Lets enjoy!(Period 1)Lets play!If you see a phrase, read it and do it.如果你看到了一个词组,请把它读出并作出相应动作。If you see a tiger, shout Ahh!如果你看到了一只老虎,请大叫Ahh。Rules (规则)Lets play!stand upsit downrun, run, runopen your bookclose the bookopen the bookopen the pencil boxopen the boxopen the boxsleep, sleepeat my cakedrink my milk Lets guess!Lets guess!Is this a? Lets guess!b cIs that a? rLets guess!peggenYes, it is.No, it isnt.不是不是pencilpencil caseWatch the cartoon!pencilWhats the story about?故事讲了什么?故事讲了什么?A: The pencil is lost.(丢失丢失)B: The pencil is broken.(弄坏弄坏)C: The pencil is stolen.(偷掉偷掉)Watch and choose!This isnt my pencil.Whats the story about?这不是我的铅笔。这不是我的铅笔。Listen and underline!Find the sentence and underline.(在文中找到在文中找到适当适当的句子的句子并用线划起来并用线划起来。)Is this your pencil?No, it isnt.你的你的Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.thatLets learn!Oh, thats my pencil.那是那是Find the sentence and read aloud.(在文中找到适当的句子并尝试在文中找到适当的句子并尝试大声读出来大声读出来。)Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.Lets learn! Listen and repeat!This isnt my pencil.Is this your pencil?No, it isnt.Oh, thats my pencil. Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.Fun time!小朋友们,比一比,看谁配的音最好!小朋友们,比一比,看谁配的音最好!Fun time!ABCDEA E C D B小朋友们,你们能帮着排顺序吗?小朋友们,你们能帮着排顺序吗?What did they say?试着说说他们都说了些什么?试着说说他们都说了些什么?Lets help!Please take good care of our things!请妥善保管好我们的学习、生活用品!请妥善保管好我们的学习、生活用品!Mike找不到找不到他的文具用他的文具用品了,让我品了,让我们一起来帮们一起来帮帮他吧!帮他吧!Homework!1.Copy the new words(抄写新单词)2.Read Story time after the tape(跟录音朗读课文)