该如何突破GRE长阅读该如何突破GRE长阅读呢 1. 你知道 GRE 的阅读文章都是怎么来的吗? GRE 阅读文章来源是已经发布的论文,所以体裁上都是争论文,符合争论文三要素特点,包含论点、论据和论证。只不过这些原始的论文篇幅都很长(几千甚至上万词),ETS 的出题者们须要对其进行加工,浓缩成 100-400 词的文章。论文的篇幅短了,但其中的逻辑关系得以保留,而且还有可能通过句式的转换变得更困难。 针对上述出题改写文章的过程和想要达到的目的,ETS 官方发布的一篇探讨报告(“Electronic Sources as Input to GRE Reading Comprehension Item Development: Source Finder Prototype Evaluation”)中有详细说明: Reading comprehension passages generally rely on some kind of “tension” to give them difficulty. A discussion or argument that develops in a linear fashion toward a conclusion is usually too simple to support challenging items. The requisite tension can take various forms: a conflict between different or opposing arguments about something, an unexpected finding that challenges previously established ways of understanding something, a disagreement about what evidence is relevant to the solution of a particular problem, etc. But disagreement or contrast or opposition is not in itself enough to provide the tension: a passage that merely states or describes opposing positions, without discussing in much detail the reasoning behind them, will not support very many or very complex items. For example, instead of saying that Brown believed X and Smith believed Y, a passage might tell us that Brown, heavily influenced by such-and-such school of thought, tended to assume A, and therefore believed X. Smith, on the other hand, had access to information that Brown did not have, namely B and C, and this information led Smith to conclude Y. However, Smith interpreted B in such a way that it seemed logical to conclude Y, when in fact this interpretation was ill founded. The more interdependent details, the more logical twists and turns, the better. Naturally, a passage containing this kind of density can only be created from a source that provides the requisite information, and such sources are not easy to find. 我们重点看加粗的内容: GRE 阅读文章内在有一种“张力”(tension),体现在观点的对立、对已有观点/探讨方法的挑战、对已有解决方案的质疑等。 GRE 阅读文章追求观点的多样和其中关系的困难,全部元素都是相互关联的,不存在独立的个体。为了说明这个特点,上文中还举了一个例子:GRE 阅读文章不会简洁地排列Brown 信任 X,Smith 信任 Y,这样的线性关系太简洁了。相反,文章可能会说Brown 以 A 为前提,得出结论 X;Smith 借助 B 和 C,得出结论 Y,但事实上 Smith 由 B 推 Y 是错误的。通过这个例子中的对比我们可以看出,GRE 阅读文章中的元素不仅多,而且关系困难,我们不仅要知道这些元素是什么,还要搞清晰它们相互间的关联。 2. GRE 阅读究竟在考我们什么实力? 针对这个问题,官方也有一段说明特别经典: Reading Comprehension questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities that are required in order to read and understand the kinds of prose commonly encountered in graduate school reading and understanding a piece of text requires far more than a passive understanding of the words and sentences it contains; it requires active engagement with the text, asking questions, formulating and evaluating hypotheses and reflecting on the relationship of the particular text to other texts and information. 这段文字涵盖了 GRE 阅读考查的两项实力: 读句子的实力:即单词相识,基本语法也知道,能够读懂基本的句子含义。 理关系的实力:在读文章的过程中,能够梳理出句子之间的逻辑关系(如因果、对比、递进等),而且能够对下文内容作出预料,并且不断修正自己的预料,从而形成对文章整体结构的把握。 这样问题就渐渐明晰了,想要读懂一篇 GRE 文章,仅仅能看懂句子的语义是不够的,更重要的是能够梳理出句间逻辑关系,从而把握文章的逻辑主线。假如做不到其次点,在详细做题目的时候,就算我们能够依据关键词定位到原文,但假如搞不清晰其中的逻辑关系,依旧做不对题,这个后面会结合真题详细绽开说。 3. 究竟怎么读文章最有效? 想要为接下来做题做好打算,在一起先读文章的时候,要遵循四个原则: 提取核心概念 梳理逻辑关系 推断论点视角 预料下文要点 我们结合一篇真题文章给大家做详细说明。在看讲解之前,建议你先读一下这篇文章,然后自己试着梳理下其中的逻辑主线。(建议用时 1 分钟) Many critics of Emily Brontës novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a romantic reading receives more confirmation. Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novels sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue for an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novels heterogeneous parts. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novels diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. 读完了吗? 假如没有经过系统的训练,信任大多数人读完这篇文章后,印象最深的是专出名词和自己不相识的单词,也就是下面这些加粗的内容。 Many critics of Emily Brontës novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a romantic reading receives more confirmation. Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novels sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue for an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novels heterogeneous parts. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novels diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. 这些内容都是散的,对于抓取文章逻辑主线一点用处也没有,你可能还会因为有生词影响语义理解而大惊失色。这里插一句,其实 GRE 阅读是允许有 5% 的生词的,这就意味着一篇 100 词的文章有 5 个生词是很正常的,千万不要因为有生词而心慌。当然了,退一步讲,词汇量越大、生词越少当然是好事,只是不要将这个目标作为攻克 GRE 阅读的关键。关键还应当是对文章逻辑主线的把握,我们一句句解读。 1 Many critics of Emily Brontës novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a romantic reading receives more confirmation. critic 认为,WH 前后两部分不一样(第一部分可以从浪漫主义角度解读) 读完第 1 句,我们要敏感的捕获到上述核心概念。就算 Emily Brontë、WH 你不知道是什么也没关系(其实后面有说 WH 是一本小说)。驾驭了核心概念,进一步的话,你还可以推断其次部分确定不是浪漫主义的解读,至于究竟是什么我们不知道,下文可能会说明。这样就对下文内容有了预料。 2 Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novels sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. 因为结构,所以把小说的两部分看作一个整体。 这句话中存在因果逻辑关系,小说的 structure 让人将小说看作是 whole。至于 sophisticated 这个单词,假如不相识其实关系不大,因为它是修饰 structure 的,不影响对句子核心的把握。同样的道理,后面的 complex use of narrators and time shifts 属于文学领域的专业概念,不知道是什么意思也没关系,只要知道这也是修饰 structure 的就可以。 3 Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue for an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novels heterogeneous parts. 结构和 HJ 的创作类似。 这句话在逻辑线上没有向前推动,还是在说小说的结构可以将不同的部分看作一个整体。但要留意,核心概念的英文表达有更新,本句的 construction 对应前文的 structure,unify 对应前文的 whole,在这个语境中,这两组属于逻辑上的同义词。(GRE 阅读文章中恒久存在这种在逻辑上同义的状况,假如你能识别出来,这样就算你只相识其中一个单词,也能依据逻辑推断出另一个的含义。例如这句话中的 heterogeneous 这个单词,信任大多数人都不相识。但我们知道它是修饰 parts 的,这样就对应到前面的 two parts,进而推断出 heterogeneous 还是在说“不同的”部分。) 至于 authorial awareness 究竟从专业上是什么意思,HJ 究竟是谁其实并不重要,只要我们知道这句话的核心是说结构和 HJ 的创作类似,结构让我们可以将小说不同部分看作整体。 4 However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novels diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. 但是整体的解读不让人信服。 在 GRE 阅读中,however 是最关键的逻辑关系标记词,没有之一。它表明前后内容存在对比,且后面的内容是重心。(此外,这句话的观点发生转折,但没有明说观点的视角是谁,这种状况都默认是作者本人,全部的 GRE 阅读文章都适应。)读完这句话,我们就可以推想,既然作者反对整体的解读方式,那后面很有可能会给出持这一观点的依据。 elements 和前面的 parts 是逻辑上的同义词,diverse 和前面的 heterogeneous、two 也是逻辑上的同义词。 5 This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. WH 有某种力气,所以不能从整体去解读。 undeniable 是修饰力气(power)的,不相识不用在意。recalcitrant 修饰 elements,所以和前面的 diverse、heterogeneous、two 是逻辑上的同义词。这种力气反对(resist)all-encompassing 的解读方式,说明 all-encompassing 就是前面所说的“看作整体”的解读方式,这样就算这个单词不相识也知道其含义,这就是理清逻辑关系的魅力。 另外这句话还有两个核心概念之外的信息:1)整体的解读对全部小说都是有害的;2)WH 有某种力气拒绝整体解读,这一点和 Hamlet 类似。 结合上面的讲解,我们读完一篇文章之后,就能够提炼出下述核心概念和逻辑关系: Many critics of Emily Brontës novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a romantic reading receives more confirmation. Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novels sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue for an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novels heterogeneous parts. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novels diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. 由此可知,这篇文章的逻辑主线是:就 WH 这本小说的不同部分能不能看作一个整体,指责家和作者观点对立,且各有依据(structure vs power)。 怎么做对题? 1. 所谓题型是个伪命题 许多人会将 GRE 阅读的题目划分成不同的题型:主旨题、细微环节题、推断题、结构题、看法题、词汇题这种划分虽然有肯定道理,但并不好用,因为考场上时间珍贵,莫非做题时先要推断题目类型吗?莫非不同的题目类型对应不同的解法吗? GRE 阅读要求考生依据已有信息做选择或简洁推理(evidence-based reading),始终保持客观,不能主观发散,全部的题目(不管什么题型),都要遵循这个基本逻辑。在这个基础上,能够针对全部题型的、简洁有效的通用解题步骤如下: 读题:提炼题干关键词。 定位:依据题干关键词定位到原文。 预料:依据原文内容预料答案方向。 比较:挨个读选项,选出和预料内容最接近的选项。 切记做题不要凭印象,肯定要回来原文,明确选择依据后再做选择。我们做一下前面已经讲解过的文章的配套题目。还是建议自己先做一做,有选择后再看后面的解析。(每题建议用时 1 分钟) Question 1 According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights? A The second part has received more attention from critics. B The second part has little relation to the first part. C The second part annuls the force of the first part. D The second part provides less substantiation for a romantic reading. E The second part is better because it is more realistic. 读题:对 WH 两部分的描述。 定位:原文第一句,Many critics of Emily Brontës novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a romantic reading receives more confirmation. 这句提到两件事:1)WH 前后两部分不一样;2)第一部分可以从浪漫主义角度解读。 预料:正确选项要符合上述两件事,或者能够依据上述两件事做出推理。 比较: A 选项:指责家的“关注”(attention)在原文没有提到,不选。 B 选项:两部分“没有关系”(little 表示否定含义)和原文不符,原文说的是两部分不一样(counterpart),是对比关系不是没有关系,不选。 C 选项:其次部分“减弱”(annuls)第一部分的力气,在原文没有依据,不选。 D 选项:其次部分不能从浪漫主义角度解读,和原文一样,正确选项。其实做到这里,就可以特别自信的选出答案,最终一个选项可以不看,考场时间就是这么节约下来的。只要文章读懂了,做题目应当有这个自信,不管正确选项出现在 D 位置还是 A 位置。但假如心里没底,剩下选项也可以看看,不过时间确定是须要的,这是个权衡取舍的问题,要自己拿捏。 E 选项:其次部分可以从“现实主义”(realistic)角度解读,依据原文我们只能推出其次部分不行以从浪漫主义解读,而除了浪漫主义还有许多其他的文学流派(如现实主义、现代主义、古典主义、超验主义、自然主义),不能推断出肯定是现实主义,所以不选。 不只是阅读,全部 GRE 科目都须要考生拥有收敛逻辑。 例如,“喜爱”的反义词不是“厌烦”而是“不喜爱”(包含“厌烦”和“没感觉”两种状态)。 再如,依据 B>A,我们只能推导出 A Question 2 The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should A not try to unite heterogeneous elements in the novel B not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel C not argue that the complex use of narrators or of time shifts indicates a sophisticated structure D concentrate on those recalcitrant elements of the novel that are outside the novels main structure E primarily consider those elements of novelistic construction of which the author of the novel was aware 读题:作者认可哪种读小说的方式。(留意题干中说的是 a novel,说针对全部小说的通用方式,没有特指 WH。) 定位:既然观点视角是 author,对应原文就应当是从 however 起先的后半部分内容。而且题干说的是对小说的通用解读方式,对应到最终一句前半部分 .such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger). 即不管是什么小说,作者都反对“僵化”(stiffens/rigidity)的解读方式。 预料:作者反对僵化的解读,选项应和这个说法一样。 比较:只有 B 选项“不要死板”(not be inflexible )符合预料,为正确选项。A 选项虽然是作者的观点,但只是针对 WH 这一本小说说的,不符合题干问法。CDE 三个选项侧重“结构”(structure/construction,和指责家的观点相关,和作者无关,所以不选。 推断观点的视角对于快速精确做题特别重要。就像这道题,CDE 三个选项就算说法正确,在原文能找到依据,但都属于指责家的观点,而题干问的是作者的观点,所以可以干脆解除。 Question 3 The author of the passage suggests which of the following about Hamlet? A Hamlet has usually attracted critical interpretations that tend to stiffen into theses. B Hamlet has elements that are not amenable to an all-encompassing critical interpretation. C Hamlet is less open to an all-encompassing critical interpretation than is Wuthering Heights. 三个选项的题目属于不定项选择题,正确答案数量不定,可能一个,可能两个,也可能三个都对,所以选项必需都读,挨个推断。 读题:作者对 H 的看法。 定位:原文最终一句:.Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. 这句话是说 WH 的某种力气拒绝整体解读,这一点和 H 一样。 预料:H 也有某种力气拒绝整体解读,正确选项必需包含这层含义。 比较: A 选项:评论家对 H 的解读是僵化的。原文中只说了评论家对 WH 的解读,没有说对 H 的解读,所以不选。 B 选项:H 不能被整体解读,和预料一样,正确选项。 C 选项:H 和 WH 相比,更不能被整体解读。原文提到 H 和 WH 是“类比关系”,两者都不能被整体解读,而不是“比较关系”,没有比较孰多孰少、孰优孰劣,所以不选。 2. 正确和错误选项特点 了解选项特点可以帮我们更快速做推断。 常见正确选项特点: 干脆引用原文:例如上面第 3 题的 B 选项,an all-encompassing critical interpretation 属于原文表达。 同义改写原文:例如上面第 2 题的 B 选项,inflexible 和原文 stiffens/rigidity 属于逻辑上的同义词,意思一样。 总结概括原文:例如上面第 1 题的 D 选项,The second part provides less substantiation for a romantic reading 就是对原文第一句话的总结。 常见错误选项特点: 无中生有:即原文没有提到相关概念。例如上面第 1 题的 A 选项,指责家的“关注”(attention)在原文没有依据。 曲解原文:即选项内容在原文中有提到,但意思和原文不完全一样,被移花接木了。例如上面第 3 题的 C 选项,原文有提到对 H 的解读,但 H 和 WH 是“类比关系”,两者都不能被整体解读,而不是“比较关系”。 有极端词:常见的极端词有 all, only, always, little 等,把话说死了的选项都有慎重。例如上面第 1 题的 B 选项,The second part has little relation to the first part,认为两部分“没有关系”(little 表示否定含义),而原文说的是两部分不一样(counterpart),是对比关系不是没有关系。 背景学问重要吗? 先说结论:背景学问不能雪中送炭,但可以锦上添花。 ETS 明确说 GRE 不考专业学问,只考读句子、理关系的实力,所以即使没有专业学问也是可以做对题目的。但要留意“专业学问”不同于“背景学问”,以历史为例,诸如美国独立斗争的起因经过结果、其中颁布的各种法案文献、涉及的历史人物和贡献等等,对于美国考生来说是通识,是他们从小就学就会的,但对于我们国际考生来说,就是深深的文化隔阂了。所以假如能够打破这层隔阂,自然有助于我们做对题目。 那么,应当补哪些背景学问呢?严格来说没有限制,多多益善。不过考虑到中国的 GRE 考生以理工科为主,文科类的背景学问(特殊是美国历史和英美文学)是软肋,所以可以多侧重这两方面补补。 1. 美国历史 美国历史 300 多年,其实也挺困难,假如你有时间有爱好能够通读一遍美国历史自然是好。除了读书,也可以看视频,前几年美国政府出资拍摄了一部美国历史纪录片,名字叫做美国:我们的故事(America: The Story of Us),一共 12 集,制作精良,值得一看。(美国历史纪录片百度云盘链接,密码:dqxz) 假如时间惊慌,可以侧重美国历史的这三条主线: 政府与公民权:特殊是美国建国阶段,美国建国之父们是怎么争取美国殖民地独立的,颁布了哪些建国文档。 黑人民权运动:从 19 世纪美国内战,到林肯颁布解放黑人奴隶宣言,再到 20 世纪马丁·路德·金的民权运动反对种族卑视和种族隔离。 女性平权运动:从 19 世纪末争取选举权和被选举权,到