2022年软件工程英文简历表格 编写个人简历可以依据不同依次来划分其类型,像是时序型个人简历、功能性个人简历,还有综合型个人简历,而不管是哪种类型的个人简历,都是有肯定的结构特点,是有规律可循。但是有一些人的个人简历,在做上结构过于混乱,很简单暴露自身弱点。 许多人所写个人简历都是以笼统的概括为主,这样的加个人简历和适合海投,在哪里都能运用。 同样的这样的个人简历在哪里也都不具有竞争力,除非你的有足够高的学历。想要提高个人简历的效果,让其发挥其作用,就必需要能写出有针对性的个人简历。针对你求职的职位,来写出有竞争力的个人简历。 在个人简历中常见到的一些问题还有细微环节部分,有许多人在写个人简历时候不是很在意细微环节部分,因为细微环节部分没有太的影响。但是,要知道细微环节部分累计起来所能够起到的作用也很,还有些细微环节部分处理的好能够干脆加分。 编写个人简历一般的都是自己所写,而个人简历也算是个人的广告信息,在写的时候许多人就简单以主观性描写为主,这也是常见到的问题。主观性的描写缺乏可信度,在写的时候要以事实说话,以数据说话。 Name:gender :maleBirth :*telephone :egree :BachelorProfessional:Packaging EngineeringExperience :10yearsnational :HanSchool:Beijing Institute of Graphic ommunicationaddress :*E-mail :Self Assessment:Talented racle atabase, EBS and softwaredevelopment professional; Understanding well about the development and implementation projects based on racle atabase, PL/SL, orms and Reports, etc; Knowing the development and implementation well in the racle EBS environment (11.5.4 -11.5.10); Strong ability of the team, project and process management; idely knowing the popular commercial application software. Having overseas working experience (at Singapore).Target Job:esired Job ategory:ERP Technical/Application onsultant | Project anager/Supervisor | BA/atabase evelopment Engineeresired Job Industry:Softwareesired Salary:Negotiableesired ity:BeijingI can start from:within 1 monthork Experience:2022.4-Now*ReutersTechnical Specialist,Principal SoftwareEngineerResponsibilities and Achievements:• ocused on the Thomson Reuters financial market data (instrument data) maintenance system design, development, migration, implementation and support, based on racle atabase, orms and PL/SL, etc., for internal customers, covering the global markets; onducting the Global Exchange ata Administration (GEA) Team Leader and Technical Specialist.• Led the Thomson Reuters Global uote System (GS) project on GEA side; Responsible for the softwaredesign, development and implementation; GS project is the core system upgrade project to enhance the system performance and solve the capacity issues by upgrading the current systems with new architecture, new applications, to migrate the core business data, covering the global markets.• Led the Thomson Reuters Edison system America/Europe transition project on GEA side; In charge of the softwaredesign, development and implementation, to integrate the area or exchange specific applications, supporting global users.• Responsible for the design, development and implementation of Thomson Reuters arkets in inancial Instruments irective (iI) project, for Europe, on GEA side. iI project, the Thomson Reuters core system enhancement project, supports Europe exchanges to implement the technical solution based on the arkets in inancial Instruments irective.• Involved in the Thomson Reuters Phoenix Project SG transition project, as the one of the key members, to hand-over Global Exchange ata Administration (GEA) from Singapore to Beijing.• entor of internship student.• Thomson Reuters R/P system (Siebel) part-time trainer for Beijing development center.2022.8-2022.4*r Inc. (ontractor of otorola’s *IT Solutions *, Beijing, hina)IT EngineerResponsibilities and Achievements:• ocused on the design, development and migration of otorola finance customized software, based on racle atabase, orms, Reports and PL/SL, etc., under the racle EBS environment.• Responsible for the design and development of otorola finance customized softwaremigration project, mainly for racle EBS inance Payables (AP), from otorola’s Israel and Brazil local systems to global finance system, to meet the softwareintegration requirements.• In charge of the design and development of otorola finance uterbay Purging Achieving report development project, for racle EBS inance Payables (AP) and Receivables (AR), to validate the purging and achieving operation of uterbay application.• Responsible for the design and development of otorola finance interface encryption project for racle EBS inance Payables (AP), to meet the security requirements for the personal credit card information, by using PGP.2004.10-2022.7*International, IncTechnical onsultant Responsibilities and Achievements:• Involved in the Haier o.,Ltd. BI (Brio) project, which was implemented by the former Hyperion; Responsible for softwaretechnical consulting and development, to provide the analysis and report service, based on the business data.• ocused on the P.R. hina inistry of inance () racle EBS inance implementation project, which was implemented by racle; In charge of the racle EBS inance Payables (AP) interface customization development, to integrate the core finance system and external non-tax revenue systems, mainly the softwaredesign and development, based on racle atabase, orms, Reports and PL/SL, in the racle EBS environment.Education:11016.9-2000.7Beijing Institute of Graphic ommunicationBachelorajor ategory:Packaging Engineering第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页