关键词,再快速扫读原文确定出题句很重要。 其次步定位,依据题干的关键词,在段落中扫读缩小出题范围,特殊要留意语法结构负责的长难句,同学往往比较简单略读而跳过了关键词。对应要点,找到出题句,然后着重分析长难句。 第三步核实,分析选项并确定正确选项。推理题的正确选项有两类特征,一是跟原文信息进行反推;二是从大范围推小范围,即分析原理句和举例句之间的关系。 我们以官方真题Official5第1篇文章MINERALS AND PLANTS为例,分析下推理题的解题思路。 官方真题Official5-1 ItcanbeinferredfromParagraph6thatcomparedwithstandardpracticesforremediationofcontaminatedsoils,phytoremediation A.doesnotallowfortheuseoftheremovedmineralsforindustrialpurposes. B.canbefastertoimplement C.isequallyfriendlytotheenvironment D.islesssuitableforsoilsthatneedtobeusedwithinashortperiodoftime. initial; valign=top width=284> Onlyrecentlyhaveinvestigatorsconsideredusingtheseplantstocleanupsoilandwastesitesthathavebeencontaminatedbytoxiclevelsofheavymetalsanenvironmentallyfriendlyapproachknownasphytoremediation.Thisscenariobeginswiththeplantingofhyperaccumulatingspeciesinthetargetarea,suchasanabandonedmineoranirrigationpondcontaminatedbyrunoff.Toxicmineralswouldfirstbeabsorbedbyrootsbutlaterrelocatedtothestemandleaves.Aharvestoftheshootswouldremovethetoxiccompoundsoffsitetobeburnedorcompostedtorecoverthemetalforindustrialuses.Afterseveralyearsofcultivationandharvest,thesitewouldberestoredatacostmuchlowerthanthepriceofexcavationandreburial,thestandardpracticeforremediationofcontaminatedsoils.Forexamples,infieldtrials,theplantalpinepennycressremovedzincandcadmiumfromsoilsnearazincsmelter,andIndianmustard,nativetoPakistanandIndia,hasbeeneffectiveinreducinglevelsofseleniumsaltsby50percentincontaminatedsoils. 题目解析:第一步:审题和分析题干关键词,题干的相关信息standard practices for remediation of contaminated soils,然后扫读段落,确定出题句,因此着重在其次步解析长难句。 其次步:定位且锁定出题句:After several years ofcultivation and harvest, the site would be restored at a cost much lower thanthe price of excavation and reburial, the standard practice for remediation ofcontaminated soils. 精读长难句:After several years ofcultivation and harvest, the site would be restored at a cost much lower thanthe price of excavation and reburial, the standard practice for remediation ofcontaminated soils. 提炼相关信息:lower than之前都是指本段主题题phytoremediation的特征, (1)After several years ofcultivation and harvest 经过多年的栽培和收割 (2)the site would be restored at acost much lower原址修复费用相比而言较低 第三步:分析选项 A. does not allow for the use of the removedminerals for industrial purposes. B. can be faster to implement C. is equally friendly to the environment D. is less suitable for soils that need to be usedwithin a short period of time. 规律点评:推理题一般以反推为主,找到出题句并细致分析核心信息特别关键。希望考生在备考推理题时,可以主动思索并总结原句和推理句之间的逻辑关系,今后遇到推理题的时候解题更加游刃有余。 托福阅读长难句:植物体 These include conducting vessels that transport water and minerals upward from the roots and that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body and the stiffening substance lignin, which support the plant body, helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight. (TPO25, 47) vessel /'ves()l/ n. 船(尤指大船),舰;容器, 器皿;管状结构,血管,导管 photosynthetic /futsin'etik/ adj. 光合作用的 stiffen /'stfn/vt. (使某物)变得(更加)坚硬僵硬 lignin /'lgnn/n. 化学木质素 These include conducting vessels (that transport water and minerals upward from the roots) and (that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body) and the stiffening substance lignin, (which support the plant body), (helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight.) (TPO25, 47) 修饰一:(that transport water and minerals upward from the roots) ,从句,修饰conducting vessels 中文:从根部向上运输水与矿物质 修饰二:(that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body) ,从句,修饰conducting vessels,留意其中有个from to的介词短语,从叶子到植物体的其余部分 中文:从叶子向植物体内其余各部分运输光合作用产物 修饰三:(which support the plant body) ,从句,修饰substance lignin 中文:维持植物体的生命 修饰四:(helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight.) ,非谓语动词 中文:有助于植物体大部分表面暴露于阳光之下 参考翻译: 这些包括导管(用来从根部向上运输水与矿物质以及从叶子向植物体其余各部分运输光合作用产物)和坚硬的物质木质素(用来维持植物体的生命,有助于植物体大部分表面暴露于阳光之下)。 托福阅读长难句:植物削减水分流失 They include roots or rootlike structures, a waxy cuticle that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and limits the evaporation of water, and pores called stomata in leaves and stems that allow gas exchange but close when water is scarce, thus reducing water loss. (TPO25, 46) waxy /'wæks/ adj. 蜡状的 cuticle /'kjtkl/ n. 植物角皮,角质层;表皮,外皮 scarce /skes/ adj. 不足的,稀有的 They include roots or rootlike structures, (a waxy cuticle)(that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and limits the evaporation of water), and pores (called stomata)(in leaves and stems)(that allow gas exchange but close when water is scarce, thus reducing water loss). (TPO25,46) 分析: 这个句子的主干就是: They include roots or rootlike structures and pores 修饰一:(a waxy cuticle) ,同位语 中文:一种蜡状角质层 修饰二:(that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and limits the evaporation of water) ,从句,修饰a waxy cuticle 中文:覆盖在叶子和茎表面并且限制水分蒸发 修饰三:(called stomata) ,修饰pores 中文:称之为气孔 修饰四:(in leaves and stems) ,介词短语 中文:在叶子和茎上 修饰五:(that allow gas exchange but close when water is scarce, thus reducing water loss) ,从句,修饰pores,但是留意这个从句里还有三个修饰成分,疯了! 从句:but close 从句:when water is scarce 非谓语动词: thus reducingwater loss 中文:保证气体交换但当水分不足时则会关闭,从而削减水分流失 参考翻译: 他们包括根部或类似根部的结构(一种覆盖在叶子和茎表面并限制水分蒸发的蜡状角质层)以及在叶子和茎上的称之为气孔的毛孔(这些毛孔保证气体交换但当水分不足时则会关闭,从而削减水分流失)。 托福阅读推理题技巧共享