2022英文的邀请函英文的邀请函范文5篇邀请函在商务、婚庆等场合特别重要。在现实社会中,我们间或会运用上邀请函,究竟应如何拟定邀请函呢?下面是我为大家收集的英文的邀请函5篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有须要的挚友。英文的邀请函 篇1邀请信分为两种:一种属于个人信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参与宴会、观看电影、出席典礼等。另一种邀请信则属于事务信函,一般是邀请参与会议、学术活动等等。一、一般邀请信第一种邀请信 邀请的对象一般是挚友、熟人,所以内容格式上的要求都比较松,可以写得随意一些。只要表明邀请的意图,说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等。但既然是邀请信,那么就肯定要在信中表达特别希望对方能够参与或者出席的愿望。这种邀请信的篇幅可以特别短,下面以一封邀请看电影的短信为例:Dear Jane,We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We'll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappoint us!Warmest regards.Alice二、学术邀请信其次种邀请信一般由会议或学术活动的组委会的某一个负责人来写,以组委会的名义发出,而且被邀请者通常也是属于比较有威望的人士。因此,这类邀请信的措辞要相对正式一些,语气要热忱有礼。这一类邀请信通常要包括以下内容:首先表明邀请对方参与的意图以及会议或学术活动的名称、时间、地点;然后要对被邀请者的威望和学术水同等表示推崇和赞许,表明假如被邀请者能够接受邀请,会给会议或者活动带来很好的影响;接着要说明会议或活动的相关事宜,最好是能引起对方爱好的事宜;当然不能忘了表达希望对方能够参与的诚意;最终还要请收信人对发出的邀请做出反馈,如确认接受邀请。下面是一封邀请对方参与学术会议的信函:Dear Professor Wang,On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 20xx International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 20xx.You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this isthe 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from China.If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance.Sincerely yours,Peter White三、邀请信的回复无论是收到哪种邀请信都要复信,明确表示接受与否。而且无论接受与否都要对邀请者表示感谢。接受邀请的回信一般包含以下内容:首先感谢对方的邀请,并重述邀请信中的主要内容;然后开心地表示接受邀请,并简要说明自己的准备;最终表示期盼赴会和与对方见面的心情。下面是一封接受邀请的信,与上面第一封邀请信相对应:Dear Alice,Thank you very much for your invitation. It will be great pleasure for me to join you on Friday for the wonderful film. I will arrive at the cinema before eight. I look forward to meeting you on Friday.Thank you for thinking of me.Yours,Jane谢绝邀请的回信一般包含以下几方面的内容:首先还是要对对方的邀请表示感谢;然后详细说明自己无法接受邀请的缘由,并对无法出席表示缺憾;最终表达自己的祝福,即祝福自己未能参与的会议或者活动能够顺当进行。下面是一封谢绝邀请的信,与上面的其次封邀请信相对应:Dear Professor White,Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 20xx International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 20xx.Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I havebeen suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.Faithfully yours,英文的邀请函 篇2 via:安格英语 安格英语导读:职场上邮件往来是企业与企业、企业与个人之见沟通沟通的一个特别重要的平台。除了日常的工作上的协调、会议通知之外,最常见的就是商务邀请函了。一封商务邀请函与个人邀请函有特别大的不同,它有着独特的礼节,书写风格和语气要比比一封一般的邀请函要更加专业和精确。而且,商务邀请函必需直截了当、完整以及突出重点。恰当的商务邀请函由一些基本的和必需的成分组成。那么,我们该如何书写一份标准专业的商务邀请函呢?首先,开头用敬称和一个冒号作为商务礼节的原则,例如敬爱的'(收信者的名字):其次,假如有条件的话,可以特性化的给每一位邀请者或者是每一家公司商务邀请信。你可以通过感谢被邀请者最近的电话谈话或者业务洽谈来这样做。个人化的商务邀请能让被邀请者感到被重视和提前定好主动的语调。内容是邀请函的重头戏,精确描述活动是什么样的,活动的本质,活动的目的,它将在哪里实行,在哪一天实行以及什么时候实行。告知任何一些会出席的知名人士,供应电话号码和场地的方向位置。邀请函当然不是发完了就结束了,你最好要求客人回复一个特定的时间和日期,供应联络电话号码和出席地址,确保被邀请者能出席。这样你也可以提前依据人数限制场地及一些相关事宜。最终,你要在邀请函的结尾写上“致敬”或“期盼您的出席”,印上你的姓名、职位和部门。另外,安格英语老师提示,假如你能将邀请函设计成贺卡的形式,那么在主观上也会给收件人留下一个好印象,一般来说象-牙白的牛皮纸底纹是不错的选择。下面,我们就来看一个详细的案例吧,安格英语我将会用双语的形式将邀请函给大家看。Dear Mr./Ms. :敬爱的(姓)先生/女士:We would like to invite you to attend the located at on at*.It is our great honor to have you as our guest. We are hoping that we will get the same support from you.我们特别想邀请您参与在某天某时间举办的某活动。我们感到特别荣幸能邀请您作为我们的出席嘉宾,同样也对您作为我们的(顾客/客户/合作伙伴)表示感谢。我们希望能始终得到您的支持!The event is prepared in the intention to show our acknowledgment to our most important. Therefore this will be an outstanding opportunity for us to show appreciation of your business, but it the sample time to strenghten our cooperation.筹备活动的目的在于对重要的(顾客/客户/合作伙伴)表示感谢。因此,这将是一次绝佳的机会让我们对您的商业来往表示感谢,此外,这也是加强我们合作的好时机。Please come early so that we can find a comfortable seat for you. We would appreciate if you can attend this event as you are one of out top.请您来早一点以便于我们为您支配座位。假如您能作为顶级的(客户/合作伙伴)前来参与此次活动我们将不胜感谢。Please let us know if you are attending the event or not by *.无论您*(日期)是否前来,请告知我们。Hoping for your presence on that day. We look forward meeting you. 希望您前来出席,期盼与您相见!Regards,致敬Yours *现在,对于如何写好一份专业的商务邀请函是否有了更多的信念呢?最终记得在发送前检查一下自己的拼法是否正确、句子是否通顺就可以啦!关注安格英语微信,了解更多职场好用英语写作模板及沟通技巧!英文的邀请函 篇3XX company:Our company decided to 20xx X_ X_ held in the company's 20xx annual the meeting of the company, the year will be sponsored by the company, including open discussion and tasting food and other activities.In order to strengthen our company's experience exchange and promote our company's development, we sincerely invite you to come to our company's annual meeting. If you agree, please send your the company name to our company's logistics department for the year. I hereby.XX companyXX XX 20xx翻译XX公司:我公司确定于20xx年XX_月XX日在公司活动中心举办20xx年公司年会,该年会由我公司策划主办,主要包括开放式座谈和品尝美食等活动内容。为了加强我们公司的阅历沟通,相互促进我们公司的发展,现在真诚地邀请贵公司来参与我公司的年会。如蒙同意,请将贵公司同意参与年会的人员名字发送到我公司后勤部。特此函达。XX公司20xx年XX月XX日英文的邀请函 篇4Dear Mr/ Ms.:In the past year, we carefully build the platform, you are our concern and support of the wealth of the protagonist.The new year is coming, we love their family happy together to achieve network. In order to thank you for your support of a year, we will return to 20xx 14:00 in January 10th in Qingdao Le Grand Large Hotel on the first floor of the temple held Regent Regent 20xx customers will have excellent programs and lucrative prizes waiting for you, waiting for you to visit!Let our friendship with Syria, plan for the future, for more wealth next year, more happy!Human Resources DepartmentX X 20xx敬重的XX先生/女士:过往的一年,我们专心搭建平台,您是我们关注和支持财宝主角。新年即将来临,我们倾情实现网商大家庭的欢乐相聚。为了感谢您一年来的大力支持,我们特于20xx年1月10日14:00在青岛丽晶大酒店一楼丽晶殿举办20xx年度客户答谢会,届时将有精彩的节目和丰厚的奖品等待着您,期盼您的光临!让我们同叙友情,共话将来,迎接来年更多的财宝,更多的欢乐!公司人力资源部20xx年X月X日英文的邀请函 篇5Dear xxx:I want to play a party to celebrate*.I d like to invite you to my party 。The time is xxx.Thank you !本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第12页 共12页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页