2022江西软件水平考试考试真题卷(8)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.在软件开发中, (13) 不能用来描述项目开发的进度安排。在其他三种图中,可用 (14) 动态地反映项目开发进展情况。A甘特图BPEWT图CPERT/CPM图D鱼骨图2.常见的开发模型有瀑布模型、演化模型、螺旋模型、喷泉模型等。其中 (1) 适用于需求明确或很少变更的项目, (2) 模型主要用来描述面向对象的软件开发过程。A瀑布模型B演化模型C螺旋模型D喷泉模型3.一台PC通过调制解调器与另一台PC进行数据通信,其中PC属于 (1) ,调制解调器属于 (2) 。调制解调器的数据传送方式为 (3) 。A频带传输B数字传输C基带传输DIP传输4.Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (6) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (7) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim’s address book, previous emails, web pages (8) .As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (9) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable (.exe) files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users.Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the (10) access to your network.7()A.virtualB.virusC.wormsD.bacteria5.Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (6) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (7) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim’s address book, previous emails, web pages (8) .As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (9) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable (.exe) files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users.Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the (10) access to your network.8()A.memoryB.cachesC.portsD.registers6.Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (6) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (7) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim’s address book, previous emails, web pages (8) .As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (9) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable (.exe) files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users.Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the (10) access to your network.9()A.namesB.cookiesC.softwareD.extensions7.Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (6) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (7) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim’s address book, previous emails, web pages (8) .As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (9) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable (.exe) files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users.Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the (10) access to your network.10()A.crackerB.userC.customerD.client8.根据McCabe环路复杂性度量,如图8-4所示的程序图的复杂度是(3),对该程序进行路径覆盖测试,可得到的基本路径是(4)。(3)处填()。A2B3C4D59.斐波那契(Fibonacci)数列可以递归地定义为:用递归算法求解F(6)时需要执行(7)次+运算,该方法采用的算法策略是(8)。(7)处填()。A6B7C12D1310.在一个单CPU的计算机系统中,有3台不同的外部设备R1、R2和R3,以及3个进程P1、P2和P3。系统CPU调度采用可剥夺式优先级的进程调度方案,3个进程的优先级、使用设备的先后顺序和占用设备时间如表8-2所示。假设操作系统的开销忽略不计,从3个进程同时投入运行到全部完成,CPU的利用率约为_(1)_%;R3的利用率约为(2)%。其中,设备的利用率是指该设备的使用时间与进程组全部完成所占用时间的比率。(1)处填()。A66.7B75C83.3D91.711.某软件公司欲开发一个图像浏览系统,要求该系统能够显示BMP、JPEG和GIF3种格式的文件,并且能够在Windows和Linux两种操作系统上运行。系统首先将相关图片格式的文件解析为像素矩阵,然后将像素矩阵显示在屏幕上。为满足上述需求并减少所需生成的子类数目,采用(5)进行设计所得类图如图8-7所示。假设该系统需要支持8种格式的图像文件和4种操作系统,不考虑类Matrix,若采用该设计模式则至少需要设计(6)个类。(5)处填()。ABridge设计模式BDecorate设计模式CState设计模式DTemplate Method设计模式12.The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used(1) which is a process-centered technique, and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed. Compared with traditional methods, many companies find that JAD allows(2) to participate effectively in the requirements modeling process. When properly used, JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements, a beret understanding of common goals, and a stronger commitment to the success of the new system. RAD is a(3) technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. While the end product of JAD is a(an) (4), the end product of RAD is the new information system. The RAD model consists of tour phases. During the (5), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.(1)处填()。Aobject-oriented analysisBstructured analysisCprocess analysisDprototype analysis13.斐波那契(Fibonacci)数列可以递归地定义为:用递归算法求解F(6)时需要执行(7)次+运算,该方法采用的算法策略是(8)。(8)处填()。A动态规划B分治C回溯D分支限界14.The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used (1) which is a process-centered technique, and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed. Compared with traditional methods, many companies find that JAD allows (2) to participate effectively in the requirements modeling process. When properly used, JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements, a beret understanding of common goals, and a stronger commitment to the success of the new system. RAD is a (3) technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. While the end product of JAD is a(an) (4), the end product of RAD is the new information system. The RAD model consists of tour phases. During the (5), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.(2)处填()。Aproject managersBsystem administratorsCsoftware programmersDkey users15.根据McCabe环路复杂性度量,如图8-4所示的程序图的复杂度是(3),对该程序进行路径覆盖测试,可得到的基本路径是(4)。(4)处填()。AABCHIK;ABCHJK;ABCDEFGBABCHIK;ABCHJK;ABCDEFGCHIK;ABCDEFCHIKCABCHIK;ABCHJK;ABCDEFGCHIK;ABDEGCHJKDABCHIK;ABCHJK;ABCDEFGCHIK;ABCDEFGCHJK;ABCDEGCHIK16.某软件公司欲开发一个图像浏览系统,要求该系统能够显示BMP、JPEG和GIF3种格式的文件,并且能够在Windows和Linux两种操作系统上运行。系统首先将相关图片格式的文件解析为像素矩阵,然后将像素矩阵显示在屏幕上。为满足上述需求并减少所需生成的子类数目,采用(5)进行设计所得类图如图8-7所示。假设该系统需要支持8种格式的图像文件和4种操作系统,不考虑类Matrix,若采用该设计模式则至少需要设计(6)个类。(6)处填()。A10B12C14D1617.在一个单CPU的计算机系统中,有3台不同的外部设备R1、R2和R3,以及3个进程P1、P2和P3。系统CPU调度采用可剥夺式优先级的进程调度方案,3个进程的优先级、使用设备的先后顺序和占用设备时间如表8-2所示。假设操作系统的开销忽略不计,从3个进程同时投入运行到全部完成,CPU的利用率约为_(1)_%;R3的利用率约为(2)%。其中,设备的利用率是指该设备的使用时间与进程组全部完成所占用时间的比率。(2)处填()。A66B50C33D1718.The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used (1) which is a process-centered technique, and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed. Compared with traditional methods, many companies find that JAD allows (2) to participate effectively in the requirements modeling process. When properly used, JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements, a beret understanding of common goals, and a stronger commitment to the success of the new system. RAD is a (3) technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. While the end product of JAD is a(an) (4), the end product of RAD is the new information system. The RAD model consists of tour phases. During the (5), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.(3)处填()。Ateam-basedBprocess-basedCbased on dataDmodel-based19.The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used (1) which is a process-centered technique, and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed. Compared with traditional methods, many companies find that JAD allows (2) to participate effectively in the requirements modeling process. When properly used, JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements, a beret understanding of common goals, and a stronger commitment to the success of the new system. RAD is a (3) technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. While the end product of JAD is a(an) (4), the end product of RAD is the new information system. The RAD model consists of tour phases. During the (5), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.(4)处填()。Adata flow diagramBentity relationship modelCrequirements modelDobject model20.The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used (1) which is a process-centered technique, and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed. Compared with traditional methods, many companies find that JAD allows (2) to participate effectively in the requirements modeling process. When properly used, JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements, a beret understanding of common goals, and a stronger commitment to the success of the new system. RAD is a (3) technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. While the end product of JAD is a(an) (4), the end product of RAD is the new information system. The RAD model consists of tour phases. During the (5), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.(5)处填()。Auser design phaseBcutover phaseCrequirements planning phaseDconstruction phase21.按照域名系统的定义,域名WWW包含4个标识符,其中 (36) 是顶级域名, (37) 是注册给组织或个人的二级域名。AwwwBsalesCmicrosoftDcom 22.在进行金融业务系统的网络设计时,应该优先考虑 (24) 原则。在进行企业网络的需求分析时,应该首先进行 (25) 。A先进性B开放性C经济性D高可用性 23.IP地址块222.125.80.128/26包含了 (39) 个可用主机地址,这些可用地址中最小的地址是 (40) ,最大地址是 (41) 。A14B30C62D126 24.网络地址和端口翻译(NAPT)用于 (43) ,这样做的好处是 (44) 。A把内部的大地址空间映射到外部的小地址空间B把外部的大地址空间映射到内部的小地址空间C把内部的所有地址映射到一个外部地址D把外部的所有地址映射到一个内部地址 25.网络地址和端口翻译(NAPT)用于 (43) ,这样做的好处是 (44) 。A可以快速访问外部主机B限制了内部对外部主机的访问C增强了访问外部资源的能力D隐藏了内部网络的IP配置 26.IP地址块222.125.80.128/26包含了 (39) 个可用主机地址,这些可用地址中最小的地址是 (40) ,最大地址是 (41) 。A222.125.80.128B222.125.80.129C222.125.80.159D222.125.80.190 27.在进行金融业务系统的网络设计时,应该优先考虑 (24) 原则。在进行企业网络的需求分析时,应该首先进行 (25) 。A企业应用分析B网络流量分析C外部通信环境调研D数据流向图分析 28.按照域名系统的定义,域名WWW包含4个标识符,其中 (36) 是顶级域名, (37) 是注册给组织或个人的二级域名。AwwwBsalesCmicrosoftDcom 29.IP地址块222.125.80.128/26包含了 (39) 个可用主机地址,这些可用地址中最小的地址是 (40) ,最大地址是 (41) 。A222.125.80.128B222.125.80.190C222.125.80.192D222.125.80.254 30.相对于DES算法而言,RSA算法的 (9) ,因此,RSA (10) 。A加密密钥和解密密钥是不相同的B加密密钥和解密密钥是相同的C加密速度比DES要高D解密速度比DES要高 31.某Web网站向cA申请了数字证书。用户登录该网站时,通过验证 (17) ,可确认该数字证书的有效性,从而 (18) 。ACA的签名B网站的签名C会话密钥DDES密码 32.两个公司希望通过Internet:进行安全通信,保证从信息源到目的地之间的数据传输以密文形式出现,而且公司不希望由于在中间节点使用特殊的安全单元而增加开支,最合适的加密方式是 (2) ,使用的会话密钥算法应该是 (3) 。A链路加密B节点加密C端-端加密D混合加密 33.一个局域网中某台主机的IP地址为176.68.160.12,使用22位作为网络地址,那么该局域网的子网掩码为 (4) ,最多可以连接的主机数为 (5) 。A255.255.255.0B255.255.248.0C255.255.252.OD255.255.0.0 34.某Web网站向cA申请了数字证书。用户登录该网站时,通过验证 (17) ,可确认该数字证书的有效性,从而 (18) 。A向网站确认自己的身份B获取访问网站的权限C和网站进行双向认证D验证该网站的真伪 35.相对于DES算法而言,RSA算法的 (9) ,因此,RSA (10) 。A更适用于对文件加密B保密性不如DESC可用于对不同长度的消息生成消息摘要D可以用于数字签名 36.两个公司希望通过Internet:进行安全通信,保证从信息源到目的地之间的数据传输以密文形式出现,而且公司不希望由于在中间节点使用特殊的安全单元而增加开支,最合适的加密方式是 (2) ,使用的会话密钥算法应该是 (3) 。ARSABRC-5CMD5DECC 37.一个局域网中某台主机的IP地址为176.68.160.12,使用22位作为网络地址,那么该局域网的子网掩码为 (4) ,最多可以连接的主机数为 (5) 。A254B512C1022D1024 38.说明 任何一种程序都是为了解决问题而撰写的,解决问题时需要实现一些特定的运算法则。在策略(Strategy)模式下,可以更换实现算法的部分而不留痕迹,切换整个算法,简化改为采用其他方法来解决同样问题。 以下是一个“剪刀石头布”游戏。猜拳时的“策略”有2种方法:第一种是“猜赢后继续出同样的招式”(WinningStrategy),第二种是“从上一次出的招式种,以概率分配方式求出下一个招式的几率”(ProbStrategy)。程序中定义了Hand类表示猜拳时的“手势”,类内部以0(石头)、1(剪刀)、2(布)来表示。Hand类的实例只会产生3个。 以下是C语言实现,省略了不相关属性及方法,方法实现体亦有所省略,能够正确编译通过。 C代码 typedef (1) (*funl)(); enum HandValueHANDVALUE_GUU=0, HANDVALUE_CHO=1, HANDVALUE_PAA=2; /手势可取值,依次为“石头”、“剪刀”、“布” /其大小顺序是循环相克的,即:石头赢剪刀,剪刀赢布,布赢石头 bool won; struct Hand *WSprevHand; struct Hand/手势 enum HandValue handvalue; hand3=HANDVALUE_GUU, HANDVALUE_CHO, HANDVALUE_PAA; int fight(struct Hand *h1, struct Hand *h2) /比较h1和h2。h1代表的手势较大时返回1,h1较小时返回-1,相等时返回0 / if(h1->handvalue = h2->handvalue) return 0; else if(h1->handvalue+1)% (2) = h2>handvalue) return 1; else return -1; struct Hand* getHand(int handvalue) /依据手势代表的值取得手势,若handvalue不合法,返回NULL switch(handvalue) case 0: return &hand0; break; case 1: return &hand1; bteak; case 2; return &hand2; break; return (3) ; struct Strategy/策略 funl nextHand;/下一个手势 ; struct Hand* WSnextHand() if(!won) PSprevHand = getHand(rand()%3); return PSprevHand; struct Player char name20; (4) strategy;/策略 int wincount; int losecount; int gamecount; ; void main() Strategy WS; WS.nextHand = WSnextHand; WSpreVHand = NULL; struct Player WSplayer; (5)(WSplayer.name,"ww"); WSplayer.wincount = 0; WSplayer.losecount = 0; WSplayer.gamecount = 0; WSplayer.strategy = &WS; 39.在我国,发明专利的保护期限为 (33) 年,实用新型专利和外观设计专利的期限为 (34) 年。中国专利局授予的专利权适用的范围为