2022青海工程硕士(GCT)考试真题卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Which of the following phrases in the fifth paragraph indicates the fridge's negative effect on the environmentA"Hum continuously"B"Climatically almost unnecessary"C"Artificially-cooled space"D"With mild temperatures" 2.The word "imperative"(Line 5, ParA1) most probably refers to something_.A. superficialB. remarkableC. debatableD. essential 3.According to the passage diversity can be achieved in American society by_.Aexpanding the pool of potential employeesBpromoting policies that provide skills to employeesCtraining more engineers, scientists lawyers and business managersDproviding education for all regardless of race or sex 4.People are accustomed to think that a man in uniform_.Asuggests quality workBdiscards his social identityCappears to be more practicalDlooks superior to a person in civilian clothes 5.According to the passage, people wearing uniforms_.Aare usually helpfulBhave little or no individual freedomCtend to lose their individualityDenjoy greater popularity 6.The chief function of a uniform is to_.Aprovide practical benefits to the wearerBmake the wearer catch the public eyeCinspire the wearer's confidence in himselfDprovide the wearer with a professional identity 7.It can be inferred from the passage that_.Ameritocracy can never be realized without diversityBAmerican political circles will not accept diversityCit is unlikely that diversity will occur in the U. S. mediaDminorities can only enter the fields where no debate is heard about diversity 8.The best title for this passage would be_.AUniforms and SocietyBThe Importance of Wearing a UniformCPractical Benefits of Wearing a UniformDAdvantages and Disadvantages of Uniforms 9.It is surprising that Americans who worship variety and individuality_.Astill judge a man by his clothesBhold the uniform in such high regardCenjoy having a professional identityDwill respect an elevator operator as much as a general in uniform 10.Among the following people, who will exhibit the paintings that were not done by himself/themselvesAZhang Yongxu.BYoung artists.CFu Baoshi.DPeter Ludwig and his wif 11.Whose works will be on show on Jan. 6 at China National Art MuseumAYoung artists'.BZhang Yongxu's.CGu Kaizhi's.DFu Baoshi's. 12.The nationality of Peter Ludwig would probably be_.AEnglishBGermanyCFrenchDItaly 13.If you want to see a combination of Eastern and Western art, you can go to see_.AZhang Yongxu' s exhibition of oil paintings.BThe Art show from NanjingCThe Western Art Show.DGu Kaizhi's paintings on Jan.5. 14.If you want to see some European paintings, you can go to China National Art Museum on_.AJan.3.BJan.5.CJan.19.DJan.4. 15.Waiter: _. Customer: Yes, I'll have a cheeseburger, medium rare, with French fries.AWhat do you want to eatBHave you decided what to have yetCExcuse me, are you ready to order nowDExcuse me, but who'd like to order 16.A: What a surprise. You had your hair permed. B: Yes, and another surprise. I'm going to get married next Saturday. A: _.AOh, sorry, I've nearly forgot that.BReally Congratulations.CHow about another time I'll be busy then.DWell done. The dating for the marriage is well chosen. 17.A: Mind if I sit here B: _.AWell, no, but my friend is in the washroom now.BNo. I'm afraid you must go and find another seat.COf course, take it easy.DYes, please sit down. 18.Customer: Excuse me._. Clerk: The rate for airmails is two dollars.ADo you do international deliveryBCan you tell me the money I need to post a letterCHow much is a letter to South MricaDDo you happen to know how fast airmails are 19.Waiter: _. Customer: A peanut butter pancake, together with the meal, please.AWould you like a drinkBAnything sweetCWhen would you like to have your sweetDWhat would you like for dessert 20.Visitor: Thank you for your hospitality and for being such a nice host. Host: _.AI'm glad you had a good time here.BWish you a nice time here.CWelcome to China.DYou don't need to be so polit 21.A: I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind. B:_.ANo, you'd better not.BNot at all, anything you want.CThank you all the same.DYes, but not goo 22.James: Can I borrow your notes for today's geology class Jane: _.AHow dare you. Geology test is tomorrow.BI'd love to, but you can't have them.CHow come that you didn't have notes for today's classDSorry, but I have to review them for tomorrow's test. 23.Guest: Well, I have to be off. Thank you for your wonderful dinner. Host: _.AYou're very kind to come.BThank you for your invitation.CI'm glad you enjoyed it.DTake car 24.A: Do you mind my taking this seat B:_.AYes, sit down please.BNo, of course not.CYes, take it please.DNo, you can't take it. 25.光线经过点P(2,3)射在直线x+y+1=0上,反射后经过点Q(3,-2),反射线所在直线的方程是_。A7x-y-11=0Bx-7y-17=0C5x+y-13=0D7x+5y+13=0 26.A为M×n矩阵,且mn,Ax=0是Ax=b的导出组,则下述结论正确的是_。AAx=b必有无穷多组解BAx=0必有无穷多组解CAx=0只有零解DAx=b必无解 27.若x=a2-bc,y=b2-ac,z=c2-ab,a,b,c是不完全相等的任意实数,则x,y,z_。A至少有一个大于0B都大于0C至少有一个小于0D都不小于0 28.已知关于x的一元二次方程8x2+(m+1)x+m-7=0有两个负数根,那么实数m的取值范围是_。Am7Bm7Cm1Dm1 29.等腰三角形一腰所在的直线l1的方程是x-2y=0,底边所在直线l2的方程是x+y-1=0,点(-2,0)在另一腰上,则这腰所在直线l3的方程为_。A2x-y+4=0B2x+2y=0C2x+y+4=0D2x-2y+4=0 30.设A为4阶矩阵,且|A|=2,把A按列分块为A=(A1,A2,A3,A4),其中Aj(j=1,2,3,4)是A的第j列,则|-A2,-A1,-A4,-A3|=_。A-2B2C1D0 31.设a、b、c是任意的非零平面向量,且相互不共线,则下列命题 (1) (a·b)c-(c·a)b=0 (2) |a|-|b|a-b| (3) (b·c)a-(c·a)b不与c垂直 (4) (3a+2b)·(3a-2b)=9|a|2-4|b|2 中,是真命题的有_。A(1),(2)B(2),(3)C(3),(4)D(2),(4) 32.分离含二硫键的肽段可以用_。ASDS-PAGEB对角线电泳C琼脂糖电泳 33.下列哪类氨基酸可使-螺旋中断_AAlaBGlyCProDLys 34.在生理pH条件下,具有缓冲作用的氨基酸残基是_。ATyrBTrpCHisDLysEGly 35.目前研究蛋白质分子空间结构最常用的方法是_。AX光衍射法B圆二色性C荧光光谱D磁共振 36.维持蛋白质分子中的-螺旋主要靠_。A盐键B范德华力C共价键D氢键 37.蛋白质是两性介质,当蛋白质处于等电点时,其_。A溶解度最大B溶解度最小C与溶解度无关 38.非必需氨基酸为_。ATrp、PheBLeu、IleCThr、ValDLys、MetEGlu、Asp 39.引起疯牛病(牛海绵脑病)的病原体是_。A一种DNAB一种RNAC一种蛋白质D一种多糖 40.下列哪项技术是根据分子大小来分离蛋白质的_A等电聚焦电泳BSDS-PAGEC离子交换层析 41.蛋白质典型的-螺旋是什么_A2.6 10B3 10C3.6 13D4.4 16 42.蛋白质在一个较宽的生理pH范围内具有缓冲能力,这是由于_。A它们的相对分子质量很大B它们含有许多具有不同pK值的功能基团C它们含有许多氢键D氨基酸残基之间有肽键 43.下列反应不能定量测定氨基酸的是_。A茚三酮反应B双缩脲反应C甲醛滴定D凯氏定氮 44.煤气中毒主要是因为煤气中的CO_。A抑制了巯基酶的活性,使巯基酶失活B抑制了胆碱酯酶的活性,使乙酰胆碱堆积,引起神经中毒的症状C与血红蛋白结合后,血红蛋白失去了运输氧的功能,使患者因缺氧而死D抑制了体内所有酶的活性,使代谢反应不能正常进行E以上都不对 45.由氨基酸序列自动分析仪测定氨基酸序列的主要试剂是_。ADNSBDNFBCPITCD氨肽酶 46.血液中参与凝血反应的是_。A免疫球蛋白B纤维蛋白原C清蛋白D脂蛋白 47.维持蛋白质三级结构主要靠_。A氢键B离子键C疏水作用D范德华力E二硫键 48.不能与茚三酮反应的化合物是下面哪种_A氨气B多肽CProD-氨基酸EHis 49.蛋白质的超二级结构基本组合不包括_。A结构B结构C卷曲结构D结构 50.结晶牛胰岛素的人工合成是生命科学上的重要成果,对生命起源问题的哪个阶段提供了有利证据_A从无机小分子生成有机小分子物质B从有机小分子物质生成有机高分子物质C从有机高分子物质组成多分子体系D从多分子体系演变成原始生命第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页