2022年吉林货运代理考试真题卷本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.A (46) system can be made up of many different functional activities, some of which are described briefly below. Information links all areas of the logistics system together. Information processing is becomingincreasingly automated, complex, and rapid. It is key to the efficient functioning of system. (47) is abroad area concerning all movements of raw materials, work in process,or finished goods within a factory orwarehouse. (48) processing is the system a firm has for getting orders from customers,checking on thestatus of orders and communicating to customers about them, and actuall3r filling the order and making itavailable to the customer. (49) involves selection of the mode, the routing of the shipment, compliancewith regulations in the region of the country, and selection of the carriers. (50) and storage activitiesrelate to warehouse layout, design,ownership, automation, training of employees, and related issues.AOrderBInformationCStorageDShipping 2.A (46) system can be made up of many different functional activities, some of which are described briefly below. Information links all areas of the logistics system together. Information processing is becomingincreasingly automated, complex, and rapid. It is key to the efficient functioning of system. (47) is abroad area concerning all movements of raw materials, work in process,or finished goods within a factory orwarehouse. (48) processing is the system a firm has for getting orders from customers,checking on thestatus of orders and communicating to customers about them, and actuall3r filling the order and making itavailable to the customer. (49) involves selection of the mode, the routing of the shipment, compliancewith regulations in the region of the country, and selection of the carriers. (50) and storage activitiesrelate to warehouse layout, design,ownership, automation, training of employees, and related issues.AProcurementBInventoryCTransportationDPacking 3.(41) means the assembly of small parcels of cargo from several consignors at one point of origin intended for several consignees at another point of destination. As a consolidator,the freight forwarder willprovide the service in his own name and issue a (42) . To the individual consignors, the consolidator isthe (43) , while in his relationship with the actual carrier, he is the (44) . Consolidation can benefitall concerned, e.g.exporters and shippers, carrier and forwarder. For exporters and shippers, they get thebenefit of a rate lower than they would have normally paid to the carrier. And shippers find it advantageousto deal through a freight forwarder who provides consolidation services to a wide range of destinations insteadof approaching several (45) , each of which may be offering services only on routes which they operate.AbrokerBcarrierCconsignorDagent 4.A (46) system can be made up of many different functional activities, some of which are described briefly below. Information links all areas of the logistics system together. Information processing is becomingincreasingly automated, complex, and rapid. It is key to the efficient functioning of system. (47) is abroad area concerning all movements of raw materials, work in process,or finished goods within a factory orwarehouse. (48) processing is the system a firm has for getting orders from customers,checking on thestatus of orders and communicating to customers about them, and actuall3r filling the order and making itavailable to the customer. (49) involves selection of the mode, the routing of the shipment, compliancewith regulations in the region of the country, and selection of the carriers. (50) and storage activitiesrelate to warehouse layout, design,ownership, automation, training of employees, and related issues.AMerchandisingBShippingCWarehousingDInformation 5.(41) means the assembly of small parcels of cargo from several consignors at one point of origin intended for several consignees at another point of destination. As a consolidator,the freight forwarder willprovide the service in his own name and issue a (42) . To the individual consignors, the consolidator isthe (43) , while in his relationship with the actual carrier, he is the (44) . Consolidation can benefitall concerned, e.g.exporters and shippers, carrier and forwarder. For exporters and shippers, they get thebenefit of a rate lower than they would have normally paid to the carrier. And shippers find it advantageousto deal through a freight forwarder who provides consolidation services to a wide range of destinations insteadof approaching several (45) , each of which may be offering services only on routes which they operate.Ashipping linesBtrading firmsCreceiversDconsignees 6.(一) 某客运公司已经有三年经营短途旅客运输业务的资历,具备经营二类班车客运的资质并与某二类维修企业建立了长期维修合同关系,公司营运车辆符合部颁营运客车类型划分及等级评定JTT325规定的高、中级客车标准。该公司2005年底拥有完好营运客车50辆,基本完好车10辆;驾驶员全部具有3年客车驾龄和8万公里安全行车经历。为了从事高速公路客运经营业务,公司决定投资购置豪华高级客车l0辆以更新原有的10辆基本完好车。现有两种车型购置方案(见下表),假定两种车型的工作率、行程利用率等运用效率指标相同。(已知:PA,l0。10=6.145)按照高速公路客运开业条件,该公司()经营高速公路客运的基本条件。A已经具备B尚不具备C提高维修能力后具备D更新车辆后具备E提高维修能力后仍不具备7.(二)某市公交企业拥有公共交通营运车辆800辆,全市经营的公共交通线路长度为2100公里,公共交通线路重复系数为l.4,该城市的用地面积为400平方公里。该公交公司最近决定:在车辆既定的条件下,逐步提高线网密度,使每位乘客步行距离不超过l2平均站距。据统计,该城市乘客平均乘距为4公里,乘客平均步行速度为5.5公里小时,车辆平均每次停站时间为1分钟。该市公共交通线网长度(有公共交通线路通过的街道长度)为_公里。A2100B1500C1450D1300E1200 8.(二)某市公交企业拥有公共交通营运车辆800辆,全市经营的公共交通线路长度为2100公里,公共交通线路重复系数为l.4,该城市的用地面积为400平方公里。该公交公司最近决定:在车辆既定的条件下,逐步提高线网密度,使每位乘客步行距离不超过l2平均站距。据统计,该城市乘客平均乘距为4公里,乘客平均步行速度为5.5公里小时,车辆平均每次停站时间为1分钟。该市公共交通线网密度为_公里平方公里。A3.75B4.0C4.25D4.5E5.5 9.(一) 某客运公司已经有三年经营短途旅客运输业务的资历,具备经营二类班车客运的资质并与某二类维修企业建立了长期维修合同关系,公司营运车辆符合部颁营运客车类型划分及等级评定JTT325规定的高、中级客车标准。该公司2005年底拥有完好营运客车50辆,基本完好车10辆;驾驶员全部具有3年客车驾龄和8万公里安全行车经历。为了从事高速公路客运经营业务,公司决定投资购置豪华高级客车l0辆以更新原有的10辆基本完好车。现有两种车型购置方案(见下表),假定两种车型的工作率、行程利用率等运用效率指标相同。(已知:PA,l0。10=6.145)该公司应选择的最经济的购置方案是()。AA型车BB型车C两种车型均可D两种车型均不可行E不能确定10.(四)某汽车运输企业2006年"车辆计划"中列示的各类运输车辆200辆,"车辆运用计划"中列示的车辆平均车日行程为200公里,车辆工作率为80。该企业车辆维护修理计划定额为:车辆大修间隔里程定额为l80 000公里,计划性小修间隔里程定额为60 000公里,二级维护间隔里程定额为6000公里,一级维护间隔里程定额为2000公里。(年日历日数按360天计算)该企业2006年车辆总行程将达到_万公里。A1067B1152C1256D1345E1426 11.(二)某市公交企业拥有公共交通营运车辆800辆,全市经营的公共交通线路长度为2100公里,公共交通线路重复系数为l.4,该城市的用地面积为400平方公里。该公交公司最近决定:在车辆既定的条件下,逐步提高线网密度,使每位乘客步行距离不超过l2平均站距。据统计,该城市乘客平均乘距为4公里,乘客平均步行速度为5.5公里小时,车辆平均每次停站时间为1分钟。从时间经济角度考虑,该市公共交通最佳平均站距应为_公里。A0.52B0.55C0.61D0.75E0.95 12.(四)某汽车运输企业2006年"车辆计划"中列示的各类运输车辆200辆,"车辆运用计划"中列示的车辆平均车日行程为200公里,车辆工作率为80。该企业车辆维护修理计划定额为:车辆大修间隔里程定额为l80 000公里,计划性小修间隔里程定额为60 000公里,二级维护间隔里程定额为6000公里,一级维护间隔里程定额为2000公里。(年日历日数按360天计算)该企业2006年车辆大修计划辆次为_辆。A60B64C70D80E90 13.(四)某汽车运输企业2006年"车辆计划"中列示的各类运输车辆200辆,"车辆运用计划"中列示的车辆平均车日行程为200公里,车辆工作率为80。该企业车辆维护修理计划定额为:车辆大修间隔里程定额为l80 000公里,计划性小修间隔里程定额为60 000公里,二级维护间隔里程定额为6000公里,一级维护间隔里程定额为2000公里。(年日历日数按360天计算)该企业2006年车辆二级维护计划辆次为_辆。A1568B1706C1856D2020E2100 14.(一) 某客运公司已经有三年经营短途旅客运输业务的资历,具备经营二类班车客运的资质并与某二类维修企业建立了长期维修合同关系,公司营运车辆符合部颁营运客车类型划分及等级评定JTT325规定的高、中级客车标准。该公司2005年底拥有完好营运客车50辆,基本完好车10辆;驾驶员全部具有3年客车驾龄和8万公里安全行车经历。为了从事高速公路客运经营业务,公司决定投资购置豪华高级客车l0辆以更新原有的10辆基本完好车。现有两种车型购置方案(见下表),假定两种车型的工作率、行程利用率等运用效率指标相同。(已知:PA,l0。10=6.145)根据本案例所给定的资料,选择车辆购置方案时最简捷的方法是()。A费用效率分析法B投资回收期法C年费法D净现值法E投资回收额法15.(四)某汽车运输企业2006年"车辆计划"中列示的各类运输车辆200辆,"车辆运用计划"中列示的车辆平均车日行程为200公里,车辆工作率为80。该企业车辆维护修理计划定额为:车辆大修间隔里程定额为l80 000公里,计划性小修间隔里程定额为60 000公里,二级维护间隔里程定额为6000公里,一级维护间隔里程定额为2000公里。(年日历日数按360天计算)该企业2006年车辆一级维护计划辆次为_辆。A3430B3513C3637D3840E4026 16. A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of lading, letter of credit,insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the carrier. (47) is the most common method of making international payments. The (48) mainly functions as receipt of the goods for dispatch, evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor in air transportation. (49) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer to the assured in which stipulating each partys rights and responsibilities. (50) is a document issued by the authorized body in the exporters country stating the country of origin of the goods.Asea waybillBocean bill of ladingCair waybillDinvoice 17. Transportation is one of the most significant areas of (41) because of its impact on customer service and the firms cost structureThe primary transportation value proposition is product move ment up and down the supply chainWithout reliable transportation,most commercial activities could not functionThe international (42) is nowadays frequently carried out in containers. Containers are particularly suitable for (43) . If the exporter intends to fill a full container load, the forwarder or shipping line will prepare an empty container to the exporter for loading. If the cargo is (44) , the exporter sends it to the container freight station,where it will be (45) with the goods of other exporters in a container. AlogisticsBinventoryCwarehousingDpackaging 18. A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of lading, letter of credit,insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the carrier. (47) is the most common method of making international payments. The (48) mainly functions as receipt of the goods for dispatch, evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor in air transportation. (49) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer to the assured in which stipulating each partys rights and responsibilities. (50) is a document issued by the authorized body in the exporters country stating the country of origin of the goods.AInvoiceBLetter of creditCCheckDBill 19. Transportation is one of the most significant areas of (41) because of its impact on customer service and the firms cost structureThe primary transportation value proposition is product move ment up and down the supply chainWithout reliable transportation,most commercial activities could not functionThe international (42) is nowadays frequently carried out in containers. Containers are particularly suitable for (43) . If the exporter intends to fill a full container load, the forwarder or shipping line will prepare an empty container to the exporter for loading. If the cargo is (44) , the exporter sends it to the container freight station,where it will be (45) with the goods of other exporters in a container. AtransshipmentBtransportationChandlingDconsolidation 20. A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of lading, letter of credit,insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the carrier. (47) is the most common method of making international payments. The (48) mainly functions as receipt of the goods for dispatch, evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor in air transportation. (49) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer to the assured in which stipulating each partys rights and responsibilities. (50) is a document issued by the authorized body in the exporters country stating the country of origin of the goods.Ainsurance policyBocean bill of ladingCair waybillDinvoice 21. Transportation is one of the most significant areas of (41) because of its impact on customer service and the firms cost structureThe primary transportation value proposition is product move ment up and down the supply chainWithout reliable transportation,most commercial activities could not functionThe international (42) is nowadays frequently carried out in containers. Containers are particularly suitable for (43) . If the exporter intends to fill a full container load, the forwarder or shipping line will prepare an empty container to the exporter for loading. If the cargo is (44) , the exporter sends it to the container freight station,where it will be (45) with the goods of other exporters in a container. Aair transportBroad transportCrail transportDmultimodal transport 22. A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of lading, letter of credit,insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the carrier. (47) is the most common method of making international payments. The (48) mainly functions as receipt of the goods for dispatch, evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor in air transportation. (49) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer to the assured in which stipulating each partys rights and responsibilities. (50) is a document issued by the authorized body in the exporters country stating the country of origin of the goods.AInsurance policyBocean bill of ladingCAir waybillDInvoice 23. Transportation is one of the most significant areas of (41) because of its impact on customer service and the firms cost structureThe primary transportation value proposition is product move ment up and down the supply chainWithout reliable transportation,most commercial activities could not functionThe international (42) is nowadays frequently carried out in containers. Containers are particularly suitable for (43) . If the exporter intends to fill a full container load, the forwarder or shipping line will prepare an empty container to the exporter for loading. If the cargo is (44) , the exporter sends it to the container freight station,where it will be (45) with the goods of other exporters in a container. ALCLBFCLClarge quantityDbulk cargo 24. A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of lading, letter of credit,insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the carrier. (47) is the most common method