Word 职场秘籍:面试的真正目的是什么 职场秘籍:面试的真正目的是什么 你知道面试的真正目的吗?或许你曾纳闷过,你的简历聘请人员已经看过了,他们也对你电话面试过了,全部的证明材料他们也都检查过了,为什么还要你在面试的时候再重复一遍呢?其实面试的真正目的不过是要看看你是否讨他们喜爱。这也是人们在面试中经常失策的地方。 Hiring managers today have a lot of tools at their disposal to figure out if youre qualified for a job. The Internet reveals your history, and often the content and quality of your work; LinkedIn (一个网站,专为商务人士建立联系而用) can provide a plethora of references from people who have worked with you, whether you actually provide them to the employer yourself or not. And a phone screen can give a sense of your verbal abilities。 如今聘请人员有许多方法推断是否你具备工作资格。他们可以在网上搜寻到你的个人背景、工作内容和业绩。 LinkedIn 网站供应了来自和你共事的人们对你的大量评价,不管你有没有自己把这些供应给应聘者。电话面试也能体现出一个人的语言表达力量。 So whats left? Whether or not you click with them - whether they like you. Remember that intangible thing that happens on a date when you decide if you like the person or not? The same thing happens with hiring。 那么剩下还有什么?就是你和他们是否一拍即合他们是不是喜爱你。记得在约会时打算喜不喜爱对方时那一种无形的东西吗?在这方面,聘请和约会是一样的。 This is what the face-to-face interview is all about. So make a great first impression, and focus on making sure the interviewer likes you。 这就是面对面面试的目的。 所以要给别人一个绝好的第一印象,留意肯定要去让面试官喜爱你。 2