KeyChapter 1Affixation (derivation) 词缀法 (派生法)。Eg. enable/abilityCompounding 合成法。Eg. greenhouse/word-formation/black teaConversion转类法。Eg. epidemic adj. 流行病的epidemic n. 流行病Blending融合法。Eg. breakfast + lunch brunch motel/smogClipping截短法。E.g. telephone phone/doctor doc/internet net/influenza fluacronymy首字母缩略法 。E.g. OTC on the counter AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndromeAnti-dis-establish-ment-ar-ian-ism: .nti.dis.stblmnteri.nzm n. 反对解散国教主义 base /root /prefix/suffixanti- = against; dis- = apart; -ism = belief, doctrine信仰,主义archbishop:大主教;总教主 arch- =first第一的; chief主要的 Eg. archtype原型 semicircle: semiskl n.半圆;半圆物 semi-半;不完全地 Eg. semicolon分号 (colon冒号)dyspeptic:消化不良的 dys-= ill , abnormal困难;障碍 Eg. dysfunction功能不良 asleep: adj.睡着的 a-: pref.不,无,非;缺少;离;处于.状态或过程中 Eg. awake belittle: bilitl vt.轻视;贬低 be-加于名词,形容词等之前,形成动词而表不同意义 Eg. enlarge: inla:d v.扩大;增大en-使、使成为 Eg. Enrich/widenEx. 11. delineatedilinieit描绘;叙述 de- = down , from 医 脱; 去; 除 Eg. dehumanization灭绝人性; 除霜defrostdescend dsend n.下降 -scend = climb eg. ascend上升;攀登。 a-处于.状态或过程中; 2. antecedent:.ntisi:dnt在 . 之前的 Ante-, anti- = before; ced- = go; -ent. = adj. 3. contradiction: .kntrdkn矛盾;反驳;否认 Contra-, contro- = against反对、相反 contraception .kntrsepn避孕(法) 4. circumference skmfrns周长;圆周Circum- = around环绕, 周围 circumstance环境 circumnavigate: skmnvet v.环球航行;绕一周5. amphibious: mfbis 生物两栖的 Amphi-, ambi- = two e.g. ambiguous模棱两可的 ambivert mbivert mB:5sju:pjEl n.两向性格者Intro- extro-6. epidemic.epidemik流行病;传染病 Epi- = over在上 endemic epigrameprm 警句;诙谐短诗;精辟的措辞 -gram = write, picture 标记, 图,写 record7. heterogeneous: .hetrdinis adj.异种的;异质的;由不同成份形成的Hetero- = different不同的, 异 homo-heterosexual: .hetrsekul adj.异性恋的8. demigoddemid 半神半人 Demi- = halfdemimonde: 5Wrifti (法)暗娼阶层; 品德有问题的女人 monde(法)时髦社交界; 上流社会; 世界 9. panorama: .pnrm n.全景;全景画 Pan- = all全, 总, 泛 Pan-American Airways:泛美航空公司 10. prototype: prttap原型 Protoplasm prtplzm 生物原生质;细胞质 Proto- = first原始、最初、第一、主要 Ex. 21. Misinform 告诉 . 错误的消息 Mis-: = wrongly2. Nonfiction .nnfkn n.非小说的散文文学;写实文学Non- = no:Trans- = across transfer transplant3. Transport v.运输;传播 port- = carry 4. Impassioned impnd adj.慷慨激昂的;热烈的Im- = in: 5. macroeconomicsmkriknmks宏观经济学 macro- = big: bilitl 6. Monopoly mnpli垄断;独占;专利 Mono- = one: 7. Survive v. 存活;艰难度过;比 . 活得长 Sur- =above 上, 在上, Viv- = live, life8. Synchronize sikrnaiz vt.使同步;使同时发生Syn- = sameChron- = time-ize = make9. Anatomical .ntmikl adj.结构上的;解剖(学)的Ana- = through Tomi- = cut10. irreversible.iriv:sbl adj.不可逆转的;不可挽回的Ir- = not Vers- = turn -ible = can be可能Ex. 31.worship n.崇拜;爱慕 Craftsmanship krftsmnp n.技术-ship: n. denoting status, condition, skill, etc. suf.表示"状态"(如:friendship)suf.表示"身分"; "职业"(如:professorship)suf.表示"技巧"; "能力"; "手腕"(如:statesmanship)suf.表示". 的群体"(如:readership)suf.接在形容词之后; 表抽象名词(如:hardship)2. Verbose vbs adj.罗嗦的;冗长的 -ose = adj. full of Verb- = word3. pollster plst(r) n.民意测验者-ster = n. agent做的人 4. Counterclockwise反时针方向(的) likewise adv.同样地 -wise = adv. in a mode, manner表示"方向" 5. Homeward adv.回家地 -ward = adj./adv. leading to表示"向.的"; 表示"向" 6. Convalescent knvlesnt adj.恢复期的;渐愈的;调养的 con- = togather val = strong-escent = adj. Becoming表示"在过程中","(开始)成为"7. Tiresome adj.令人厌倦的;讨厌的 troublesome adj.令人烦恼的 -some = adj. like, partaking of a certain quality 的8. Liar n.说谎者;骗子 editor n.编辑 -er, -ar, -or = n. doer做的人 9. Particle n.颗粒;微粒 molecule n.分子;微粒mole- = heap -cle, -cule = n. small 小 10. Cigarette n.香烟 kitchenette n.小厨房-ette = (Fr.) n. small小Ex. 41. Clud-, clus- = shut, close exclude vt.排除;阻止 ex- = out preclude ksklud vt.阻止;排除 pre- = beforeconclude?/include? con- = together2. Dem- = people Democrocy n.民主 endemic endemk adj.风土的;地方的 n.地方病;风土病Cf. auto- = self: autocrat n.独裁者; automatic machine3. fac-, fact-, fect- = make, form, do Manufacture v.(手工)制造 manu- = handDefect n.缺点;缺陷 de- = down医 脱; 去; 除; 离; 解除4. fess- = acknowledge vt.承认 speak, sayProfess prfes v.声称 pro- = forwardConfession knfen n.自认;自白;招供;忏悔5. fus-, fund- = melt, flowEffusive adj.溢于言表的;感情奔放的 ef- = ex- Confuse vt.使困惑;使混乱;混淆 con- = together6. eu- = good, welleuphemism jufmzm n.委婉语Eulogize juldaz v.称赞;颂扬7. fid- = faith, trustdiffident dfdnt adj.无自信的 perfidy pfdi n.不诚实;不忠;背信弃义 per-=away from , off8. cur-, curs- = run current krnt n. (水、气、电)流 adj.现在的;流通的excursion kskn n.远足;短途旅行 9. dict- = speak, say malediction mldkn n.诅咒;咒骂;诽谤10. grad, gress = step, goregression rren n.复原;退步;回归(一种数学方法)gradual rdul adj.逐渐的;逐步的 11. it- = journeyexit n.出口;退场itinerary atnrri n.旅行计划,行程表; adj.旅程的 12. log, logue = word, speech, reason say speakapology pldi n.道歉;辩解 13. loqu, locut = speak, talk colloquially klkwili adv.口语地;俗语地eloquent elkwnt adj.雄辩的;有口才的 14. lud, lus = play deludedlud v.欺骗;迷惑;蛊惑interlude ntlud n.中间;中间时间;插曲;介在中间的事件Prelude? Postlude? n.序幕; 前奏 n.后奏曲;终曲15. magn = great magnanimous mnnms adj.度量大的;宽大的 anim- = mindmagnifies mnfa v.放大;夸大16. man = hand Emancipation mnspen n.释放;解放 e-=outmanumission mnjmn n.解放 mit = sendmanicure mnkj(r) n.修指甲17. medi = middle, between intermediary ntmidiri n.仲裁者;调解者 mediate midiet v.调停;斡旋18. ment = mind Mental adj.思想的;心理的;精神的 -al = adj. demented dment 19. migr = wander, move Migrants marnts 移民Emigrate v.移居;移民 immigrant? 20. mot = moveremote rmt adj.遥远的;偏僻的 Emotion n.情感;感情 e- = ex- = outEx. 51. a ann = year ; semi- = half ; -al = adj. ; -ly = adv. semiannually semnjl adv.每半年2. b labor; col- = together ; -ate = v. collaborate vi.合作 3. b duct- = lead ; ab- = off, away from; (-ed) abduct vt.诱拐;绑走4. d omni- = all ; present omnipresent mnpreznt adj.无处不在的5. b ject- (= to throw); pro- (= forward) project v. 放映;突出;投掷Scrib = write prescribe prskrab v.开处方;规定Trude = thrust protrude prtrud v.突出;伸出Vok- = callprovoke prvk vt.激怒;惹起 Pose = put propose向 . 提议 6. a nym (= name) ; an- (= without), -ous = adj. anonymous nnms adj.匿名的;无名的7. d tempor = time ; con- = together ; -ary = adj. contemporaries kntemprrz n.同时代人;同龄人 8. c port = carry ; de- = down deport vt.驱逐出境;9. d mon- = advise ; pre- = before ; -ition = n. premonition primnn (不祥的)预感10. b spire = breathe ; ex- = out expire kspa(r) vi.终止;期满 11. a sat = fully ; -ate = v. saturate stret v.使浸透;使充满;使饱和12. d mort = death ; -ary = adj. mortuary mtri n.停尸间;太平间13. a vok = call ; in- = in invoke nvk vt.援引;引起;求助;请求;乞灵于14. c nounce = report ; de- = down Denounce v.谴责;告发 15. c par= equal ; dis- = apart ; -ity = n. disparity dsprti n.不一致16. c part = part ; im- = not ; -(i)al = adj ; -ity = n. impartiality mpilti n.公平;无私;不偏 17. a pass; com- = together ; -ion = n. ; -ate = v. compassionate kmpnt adj.有同情心的18. b ped(e) = foot ; im- = inimpede mpid vt.妨碍;阻止19. a pell = push; pro- = forward propel prpel v.推进;驱使 20. c anthrop = human being ; phil- = love; -ic = adj. philanthropic flnrpk adj.博爱的;慈善的Key to Ex. 63-4-2-1 1. celerity敏捷,快速。celer- = swift快速的, ity = n.2. bicentennial两百年的。bi- = 2, cent- = 100, enn = year, -ial = adj.3. intercede从中调停,斡旋。Inter- = between, cede = go4. pendulum钟摆(往下垂吊的东西)。pend = hang悬挂,5. dioxide二氧化碳。di- = 2, ox- = oxydgen, -ide = 化物2-3-4-1 1. recluse隐士(关在家中)。re- = back, cluse = shut2. circumvent规避,绕行。circum- = around, vent = go3. controvert否认,反对。contro- = against, vert = turn4. patricide杀父。patri- = father, cide = cut, kill5. antisymmetric反对称的。anti- = against, -ic = adj. 4-5-2-3 1. innermost最内部的。-most最高级2. selective选择的。-ive = adj3. lingual语言的。lingu=tongue, language 4. retrograde倒退。Retro-=back,grade=go5. locality位置,场所。loc=place, -ity=n.2-4-5-11. compatibility相容,兼容。Com-=together, pati- = suffer2. puncture刺穿,穿孔。Punc- = prick刺3. hypersonic超音速的。Hyper-= beyond超, son-=sound, -ic= adj4. vigilance警戒, 不眠。Vig= lively 快活的,有生气的5. forgather聚会,集合。For-=beforeChapter 2 Ex. 1Term Meaning1. adrenalin E5drenElina hormone secreted from the adrenal gland肾上腺素adrenalitis E9drenE5laitisinflammation of the adrenal gland肾上腺炎2. cardiopathy 9kB:diCpEWi the disease of the heart心脏病cardiogram 5kB:diErAm the record of the heart waves心电图3. embryoma 7embri5EumE the tumor of the embryo胎组织瘤embryopathology 9embriEupE5WClEdVi the study of the disease of the embryo 胚胎病理学4. odontalgia OdOn"tldZiEan ache localized in or around a tooth齿痛odontoclasis OdOntEl"kleisis fracture of teeth牙折裂5. hyperthyroidism 7haipE5WairCIdiz(E)m a condition of overactivity of the thyroid gland甲状腺机能亢进hypothyroidism 7haipEJ5WairCIdiz(E)m a condition of underactivity of the thyroid gland甲状腺机能减退6. insicion in5siVEn the process of cutting in 切入excision ek5siVEn the process of cutting out 切除7. sinography sai5nCrEfi X-ray recording of the sinuses窦腔X线照相术sinusoid 5sainEsCid irregular tubular space for the passage of blood, taking the place of capillaries and venules in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow窦状隙; 窦状小管8. hypercapnia 7haipE(:)5kApniE excessive carbon dioxide in the blood血碳酸过多症eucapnia ju:5kApniE normal levels of carbon dioxide in the blood血碳酸正常9. megakayrocyte 7meE5kAriEsait the giant cell of bone marrow, a large cell with a greatly lobulated nucleus 巨核细胞karyoplasm 5kAriE7plAzEm plasm of nucleus核质10. ultrasonography 7QltrEsE5nCrEfi visualization of deep structures of the body by recording the reflections of pulses of ultrasonic waves directed into the tissues 超声波检查法sonometer sE5nCmitE an instrument of measuring sound听力计Ex. 21. retro- adverse retrovirus 7retrEu5vaiErEs n. 逆转录(酶)病毒(相反的) retrograde 5retrEureid adj. 逆行的2. pseud(o)- false (假性) pseudodementia 7psju:dEudi5menFiE n. 假痴呆 pseudogene psjU:dEJdVi:n n. 假基因 3. olig(o)- few, deficient in oliguria Oli"gjuEriE n. 少尿(少,缺乏) oligohydramnios OligEuhai"drmniOs n. 羊水过少4. meta- change metastasis mE5tAstEsis n. 转移 (改变) metaplasia 7metE5pleiziE n. 组织变形,组织转化,化生5. hypo- deficient hypoplastic 9haIpEJplAstIk adj. 发育不全的(过少) hypotension 7haipEu5tenFEn n. 血压过低6. hyper- above; excessive hypermenorrhea haipEmenE"riE n. 月经过多 (过高) hyperglycemia 7haipElai5si:miE n. 高血糖症7. dys- abnormal dyspeptic dis5peptik adj. 消化不良的(异常) dysrhythmia dis5riTmiE n. 节律异常8. tachy- fast (快) tachycardia 7tAki5kB:diE n. 心动过速 tachypnea 7tAkip5ni:E n. 呼吸急促9. -blast embryonic germ erythroblast i5riWrEublAst n. 成红血球细胞(胚细胞) lymphoblast 5limfEublAst n. 成淋巴细胞10. -trophy nourishment atrophy 5AtrEfi n. 萎缩, 萎缩症(营养) dystrophy 5distrEfi n. 营养失调11. -genic produced by cardiogenic 9kB:dIEJdVenik adj. 心原性的 or in (产生) pathogenic 9pAWEdVenik adj. 病原的12. -oid resembling, like carcinoid 5kAsinOid n. 类癌瘤 (似,样) epidermoid epi"dEmOid adj. 拟表皮的,表皮样的13. -globin protein, globulin hemoglobin 7hi:mEu5lEubin n. 血红蛋白(球蛋白) myoglobin 7maiE5lEubin n. 肌红蛋白14. -penia deficiency leucopenia 7lju:kE5pi:niE n. 白血球减少症 (减少) thrombocytopenia 5WrCmbEu7saitE5pi:niE n. 血小板减少症 pancytopenia 7pAnsaitE5pi:niE n. 全血细胞减少症 15. -lepsy seizure epilepsy 5epilepsi n. 癫痫症(突然发作) narcolepsy 5nB:kE7lepsi n. 发作性睡眠,发作性睡(眠)病16. -asthenia weakness myasthenia 7maiAs5Wi:niE n. 肌无力 (无力;虚弱) neurasthenia 7njuErEs5Wi:niE, -njE n. 神经衰弱症17. -some body (体) chromosome 5krEumEsEum n. 染色体ribosome 5raibEsEum n. 核糖体18. -ism process metabolism me5tAbElizEm n. 新陈代谢(过程) anabolism E5nAbElizm n. 合成代谢19. -iasis illness (疾病) ascariasis 7AskE5raiEsis n. 蛔虫病 cholelithiasis 7kEulili5WaiEsis n. 胆石病 20. -emia blood condition ischaemia is5ki:miE n. 局部缺血 (血;血态) leukemia lju:5ki:miE n. 白血病Ex. 31. ab- away from 2. ad- to, toward, near3. dia- through, across4. dis- separating5. ecto- out, outside 6. en- in7. endo- inside 8. epi- above9. ex-outside 10. extra- outside11. inter-between 12. intra- within; in13. medi- middle14. para- along the side of15. peri- surrounding 16. post- after; behind17. pre-before; in front of 18. pro- forward, before19. sub- under 20. trans- across1. transmit trAnz5mit vt. 传输, 转送 2. prognosis prC5nEusis n. 预测, 预后 3. preside pri5zaid v. 主持;统辖,指挥 4. sublingual sQb5liNwEl adj. 舌下的;n. 舌下腺 5. adnexal Ad5neksEl adj. 附件的,附(属)器的 6. engulf in5Qlf vt. 卷入, 吞没 7. diaphragm 5daiEfrAm n. 横隔膜 8. endoscope 5endEskEup n. 内(窥)镜,内腔镜9. exdural eks5djuErEl adj. 硬脑膜外的 10. epithelial 7epi5Wi:ljEl adj. 上皮的 11. excrete eks5kri:t vt. 排泄, 分泌 12. intercostal 7intE 5kCstl adj. 肋间的13. posterior pCs5tiEriE adj. 后面的 14. mediastinotomy 7mi:di7Asti5nCtEmi n. 纵隔切开术15. intracardiac 7intrE 5kB:diAk a. 心内的16. paranasal 7pArE5neizEl adj. 鼻旁的,鼻侧的17. perihepatitis 7peri7hepE5taitis n. 肝周炎 18. ectoderm 5ektEudE:m n. 外胚层 19. disintegration dis7inti5reiFEn n. 分裂;衰变 20. aberration 7AbE5reiFEn n. 失常Ex. 4 1. -ase enzyme 2. -cytosis condition of cells 3. -ectasisstretching, dilation 4. -ectomy excision; removal; resection 5. -gramrecord 6. -graph instrument of recording 7. -graphy process of recording 8. -lithiasisproduction of calculi 9. -lysis dissolution, decomposition10. -meter measure 11.