仁爱英语七年级上教案仁爱英语七年级上教案1:MynamesGina. SectionA 一、老师寄语: Athousand-lijourneyisstartedbytakingthefirststep.千里之行,始于足下。 二、学习目标: Knowledgeaims(学问目标) Keywords:mynamenicemeetyouwhatshisher Keyphrases:myname,firstname,lastname,answerthequestion. Keysentences:Whatsyourname? Whatshisname? Whatshername?及回答。 Abilityaims(实力目标) 1.驾驭简洁的问候语,并能自我介绍,初步培育用英语进行交际的实力。 2.驾驭听的技能,在听的过程中精确获得数字信息。 Moralaims(情感目标) 礼貌待人,培育良好的人际关系。 三、教学重难点 介绍自己,问候他人。 四、学习过程 1、预习导学及自测 英汉互译 1.name_2.好的,令人开心的_ 3.too_4.遇见_5.your_ 6.his_7.她的名字_ 2、自主学习 .onenum.1,一:Oneandtwomakesthree.一加二等于三。 adj.一个:Ihaveonebook.我有一本书。有一(天):Onedayhewillunderstandyou.有一天他会理解你的。 meet/mi:t/v.遇到,遇到 -ee-双写,与meat为同音词。 tomeetsb.(orsth.)遇到某人/某事:Nicetomeetyou.初次见面时的客套话,不是初次见面时则用see。 meet也可用作名词,译为:会,集会:sportsmeet运动会。 “Whatsyourname?”“MynameisGina.”“你叫什么名字?”“我叫吉娜。” 两人初次见面相互询问姓名时可用这个句型。如想反问时可说:Andyou?或者Andwhatsyourname?如: A:Hello.Whatsyourname? B:MynameisAnnRead.Andyou?/Andwhatsyourname? A:ImHanMei. Hello!你好! Hello一般可作为熟人、挚友、青年人之间的招呼用语,语气较随意,译为“您好”;此外打电话或遇熟人时也可用。译为“喂”。在表示问候或唤起留意时,有时可用Hi来代替Hello,显得更为随意。如: A:Hello/Hi,Jane!你好,简! B:Hello/Hi,Jim!你好,吉姆! 3、合作探究 动词be的现在时态 动词be就是我们所学过的am,is,are的动词原形。如何运用这三种形式主要取决于主语。当主语是第一人称I(我)时,用am,缩写为Im;主语是其次人称you(你)或复数时,用are,缩写为youre,主语是第三人称it/she/he(它/她/他)或名词及代词的单数时,用is,缩写为its/shes/hes。如: Iam(Im)LiuYing.我是刘英。 Youare(Youre)LinTao.你是林涛。 Itis(Its)3344278 下面介绍一则口诀,帮你熟记“动词be的构成”: 我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it)。 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变否定,更简单,be后not加上去。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 hello与hi (1)hello与hi可以互换,都表示“喂,你好”。但hi比hello用得更多,显得更随和亲近,它尤被美国年轻人所运用。但打电话时常用hello而少用hi。熟人、挚友见面时,彼此问候仅仅说声Hi!就可以了。用hello时,不能“Hello,hello,hello”这样反复运用。 (2)要留意hello/hi一般不用于与师长、上级、年长者以及有风光的人打招呼,以免显得对长辈不够敬重。 Do1CPracticetheconversation。 4、拓展创新 Step1 在英语中如何拼法中国人的姓名,联合国教科文组织已做规定“一律按汉语拼音的写法。姓和名分开,姓在前,名在后”。现举例说明: (1)假如是单姓,名又是单字,则姓与名的第一个字母要大写,其余字母用小写。如:LiLei李雷。 (2)假如是单姓,名是双字,则姓的第一个字母大写,名的第一个字母大写,名的双字合在一起算一个词,不得分开。如:HanMeimei韩梅梅。 (3)假如是复姓,则把复姓字母连在一起,只是第一个字母大写,名字的拼法方法同上。如:SimaZhao司马昭,OuyangYunsong欧阳云松。 中英姓名比较中文姓名是姓在前,名在后;英文姓名是姓在后,名在前。Mr用于姓前,如MrGreen不能说成MrJim. (4)假如名字里有可能造成音的混淆的拼法时,要用连字号“-”或隔音号“”隔开。如: YangXi-an(Xian)杨西安,如写成YangXian就成了杨仙。 Step23a、3b、4 5、梳理归纳 一、Greetings(打招呼) 1.常见的表达方式 (1)Goodmorning!/Goodafternoon!/Goodevening!分别用于上午、下午、晚上见面问好。 (2)Hello!/Hi!用于挚友或熟识的人之间相互打招呼。 (3)Nicetomeet/seeyou.该句答语常用Nicetomeet/seeyou,too. 2.文化背景及留意事项 (1)英语口语中多用省略句,如Goodmorning!也可以干脆说Morning! (2)相互熟识的人见面打招呼用Howareyou?,初次见面一般用Howdoyoudo? (3)和外国人打招呼时,不要用中国式的问候语,如:你吃饭了吗?你上哪儿去? (4)Howareyou?原用于询问对方身体状况,现在渐渐失去原来的涵义,成为日常生活中的寒暄用语。 二、Self-introduction(自我介绍) 1.常见表达方式 (1)Iam我是 (2)Mynameis我的名字是 (3)假如询问对方名字,可以问:Whatsyourname?/MayIhaveyourname? 2.文化背景及留意事项 (1)假如见了长辈或年龄比自己大的人,用Mr.,Miss,Mrs.等称谓词+familyname(姓氏)。 (2)相互熟识的同龄人之间可以直呼其名。 6、达标测试 .用所给词的适当形式补充完整 Bobby是个马虎的孩子,他写完作业不当心将墨水瓶打翻了。有的地方被墨水弄脏了,看不清了。 1.What's_name?(you) 2.His_Boris.(name) 3.Niceto_you.(meet) 4._nameisGina.(I) 5._this?It'sabook.(what) .单项选择 1.What'syourname?_nameisJenny. A.IB.I'mC.My 2.I'mHardy._tomeetyou. A.LikeB.HappyC.Nice 3.Isthisyourbrother?What's_name? A.herB.hisC.your 4.MaryKingis_newteacher. A.IB.sheC.her 5.Hi!Thisis_newteacher;_nameisYangyan. A.your;myB.his;yourC.your;her 五、典型例题解析 yourname,please?Mynameis. A.Whats,JimGreenB.Whos,JimGreen C.Whats,GreenJimD.Whos,GreenJim 精析Whatsyourname,please?询问对方的姓名,回答时用Mynameis英语国家人的姓名结构依次为:名+姓,故选A。答案A Hello! A.YesB.HelloC.GoodD.Goodmorning 精析Hello!与Goodmorning!都是问候语,它们的答语就是其本身,故选B。如: Goodmorning,Joan.琼,早上好! Goodmorning,WenBo.闻博,早上好! 答案B Youateacher.Iastudent.Mysisterastudent,too. A.am;is;areB.is;are;amC.are;am;isD.are;is;is 精析动词be在一般现在时中依据不同的人称有不同的形式,在本题中,You与are连用,I与am连用,Mysister为第三人称单数,应与is连用。答案C 情景交际(依据情景,用所给的选项填空。) (1)Mike:Hi,LiLei:ImLiLei. Mike:Nicetomeetyou.LiLei:Nicetomeetyou,too. A:Whatsyourname?B:ImMike. (2)MissKing:Thatsanicedress.Ann:. A:ThankyouB.No,itisnt 精析(1)某种状况把迈克和李磊聚到一起,他们意识到双方必需相互了解,相互做自我介绍。因此气氛比较随意,自报姓名往往是为了打听对方姓名的一种策略。对别人自报姓名所做出的回答一般是自报自己的姓名。 (2)在西方国家,当有人赞美你时,要说感谢,而不像中国人习惯在别人赞美你时要表示虚心。 答案(1)B(2)A 用动词be的适当形式填空。 (1)IinRow6. (2)Whatyourname? (3)youten? 精析本题考查的是系动词be的用法。系动词be(是),随着主语的人称和数的不同,又分为am,is,are三种不同的形式。Am用于第一人称单数;is用于第三人称单数;are用于其次人称单、复数和第一、三人称复数形式。如:Iam;Itis;Youare。下面这则口诀可帮助记忆:我(I)用am,你(You)用are,is跟着他、她、它,一切复数都用are。答案(1)am(2)is(3)Are 六、中考链接 1.SheisastudentandnameisKate. A.sheB.herC.hersD.his 2.ThisisMissGao.Sheyournewteacher. A.beB.amC.isD.are 七、课后反思: 我的收获:_ _ 我的不足:_ 我努力的方向是_ 仁爱英语七年级上教案2:Teaching Plan Background information(背景学问): Students: 52 Middle School students Lesson duration: 45mins Teaching contents(教学内容): Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose. Section A Teaching aims(教学目标): 1. Learn some new words: (1)Learn words about parts of the head: nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck (2)Learn some other new words: guess, know, wide, right, girl, boy, have, has, small, big, round, short, long, 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) I/You/We/They have (2) She/He/It has (3)-Do you have? -Yes, I/We do. No, I/We dont. (4)- I know. - Youre right. 3. Learn how to describe peoples appearances. Teaching focus(重点):words about parts of the head and adjectives of description Teaching difficulties(难点):The usages of have and has Teaching procedures:(教学步骤) Step1 Warm-up 第一步 热身 greeting sing a song : Head and shoulders. Step2 Review 其次步 复习 (1) 通过复习,培育学生依据卡片信息进行简洁沟通的实力。 (出示卡片上文字信息,师生进行互动问答。复习描述人的基本状况。) Name: Jane Age: 11 From: Canada School: Beijing International School Class: Nine Grade: Seven Phone number: (010)9267-6929 (1)T: Whats her name? S1: Her name is Jane. T: How old is she?S2: She is eleven. T: Where is she from?S3: She is from Canada. (2)(依据图画导入新内容。) Step 3 Presentation 第三步 呈现 利用简笔画教授人体部位的名称,并在图片的相应位置板书单词,然后领学生拼读。 (2)(利用卡片,操练表示人体部位的名词。) T: Lets look at this picture. Whats this? S1, please.S1:Eyes. T:How do you spell it, please?S1:E-Y-E-S,eyes. (以同样方式操练其他表示人体部位的名词。) T: Nice work, boys and girls. (教学boy and girl) (3) 通过对比图片学习描写人体头部的形容词(long hair, big eyes, small eyes, a round face) (4) (出示2a的教学挂图,让学生视察图片中突出的外貌特征,巩固表示人体部位的名词和部分形容词。) T: OK, now look at these pictures. Lets talk about their different looks. Is this a big nose? Ss:Yes. Its big. T: Good. He has a big nose. Are they big, too?Ss:No. T: Very good. They are not big. They are small. They have small noses and small eyes. (以同样方式操练其他四幅图片。) (5) (在娴熟驾驭人体部位和描述人体部位形容词的基础上,结合2a的教学图片,让学生操练形容词+人体部位的短语,然后教授have和has的用法,进而过渡到完整的句子。) have: S(I/We/You/They) +have has: S(He/ She/ It)+has Step 4 Consolidation 第四步 巩固 1. (小组竞赛。限定时间要求学生书面完成2b。核对答案,并让学生复述have/has的用法,最终让学生齐读这七个句子。) 2. (接龙嬉戏。老师依据自己的实际状况以第一人称说一个句子,学生仿照练习。) S1:I have a small nose. S2: I have a long face. S3: I have a big head. S4: Step 5 Practice 第五步 练习 完成1a,1b进一步帮助学生巩固本课的功能项目,培育学生的听说实力。 Sing a song Step 6 Summary 第六步 总结 Summarize the new words. Summarize the grammar. Summarize the useful expression Step 7 Homework 第七步 作业 (1) 预习Section B 的生词 (2) 描述一位挚友的外貌。 仁爱英语七年级上教案3: I have a small nose. Section A The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。 .Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.Learn some new words: (1)Learn words about parts of the body: nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck (2)Learn some other new words: guess, have, small, has, big, know, right, round, long, wide, girl, boy, short 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)Oh, I know. (2)Yes, youre right. 3. Learn the simple present tense with“have/has”and adjectives of description: (1)I have a big nose. (2)They have round faces. (3)She has long hair. (4)It has big ears. 4. Learn how to describe peoples appearances. . Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/影片的封面或图片/教学挂图/录音机 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 通过复习,培育学生依据图画和文字信息进行简洁沟通的实力。 (出示小黑板上的图画和文字信息,师生进行互动问答,然后让学生两人一组表演对话。复习描述人的基本状况。) Name: Jane Age: 12 From: Canada School: Beijing Renai International School Class: Four Grade: Seven Phone number: (010)9267-6929 (1)T: Whats her name? S1: Her name is Jane. T: How old is she? S2: She is twelve. T: Where is she from? S3: She is from Canada. T: What class is she in? S4: She is in Class Four, Grade Seven. T: Whats her telephone number? S5: Its (010)9267-6929. (把全班学生分成两组就此对话进行表演。) (2)(依据图画导入新内容。) T: Well done! Now we have learned something about Jane. Do you like her? Is she beautiful? Then how to describe her appearance? First, lets learn some new words about parts of the body. Now lets look at the picture. Step 2 Presentation 其次步 呈现(时间:12分钟) 利用图片,借助体态语,帮助学生学习语言,并培育他们的视察实力。 1. (老师利用Jane的图片教授2a中人体部位的名称,并在图片的相应位置板书单词,然后领学生拼读。注:老师应根据从上到下、从局部到整体的依次讲授人体部位,以便帮助学生记忆。) T: Please listen and follow me, then touch the parts of your body when you say them. Please go! (板书生词,要求学生驾驭,并让学生留意拼读。) head face hair eye ear nose mouth neck 2. (利用2a的教学挂图,操练表示人体部位的名词。) T: Lets look at this picture. Whats this?(手指画着头部的图片。) S1, please. S1:Head. T: How do you spell it, please? S1:H-E-A-D, head. (以同样方式操练其他表示人体部位的名词。) 3. (以做嬉戏的方式呈现新单词和短语,使学生易于理解和接受。详细方法如下:把全班学生分成四组,每组轮番选出一名学生在黑板上画人物头像。每个学生画一个身体部位。例如,第一个学生画的是一张圆脸,老师就帮助学生说a round face。板书并说明。其他身体部位以同样方式呈现。直到把全部本节课所涉及的描述性形容词都呈现出来为止。可以多画几幅图,完成后,每组学生轮番用短语描述人物外貌特征,说得精确流利者为胜。) T: Nice work, boys and girls. Now lets play a game. Ill divide you into four groups. Each group chooses a student to draw a part of the body. And you should describe it with a phrase. OK. Lets begin! (板书boy和girl,并要求学生驾驭。) boy, girl S2: (画一个圆脸) A round face. (老师帮助学生说。) (板书并说明,要求学生驾驭。) round S3: (画一双小眼睛) Small eyes.(老师帮助学生说。) (板书并说明,要求学生驾驭。) small S4: (画一个大鼻子) A big nose.(老师帮助学生说。) (板书并说明,要求学生驾驭。) big (以同样方式呈现a wide mouth, big ears, long hair,要求学生驾驭。) 4. (出示3a的教学挂图,让学生视察图片中突出的外貌特征,巩固表示人体部位的名词和部分形容词。) T: OK, now look at these pictures. Lets talk about their different looks. Is this nose big?(老师指着图片1的鼻子,并借助手势问。) Ss: Yes. Its big.(引导学生说。) T: Good. He has a big nose. Are they big, too?(老师指着图片问。) Ss: No. T: Very good. They are not big. They are small. They have small noses and small eyes.(老师指着图片2的鼻子和眼睛说。) (以同样方式操练其他四幅图片。) 5. (在娴熟驾驭人体部位和描述人体部位形容词的基础上,结合3a的教学图片,让学生操练形容词+人体部位的短语,然后教授have和has的用法,进而过渡到完整的句子。) (老师说出一个人称代词,让学生结合3a的教学挂图说出用have还是用has。) T: Next, please practice the sentence patterns. I say personal pronouns, you complete the sentences. T: Look at Picture 1. “I ” Ss: I have. T: The whole sentence.(“完整的句子”) Ss: I have a big nose. T: Picture 2. “We ” Ss: We have . (老师示意说完整的句子。) Ss: We have small eyes. T: Picture 3.“They ” Ss: They have (老师帮助说) (老师示意说完整的句子。) Ss: They have round faces. 6. (播放3a录音,让学生跟读并留意语音语调。) T: Listen to 3a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 7. (1) (总结have/has的用法并板书。) T: Lets sum up the usages of“have”and“has”. have: S(I/We/You/They) +have has: S(He/ She/ It)+has (2) (老师带领学生运用身边的实物,练习用have/has造句。) T: I have a book. She has a big pencil-box. He has a beautiful bag. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟) 完成3b和4。通过小组竞赛,接龙嬉戏,替换练习等活动,进一步操练have,has的用法。 1. (小组竞赛。限定时间要求学生书面完成3b。核对答案,并让学生复述have/has的用法,最终让学生齐读这七个句子。) T: Now, lets P.K. Can you complete the sentences in 3b on Page 26 as quickly as you can? Then Ill divide you into two teams. Boys must choose the sentences which they use “have”. Girls must choose the sentences which they use “has”. Please go. 2. (接龙嬉戏。老师依据自己的实际状况以第一人称说一个句子,学生仿照练习。) T: Well done. Now lets play a game in chains. You can say a sentence to describe yourself. Please use “I have” to make sentences, for example, I have a big nose. Begin! S1: I have a small nose. S2: I have a long face. S3: I have a big head. S4: 3. (依据学生的描述,有意识板书一些句型,运用肢体语言,引导学生进行替换练习。) T: Nice work. Huang Lin and Huang Hao, please. Huang Lin: I have a small nose. Huang Hao: I have a small nose. T: You can say together like this: We have Huang Lin and Huang Hao: We have small noses. T: And the whole class can say like this: They have Ss: They have small noses. Huang Lin: I have a small nose. Huang Hao: I have a small nose. (引导他们用we来描述,留意单复数形式,其他同学用they转述。老师板书。) Huang Lin and Huang Hao: We have small noses. Ss: They have small noses. (引导其他同学来描述,老师板书。) Lin Ying(女): I have long hair. Ss: She has long hair. Chen Bin(男): I have big ears. Ss: He has big ears. 4. (请学生依据描述,完成4。) T: Read the passages and draw pictures. 5. (两人一组,一位描述,另一位画,画完后同桌沟通。评比出优胜小组并将其画贴在墙上,以资激励。) T: Lets draw a picture in pairs. One reads, the other draws. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. T: Lets begin. S5: This girl has a round face, big eyes S6: (依据S5的描述,画女孩的面部特征。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟) 完成1a,1b,2a和2b,进一步帮助学生巩固本课的功能项目,培育学生的听说实力。 1. (用学生画得较好的图片进行问答,问答过程中老师板书新内容,并进行简洁说明。) T: Nice work. Do you know the boy? He has a round face, big eyes, a small nose, a wide mouth and small ears. His hair is short. He is a boy in Group Three. C