老托福阅读试题及答案:PASSAGE21老托福阅读试题及答案:PASSAGE 21The sculptural legacy that the new United States inherited from its colonial predecessors was far from a rich one, and in fact, in 1776 sculpture as an art form was still in the hands of artisans and craftspeople. Stone carvers engraved their motifs of skulls and crossbones and other religious icons of death into the gray slabs that we still see standing today in old burial grounds. Some skilled craftspeople made intricately carved wooden ornamentations for furniture or architectural decorations, while others caved wooden shop signs and ships' figureheads. Although they often achieved expression and formal excellence in their generally primitive style, they remained artisans skilled in the craft of carving and constituted a group distinct from what we normally think of as sculptors in today's use of the word.On the rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture was desired, Americans turned to foreign sculptors, as in the 1770's when the cities of New York and Charleston, South Carolina, commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt. Wilton also made a lead equestrian image of King George III that was created in New York in 1770 and torn down by zealous patriots six years later. A few marble memorials with carved busts, urns, or other decorations were produced in England and brought to the colonies to be set in the walls of churches as in King's Chapel in Boston. But sculpture as a high art, practiced by artists who knew both the artistic theory of their Renaissance-Baroque-Rococo predecessors and the various technical procedures of modeling, casting, and carving rich three-dimensional forms, was not known among Americans in 1776. Indeed, for many years thereafter, the United States had two groups from which to choose either the local craftspeople or the imported talent of European sculptors.The eighteenth century was not one in which powered sculptural conceptions were developed. Add to this the timidity with which unschooled artisans originally trained as stonemasons, carpenters, or cabinetmakers attacked the medium from which they sculpture made in the United States in the late eighteenth century.1. What is the main idea of the passage ?(A) There was great demand for the work of eighteenth-century artisans.(B) Skilled sculptors did not exist in the United States in the 1770's.(C) Many foreign sculptors worked in the United States after 1776.(D) American sculptors were hampered by a lack of tools and materials.2. The word motifs in line 3 is closest in meaning to(A) tools(B) prints(C) signatures(D) designs3. The work of which of the following could be seen in burial grounds?(A) European sculptors(B) Carpenters(C) Stone carves(D) Cabinetmakers4. The word others in line 6 refers to(A) craftspeople(B) decorations(C) ornamentations(D) shop signs5. The word distinct in line 9 is closest in meaning to(A) separate(B) assembled(C) notable(D) inferior6. The word rare in line 11 is closest in meaning to(A) festive(B) infrequent(C) delightful(D) unexpected7. Why does the author mention Joseph Wilton in line 13?(A) He was an English sculptor who did work in the United States.(B) He was well known for his wood carvings(C) He produced sculpture for churches.(D) He settled in the United States in 1776.8. What can be inferred about the importation of marble memorials from England?(A) Such sculpture was less expensive to produce locally than to import(B) Such sculpture was not available in the United States.(C) Such sculpture was as prestigious as those made locally.(D) The materials found abroad were superior.9. How did the work of American carvers in 1776 differ from that of contemporary sculptors?(A) It was less time-consuming(B) It was more dangerous.(C) It was more expensive.(D) It was less refined.正确答案: BDCAA BABD托福阅读猜词的七大技巧一、利用定义式线索进行揣测定义是作者为了更好地表达思想,在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或 词汇等所作的说明。这些说明供应的信息具有明确的针对性,利用它们揣测词义比较简单。例如:Kinetic energy is the energy of moving particles. Kinetic enegry 可能是生词,由定义可知,表语是说明主语性质内容的。所以kinetic energy就是“运动粒子的能量”。再如Typhoons are cyclones,storms with strong winds rotating around a low-pressure center.假如cyclones是生词,推断该词义的线索就是其后面的说明“绕低气压中心形成的暴风雨”由此我们可知cyclones的意思是“绕低气压中心形成的暴风雨”。在这种说明中定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent, signify, constitute等。二、依据进一步阐述揣测词义虽然进一步阐述不如定义那样严谨、具体,但是供应的信息足以使我们猜诞生词的词义。复述部分可以是适当的词,短语或者句子。例如Experts in kinesics, in their study of body motion as related to speech ,hope to discover new methods of communications. 逗号中短语的意思是“对肢体语言进行探讨的学科”。短语与前面生词kinesics是同位关系,因此我们不难猜出kinesics指“肢体语言学”。在这种复述当中,构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也运用破折号,冒号,分号,引号,和括号等。另外同位语前还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other, 等副词或短语出现。另外一种会以定语从句的形式出现如从句Obesity, which is a medical disorder that affects approximately 20-30% of the population of the United States of America. It is an excessive accumulation of body fat that results from the storage of excess food energy calories in the body's fat cells. 依据生词obesity后面的非限制性定语从句which is a medical disorder that affects approximately 20-30% of the population of the United States of America. It is an excessive accumulation of body fat that results from the storage of excess food energy calories in the body's fat cells. 我们可以推断出 obesity的含义,即“过度肥胖”。三、依据举例揣测词义恰当的举例能够供应揣测生词的重要线索,例如The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past. 句中“斗争”和“重大科学发觉”是生词的实例,通过它们我们可以猜出epochal的 大致词义“重要的”。四、依据上下文的语境关联揣测词义例如Computers have been used for most kinds of crime, including fraud theft, larceny, embezzlement, burglary, sabotage, murder and forgery, since the first cases were reported in 1985. 这句话中有很多生词出现,但通过上文的crime和murder一词,我们可以知道这些下划线词都是与犯罪有关的词。在考试中,就不必费心去考虑它们的详细意思,知道也许类别即可。再如Goran Ivanisevic fears only one service in tennis - Michael Stichs. His toss is always the same: the straight one or the topspin. Sampras has a good serve and Becker too, but Stichs is the toughest to read.在此例中,大多数词用于网球运动中的一些特地词汇,我们可以不必理睬,而主要关注相识的那些词。这样能够也许理解此句讲的是网球选手Goran胆怯某种service, 通过上下文大致可得知这是指网球运动中的一个动作(比如发球、扣球等)。其实,service就是“发球”的意思。从形容词straight可知Stichs发球的特点,而且他是最难预料的一个。这样一来就可以很好地把握文章内容了。五、依据对比关系揣测词义在一个句子或段落中,有对两个事物或现象进行对比性的描述,我们可以依据生词或难词的反义词揣测其词义。 例如:Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy, unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or to make new friends. Gregarious, 对很多人来说可能是个生词,但是句中单词unlike可以提示我们Gregarious和后面的词unsociable person是对比关系。分析出这种关系后,我们便能猜出意为Gregarious是“爱交际的”。六、依据常识性线索揣测题义这是指依据篇章(句子或段落)以外的其他学问来揣测词义。有时仅靠分析篇章内在逻辑关系无法猜出词义。这时,就须要运用生活阅历和一般常识确定词义。例如:The cat came quickly through the grass towards the birds ,when it was just a few from the feet from the victim, it gather its legs under itself and pounced.假如pounce 是生词。推想该词我们可以凭借我们的常识,我们知道当猫看到鸟时,通常它会先把爪子收起来,然后再突然向小鸟发起进攻。由此可以推断pounce一词的意思是“突然攻击”。再如It's really cold out tonight. My hands are practically numb. 依据生活阅历,天气寒冷时,手确定是numb “冻僵的,冻得麻木的”。七、利用构词法揣测词义此法包括利用前、后缀及合成词揣测词义。7.1前、后缀揣测词义英语中的前缀、后缀构词颇多,且特定的缀往往表示特定的含义,把握住这一点,可起到以不变应万变的效果。例如He had been overworking and fell ill at last. overwork是由前缀over-加动词构成,over有超过,过于之意,overwork意思是工作过多,劳累过度。再如,overburden负担过重,overcharge要价过高,overdo做得过分。英语中常用的前缀还有:mis-错,误:misfortune不幸;mislead误导;mismanage处理不当mid-中心:midnight半夜;midway半路under-低于:underdone半生不熟的;underestimate 低估;anti-反对:antibody抗体;anticyclone反气旋;antifreeze防冻剂。还有一些后缀派生词:例如1)You must stop dreaming and face reality.(-ty为名词的标记); 2)The country is trying to popularize education. (-ize为及物动词的标记,再如realize, modernize)。7.2利用合成词揣测词义Family members take turns choosing a special activity for the evening, and everyone partakes in for fun. 依据短语构成及上下文意思看,此处partakes in相当于takes part in。再如break out-outbreak(名词爆发),set out-outset(名词起始),come in-income(名词“收入”)。托福阅读常见错误选项大汇总一、编造事实这类选项其内容在原文中并没有提到,也不能从原文中推断出来,它们往往将原文中的信息和原文中没有的信息糅合在一起来迷惑考生,或者通过改动文中的关键语句使选项与原文信息大相径庭,形成陷阱。例如:A. ccording to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about materials used in the construction of buildings? (备考指导3-Architecture)A. Because new building materials are hard to find, construction techniques have changed very little from past generations.B. The availability of suitable building materials no longer limits the types of structures that may be built.C. The primary building materials that are available today are wood, stone, and brick.D. Architects in earlier times did not have enough building materials to enclose large spaces.这道题中的D选项就犯了编造事实的错误。原文中的相关信息是“In earlier times it was necessary to design structural systems suitable for the materials that were available, such as wood, stone, brick.”,说的是早期的建筑材料种类少,只有木材、石头和砖块等,并没有说数量上是否足够,因此D选项是错误的。二、变更范围这类选项其内容和原文内容在范围上是不一样的。它们往往将原文内容的范围随意扩大或缩小,即以偏概全或者以一般代替个别,从而形成陷阱。例如:8. All of following are mentioned in paragraph 5 as possible reasons that led societies to develop theater EXCEPT(练习题1-The Origins of Theater)A. Theater allows people to face that they are afraid of.B. Theater gives an opportunity to imagine a better reality.C. Theater is a way to enjoy imitating other people.D. Theater provides people the opportunity to better understand the human mind.这道题中D选项在原文中的相关信息是“The theater, then, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.” 意思是:“所以,戏剧成为了一种帮助人们相识和理解这个世界,或是帮助人们躲避不满现实的工具。”文中说的是“understand their world”,但D选项则把范围缩小成了“understand the human mind”,因此这道题的答案就是D选项(留意这道题是一个“Except”题)。三、偏离题意这类选项往往是不符合题干的,也就是我们所说的“答非所问”。它们很有可能就是原文的内容或者可以从原文中推断出来,其本身是正确的,所以具有很大的干扰性。假如考生审题不仔细,就很简单误选。例如:According to paragraph 6, what is the main disadvantage of the proposed plans to transport river water to the High Plains?(练习题3-Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer)A. The rivers cannot supply sufficient water for the farmers needs.B. Increased irrigation costs would make the products too expensive.C. The costs of using capillary water for irrigation will increase.D. Farmers will be forced to switch to genetically engineered crops.依据题干中的 “disadvantage”和“transport river water”定位到原文中的“Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international mark.” 意思是:“不幸的是,通过以上任何一种方式(通过运输河或管道输送河水)获得水资源都会将抽水的成本提高10倍以上,进而导致这一地区的浇灌农产品成本在国内和国际市场上失去竞争力。”可见解决成本问题是从河流引水这样的解决方案的关键所在,浇灌成本增加导致农产品在国内及国际市场上的竞争力下降。C选项提到了浇灌成本,但题干说的是引入河水的解决方案的缺陷,因此C选项是不正确的。老托福阅读试题及答案:PASSAGE 21