2022辽宁在职攻读硕士联考考试模拟卷本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Ray:_. Where was I Brenda: You were talking about your trip to South AfricAA. Let% hack upB. What did I hearC. Let's check inD. What were you talking a bou 2.A: could you go to the store nearby right away I need a few things for painting. B._AYes, storing a few things away is quite necessary, rightBFor me, going there is not a pmblem. I'd like to do some exercises.CYes. I could. I want painting.DAll right. What do you want me to get 3.Joanne: Hey, you look concerned._. Harry. The final exam. Pm not fully prepared yet.AWharfs on your mindBWhat a lovely day !CWhat has attracted you7DWhat about seeing the doctor 4.School secretary: Good morning. Can I help you Student: Yes, I'd like to enroll for me course. School secretary:AThank you very much.BNice to see you here.CCertainly. What's your name pleaseDSorry. Can I see your passport please 5.Peter: What's there to do at night Clerk: There are clubs, concerts, players and so on._!A. You make it R You find it C. You manage it D. You name it6.Edie: I think Professor Holt is smart and sha's really a good teacher. Rosa: OK. FI1 try to get into her class. Edie:_!AYou can't miss itBForget itCMind youDYou won't be sorry 7.Man: Does the rent include telephone bills Landlady: _AWhat a daydream you are having!BIt doesn't usually include the telephone bill.CI'm not sure. I'll ask if you don't mind.DI don't think so, I'm afrai 8.Customer: Excuse me, we ordered a coke without ice instead of this iced coke. Waiter: I'm sorry._.AYea, the coke is cold.BIt's terrible.CI'll change it right away.DYou talk with the manager. 9.A: I have no idea where to go in the Spring break. Cot any suggestions B: I'm not sure.AI'm go for some brochures in the travel agency.BIf you have money, you can go anywhere.CI'm not going anywhere in particular.DI'd appreciate it if you can consult the ads in the Papers. 10.Johnson: I got home very late last night. I hope I didn't disturb you. Landlady:_.ANo, I heard a lot of noiseBNo, I didn't hear a thingCYes, 1 didn't hear any noiseDYes, I didn't hear you 11.外部言语可以分为口头言语和_言语。A书面B独白C交际D对话 12.关于知、情、意的关系,正确的表述是_。A人的情感不影响意志活动B意志不会影响人的认识过程C认识过程是产生情感的基础D意志活动是认识过程的前提 13.客观事物本身不变,但知觉条件在一定范围内发生变化时,人的知觉映象仍然相对不变,这是知觉的_。A整体性B恒常性C选择性D理解性 14.仰望天空,自然而然将白云想象成羊群,这是_想象。A创造B有意C再造D无意 15.最简单的行为模式是一个刺激引起一个自动反应,这类反射一般发生在_水平。A脊髓B效应器C神经元D大脑皮层 16.大约97的右利手者,其语言中枢在_。A右脑B额叶C枕叶D左脑 17.活泼好动、反应迅速、对一切引起个体注意的事物都能作出兴致勃勃反应的气质类型是_。A胆汁质B粘液质C多血质D抑郁质 18.已掌握的技能对以后的技能学习产生影响,这是技能的_。A泛化B迁移C改善D干扰 19.以下现象中,表明感受性可通过练习而提高的是_。A吃糖之后再吃橘子,觉得橘子酸B卖糖果的售货员用手抓糖,重量较准确C从亮处到暗处,由看不清到逐渐看清物体轮廓D洗热水澡时开始觉得水热,稍后觉得不那么热了 20.艾森克性格理论的三个维度是_。A内外倾、稳定性、求实性B求实性、独立性、灵活性C内外倾、稳定性、独立性D稳定性、求实性、灵活性 21.They are going to have the serviceman _ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.AinstallBto installCto be installedDinstalled 22.One day I _ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.Acame acrossBcame aboutCcame afterDcame at 23._ in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in GeorgiAA. FoundB. Finding themC. To find themD. Find them 24._ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.AForBNowCSinceDDespite 25.Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _ obtaining water is not the least.Afor whichBto whichCof whichDin which 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.下列共有关系中,属于共同共有关系的有()。A居住在同一幢楼的居民对共同乘坐的电梯形成的共有关系B甲乙对各出资800元购买的洗衣机形成的共有关系C婚姻关系存续期间,双方无特别约定,夫妻对一方所得的稿酬形成的共有关系D被继承人死亡后,继承人对被继承人遗留的没有分割的遗产形成的共有关系2.建设用地使用权的取得方式有()。A出让B转让C划拨D先占3.甲商场与乙公司签订了购买800辆自行车的书面合同,合同约定:乙可分三次发货,甲商场见货付款。第一批200辆自行车到货后,甲商场见销路不好,便以书面形式向乙公司提出取消后两批货物订购,乙公司以书面形式表示同意,本案中涉及的民事法律事实有()。A订立合同的行为B履行合同的行为C变更合同的行为D解除合同的行为4.根据著作权法规定,邻接权的具体类型包括()。A出版者的权利B表演者的权利C录音制作者的权利D播放者的权利5.下列情形中,权利人可以请求精神损害赔偿的有()。A某医院将甲之子与乙之子抱错,10年后才发现B某扩印部将丙丁结婚照的底片丢失C某公司使用知名企业的名称促销自己的产品D某人冒用明星韩庚的姓名演出获利6.简述公共管理法律途径的内容。 7.简述以人为本原则。 8.试述我国的行政立法主体及其权限。 9.简述信赖保护原则。 10.经常见到报道云:某某富翁到大学招亲,美女峰拥而至。这一现象引发社会热议。请评论。 11.I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling, I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own feet. But take a look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are taking the same way of show that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at (attempting to seize) one anothers hands for reassurance. They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up crowded round listening to the same music. Their reason for thinking or acting in this-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon (蚕茧) - into a larger cocoon. It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisement what a teenager should have and be. And many of todays parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path. But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you dont care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come - with the people who respect you for who you are. Thats the only kind of popularity that really counts. 12.社会卫生状况 13.人口负担系数 14.活动期望寿命(ALE) 15.成人识字率 16.减寿人年数(PYLL) 17.生命素质指数(PQLL) 18.病残调整生存年(DALY) 19.婴儿死亡率 20.平均期望寿命 21.性比例 22.社会卫生状况指标分为哪几类 23.指标具有哪些特性 24.卫生服务指标包括哪些 25.卫生行为指标涉及哪几个方面内容第14页 共14页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页