XXXX 年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语冲刺试题年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语冲刺试题( (一一) )下下47、(此题分值:2 分)【正确答案】 心理历史学获取所需“事实”,不是取自详细记录各种事件及其发生顺序的历史记载,而是取自对构成历史的各个人物进行的个性心理分析;他演绎学说,不是根据这些人物生活中的某个事例,而是根据某种超越历史的人性观点。48、(此题分值:2 分)【正确答案】 心理历史学家们不仅确信自己的学说是绝对正确的,而且认为他们对任何历史事件的解释是“最深刻的”,其他解释都不符合实际情况。49、(此题分值:2 分)【正确答案】 心理历史学否认过去有其自身的完整性和意向;否认过去人们的活动出于种种动机,豆腐过去的事件有多种不同的因果。50、(此题分值:2 分)【正确答案】 心理历史学不考虑过去具有的特殊性,而是把一切事件,不管过去的和现在的,都同化在一个假定为放之四海而皆准的定数论图式中。五、写作题(每题 10 分,共 20 分)问答题说明:仔细阅读下面题目,根据各小题要求答题,确认无误后点“提交”51、 You are preparing for taking the entrance test for MAin economics. Write a letter to the dean of the EconomicsSchool of a famous university to enquire about: 1) thesubjects to be tested, 2) the number of students forenrollment, and 3) any guiding or training courses. Youshould write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not signyour name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address.(此题分值:10 分)【正确答案】 略52、 Directions: Study the following drawing carefully andwrite an essay in which you should 1) describe the drawing,2) interpret its implications in life, and 3) support yourview with examples.(此题分值:10 分)【正确答案】 略一、单项选择题(每题 0.5 分,共 10 分)There is nothing illogical or synthetic about the humilityof great bookmen in calling attention to the limitations ofthe book. No book can 1 us to know everything that is to beknown, or feel everything that is to be felt. A book ispart of life, not a substitute 2 it. It is not a fit 3 forworship or enshrinement. It loses its charm and much of itsvalue when aepted 4. No one would have been more 5 thanAristotle if he could have known of the excessive and 6veneration that would be given to his ideas in centuries to7. When his works became the 8 words of advance knowledge,9 knowledge became neither advanced nor vital.The particular oasion for these remarks is that there are10 here and there that some of us in the book world may be11 ourselves too seriously. In the effort to increase bookreading some 12 things are being said about books. It ismade to 13 that nothing is happening now that has nothappened before, and that the only true approach tounderstanding is 14 books. We do neither service norjustice to books by 15 upon them such omnipotence andomniscience. Many of the answers we need today are notnecessarily to be found between 16. There are elements ofnewness in the present 17 of man that will not readily be18 of by required reading or ready reference. Books are notslide rules or blueprints for 19 automatic answers. What isneeded is a mighty blend of the wisdom of the ages 20 fresh,razoredged analytical thought.1、(此题分值:0.5 分) A inform B promise Cenable D assure【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改2、(此题分值:0.5 分) A of B for C to D with【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改3、(此题分值:0.5 分) A subject B issue C matterD image【正确答案】 A【您的答案】修改4、(此题分值:0.5 分) A unreasonably B unprofitablyC unwillingly D uncritically【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改5、(此题分值:0.5 分) A disturbed B disguised Cintervened D interrupted【正确答案】 A【您的答案】修改6、(此题分值:0.5 分) A dreadful B respectful Charmful D faithful【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改7、(此题分值:0.5 分) A go B e C pass Demerge【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改8、(此题分值:0.5 分) A big B end C late Dlast【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改9、(此题分值:0.5 分)this【正确答案】 A【您的答案】修改10、(此题分值:0.5 分)D trails【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改11、(此题分值:0.5 分)taking D pushing【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改12、(此题分值:0.5 分)C excessive DA such B much C most D symbols B signs C marksA confining B demanding CA extraordinary B exceptional extravagant【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改13、(此题分值:0.5 分) A show B appear C proveD indicate【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改14、(此题分值:0.5 分) AD from【正确答案】 A【您的答案】修改15、(此题分值:0.5 分) Aimposing D installing【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改16、(此题分值:0.5 分) AD words【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改17、(此题分值:0.5 分) Astatus D dilemmaB with C amongB conferring CB covers C linesB situation C through focus pages position【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改18、(此题分值:0.5 分) A disposed B discerned Cdischarged D dispersed【正确答案】 A【您的答案】修改19、(此题分值:0.5 分) A polishing B regulating Cfurnishing D forwarding【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改20、(此题分值:0.5 分) A from B with C over Dfor【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改二、阅读选择题(每题 2 分,共 40 分)Text 1 Banking is about money; and no other familiar modityarouses such excesses of passion and dislike. Nor is thereany other about which more nonsense is talked. The type ofthing that es to mind is not what is normally calledeconomics, which is inexact rather than nonsensical, andonly in the same way as all sciences are at the point wherethey try to predict peoples behaviour and itsconsequences. Indeed most social sciences and, for example,medicine could probably be described in the same way.However, it is mon to hear assertions of the kind “if youwere left alone on a desert island a few seed potatoeswould be more use to you than a million pounds” as thoughthis proved something important about money except theundeniable fact that it would not be much use to anyone ina situation where very few of us are at all likely to findourselves. Money in fact is a token, or symbolic object,exchangeable on demand by its holders for goods andservices. Its use for these purposes is universal exceptwithin a small number of primitive agricultural munities.Money and the price mechanism, i.e., the changes in pricesexpressed in money terms of different goods and services,are the means by which all modern societies regulate demandand supply for these things. Especially important are therelative changes in price of different goods and servicespared with each other. To take random examples: the priceof housebuilding has over the past five years risen agood deal faster than that of domestic appliances likerefrigerators, but slower than that of motor insurance orFrench Impressionist paintings. This fact has pleximplications for students of the industry, trade unionism,town planning, insurance panies, fineart auctions, andpolitics. Unpacking these implications is what economics isabout, but their implications for bankers are quitedifferent.In general, in modern industrialised societies, prices ofservices or goods produced in a context requiring a highservicecontent (e.g. a meal in a restaurant) are likelyto rise in price more repidly than goods capable ofmassproduction on a large scale. It is also acharacteristic of highly developed economies that thenumber of workers employed in service industries tends torise and that of workers employed in manufacturing to fall.The disfort this truth causes has been an important sourceof tension in western political life for many years and islikely to remain so for many more.21、Money may be thought of as(此题分值:2 分) A the popular thing that stirs upfierce love or hatred. B the unique source thatgenerates all kinds of good or evil doings. C thesymbolic object that signifies one s wealth and priviledge.D the major subject of nonsensical talks that arerelated to economy.【正确答案】 A【您的答案】修改22、Aording to the text, economics is(此题分值:2 分) A similar to other social sciencesin all the rubbish about it. B different from othersocial sciences in the forecast of peoples behavior.C similar to all other sciences in trying to foretellmans activities. D different from most sciences inits attempt to avoid bad consequences.【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改23、In the writers view, the assertion that money would beuseless on a desert island(此题分值:2 分) A illustrates one limitation to theimportance of money. B is of importance only to peoplestayed in such places. C proves the worthlessness ofmoney in many situations. D shows nothing significantabout money on a rare oasion.【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改24、Modern societies control supply and demand(此题分值:2 分) A by intervention in pricing goodsand services. B by means of money and the pricemechanism. C by keeping a watchful eye on price changes.D by fixing proper prices for specific industries.【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改25、The writer suggests that the prices of services(此题分值:2 分) A rise owing to their highcontents. B grow due to their onqualitythespot production.C augment with the increase of service workers. Dadvance in proportion to economical growth.【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改Text 2 For three decades weve heard endlessly about thevirtues of aerobic(increasing oxygen consumption)exercise.Medical authorities have praised running and jumping as thekey to good health, and millions of Americans have taken tothe treadmill(踏车)to reap the rewards. But the story ischanging. Everyone from the American Heart Association tothe surgeon generals office has recently embracedstrength training as a plement to aerobics. And as weightlifting has gone mainstream, so has the once obscurepractice known as “Super Slow” training. Enthusiastsclaim that by pumping iron at a snails pace-making each“rep”(repeat) last 14 seconds instead of the usual seven-you can safely place extraordinary demands on your muscles,and call forth an extraordinary response. Slow lifting maynot be the only exercise you need, as some advocatesbelieve, but the benefits are often dramatic.Almost anyone can handle this routine. The onlyrequirements are plete focus and a tolerance for deepmuscular burn. Fox each exercise-leg press, bench press,shoulder press and so on-you set the machine to provideonly moderate resistance. But as you draw out each rep,depriving yourself of impetus, the weight soon feelsunbearable. Defying the impulse to stop, you keep goinguntil you cant plete a rep. Then you sustain your vaineffort for 10 more seconds while the weight sinks graduallytoward its cradle. Intense? Unfortable? Totally. But onceyou embrace muscle failure as the goal of the workout, itcan bee almost pleasure.The goal is not to burn calories while youre exercisingbut to make your body burn them all the time. Running a fewmiles many make you sweat, but it expends only 100 caloriesper mile, and it doesnt stimulate much bone or muscledevelopment. Strength training doesnt burn may calories,either. But when you push a muscle to failure, you set offa pour of physiological changes. As the muscle recoversover several days, it will thicken-and the new muscletissue will demand sustenance. By the time you add threepounds of muscle, your body requires an extra 9,000calories a month just to break even. Hold your diet steadyand, very quickly, you are vaporizing body fat.One might have benefited from any strength-training program.But advocates insist the slow technique is safer and moreeffective than traditional methods.26、Many Americans have taken to treadmill for years byvirtue of(此题分值:2 分) A its inherent awards to theirhealth. B its greater consumption of oxygen. C thepliment paid by authorities. D the actual benefits fromthe exercise.【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改27、Aording to the author,“Super Slow” training(此题分值:2 分) A has been misunderstood for decades.B has been widely aepted recently. C has been thebasis of weight lifting. D has bee the nucleus ofaerobics.【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改28、In practicing slow lifting, one has to(此题分值:2 分) A plete each rep with great demandsfor his muscles. B bear the unusual reaction caused bythe training. C suffer the bitter effect called forthby the exercise. D exert extraordinary pressure on hislegs and shoulders.【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改29、Slow weight lifters are required to make each rep(此题分值:2 分) A without using any driving force.B without movement of their body. C with unbearableiron weights. D with the feeling of muscle failure.【正确答案】 A【您的答案】修改30、 The phrase “to break even”(Line 7,Par.3) mostprobably means(此题分值:2 分) A to upset the physical energybalance. B to disturb the calmness of the body. Cto gain a greater profit than a loss. D to make neithera profit nor a loss.【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改Text 3 To avoid the various foolish opinions to whichmankind is liable, no superhuman genius is required. A fewsimple rules will keep you, not from all errors, but fromsilly errors.If the matter is one that can be settled by observation,make the observation yourself. Aristotle could have avoidedthe mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth thanmen, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keepher mouth open while he counted. He did not do so becausehe thought he knew. Thinking that you know when in fact youdont is a fatal mistake, to which we are all liable.Many matters, however, are less easily brought to the testof experience. If, like most of mankind, you have strongconvictions on many such matters, there are ways in whichyou can make yourself aware of your own prejudice. If anopinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is asign that you subconsciously are aware of having no goodreason for thinking as you do. If someone maintains thattwo and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator,you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so littleof arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your owncontrary conviction. The most savage controversies arethose about matters as to which there is no good evidenceeither way. So whenever you find yourself getting angryabout a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you willprobably find, on examination, that your belief is goingbeyond what the evidence justifies.For those who have enough psychological imagination, it isa good plan to imagine an argument with a person having adifferent opinion. This has one advantage, and only one, aspared with actual conversation with opponents; this oneadvantage is that the method is not subject to the samelimitations of time and space. Mahatma Gandhi (圣雄甘地)considered it unfortunate to have railways and steamboatsand machinery; he would have liked to undo the whole of theindustrial revolution. You may never have an opportunity ofactually meeting anyone who holds this opinion, because inWestern countries most people take the advantage of moderntechnology for granted. But if you want to make sure thatyou are right in agreeing with the prevailing opinion, youwill find it a good plan to test the arguments that our toyou by considering what Gandhi might have said inrefutation of them. I have sometimes been led actually tochange my mind as a result of this kind of imaginarydialogue. Furthermore, I have frequently found myselfgrowing more agreeable through realizing the possiblereasonableness of a hypothetical opponent.31、 The author intends to tell us that(此题分值:2 分) A human beings, including those ofgenius, are liable to foolish errors. B people canavoid silly mistakes unless they observe mon rules. Cit needs average intelligence for us to keep away fromsilly opinions. D foolish opinions usually our to thosewho rarely mit big mistakes.【正确答案】 C【您的答案】修改32、 The example of Aristotle is used to indicate that(此题分值:2 分) A observation can prevent peoplefrom making any mistakes. B great men advance falsearguments oasionally. C primitive apparatuses hamperprecise observation. D realistic investigations arevital to sound judgments.【正确答案】 D【您的答案】修改33、Aording to the text, it is true that(此题分值:2 分) A there are many ways to rectify ourfalse beliefs in many matters. B our irritation atopposite arguments proves our inability to justifyourselves. C fierce controversies reveal theirincapacity to convince either side. D we should firmlydefend our belief when it encounters any challenge.【正确答案】 B【您的答案】修改34、 The author tries to convince us of the fact that