国际酒店餐饮部西餐厅操作手册 sop Western Restaurant 6 Taking Food Order1.xls
STANDARD OF OPERATION PROCEDUREDEPARTMENT: FOOD & BEVERAGESECTION: Western RestaurantJOB TITLE: Waitress / WaiterTASK NO: HS.W.R 06TASK: Taking Food OrderPAGE 1 OF 2EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Food Menu, Captain Order, Ballpen.WHAT TO DOHOW TO DOWHY TO DO1. Observe the guest if When the guest closed the menu to drink someing Dont let the guest ask for is ready for order.or look around, try to find something, thats the sin- help.Be positive to offer gal of being ready to order.our help.2. Approach the table toGo close to the guest stand in a place that have Always be polite & show provide help.eye-contact and communication, saying May I care to guest by greetingtake your order, Sir? When doing this, look at theand eye-contact.guest friendly with smile and be cheerful, stand upShow sincerity & humilityright, lean forward a little bit.use your body language.3. Provide suggestionGuide the guest,read his/her body language, sug- Give useful suggestion gest menu item or specialities at proper time.WeTry every chance to sell have a try.more.When speaking to guest try to be politely,slowly Easier for guest to heatand clearly.clearly.4. Writer down the orderwrite down the item that guest ordered on the pa-Show humility and respect toper, at the same time, listen carefully,nod your he-ct to guest by praising g-ad to approve guests decision by saying Veryuest,they will feel warm.nice, youll enjoy very much.5.Handle guest special If guest ordered something that isnt on the menu,Never say no to guest, request.ask the chef first if we can do, accept the order,al-ways provide help.if we can not do, recommand other items: # # # has the familiar taste, its not bad, try it please.PREPARED BY: Sharon LIUAPPROVED BY:POSITIONSIGNATUREPOSITIONSIGNATUREW.R Manager