托福综合写作高分5大技巧汇总解读托福综合写作高分5大技巧汇总解读 1. 清楚记录阅读听力内容 将笔记区域分成左右两个版块,分别对应记录阅读和听力相关内容;记笔记时,尽量运用字母缩写或符号,考生可通过课下练习形成自己的笔记形式。 2. 阅读时重点记录文章关键信息 一般来说,阅读由四个自然段组成,其中阅读的主要观点位于第一自然段的最终一句话,但假如最终一句话有代词,须要指出代词的详细指代对象;接下来的三个自然段肯定要分别读完整个自然段再去总结每一个自然段的内容要点,不要只看第一句话。 3. 听力中带着问题有目的的听 考生须要在听力中带着目的去听,同时去记录一些重点信息。听力中一般反对阅读中的观点,因此会给出一些细微环节或是例子,在听力中重点去听教授是如何运用一些证据去反对阅读中的信息,对于类似于for example,for instance,another explanation等表达后面的内容我们要尤其留意。 4. 保持客观不能写自己观点 综合写作的一个要点就是写作中不能带有自己的主观看法和观点,主要目的是反馈读到听到的事实信息。当然大家也不能只去写阅读或听力中的内容,要写出听力中的信息是如何与阅读中的信息联系起来的,比如阅读内容和听力内容有哪些不同之处。两者假如是冲突的那么有哪些冲突等等。总而言之敬重事实是第一目标,整合内容是基本要求。 5. 多练官方真题Official娴熟综合写作套路技巧 托福综合写作的内容往往具有重复性,所以多做题能够帮助我们熟识一些相关信息。例如,阅读中常常会提到北极地区特别寒冷会影响到X,听力中一般会指出当时北极并不是很冷,从而会怎么样。再例如,阅读中会提到某种动物或植物会影响到X,听力中会指出在某地没有该种动物或植物但X依旧受到影响。阅读文章中还可能会提到通过物种迁移来解决某种问题,听力中一般会指出外来物种会对本地物种带来威逼等。 托福写作解析:Eat out or eat at home 托福写作题目: Topic:Eat out or eat at home? Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 参考分析: 不要急于做出选择,先进行比较,然后依据状况选择: 去餐馆或者吃快餐的优缺点:便利、快捷、多种口味;昂贵、卫生可能得不到保障、快餐使人发胖; 在家吃饭的优缺点:干净、可以做出自己喜爱的口味、节约、与家人和挚友共同打算实物很快乐;花费时间、可能做的没有餐馆那么好吃; 在不同的状况下会有不同的选择。周末休息应当跟家人在家里吃饭。与老挚友久别重逢应当找一家宁静的餐馆 范文: 选择在饭馆吃饭: (1)节约时间,自己做饭很麻烦; (2)能够品尝各种各样的美食; (3)能够促进和挚友的感情。 Nowadays, some people like to eat at home and prepare food by themselves, but others prefer to eat outside in restaurants or at food stands. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to eat at home.(标准式开头,先阐述现今社会状况,再表达个人观点,开宗明义) Of course there are some advantages to eat out. Firstly, restaurants offer a more comfortable environment to eat and the food there tastes more delicious than home-cooked meals. In addition, eating at restaurants is a good way of getting together with friends. People also do not need to worry about washing dishes and cleaning. For people who are too busy to cook, eating out is certainly an ideal(志向的)choice. Furthermore, for people do not know how to cook and do not have someone to cook for them, eat out seems to be the only choice.(本段是让步段,先讲在外吃的好处一个是舒适的环境美味的食物,另一个是给不会做饭和不知做饭给谁的人供应吃饭的条件) However, I prefer to cook and eat and home. The main reason is that at home, family members can prepare their meals and enjoying their food together, which can enhance their relationships. Family members can talk, make jokes and exchange feelings on current affairs with each other while preparing a meal. Parents have a chance to communicate with their kids and keep track of what they are thinking and doing; while children can learn to help with some household tasks and develop intimacy(与父母增进感情)with their parents. Image that you and your brothers and sisters help your mother to cook on a weekend, and enjoy the food later on(稍后), and you feel everything is so nice.(这是第一段论述在家吃好处是可以与家人增进感情种.种,以自己为例子显得生动可信) Another reason is that eating at home can save money. The same amount of money that you spend on a meal in a restaurant can buy a lot more foods from a supermarket. You can use the money saved to buy a new cloth, or attend a concert.(本段是从经济方面来论述在家吃的确可行) General speaking, eating out side is comfortable and convenient but eating at home has more benefits. I prefer to eat at home.(这篇文章是标准的争论文结构,没有特殊华丽的语言,但是结构清楚论述完整,没有语法错误,这也是保分的必要条件) 托福写作解析:Spend money or save them 托福写作题目: Spend money or save them? Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 参考分析: 先探讨一下储蓄的必要性以及刚好享乐的好处,然后可以实行it depends策略进行选择,是花钱刚好享乐好呢还是把钱存起来好,要看钱的数目是多少。假如一个月赚800块,只有一个选择,花掉。2000块,就可以花掉一些,存起来一些。20000块,就多花一些,也可以多存一些。 范文: 存钱比较好: (1)存钱可以防备时常之需,如生病等等。 (2)存钱可以买特别珍贵的商品,如房子、汽车等等。 (3)存钱放到将来花,可以更好的享受生活,如去欧洲、美洲旅游等等。 Some people say that it is better to enjoy your money as soon as you earn it while others prefer to save the money for later. It's a difficult choice faced by lots of people because of the different attitudes they hold towards money. As far as I am concerned, I vote for the former choice, which is that it is better for one to enjoy his or her money as soon as it is earned. Spending money as soon as possible is my preference because of three reasons as follows. First, we can observe easily in the modern society that the dominant philosophy nowadays is 'enjoy your life when you are still young'. Most young adults like to work for a period of time and then go on for a trip to visit some places they have never been to. Those trips not only help them to keep in shape but also provide them different kinds of knowledge and new perspective in looking at their environment. Other people spend the money for their leisure, which helps them to relax and go back to work with enough energy. In the old days, it is said that people who save money in a bank understand the philosophy of thrift. Actually, economists say that in the modern world saving money in a bank is the quickest way to lose it. Moreover, none of the rich people became rich by getting interests from the bank. Living in a constantly changing world, we should adjust ourselves to accept the new ways of investing our money to different areas in order to get the most of it. That is probably the reason why most of the people nowadays put their money into business to get a better payback. The third obvious(明显的)reason why I prefer spending money rather than saving them is that it is part of the contribution for the economic growth in our country. If nobody has the needs to buy stuff from others and the market, nobody will think about how to produce useful products and sell them to make the most profits. Some countries continue to lower the interests in order to force people to spend their money and therefore benefit the society as well as the people themselves. In this broad view, I prefer spending money rather than saving them. In conclusion, I prefer spending money because it benefits ourselves as well as people around us. It's also important for kids to know how to save money as a sense of thrift. Nevertheless, spending money is still the best way to make our lives enjoyable and worthwhile. 托福综合写作高分5大技巧汇总解读