2022年综合类考试考前冲刺卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.The Upredominant/U activities in rural societies are those that involve the production of food and raw materials.AprincipalBpredictableCnecessaryDroutine 2.Her first year at school away from home, she suffered Uqualms/U of homesickness.AquakesBregretsClapsesDpangs 3.People have always been both fascinated by the spectacle of volcanic eruptions and terrified of their Upower/U.AmagicBforceCdisplayDpurpose 4.Home economists recommend buying basic food items in large Uquantities/U.AstoresBamountsCbagsDboxes 5.There is not enough food, so the people had to be on short Urations/U.AsectsBallotmentsCcultsDpetitions 6.The major Uportion/U of writer Benjamin Brawley's work was in social criticism.AgoalBsubjectCpartDpublisher 7.Psychologists think of attitudes as being Upredispositions/U toward objects or events that determine the way people react to different stimuli.Aprior inclinationsBprescriptionsCprecautionsDprincipal commitments 8.The man was sent to prison for driving Urecklessly/U.AcautiouslyBattentivelyCpatientlyDcarelessly 9.Joan's Uprediction/U that there would be an earthquake dismayed her friends.AverificationBevidenceCprophecyDreflection 10.The firm of Bonnin and Morris in Philadelphia was probably the first American company to manufacture Uporcelain/UAsilverwareBcrystalCchinaDlinen 11.At the age of 77,computer pioneer Grace Hopper was awarded the military Urank/U of commodore by President Ronald Reagan.AprizeBpositionCbenefitDpresentation 12.The papaya is a tropical fruit usually eaten Uraw/U.AunpeeledBuncookedCunsweetenedDunsalted 13.In the 1870's Alexander Graham Bell developed the first Upracticable/U telephone.AfeasibleBfunctionalCapplicableDrational 14.A good teacher must establish Urapport/U with his or her students.AreportBacquaintanceCunderstandingDconversation 15.Tung oil is a Upowerful/U drying agent used in varnishes and paints.ApureBpotentCpoisonousDpermanent 16.Rodman met with Tony to try and Usettle/U the dispute over his contractAsolveBavoidCmarkDinvolve 17.We're happy to report that business is Ubooming/U this yearAriskyBsuccessfulCfailingDopen 18.In the process,the light energy Uconverts/U to heat energyAreducesBchangesCleavesDdrops 19.Can you give a Uconcrete/U example to support your ideaAspecificBrealCspecialDgood 20.We've been through some Urough/U times togetherAlongBhappyCdifficultDshort 21.It was a Ufascinating/U painting,with clever use of color and lightAlargeBwonderfulCnewDfamiliar 22.If we leave now,we should Umiss/U the trafficAdirectBstopCmixDavoid 23.I was Ushocked/U when I saw the size of the telephone billAexcitedBangryClostDsurprised 24.The company has the right to Uend/U his employment at any timeAprovideBstopCofferDcontinue 25.She Ugave up/U her job and started writing poetryAabandonedBlostCtookDcreated 26.The police took fingerprints and Uidentified/U the bodyArecognizedBmissedCdiscoveredDtouched 27.What are my chances of Upromotion/U if I stay hereAretirementBadvertisementCadvancementDreplacement 28.We've seen a Umarked/U shift in our approach to the social issuesAclearBregularCquickDgreat 29.The thief was finally Ucaptured/U two miles away from the villageAcaughtBkilledCfoundDjailed 30.I Upropose/U that we discuss this at the next meetingAsuggestBdemandCorderDrequest 31.UWhile /U we dont agree,we continue to be friends.A BecauseBWhereCAlthoughDWhatever 32.In judging our work you should take into U consideration /U the fact that we have been Very busy recentlyAthoughtBaccountCmindDbrain 33.Have you talked to her Ulately /UAlastlyBfinallyCshortlyDrecently 34.You must Ushine /U your shoesApolishBclearCwashDmend 35.The policeman wrote down all the Uparticulars /U of the accidentAsecretsBdetailsCbenefitsDwords 36.Im Ucontent /Uwith the way the campaign has gone.AtiedBsatisfiedCfilledDconcerned 37.This table is strong and Udurable /UAlong-lastingBextensiveCfar reachingDeternal 38.He endured agonies before he finally Uexpired /UAfiredBresignedCdiedDretreated 39.For urban areas this approach was Uwholly /U inadequateAreallyBbasicallyC fundamentallyDcompletely 40.The girl is U gazing /Uat herself in the mirror.AstaringBlaughingCshoutingDsmiling 41.They agreed to Umodify /Utheir policyA clarifyBchangeCdefineD develop 42.Mary has U blended /U the ingredientsAmixedBmadeCcookedDeaten 43.A U notably /U short man,he plays basketball with his staff sever al times a weekApracticallyBconsiderablyCremarkablyDfairly 44.The dentist has decided to Uextract /U her bad tooth.Atake outBrepairCpush inDdig 45.The economy continued to U exhibit /Usigns of decline in SeptemberAplayBsendCshowDtell 46.It is no use Udebating/U the relative merits of this policy.AmakingBtakingCdiscussingDexpecting 47.The fuel tanks had a Ucapacity/U of 140 liters.AfunctionBabilityCpowerDvolume 48.He talks tough but has a Utender/U heart.AheavyBmildCkindDwild 49.The book provides a Uconcise/U analysis of the country's history.AcleanBperfectCrealDbrief 50.It is Ulaid down/U in the regulations that all members must carry their membership cards at all times.AsuggestedBwarnedCstatedDdescribed第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页