教你如何面对GRE阅读生词难词教你如何面对GRE阅读生词难词 词汇是GRE考试的重点之一,特殊是在语文VERBAL部分中,考生不仅须要在应对填空题时进行各类词汇辨析,在阅读中也须要面对生词难词的挑战。这个时候你就觉得平常gre阅读怎么练习很重要了,那关于gre阅读做题步骤似乎就随意多了。 在GRE阅读中,遭受生词可以说是几乎全部考生都遇到过的状况。GRE阅读中常常出现的专业性文章使得各类生词难词的出现频率特别高。那么在GRE阅读中如何应对生词呢?下面小编就来为大家介绍应对的方法。 提升GRE阅读词汇量 增加考生的GRE词汇量是最简洁,也是最根本的应对方法了。无论是在哪个方面增加的单词量都会在阅读的时候对我们有所帮助,因为阅读更重视的是对于全文的理解,而生词,只要大致知道其含义,不影响阅读就可以。大家须要明确一点,那就是GRE考试虽然对词汇整体要求高,但对于不同的题型部分在词汇的详细需求上还是有所区分的,填空讲究辨析,写作要求会用,至于数学和阅读,都只要考生能够做到脸熟,知道基本含义就能顺当解决。因此考生在词汇方面须要依据不同学科来进行,详细到阅读,大家可以多看一下考试相关的课内和课外阅读材料,对于其中出现的词汇,主要是各类名词,知道其含义即可,没有必要背得太过深化。这样就能比较省力同时有成效地积累阅读词汇,顺当应对GRE阅读考试。 用细微环节题生词定位 有些生词是GRE的考官们特意放在那里的,目的就是要出题。这就要求大家把生词当成定位词,在它四周找寻问题的答案。多做一些GRE阅读定位词方面的训练题对于大家解决生词是很有帮助的。大家可以加强对于GRE阅读中细微环节题的训练,一般来说假如出现围绕生词设置的题目,那么大部分题型都会是细微环节题,看不懂这些生词没关系,大家只要记住其所在位置,到时候快速返回就能顺当解题了。 依据主旨看法推断生词大意 假如生词是动词或者形容词,考生可以不必纠结其意思,推断词汇的方向性就可以,不知道详细意思不影响把题做对。这一点很重要,因为这两种词性基本上是以修饰的作用为重,所以推断方向特别重要。举例来说,GRE阅读中有不少涉及到主旨和作者看法的题目,问一篇文章是支持还是反对某个观点,作者的看法是褒还是贬等等。大家只要通过从整体上理解文章来推断出大致方向,那么对于这些词汇就算不知道其意思,也可以大致明白是褒义还是贬义,并据此推想出其大致含义。即使还是没有方法完全理解生词,也不至于影响之后的解题。 从上下句说明来猜词 猜词实力的凹凸也是GRE考生阅读实力水准的体现。在阅读中遭受生词时考生必需具备依据上下文猜词的实力。一般学术类的生词,往往会在词汇出现的前后加上一些说明或者提示,考生可以通过上下文来得出词汇的意思。这一点在科技类或者学术类题材的文章中非常常见。文章中常常会突然甩出一个生词,然后随即附带一段说明。大家假如在阅读此类文章时遭受到生词,那么上下文里一般都会有说明,而假如没有说明也就代表着这个词汇对于理解文章和解题没有帮助,干脆跳过即可。 练习时不要依靠字典 有些考生在平常练习阅读时随时在手边放着本字典或者开着查词软件,一看到生词就干脆去查意思,这种习惯特别不好。假如养成了不动脑的盲目依靠,就无法培育良好的心里素养和做题看法,终归考场上可没有字典可用。因此,大家在平常练习时就要学会放开字典熬炼自身实力,这将有助于大家培育出猜词实力。假如实在须要确认词汇含义,小编建议可以在做完练习之后在进行集中查询,一方面不会影响到解题时候的效果,另一方面也能通过权威渠道补充到生词。总而言之,在GRE阅读练习中请务必禁止运用任何查询工具。只有这样大家才能真正熬炼出应对生词的实战技巧和心得。 GRE双语阅读:Politicians and religion Politicians and religionDoing God 政客与宗教:造神风波 David Cameron's frank Christian talk is more astute than the reaction to it suggests 卡梅伦坦率的复活节讲话与其说是对民众的反应有所企图, 不如说是阴谋多端 FEW Britons have well-defined religious beliefs, but many have tastes in matters of religion. As with tea, they don't like it too cold or too hot. They seem to want the established religion to be present somewhere in the background, with its village churches, Christmas carols and Remembrance Day services, and they would hate it to vanish altogether; but they would squirm if anyone asked them to accept Jesus as their personal saviour. 具有虔诚宗教信仰的英国人数量虽然微乎其微,但是大多数的英国人都有着良好的宗教品尝。譬如喝茶,他们不喜爱茶温过低或过高。英国人好像只是希望将宗教建立在某些特定环境之中,例如他们的乡村教堂、圣诞颂歌以及国殇日的纪念服务。假如这些都消逝不见的话,英国人会非常不悦;但假如有人要求他们将耶稣作为救世主顶礼膜拜他们又会觉得非常别扭。 It is that sentiment that David Cameron and other senior Tories seemed to be invoking when they marked the Easter season with some firmly (but not too firmly) Christian messages. Having declared at an Easter reception that he was “proud of the fact that we are a Christian country”, the prime minister took to the Church Times, an Anglican weekly, to spell out what he did not mean. He described himself as a “rather classic” member of the Church of England, “not that regular in attendance and a bit vague on some of the more difficult parts of the faith”. Still, he loved old country churches, like the one his parents had laboured to restore, and welcomed the church's role as a moral and pastoral force. 然而在卡梅伦和其他保守党高级官员给复活节打上看似坚决的基督色调的烙印,好像祈盼能够唤起民众狂野的宗教热忱。在复活节讲话中公然宣布他“为我们作为基督徒国家而感到傲慢”之后,首相卡梅伦又在英国国教徒周刊教会时报上声明他并没有那个意思。他将自己形容成英国国教“不胜虔诚”的一员,“但并不常常参加宗教活动,对某些较难认同的宗教信仰的看法也模棱两可。”同样地,他深爱着这个古老国家的教堂-那些由他的祖祖辈辈耗时耗力修复的教堂,并希望教堂可以作为一种道德与pastoral的力气接着发挥它的功用。 These words, plus a short Easter broadcast noting how “incredibly special” the feast was for many people, have drawn loud complaints from secularists. Dominic Grieve, the attorney-general and an Anglican, defended his boss's viewsand was barracked in turn. More than 40Anglican bishops and 600 clergy issued an implicit rebuke in the form of a letter urging Mr. Cameron to focus on food poverty. Keith Hebden, a clergyman, said that the police had prevented him and the bishop of Oxford from delivering a copy to Mr Cameron's constituency office, in an area where lovely old churches abound. 然而对于大多数人,这些话加上复活节广播中传递出的“令人难以置信的特别存在”,已然在世俗论者中引得嘘声一片。身为总检察长的国教教徒多米尼克·格里夫,为他的顶头上司辩护,却反而被人们声讨。.超过四十名圣公会主教和600名神职人员以书信的形式对卡梅伦发出隐晦的指责,并要求其将重点放在粮食短缺的问题上。牧师基斯·赫布登称,警方阻挡他和牛津的主教向卡梅伦的选区办公室递送这一信件的复印本。据悉该选区办公室位于老教堂鳞次栉比之地。 Yet Mr. Cameron's appeal to warm and fuzzy Anglicanism is politically astute. A recent survey by Theos, a religious think-tank, showed a clear link between being Anglicanpractising or otherwiseand voting Conservative. Such voters are Mr. Cameron's to lose, and he may lose many of them to the anti-Brussels UK Independence Party if it presses the button of cultural nativism more successfully. 不过卡梅伦对于英国国教热忱而暧昧的呼吁不失为一种政治上的明智之举。最近由宗教智库“西奥斯”所做的一项调查显示了民众对国教或者其他宗教的信仰同投票支持保守党之间的明确联系。卡梅伦失去了这些选民的支持,并且假如卡梅伦的此项举动按下了促使英国社会文化异化与分裂的按钮,卡梅伦将会失去更多的选民,并且这些选民最终会投向反欧盟的英国独立党的怀抱。 And as Jonathan Bartley, founder of a more liberal religion-watching outfit called Ekklesia, points out, the proportion of Britons (59%) who call themselves Christian on a census form exceeds by a factor of at least ten the number of regular churchgoers. That implies a large constituency of cultural Christians who are not militant secularists but have no more appetite for “difficult parts of the faith” than Mr. Cameron does. 正如自由宗教组织Ekklesia创始人乔纳森·巴特利指出的那样,在人口普查中声称自己是基督徒的人口(高达总人口的59%)超过了定期去做礼拜的人数的十倍。这意味着大多数选区的基督徒并非激进的世俗论者,而是比卡梅伦对那些“较难认同的宗教信仰” 更难接受的人。 For evidence of the continuing role of religion in politics look, too, at Mr. Cameron's main rivals. Ed Miliband, Labour's leader, is an atheist who nonetheless aspires to be “the first Jewish prime minister”. Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, is an atheist too, but he points out that his wife and children are Catholic. Fervent secularism is no more appealing to most Britons than its opposite. 披着政治外衣的宗教所带来的持续影响也是卡梅伦的主要对手之一。工党领导人埃德·米利德班,是一名无论如何都想要成为“第一位犹太人首相”的无神论者。自由民主党的领袖尼克·克莱格也是一名无神论者。但是他指出他的妻子和孩子都是天主教徒。对于大多数英国人来说,狂热的世俗主义除了其对立面之外没有任何可取指出。 GRE双语阅读:英国超市购物陷阱 Grocery shoppingAisle be damned 超市大选购:该死的通道 For the best bargains, avoid shopping around for your groceries 欲求物美价廉货,货比三家要不得 THRIFTY shoppers do not have to look far to find a bargain. Offers abound in the cut-throat world of British supermarkets. Received wisdom suggests that people trying to save money on their groceries should shop around to get the best prices. But research presented on April 9that the Royal Economic Society suggests that those who do so end up paying more. 节俭的消费者们不须要寻找很远就能买到便宜货。英国残酷的超市世界中其实充斥着许多这样的便宜货。一种广泛被接受的观点认为,想要在购物上省钱的人们就应当货比三家,这样才能找到最志向的价格。但是4月9日由皇家经济协会展出的探讨指出,那些货比三家的人通常到最终反而花的更多。 Kun Tian, a researcher at Cardiff Business School, and Ji Yan of Durham University, the paper's authors, argue that people who buy all their groceries at just one of the big supermarkets(Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons) pay less than those who purchase equivalent goods at a mixture of the four of them. Data from Kantar World panel, a market-research firm, show similar trends. Unlike Mr. Tian's study, these cover total purchases rather than comparing equivalent baskets of goods. They show that people who bought groceries in just one store during the 12 weeks to September 2013 spent 631. Those who went to ten different places, by contrast, forked out 1,249. 探讨论文的作者是来自卡迪夫商学院的探讨员田坤,以及来自杜伦高校的延吉,他们认为仅在四家大型超市其中某一家购物的人(分别是特易购、森宝利、阿斯达以及莫里森超市)会比在四家分别消费等值商品的人花费的要少。我们也能从市场探讨公司凯度消费者指数探讨处供应的数据中看到同样的趋势。不过该数据与田坤的探讨不一样的地方在于其数据涵盖了全部的消费品,而不仅仅是对比等值的商品。数据指出,只在一家超市购物的消费者在2013年9月之前的12周内只花费了631英镑,而相比之下,那些在十家不同超市分别购物的人最终却支出了1249英镑。 Many of those high-spending shoppers probably had money to burn. But bargain-hunters who visit lots of shops are exposed to more products, and thus more likely to buy things they had not planned to, argues Phil Dorsett, an analyst at Kantar. Mr. Tian reckons that promiscuous shoppers suffer from missing out on savings offered to more loyal customers, especially those earned after spending a lot in a particular store. Shoppers who frequent an abundance of different outlets also tend to be older, says Mr. Tian. They are less likely than people with young families to take advantage of deals that require them to buy goods in bulk. 许多高消费的购物者们大多数可能都钱多的烧得慌。但是凯度探讨所的分析师菲尔·多赛特指出,那些会逛许多家超市爱捡便宜的消费者往往会暴露在更多的商品中,因而更有可能会购买安排之外的商品。而田坤认为逛多家超市的消费者也会错失享受折扣的机会,这些折扣一般是供应给更为忠诚的顾客们,特殊是那些在某一家特定的超市大量消费就能获得的折扣。田坤还指出,常去多家不同便利店的购物者也趋向于更为年长,因为和有着年轻家庭的青壮年相比,他们享受须要大量购买商品才能打折的实惠的可能性要低得多。 Those who buy their groceries in fewer emporiaand so spend lessare also more likely to do their shopping online. And on the internet they are more likely to buy products from supermarkets' cheaper own-label ranges, says Edward Garner, also of Kantar. Supermarkets do not always stock such ranges in their small convenience outlets; people shopping in a hurry may as well be encouraged to buy more expensive varieties. In big stores, low-cost lines may be stashed well above or below a harried shopper's line of sight. Search a supermarket's online store, however, and they pop up just as appetizingly as more expensive brands. That provides much less scope for shelf deception. 选择在较少商业中心里购物的人们(同样也花的更少)也更可能选择上网购物。并且在网上消费者买到超市中更为廉价的自有品牌产品的可能性更高,凯度探讨所的另一位员工爱德华·加纳这样说道。超市也不总是在它们的小型便利连锁店里囤自有品牌产品;匆忙的消费者倒不如说是被激励去购买更为昂贵种类的商品了。在大型商店中,琳琅满目的商品总是会令购买者纷繁芜杂,而低价产品往往会被堆放至高于或低于购买者视线所及之处的地方。然而在网上超市搜寻低价产品的话,它们就会突然出现在你面前,和那些更为昂贵的品牌产品一样令人蠢蠢欲动。这就大大缩小了货架骗术施展的范围。 教你如何面对GRE阅读生词难词