2022湖南大学英语考试模拟卷(2)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Between astonishment and joy, she couldn't help _ into tears.AburstBburstingCto burstDto be bursting 2.The telephone has been ringing _ in the office all morning.AcontinuallyBcontinuouslyCgraduallyDconsequently 3.Many countries were _ by their ambassadors at the Independence Day celebrations.ArecalledBrenewedCrecordedDrepresented 4.The nation wants peace; only a _ want the war to continue.AcommunityBmajorityCminorityDsociety 5.The doctor's practice has _ because of his carelessness.Adropped byBdropped inCdropped offDdropped out 6.Charles was a man of settled habits and _ routine.AinflexibleBindispensableCincapableDindefensible 7.He was one of the leading political _ of this century.AfiguresBimagesCindividualsDroles 8.The never-ending quarrel among the visitors certainly _ their appetite for the banquet.AdestroyedBharmedChurtDspoiled 9.If newspapermen cannot get facts for their stories, they sometimes _ their imaginations.Abring outBbreak inCcome throughDdraw on 10.When you read books, you had better make marks _ you have questions.AwhereBin whereCat whichDwhich 11.She does not know _for her first job interview.Awhat should she wearBwhat to be woreCwhat to wearDwhat will she wear 12.The population of India is much larger than _ of Sweden.AthatBsuchCwhatDso 13.She stayed at home during the whole summer vacation _ she could look after her old grandmother.Ain caseBnow thatCso thatDas though 14.The designer himself is not sure whether this software is appropriate _ children under 12 years old.AwithBinCforDof 15.He _ the train if he hadn't been stuck in traffic jam on the way to the railway station.Acouldn't missBwouldn't have missedCmustn't have missedDshouldn't miss 16.Mr. Yang, _ for his famous invention, was invited to give a lecture in the technical university.Awas knownBknowingCwas knowingDknown 17.Some animals _ well enough in that country.Ahave not protectedBis not being protectedCare not being protectedDare not protecting 18.After final examination, college students who have left their homes for a long time look forward to _ as soon as possible.Abe going homeBgo homeCbe goneDgoing home 19.It was not until dark _ it was time to return home.Athat he realizedBthat did he realizeCwhen he realizedDwhen did he realize 20.The company's cost peaked at US10 million in June before dropping drastically down to US3 million in October.A之前公司成本在10月份为300万美元,现在6月份又回升至1000万美元。B公司成本在6月达到顶峰,即1000万美元,然后急剧下降,到10月降为300万美元。C公司成本的最高值出现在6月,即1000万美元,然后在10月前狂降至300万美元。D公司6月的成本值为1000万美元,10月的成本值为300万美元。 21.As a general rule,it is better to focus on the content of a presentation as a means of attracting your andience's attention.A一般来说,它最好将重心放在讲解的内容上,使之成为吸引观众注意力的方式。B一般的规则是,它最好集中在礼物的内容上,这比吸引观众的注意力更好。C一般的规则是,它最好注重讲解的内容,这意味着可吸引到观众的注意力。D总的说来,最好把重点放在讲解的内容上,借此来吸引观众的注意。 22.A new digital technique has been developed that can identify whether two works of art are by the same artist.A人们发展完善了一项新的数字技术,以判断是否同一艺术家在做两件艺术工作。B假如由同一艺术家完成两件艺术品,这项识别技术就能发展完善。C一项能够识别两件艺术作品是否出自同一艺术家之手的新数字技术已经被开发出来。D人们开发出了一项新的数字技术,这项数字技术能够判断两件艺术工作是否为同一艺术家所做。 23.To communicate precisely what you want to say,you will frequently need to define key wordsA无论你想说什么,要做到简明扼要,关键就是要对词进行定义。B只要定义频繁出现的关键词就能准确传达本意。C要准确表达你的本意,就必须不断定义关键词。D要简明扼要地表达本意,就必须不断定义关键词。 24.What is the ideal upheld in the US national anthemAFreedom.BEquality.CStraggle.DSolidarity. 25.According to some people, the division of society in accessing to technology would _.Adeepen the economic inequalitiesBsharpen the conflict between the rich and the poorCcause the rich to share their technology with the poorDlimit the popularity of computers 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.He is waiting for_(他们的婚礼被宣布的那一刻) 2.1. 面试在求职过程中的作用2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是How to Succeed in a Job Interview1. 面试在求职过程中的作用2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是How to Succeed in a Job Interview3.Its always a pleasure to hear from an old friend againWe are still making our famous “Boss”pressure cookers,and we are pleased to tell you that we have been able to improve their quality without any increase in priceHere are the latest price list and catalogues(产品 目录)Please telephone US when you receive this letterWe look forward to your order at an early date 4.A manual worker probably earns more money than a man who does mental labor. For example, a brick-layer can earn more money than his next door neighbor who is a university professor. Yet, white-collar workers still have a higher reputation and social position than blue-collar workers even though they have lower pay. 5.对文化遗产不感兴趣,这是目前我们社会的一个普遍现象。这些年,走宝、毁宝的事一而再、再而三地发生,见报的只是冰山的一角,没见报的更是不得了。新山书香楼“收宝”反映的是新加坡人“走宝”,另外还有毁宝事件更令人伤心,以下仅举一例: U读者某君要搬家了,清理祖父遗物时,发现一个陈旧不堪的木箱里有些字画,画的是奔马、飞鸟等,上面的华文他看不懂,于是打电话去向某华文报求助。 记者上门去一看。天呀,那是徐悲鸿的遗作!由于收藏不得法,用手轻轻一碰字画马上破碎,奔马变“碎马”,还有的早已在箱子里“解体”!记者眼睁睁看着艺术瑰宝被毁,无限惋惜与痛心。/U 6.B Should We Achieve Growth at the Expense of Environment /B In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 7.Nowhere is this more true than in the awarding of prizes. Because prizes carry the approval of an institution, we expect them to be somehow more authoritative than ordinary reviews. But even the winners of the most prestigious awards are chosen by individuals, each with his or her own particular tastes, and the high stakes involved can make those choices even more capricious. Recently, I was explaining to a mathematician friend how I had screened the scores of nonfiction books that were candidates for the short list of a national literary prize I participate in judging. "If by Page 100 the author hasnt managed to get me interested in the topic, I eliminate it. ," I said. "Surely there are objective criteria " he replied, sounding a bit offended. Well, not really; a tedious volume full of useful information may have its merits, but not enough to make me champion it as one of the five best books of the year. And determining whether a work is boring or enthralling can be only a subjective decision. 8.Regarding the trademark to be used in the international market for the product made by the joint venture, we consider that either the same trademark as that the foreigners have been using or a new one may be used, depending upon which is better for marketing. 9.写信邀请你的朋友参加你的生日聚会。信的内容包括:1告知对方聚会的具体时间、地点;2到达聚会地点的行车路线以及便利的交通工具;3要求对方就是否能参加聚会作回答。 10.Children 12 and under can be killed by the air bag.The BACK SEAT is the safest place for children.NEVER put a rear facing child seat in the front.Sit as far back as possible from the air bag.ALWAYS use seat belts and child restraints. 11.All the way down, the boys had been finding the old things instead of the newor, to their way of thinking, the new things instead of the old. The thatched roofs they had so counted upon seeing were few and far between. But American binders, of well-known makes, stood where the fields were beginning to ripen, and they were being oiled and put in order, not by "peasants," but by wise-looking old farmers who seemed to know their business. Pear trees trained like vines against the wall, did not astonish them half so much as the sight of the familiar cottonwood (三叶杨), growing everywhere. Claude thought he had never before realized how beautiful this tree could be. In verdant little valleys, along the clear rivers, the cottonwoods waved and rustled; and on the little islands, of which there were so many in these rivers, they stood in pointed masses, seemed to grip deep into the soil and to rest easy, as if they had been there for ever and would be there for ever more. 12.1. 现在许多家长“望子成龙”心切; 2. 指出其错误所在; 3. 家长对于子女应采取什么样的态度。 BAre Families Demanding Too Much from Their Children /B 13.1.良好的行为举止是一个人高素质的体现;2.在当今社会中,良好的行为举止至关重要;3.鼓励和号召人们注重个人的举止,讲文明礼貌。 BGood Manners/B 14."Lucky" Brand Chocolates are made of superior materials by up-to-date scientific method. The product is allowed to leave the factory only after strict examination of its quality. Owing to the influence of tropical climate on raw materials used, white spots may occasionally appear on the surface of the product, but the quality remains unchanged in that event. 15.同运(Tongyun)玩具公司成立于1981年,在中国玩具进出口领域享有盛誉,产品远销50多个国家,在全国各地拥有员工3 000余人,年产各种玩具100 000件左右。现诚聘销售经理1人,要求具有以下条件:1营销专业大专学历;2对玩具业务和销售管理有深刻的理解和认识,具有三年以上相关工作经验者优先考虑;3熟练掌握英语和计算机技能。 有意应聘者,请将简历寄往:南新市五一路120号,同运玩具公司人事部,邮编410105 Words for reference: 营销专业Business Management program 大专学历college diploma我的错题簿_ 16.1.能源在人类的生存和发展中的重要作用;2.描述目前的能源现状,并指出引起全球能源危机的原因;3.如何解决能源危机。 BHow to Solve The Energy Crisis/B 17.When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. (Passage 1) 18.Ireland became so dependent on it that hundreds of thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the "Potato Famine (饥荒)"of 1845-1846, and millions more were forced to leave their homeland and move to North America. (Passage 2) 19.The wings of a moth may seem grey and dull to us, but to insects they may appear beautiful, showing colours which we cannot see. (Passage 3) 20.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. (Passage 1) 21.According to an Arabic legend, coffee was discovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush. (Passage 2) 22.他们学习新的方法,相信自己的思想,而不是沿用老的方法。 23.我收到了他送的礼物,但是我不准备接受。 24.送报人每天黎明前就得起床。 25.她的病是由坏了的食物导致的。第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页