【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流汉译英重点短语翻译记忆1、21世纪城市开发和环境国际会议 the International Conference on Urban Construction and the Environment for the 21st century 2、在我们迈入新世纪,新千年之际 as we are entering a new century and a new millennium 3、回顾过去,展望未来 retrospect the past and look into the future 4、交流有关21世纪城市开发和居住问题的看法和意见 to exchange ideas and opinions on problems concerning urban construction and living conditions for the 21st century 5、协调的过程 reconcile the process of 6、经济社会发展和环境保护 economic and social development and environmental protection 7、关于的意义深远的重要会议 a significant great event in 8、我谨代表 on behalf of 9、向与会的所有朋友表示热烈的欢迎 to extend a warm welcome to all friends present 10、上个世纪工业化和城市化使人们享受到前所未有的物质和文化的成就 Industrialization and urbanization in the past century provided people with unprecedented materialistic cultural achievements. 11、生态恶化,人口激增,自然资源日益枯竭 ecological deterioration, an increasing population, and a decreasing supply of nature resources 12、对自然资源的需求日益增加 has led to an increasing demand for natural resources 13、加剧了和间的矛盾 intensify the contradictions between and 14、自然资源长期再生 the long-term regeneration of natural resources 15、生态系统有限的能力 the limited ability on ecological system 16、在这个重要时刻 at this vital moment 17、人类应心平气和,小心谨慎的思考 humanity should consider calmly and carefully about 18、人类面临的共同任务 a common task facing mankind 19、实现经济和社会的可持续发展 to achieve economic and social sustainable development 20、正确处理人类和自然地关系 deal with the relationship between mankind and nature properly 21、中国是四大文明古国之一 China is one of the fore countries with an ancient civilization 22、安居乐业 If one has a comfortable home, it is easier for him to concentrate on work 23、所以,中国政府在发展经济的同时,将环境保护作为首要任务 Consequently, the Chinese government has placed environment protection as one of its top priorities when developing the economy. 24、垃圾污染,噪声污染和人口爆炸 garbage pollution, noise pollution, and the population explosion 25、扩大绿化面积 increase green areas 26、适宜的条件 suitable conditions 27、对予以报复 take revenge on 28、世界范围的生态环境问题是人人关注的 the problems of world-wide ecological environment are of great concern to everyone 29、献身于提高环保意识,保护环境的高尚活动中 to devote themselves to the noble undertaking of improving environmental awareness and protecting the environment 30、会议由联合举办 the conference of is co-sponsored by 31、我们愿意 we are ready to 32、我们将继续努力 we will make constant effort to 33、祝愿大会取得圆满成功 We wish the Conference much success. 34.金秋时节 in this golden autumn 35. 京师大学堂 Metropolitan University 36. 崇高的爱国主义精神 lofty patriotism 37 重要阵地 a launching pad 38. 怀着对祖国和人民的高度责任感 motivated by a strong sense of responsibility for the nation and the people 39. 北京师范大学并正在向以教师教育为主要特色的世界知名的高水平大学迈进 Beijing Normal University is now well on its way to becoming a world-class quality normal university. 40. 当今时代,科技进步日新月异,国际竞争日趋激烈 Today's world is witnessing rapid progress of science and technology and intensified competition worldwide. 41. 各国之间的竞争,说到底,是人才的竞争,是民族创新能力的竞争 The competition among nations, in the final analysis, boils down to competition of their human talents and their abilities to innovate. 42科教兴国战略 strategy of revitalizing the through science and education 43. 提高全民族的思想道德素质和科学文化素质 raise the moral, scientific and cultural levels of the nation as a whole. 44. 中华民族的伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 45. 为人师表 act as paragons of virtue and learning 46. 严谨笃学 remain scrupulous and diligent in their scholarly pursuit 47.小康社会 a well-off society 48.加快推进社会主义现代化建设 accelerate socialist modernization drive 49.一个富强民主文明的社会主义现代化国家 a strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally-advanced modern socialist country .精品文档.汉译英重点短语翻译记忆整理:未知 推荐:admin Tag: 浏览: 329次