2022年江西软件水平考试考试考前冲刺卷(4)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.m阶B-树中的m是指()。A每个结点至少具有m棵子树B每个结点最多具有m棵子树C分支结点中包含的关键字的个数Dm阶B-树的深度2.软件质量特性中, (12) 是指在规定的一段时间和条件下,与软件维持其性能水平能力有关的一组属性; (13) 是指防止对程序及数据的非授权访问的能力。(12)处填()。A正确性B准确性C可靠性D易实用性3.设有关系模式只(C,P,S,G,T,W),各属性含义为:C课程,P老师,S学生,G成绩,T时间,W教室,其函数依赖集为:F=C→P,(S,C)→G,(T,W)→C,(T,P)→W,(T,S)→W则关系模式的关键字为 (35) ,R的规范化程度最高可达到 (59) 。若将R分解为关系模式组R1 (C,P),R2(S,C,G),R3(S,T,W,C),则R1,R2,R3的规范化程度最高分别可达到 (60) , (61) , (62) 。(60)处填()。A2NFB3NFCBCNFD4NF4.根据乔姆斯基20世纪50年代建立的形式语言的理论体系,语言的文法被分为四种类型,即:O型(上下文有关文法)、1型(上下文相关文法)、2型(上下文无关文法)和3型(正规文法)。其中2型文法与 (66) 等价,所以有足够的能力描述多数现今程序设计的语言的句法结构。一个非确定的有限自动机必存在一个与之等价 (67) 。从文法描述语言的能力来说, (68) 最强, (69) 最弱,由四类文法的定义可知: (70) 必是2型文法。(67)处填()。A确定的有限自动机B图灵机C非确定的下推自动机D非确定的有限自动机E有限自动机 线性有限自动机5.Most computer systems are (71) to two different groups of attacks:insider attacks and outsider attacksA system that is known to be (72) to an outsider attack by preventing (73) from outside can still be vulnerable to the insider attacks accomplished by abusive usage of (74) usersDetecting such abusive usage as well as attacks by outsides not only provides information on damage assessment,but also helps to prevent future attacksThese attacks are usually (75) by tools referred to as Intrusion Detection Systems(72)处填()。AreliableBsecureCindestructibleDsteady6.软件质量特性中, (12) 是指在规定的一段时间和条件下,与软件维持其性能水平能力有关的一组属性; (13) 是指防止对程序及数据的非授权访问的能力。(13)处填()。A安全性B适应性C灵活性D容错性7.OOA(Object-Oriented Analysis)模型由5个层次和5个活动组成,5个层次不包括 (33) ,5个活动不包括 (34) 。OOA在定义属性的同时,还要识别实例连接。实例连接是一个实例对象与另一个实例对象的 (35) 关系。(35)处填()。A连接B映射C派生D类比8.对象是面向对象开发模式的 (20) 。每个对象可用它自己的一组 (21) 和它可执行的一组 (22) 来表征。应用执行对象的 (22) 可以改变该对象的 (21) 。(21)处填()。A属性B功能C操作D数据9.设有关系模式只(C,P,S,G,T,W),各属性含义为:C课程,P老师,S学生,G成绩,T时间,W教室,其函数依赖集为:F=C→P,(S,C)→G,(T,W)→C,(T,P)→W,(T,S)→W则关系模式的关键字为 (35) ,R的规范化程度最高可达到 (59) 。若将R分解为关系模式组R1 (C,P),R2(S,C,G),R3(S,T,W,C),则R1,R2,R3的规范化程度最高分别可达到 (60) , (61) , (62) 。(61)处填()。A2NFB3NFCBCNFD4NF10.根据乔姆斯基20世纪50年代建立的形式语言的理论体系,语言的文法被分为四种类型,即:O型(上下文有关文法)、1型(上下文相关文法)、2型(上下文无关文法)和3型(正规文法)。其中2型文法与 (66) 等价,所以有足够的能力描述多数现今程序设计的语言的句法结构。一个非确定的有限自动机必存在一个与之等价 (67) 。从文法描述语言的能力来说, (68) 最强, (69) 最弱,由四类文法的定义可知: (70) 必是2型文法。(68)处填()。A0型文法B1型文法C2型文法D3型文法11.对象是面向对象开发模式的 (20) 。每个对象可用它自己的一组 (21) 和它可执行的一组 (22) 来表征。应用执行对象的 (22) 可以改变该对象的 (21) 。(22)处填()。A属性B功能C操作D数据12.设有关系模式只(C,P,S,G,T,W),各属性含义为:C课程,P老师,S学生,G成绩,T时间,W教室,其函数依赖集为:F=C→P,(S,C)→G,(T,W)→C,(T,P)→W,(T,S)→W则关系模式的关键字为 (35) ,R的规范化程度最高可达到 (59) 。若将R分解为关系模式组R1 (C,P),R2(S,C,G),R3(S,T,W,C),则R1,R2,R3的规范化程度最高分别可达到 (60) , (61) , (62) 。(62)处填()。A2NFB3NFCBCNFD4NF13.对照ISO/OSI参考模型各个层中的网络安全服务,在网络层可以采用 (36) 来处理信息内外网络边界流动和建立透明的安全加密信道;在传输层主要解决进程到进程间的加密,最常见的传输层安全技术有 (37) 等。(36)处填()。A防窃听技术B防火墙技术C防病毒技术D防拒认技术14.根据乔姆斯基20世纪50年代建立的形式语言的理论体系,语言的文法被分为四种类型,即:O型(上下文有关文法)、1型(上下文相关文法)、2型(上下文无关文法)和3型(正规文法)。其中2型文法与 (66) 等价,所以有足够的能力描述多数现今程序设计的语言的句法结构。一个非确定的有限自动机必存在一个与之等价 (67) 。从文法描述语言的能力来说, (68) 最强, (69) 最弱,由四类文法的定义可知: (70) 必是2型文法。(69)处填()。A0型文法B1型文法C2型文法D3型文法15.Most computer systems are (71) to two different groups of attacks:insider attacks and outsider attacksA system that is known to be (72) to an outsider attack by preventing (73) from outside can still be vulnerable to the insider attacks accomplished by abusive usage of (74) usersDetecting such abusive usage as well as attacks by outsides not only provides information on damage assessment,but also helps to prevent future attacksThese attacks are usually (75) by tools referred to as Intrusion Detection Systems(73)处填()。AvisitBaccessCI/ODread/write16.UML的词汇表包含以下3种构造模块, (23) 是对模型中最具有代表性成分的抽象, (24) 把 (23) 结合在一起, (25) 聚集了相关的 (23) 。(23)处填()。A事物B实体C对象D类17.Most computer systems are (71) to two different groups of attacks:insider attacks and outsider attacksA system that is known to be (72) to an outsider attack by preventing (73) from outside can still be vulnerable to the insider attacks accomplished by abusive usage of (74) usersDetecting such abusive usage as well as attacks by outsides not only provides information on damage assessment,but also helps to prevent future attacksThese attacks are usually (75) by tools referred to as Intrusion Detection Systems(74)处填()。ApowerBrightsCauthorizedDcommon18.根据乔姆斯基20世纪50年代建立的形式语言的理论体系,语言的文法被分为四种类型,即:O型(上下文有关文法)、1型(上下文相关文法)、2型(上下文无关文法)和3型(正规文法)。其中2型文法与 (66) 等价,所以有足够的能力描述多数现今程序设计的语言的句法结构。一个非确定的有限自动机必存在一个与之等价 (67) 。从文法描述语言的能力来说, (68) 最强, (69) 最弱,由四类文法的定义可知: (70) 必是2型文法。(70)处填()。A0型文法B1型文法C2型文法D3型文法19.数据模型的三要素是指 (38) ,一个数据库系统必须能够表示实体和关系,联系可以与 (39) 实体有关。数据库的特点之一是数据的共享,严格的讲,这里的数据共享是指 (40) 。(38)处填()。A数据结构、数据对象和共享B数据结构、数据操作和数据控制C数据结构、数据操作和完整性D数据结构、数据操作和完整性约束条件20.UML的词汇表包含以下3种构造模块, (23) 是对模型中最具有代表性成分的抽象, (24) 把 (23) 结合在一起, (25) 聚集了相关的 (23) 。(24)处填()。A规则B映射C群D关系21.Most computer systems are (71) to two different groups of attacks:insider attacks and outsider attacksA system that is known to be (72) to an outsider attack by preventing (73) from outside can still be vulnerable to the insider attacks accomplished by abusive usage of (74) usersDetecting such abusive usage as well as attacks by outsides not only provides information on damage assessment,but also helps to prevent future attacksThese attacks are usually (75) by tools referred to as Intrusion Detection Systems(75)处填()。AsearchedBcheckedCtestedDdetected22.数据模型的三要素是指 (38) ,一个数据库系统必须能够表示实体和关系,联系可以与 (39) 实体有关。数据库的特点之一是数据的共享,严格的讲,这里的数据共享是指 (40) 。(39)处填()。A0个B1个C1个或1个以上D2个或2个以上23.数据模型的三要素是指 (38) ,一个数据库系统必须能够表示实体和关系,联系可以与 (39) 实体有关。数据库的特点之一是数据的共享,严格的讲,这里的数据共享是指 (40) 。(40)处填()。A同一应用的多个程序共享一个数据集合B多个用户、同一语言共享数据C多个用户共享同一个数据文件D多种应用、多种语言、多个用户相互覆盖地使用数据集合24.UML的词汇表包含以下3种构造模块, (23) 是对模型中最具有代表性成分的抽象, (24) 把 (23) 结合在一起, (25) 聚集了相关的 (23) 。(25)处填()。A群B集合C图D联系25.广义笛卡尔积属于关系运算符中的 (26) 。两个元数分别为n目和m目的广义笛卡尔积是一个 (27) 列的元组集合,其形式定义如下: (28) (29) 。(26)处填()。A集合运算符B专门运算符C比较运算符D逻辑运算符26.客户机/服务器应用模式的框架是 (41) ,其中,客户机的主要功能是 (42) 。客户机/服务器应用模式的中间件是 (43) 。(41)处填()。A客户机,服务器,网络操作系统B客户机,服务器,中间件C客户机,服务器,应用程序D客户机,服务器,操作系统27.客户机/服务器应用模式的框架是 (41) ,其中,客户机的主要功能是 (42) 。客户机/服务器应用模式的中间件是 (43) 。(42)处填()。A执行用户方的应用程序B提供GUI或OOUIC代用户与数据进行交互D以上都是28.广义笛卡尔积属于关系运算符中的 (26) 。两个元数分别为n目和m目的广义笛卡尔积是一个 (27) 列的元组集合,其形式定义如下: (28) (29) 。(27)处填()。An+mBn-mCn×mDn2-m229.客户机/服务器应用模式的框架是 (41) ,其中,客户机的主要功能是 (42) 。客户机/服务器应用模式的中间件是 (43) 。(43)处填()。A支持客户机、服务器对话,实施分布式应用的各种软件的总称B支持客户机、服务器对话,实施分布式应用的各种硬件的总称C支持客户机、服务器对话,实施分布式应用的各种硬件和软件的总称D以上都不对30.设有n个元素的向量,逐个输入其中的元素值,建立一个有序单链表的时间复杂度是()。AO(1)BO(n)CO(n2)DO(nlog2n)31.沟通是项目管理的一项重要工作,下图为人与人之间的沟通模型。该模型说明了发送者收集信息、对信息加工处理、通过通道传送、接受者接收并理解、接受者反馈等若干环节,由于人们的修养不同和表达能力的差别,在沟通时会产生各种各样的障碍。语义障碍最常出现在 (49) ,认知障碍最常出现在 (50) 。A和B和C和D和 32.Developing the project schedule is often an iterative process. It determines the planned start and finish dates for project activities and milestones. Schedule development can require the review and revision of duration estimates and resource estimates to create an approved project schedule that can serve as a baseline to _ progress.AanalyzeBtrackClevelDextend 33.在大型项目或多项目实施的过程中,负责实施的项目经理对这些项目大都采用 (47) 的方式。投资大、建设周期长、专业复杂的大型项目最好采用 (48) 的组织形式或近似的组织形式。A直接管理B间接管理C水平管理D垂直管理 34.沟通是项目管理的一项重要工作,下图为人与人之间的沟通模型。该模型说明了发送者收集信息、对信息加工处理、通过通道传送、接受者接收并理解、接受者反馈等若干环节,由于人们的修养不同和表达能力的差别,在沟通时会产生各种各样的障碍。语义障碍最常出现在 (49) ,认知障碍最常出现在 (50) 。A和B和C和D和 35.在大型项目或多项目实施的过程中,负责实施的项目经理对这些项目大都采用 (47) 的方式。投资大、建设周期长、专业复杂的大型项目最好采用 (48) 的组织形式或近似的组织形式。A项目型B职能型C弱矩阵型D直线型 36.DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) . DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.AspecificBneutralCcontainedDrelated 37.DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) . DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.AtextBimageCpageDgraphic 38.Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (6) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (7) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victimaddress book, previous emails, web pages (8) . As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (9) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable(.exe)files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users. Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwouds and give the (10) access to your network.AattachmentBpacketCdatagramDmessage 39.DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) . DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.AtableBtreeCcontrolDevent 40.Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (6) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (7) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victimaddress book, previous emails, web pages (8) . As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (9) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable(.exe)files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users. Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwouds and give the (10) access to your network.AvirtualBvirusCwormsDbacteria 41.MIDI enables people to use (11) computers and electronic musical instruments. There are actually three components to MIDI, the communications " (12) ", the Hardware Interface and a distribution (13) called "Standard MIDI Files" . In the context of the WWW, the most interesting component is the (14) Format. In principle, MIDI files contain sequences of MIDI Protocol messages. However, when MIDI Protocol (15) are stored in MIDI files, the events are also time-stamped for playback in the proper sequence. Music delivered by MIDI files is the most common use of MIDI today.ApersonalBelectronicCmultimediaDnetwork 42.DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) . DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.AdocumentBprocessorCdiscDmemory 43.Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (6) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (7) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victimaddress book, previous emails, web pages (8) . As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (9) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable(.exe)files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users. Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwouds and give the (10) access to your network.AmemoryBcachesCportsDregisters 44.Certificates are (16) documents attesting to the (17) of a public key to an individual or other entity. They allow verification of the claim that a given public key does in fact belong to a given individual. Certificates help prevent someone from using a phony key to (18) someone else. In their simplest form, Certificates contain a public key and a name. As commonly used, a certificate also contains an (19) date, the name of the CA that issued the certificate, a seri