2021自考考试真题卷(4)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.If I tell them Im prepared to give evidence, theyll get such a scare_ theyll drop the whole thing._A:so thatB:thatC:andD:so2.You_things. You should be more careful._A:always loseB:have been losingC:were always losingD:are always losing3.Every time he came to me, he_ tell me he was busy._A:wouldB:is going toC:willD:is to4.I expect all the mails_ promptly._A:being deliveredB:to be deliveredC:having been delieveredD:to have been delivered5.John used to rise early,_A:used heB:did heC:didnt heD:could he6.I had hoped that Rosemary_ a lawyer, but she was not good at law._A:will becomeB:becomeC:would becomeD:becomes7.The apples are_ fast in such hot weather._A:got rottingB:getting rottingC:got rottenD:getting rotten8.It was an agreement_ the details could not be altered._A:whoseB:whichC:itsD:of which9.The agency_ we bought our tickets is bankrupt.A:from whichB:whichC:whereD:from whom10.We all seemed afraid to say what was in our minds,_ it might start trouble._A:in order thatB:so thatC:for fear thatD:in that11._ he was, he knew what was the right thing to do._A:A child asB:A child thatC:Only child asD:Child thatE:2112.The general sent out word that no one in the bunker_ to bed until further orders._A:will goB:would goC:was about to goD:was to go13.He_ violin when I want to sleep._A:always playsB:play alwaysC:is always playingD:always is playing14.I only called the police when I_ everything else._A:triedB:was tryingC:had triedD:had been trying15.Mother wished I_ you what she_A:didnt tell; saidB:didnt tell; has saidC:didnt tell; had saidD:hadnt told; said16.The teacher said that Jane_ work harder the following semester._A:have toB:had betterC:had better toD:would rather to17.The twins had been away for such a long time that many people in the village thought they_A:ought to have diedB:should have diedC:must have diedD:could have died18.“I_ go out today. If I do,I_ in a storm.” I said to myself when I heard the weatherman say there would be a heavy rain that day._A:had better not to; might have been caughtB:had better; may be caughtC:would not; might have been caughtD:had better not; may be caught19.I hope that it is possible to achieve this objective by calling on the smokers_ good judgment and show concern for others rather than by regulation._A:to be usingB:to have been usingC:useD:to use20.When_ to tell the difference between British and American English, the linguist made a long and_ speech._A:asked; tiredB:asked; tiringC:asking; tiringD:be asked; tired21.The money would have to be raised by_ taxation._A:farB:fartherC:farthestD:further22.Their plane arrived_ San Francisco this morning._A:fromB:atC:toD:on23.The delegation_ Russia will visit London this afternoon._A:inB:fromC:atD:for24.Her mother cant speak English_ French, but is good at Japanese._A:yetB:orC:neitherD:while25.He became a successful actor_ his father never was._A:whoB:whomC:thatD:when26.The manager fulminated against his secretary,_ surprised me._A:whoB:whomC:thatD:which27.He graduated from college_ his parents divorced._A:whichB:beforeC:whileD:that28.She sat_ the table in the restaurant._A:inB:withC:fromD:at29.Young_ he was, he managed to make a living on his own._A:althoughB:sinceC:thoughD:thusE:2130.下列哪个酶不是肠液中的消化酶。_A:氨基肽酶B:羧基肽酶C:乳糖酶D:a-糊精酶31.下列哪个蛋白质是结合蛋白质。_A:球蛋白B:清蛋白C:谷蛋白D:磷蛋白32.血浆中维生素E由下列哪个蛋白质携带至各个组织。_A:-脂蛋白B:前-脂蛋白C:-脂蛋白D:脂蛋白33.鱼类食物中含有较为丰富的无机盐是_A:钙、镁B:钙、碘C:钙、铁D:铁、碘34.下列哪类食物为酸性食物,_A:大白菜B:牛奶C:鸡蛋D:茶叶35.从一大批物品中抽取一部分,以代表全部的样品,这一过程称为试样的_A:制备B:采集C:预处理D:以上均对36.用有机物破坏法进行样品预处理时,适合于下列哪种营养素的测定。_A:铁B:维生素B1C:脂肪酸D:果糖37.谷类、薯类是我国膳食能量的主要来源,但其主要的缺陷是缺乏_A:脂肪B:优质蛋白质C:碳水化合物D:维生素38._适用于一般门诊病人的膳食调查方法。A:询问法B:记帐法C:称重法D:查帐法39.建国以来,我国先后进行了_次全国性的营养调查。A:2B:3C:4D:540.低温作用人员膳食供给应注意增加_的比例A:糖类B:蛋白质C:脂肪D:矿物质41.TPN营养支持时,一般认为EAA/NEAA之比以含氮量计应为_A:9:1B:1:9C:3:1D:1:342._能促使组织内淤积的尿酸盐溶解、排出。A:乳糖B:乳酸C:维生素CD:维生素A43.急性胰腺炎时应严格限制下列哪个营养素。_A:糖类B:脂肪C:蛋白质D:无机盐44.蛋白质营养不良患者首选输入_A:血浆B:血液C:白蛋白D:氨基酸45.半乳糖血症患者最终不宜引起_A:肝硬化B:白内障C:糖尿病D:精神神经障碍46.中医食疗中养阴滋补的食物,其食物成份中除下列哪项外含量均很丰富。_A:-胡萝卜素B:生物素C:硒D:维生素E47.下列哪项不是软食的适应症_A:发热B:伤寒C:幼儿D:产妇48.最早进入电影史册的火车到站、水浇园丁等有着某些简单情节的影片是由_摄制的。A:乔治?梅里爱B:格里菲斯C:卢米埃尔兄弟D:威廉?保罗49.在电影发展史上,首先使蒙太奇成为一种独特的电影语汇,构成了的特有的表现手段是杰出的美国电影艺术家_A:梅里爱B:格里菲斯C:卓别林D:爱森斯坦50.下列哪部影片在卓别林的电影创作中具有承前启后的意义_A:寻子遇仙记B:巴黎一妇人C:摩登时代D:淘金记第14页 共14页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页