2022年山西在职攻读硕士联考考试模拟卷(4)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.阅读下文,回答下列各题。约言之,藏书的当能铸冶治学的风气,影响学风,学术思想的活跃,学术思想的活跃又进一步学风,并给著述提供津梁。战国时期学术的百家争鸣的出现,无疑与图书事业的发展有千丝万缕的联系。梁代萧绎出任荆州称帝江陵,招致饱学之士如林,使长江中游地方出现了一次学风高潮,成为全国性的文化中心。明末士大夫藏书已成风气,这把许多士人学子引向了读书治学,蔚然而兴学风。明清学风在江南大盛,而江南藏书号称最富,全国性的藏书胜所大约在燕京、金陵、姑苏、临安四地,而江南奄有三处。虞山人钱谦益降云楼藏书几可与内府相埒(liè等同)。郑人范钦天一阁藏书为两浙第一。常熟人毛晋藏书达84000册之巨。清代藏书楼发展史一书说,明清的藏书事业如火炬一样被传递着,使它成为此后三百年中推动学术发展的一个重要力量。藏书之所往往是人文荟萃之地。江南多藏书,故江南多才士,已为世所称道。藏书之所往往是人文荟萃的地方。前说南梁江陵曾为一个文化中心,有藏书十余万卷,文人学士多会于斯。公元544年西魏大军攻破江陵,十余万卷图书付之一炬,藏书毁灭殆尽,这个学术中心便不复存在,使斯地出现过好几百年的人文萧条。文中处被抽取出来的一项内容应该是()。A庄子天下曰:惠施多方,其书五年。B论语季氏曰:不学诗无以言!C庄子养生主曰:吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。D论语学而曰:学而时习之,不亦说乎2.阅读下文,回答下列各题。约言之,藏书的当能铸冶治学的风气,影响学风,学术思想的活跃,学术思想的活跃又进一步学风,并给著述提供津梁。战国时期学术的百家争鸣的出现,无疑与图书事业的发展有千丝万缕的联系。梁代萧绎出任荆州称帝江陵,招致饱学之士如林,使长江中游地方出现了一次学风高潮,成为全国性的文化中心。明末士大夫藏书已成风气,这把许多士人学子引向了读书治学,蔚然而兴学风。明清学风在江南大盛,而江南藏书号称最富,全国性的藏书胜所大约在燕京、金陵、姑苏、临安四地,而江南奄有三处。虞山人钱谦益降云楼藏书几可与内府相埒(liè等同)。郑人范钦天一阁藏书为两浙第一。常熟人毛晋藏书达84000册之巨。清代藏书楼发展史一书说,明清的藏书事业如火炬一样被传递着,使它成为此后三百年中推动学术发展的一个重要力量。藏书之所往往是人文荟萃之地。江南多藏书,故江南多才士,已为世所称道。藏书之所往往是人文荟萃的地方。前说南梁江陵曾为一个文化中心,有藏书十余万卷,文人学士多会于斯。公元544年西魏大军攻破江陵,十余万卷图书付之一炬,藏书毁灭殆尽,这个学术中心便不复存在,使斯地出现过好几百年的人文萧条。文中处被抽取出来的一项内容应该是()。A掠夺民间之书达十万余册B私人藏书十万余卷C大肆搜夺文人之书D王宫中藏书十万余卷3.In a student body the ratio of men to women was 1 to 4. After 140 additional men were admitted, the ratio of men to women became 2 to 3. How large was the student body after the additional men were admitted ?()A.700B.560C.280D.252E.2244.While driving Oil the expressway, did Robin ever exceed the 55-miles-per-hour speed limit ?()(1)Robin drove 100 miles on the expressway.(2)Robin drove for 2 hours on the expressway.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.5.A wildlife preserve is being planned for 3,000 rhinoceroses. The preserve is to contain a total of 10,000 acres of watering area, plus 100 acres of grazing area for each rhinoceros. If the number of rhinoceroses is expected to increase by 10 percent, how many thousand acres should the preserve have in order to provide for the increased population ?()A.340B.330C.320D.310E.3006.If a certain grove consists of 36 pecan trees, what was the yield per tree last year ?()(1)The yield per tree for the 18 trees in the northern half of the grove was 60 kilograms last year.(2)The yield per tree for the 18 trees in the eastern half of the grove was 55 kilograms last year.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.7.At a certain state university last term, there were p students each of whom paid either the full tuition of x dollars or half the full tuition. What percent of the tuition paid by the p students last term was tuition from students who paid the full tuition ?()(1)Of the P students, 20 percent paid the full tuition.(2)The p students paid a total of $91.2 million for tuition last term.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.8.An instructor scored a students test of 50 questions by subtracting 2 times the number of incorrect answers from the number of correct answers. If the student answered all of the questions and received a score of 38, how many questions did that student answer correctly ?()A.19B.38C.41D.44E.469.The ratio,by volume, of soap to alcohol to water in a certain solution is 2:50:100. The solution will be altered so that the ratio of soap to alcohol is doubled while the ratio of soap to water is halved. If the altered solution will contain 100 cubic centimeters of alcohol, how many cubic centimeters of water will it contain ?()A.50B.200C.400D.625E.80010.If money is invested at r percent interest, compounded annually, the amount of the investment will double in approximately yearsIf Pat’s parents invested $5,000 in a long-term and that pays 8 percent interest, compounded annually, what will be the approximate total amount of the investment 18 years later, when Pat is ready for college ?()A.$20,000B.$15,000C.$12,000D.$10,000E.$9,00011.A certain Social Security recipient will receive an annual benefit of $12,000 provided he has annual earnings of $9,360 or less, but the benefit will be reduced by $1 for every $3 of annual earnings over $9,360. What amount of total annual earnings would result in a 50 percent reduction in the recipient’s annual Social Security benefit (Assume Social Security benefits are not counted as part of annual earnings.)()A.$15,360B.$17,360C.$18,000D.$21,360E.$27,36012.If the ratio of men to women employed by Company S in 1975 was , what is the ratio of men to women employed by Company S in 1976 ?()(1)Company S employed 20 more women in 1976 than in 1975.(2)Company S employed 20 more men in 1976 than in 1975.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.13.A cashier mentally reversed the digits of one customers correct amount of change and thus gave the customer art incorrect amount of change. If the cash register contained 45 cents more than it should have as a result of this error, which of the following could have been the correct amount of change in cents ?()A.14B.45C.54D.65E.8314.A merchant paid $300 for a shipment of x identical calculators. The merchant used 2 of the calculators as demonstrators and sold each of the others for $5 more than the average (arithmetic mean) cost of the X calculators. If the total revenue from the sale of the calculators was $120 more than the cost of the shipment, how many calculators were in the shipment ?()A.24B.25C.26D.28E.3015.A boy walking along a road at 3 kilometers per hour is overtaken by 3 truck traveling at 40 kilometers per hour. If the truck breaks down 1 kilometer beyond where it passes the boy, how many minutes after the breakdown does the boy reach the truck ?()A.AB.BC.CD.DE.E16.At what speed was a train traveling on a trip when it had completed half of the total distance of the trip ?()(1)The trip was 460 miles long and took 4 hours to complete.(2)The train traveled at an average rate of 115 miles per hour Oil the trip.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.17.At a certain university, if 50 percent of the people who inquire about admission policies actually submit applications for admission, what percent of those who submit applications for admission enroll in classes at the university ?()(1)Fifteen percent of those who submit applications for admission are accepted at the university.(2)Eighty percent of those who are accepted send a deposit to the university.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.18.A certain clock marks every hour by striking a number of times equal to the hour and the time required for a stroke is exactly equal to the time interval between strokes. At 6:00 the time lapse between the beginning of the first stroke and the end of the last stroke is 22 seconds. At 12:00, how many seconds elapse between the beginning of the first stroke and the end of the last stroke ?()A.72B.50C.48D.46E.4419.A toy store regularly sells all stock at a discount of 20 percent to 40 percent. If an additional 25 percent were deducted from the discount price during a special sale, what would be the lowest possible price of a toy costing $16 before any discount ?()A.$5.60B.$7.20C.$8.80D.$9.60E.$15.2020.In a certain animal population, for each of the first 3 months of life, the probability that an animal will die during that month is . For a group of 200 newborn members of the population, approximately how many would be expected to survive the first 3 months of life ?()A.140B.146C.152D.162E.17021.An airline passenger is planning a trip that involves three connecting flights that leave from Airports A, B, and C, respectively. The first flight leaves Airport A every hour,beginning at 8:00 a.m., and arrives at Airport B hours later. The second flight leaves Airport B every 20 minutes, beginning at 8:00 a.m., and arrives at Airport C hours later. The third flight leaves Airport C every hour, beginning at 8.45 a.m. What is the least total amount of time the passenger must spend between flights if all flights keep to their schedules ?()A.25 minB.1 hr 5 minC.1 hr 15 minD.2 hr 20 minE.3 hr 40 min22.On a certain scale of intensity, each increment of 10 in magnitude represents a tenfold increase in intensity. On this scale, an intensity corresponding to a magnitude of 165 is how many times an intensity corresponding to a magnitude of 125 ?()A.40B.100C.400D.1,000E.10,00023.In year X a total of 355 billion dollars was spent for health care in the United States, 30 percent of which was spent by private health insurance companies. Was the amount spent for health care by the federal government’s medicare program less than 60 billion dollars ?()(1)In year X medicare spent more than , but less than , of the amount spent by the private health insurance companies for health care.(2)In year X medicare spent 50 billion dollars less for health care than the amount spent by private health insurance companies.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.24.If the price of potatoes is $0.20 per pound, what is the maximum number of potatoes that can be bought for $1.00 ?() (1)The price of a bag of potatoes is $2.80. (2)There are 15 to 18 potatoes in every 5 pounds.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.25.Erica has $460 in 5-and 10-dollar bills only. If she has fewer 10-than 5-dollar bills, what is the least possible number of 5-dollar bills she could have ?()A.32B.30C.29D.28E.2726.A person bought a ticket to a ball game for $15 and later sold the ticket for $60. What was the percent increase in the price of the ticket ?()A.25%B.C.75%D.300%E.400%27.A total of 40 brand X television sets and 80 brand Y television sets were purchased for a motel chain. If the price of each brand Y set was twice the price of each brand X set, what percent of the total bill was the price of a brand Y set ?()A.0.25%B.0.5%C.0.625%D.0.833%E.1.0%28.How many liters of pure alcohol must be added to a 100-liter solution that is 20 percent alcohol in order to produce a solution that is 25 percent alcohol ?()A.AB.BC.CD.DE.E29.One-fifth of the light switches produced by a certain factory are defective. Four-fifths of the defective switches are rejected and of the nondefective switches are rejected by mistake. If all the switches not rejected are sold, what percent of the switches sold by the factory are defective ?()A.4%B.5%C.6.25%D.11%E.16%30.A certain ear increased its average speed by 5 miles per hour in each successive 5-minute interval after the first interval. If in the first 5-minute interval its average speed was 20 miles per hour, how many miles did the car travel in the third 5-minute interval ?()A.1.0B.1.5C.2.0D.2.5E.3.031.Car X and car Y ran a 500-kilometer race, what was the average speed of car X ?() (1)Car X completed the race in 6 hours and 40 minutes. (2)Car Y, at an average speed of 100 kilometers per hour, completed the race 1 hour and 40 minutes before car X crossed the finish line.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.32.Town T has 20,000 residents, 60 percent of whom are female. What percent of the residents were born in Town T ?() (1)The number of female residents who were born in Town T is twice the number of male residents who were not born in Town T. (2)The number of female residents who were not born in Town T is twice the number of male residents who were born in Town T.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.33.Company Rs annual profit has increased by a constant amount each calendar year since 1985. What was Company Rs annual profit in 1991 ?() (1)In 1985 Company Rs annual profit was $212.000; in 1989 Company Rs annual profit was $242,000. (2)Company Rs annual profit has increased by $7,500 each year since 1985.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.34.A family made a down payment of $75 and borrowed the balance on a set of encyclopedias that cost $400. The balance with interest was paid in 23 monthly payments of $16 each and a final payment of $9. The amount of interest paid was what percent of the amount borrowed ?()A.6%B.12%C.14%D.16%E.20%35.In a refinery, the capacity of oil tank A is 70 per cent of the capacity of oil tank B.How many more gallons of oil are in tank A than in tank B ()(1)Tank A is 90 percent full; tank B is 50 percent full.(2)When full, tank A contains 50,000 gallons of oil.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.36.One night 18 percent of the female officers on a police force were on duty. If 180 officers were on duty that night and half of these were female officers, how many female officers were on the police force ?()A.90B.180C.270D.500E.1,00037.A decorator bought a bolt of defective cloth that he judged to be usable, in which ease the cost would be $0.80 per usable yard. If it was later found that only of the bolt could be used, what was the actual cost per usable yard ?()A.$0.60B.$0.90C.$1.00D.$1.20E.$1.7038.An employee is paid 1.5 times the regular hourly rate for each hour worked in excess of 40 hours per week, excluding Sunday, and 2 times the regular hourly rate for each hour worked on Sunday. How much was the employee paid last week ?() (1)The employees regular hourly rate is $10. (2)Last week the employee worked a total of 54 hours but did not work more than 8 hours on any day.A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)