2022英语的道歉信英语的致歉信在现在社会,致歉信对我们的作用越来越大,不同的致歉信内容是不同的。来参考自己须要的致歉信吧!下面是我为大家整理的英语的致歉信,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。英语的致歉信1敬重的老师:对不起,教我们给你带来了很多艰苦的工作。我知道我写这封致歉信显得有些姗姗来迟了,但事实上我早已经把它写好了,是拖到了今日才交给您,我希望您能接受我这个迟来的致歉。从懂事以来,父母就教化我们尊师重道。敬重老师,是每个人应当有的敬重。 敬重老师应当同爱我们的亲人一样,但是我的行为不好,常常违反课堂纪律,导致许多让你不欢乐的状况发生。是我的错,是我调配捣蛋。有时候,我真的很想给您做一个当面的致歉。或许是青春期的原因,我们有这种叛逆的性格。说实话,经过这次犯错之后,我们的心情是哀痛的,不希望事情会变成这样子。因此,我们采纳了书面致歉的方式,跟老师说一句:我错了,但我真的爱您,希望您能够宽恕我的!最终,我确定向老师发誓。今后在课堂上肯定遵守课堂纪律,肯定不会再做违反纪律的事了。此致敬礼!致歉人:xxx20xx年xx月xxr日英语的致歉信2Today I have come back to Hong Kong to stand before you and account for myself. I have never escaped from my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I have been with my mother and my family and my loved ones to show support and care and at the same time to have them support and care for me.I admit that most of the photos being circulated on the Internet were taken by me. But these photos are very private and have not been shown to people and are never intended to be shown to anyone. These photos were stolen from me illegally and distributed without my consent.There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have them uploaded on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent. This matter has deteriorated to theextent that society as a whole has been affected by this. In this regard, I am deeply saddened. I would like now to apologize to all the people for all the suffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen from this. I would like to apologize to all the ladies and to all their families for any harm or hurt that they have been feeling. I am sorry. I would like to also apologize to my mother and my father for the pain and suffering I have caused themduring the past few weeks. Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people of Hong Kong . I give my apology sincerely to you all, unreservedly and with my heart.I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our society. And in this regard, I have failed. I failed as a role model. However, I wish this matter will teach everyone a lesson. To all the young people in our community, let this be a lesson for you all. This is not an example to be set for you.During my time away, I have made an important decision. I will whole-heartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date. But after that, I decided to step away from the Hong Kong entertainment industry. I have decided to do this to give myself an opportunity to heal myself and to search my soul. I will dedicate my time to charity and community work within the next few months. I will be away from Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely. There is no time frame.I have been assisting the police since the first day the photos were published and I will continue to assist them. After this press con., I have obligation to help them with their investigation and hope that this case can end soon as everyone I think has the same wish.I would like to use this opportunity to thank the police for their hard work on this case. Thank you. I believe everyones priority now (and) my priority now is to stop the suffering and pain, for not letting thiswe do not want to let this situation become more out of control. We need to protect all the inno cents and all the young from matters like this. In this regard, I have instructed my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocents, victims of this case. I believe that a press statement is being issued as we speak on what my lawyers have advised me to do.Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today and listening to what I have to say. I would like to also apologize once again to all the ladies and their families, my family and to everyone in Hong Kong and everyone in our society. I am deeply saddened by this. And I apologize to everyone (who) has to go through this. I would like to also thank you for giving me this opportunity to say what I have wanted to say all along in my heart.I hope, after today, I can have your forgiveness. With regard to this case, with everything, everything that has happened, I am deeply sorry. I hope you all accept my apology and give me a chance. Thank you.英语的致歉信3敬爱的老师:特别的愧疚,冤枉了您, 现在我特别深刻的相识到了自己的错误,我没有了解到事情的本质,还一味的自以为,您受了那么大的委屈,我还这么不懂事的冤枉您,真的非常的愧疚,我只是为了一句不中听的话,一时糊涂,犯下了这么大的错误,我没有别的意思,只是一时的脑热,惹出这么大的事,更没有想到自己会触犯的法律。我知道有人在您那打我报告,我也知道这个人是谁,庞老师,您是个好老师,只是太多的事您不情愿说出来,以您的话来说:您是个男人,不能什么事情都挂在嘴边上。误会或许就是这样累计成的,庞老师,特别对不起您,也特别的感谢您,我知道现在说什么都没用,因为已给您造成了无法挽回的损害,还有,她已对我不这么重要了,我为她做出的懊悔的事太多了,她在全部人眼里都是好人,而我,在我造成损害的人的眼里已经不在是个简洁的人了,其实我还是我,我的所作所为都是在维护我身边的一切我拿他们当挚友的人。有时候应当想想自己,想想后果,这也就是我头脑简洁,没主心骨的表现,其实激起我无名的火的是一个人的一句话;她说庞磊这是干吗啊,挺好的家庭让他弄成这样了她现在却是好人,不是我在推卸责任,只是想和您说清晰,王茜也没有跟我们说实话,让我对您始终有个很大很大的误会。邮件您看不到,现在我也只能通过QQ,期许您能看得到,庞老师,真的特别对不起,今日看到了您,真的很想叫您一声庞老师,庞老师,真的特别对不起,除了对不起我不知道还怎么向您表示歉意,除了感谢您,我也不知道在怎么向您表达感谢。xxxxx年x月x日英语的致歉信4Dear_,I am writing this letter to express my apology that _.I feel terribly sorry about this.Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Yours Sincerely_英语的致歉信5Dear Bob,I have just returned home and thanks for your kind help during my stay in Canada. Unfortunately, when I opened my luggage, I found the music CD that I forgot to return to you. I am really sorry for this.I would like to pay for it so you can buy another copy at your local store. If you want to keep exactly the same one, I can mail the CD to you as soon as possible. Again I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused.Please accept my sincere apology and reply to me at your earliest convenience and advise me of your wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Ming.英语的致歉信6xxx:昨天和导师商谈了一下论文,感觉收获很大。前一段时间始终很茫然,不知道下一步应当怎样走。其实,作博士论文的阶段,最累的不是写论文的过程,而是不知道该做些什么的时候!昨天和导师谈过之后,我感到很欣慰,至少得到了迟迟不来的确定!或许前一天的争吵也让导师反思了许多。写到这里,我也有一些躁动的担心,觉得自己前一天的行为是不是过激了,确定给我导师的触动很大,要不然他不能一大早就给我打电话,让我过去谈论文的事情。唉,可怜天下老师情,我是不是一个不懂事的学生呢?我的导师就是这样,让人爱恨交织,或许过几天我们又会吵架了!我知道导师不知道我有博客,但是我还是想在这里说一声愧疚,在读探讨生和博士期间,遇到您真的很好,平心而论,您真的是一个难得的好老师(对待学生真的有如父母,但是其它方面我觉得不好评价呦!)我的脾气不是很好,特殊忍受不了对我成果的不屑,希望导师能够宽恕!我知道,我这样的犟脾气导师应当早就知道了,但是昨天看到导师头上的白发,心里突然觉得很不好受。导师,我想对您说,您真的不用费心来平衡各个学生之间的关系,有些事情您插手反倒不好,您只须要公正和公允的对待学生和处理事情就好了。毕业之后我也即将成为老师,我也始终在思索这个问题:如何做个好老师?如何让学生认为你是一个好老师?呵呵,这是一个古老而没有答案的问题,导师,等我以后工作了,肯定会有许多机会和您探讨这些问题的。不管怎么样,您是我的导师,是我的长辈,我冲您发火总是不对的,特此致歉!xxxxx年x月x日本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页