3.1 Company biography 公司简介lFocus 学习重点学习重点l熟悉与公司相关的词汇l学会介绍公司简况、组织结构l练习在听力和阅读过程中抓住语篇大意和寻找相关信息l学会公司简介New Words & Expressionslbiography baigrfi n. 形成、成长和衰亡的记载;传记lfast food restaurant 快餐店ltransform trnsf:m vt. 转换、改变、改造lglobal business 跨国企业loriginal ridnl adj. 最初的,原始的,起源的lfranchise frn.taiz n. & vt. 特许经销权, 给以特许lfeature fi:t n. & vt. 是的特色, 以为特色lFrench fries 炸薯条New Words & Expressionslsoftdrink n. 软饮料;汽水lmilkshake .milkeik n. 奶昔lpurchase p:ts vt. 买,购买lmultimixer .mltimiks n. 多用混合器(机)lexclusive distributor iksklu:siv distribjut独家批发商(代理商)lopen vi. & vt. 开设,开办,开张lexpand ikspnd vi. & vt. 扩大,扩张 lcorporation .k:prein n. 公司New Words & Expressionslcosmetic kzmetik n. 化妆品linspire inspai vt. 激发,启示, 使生灵感lphilosophy filsfi n. 哲学lrevolutionary .revlu:nri adj. 革命的lraw material r: mtiril 原材料lsupplier splai n. 供应者,厂商lethical eikl adj. 伦理的;道德的ltravel agency eidnsi 旅行社New Words & Expressionslcontract n. & vt. 订合同,合同、契约ltake delivery of 收货, 提取货物lmerge m:d vi. & vt. 合并lfleet fli:t n 舰队lbudget airline bdit lain 低价航空公司lgo public 上市,公开发售股票lbusiness partner 生意伙伴,商业伙伴lentrepreneur .ntrprn: n 企业家 lentrepreneurial .ntrprnjuril adj. 企业家的New Words & Expressionslfreelancer fri:lns n. 自由职业者;自由撰稿人 millinonaire 网络百万富翁lcelebrity silebriti n. 名人lentrepreneur .ntrprn: n. 企业家lKuwait City kuweit 科威特城(科威特首都)lSan Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺(美国加利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)lIllinois .ilini 伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)l肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken 肯塔基炸鸡),通常简称为KFC,是来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅,由哈兰.桑德斯(Colonel Harland Sanders)上校于1952年创建。主要出售炸鸡(fried chicken)、汉堡(hamburger)、薯条(chips)、汽水(softdrink)等西式快餐食品。肯德基属于百胜餐饮(Yum! Brands Inc.)集团。百胜集团是世界上最大的餐饮集团,在全球100多个国家和地区拥有超过3.3万家连锁店和84万名员工。旗下拥有肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客(Pizza Hut)、塔可钟(Tacobell 已于2007年10月在国内结束营业)、东方既白(中式餐饮)等世界知名餐饮品牌,分别在烹鸡、比萨、墨西哥风味食品及海鲜餐饮领域名列全球第一。肯德基与百事可乐结成了战略联盟,餐厅固定销售百事可乐公司提供的碳酸饮料(但在部分国家例外,如日本、韩国肯德基就销售可口可乐)。2006年11月,百胜餐饮集团旗下品牌肯德基成为世界上第一个从太空可以看到的品牌。8129平方米的巨幅山德士上校标识在美国内华达州51区沙漠地带揭开了神秘面纱。这个向世人展现的标识正是肯德基在全球推出的第五代标识。这个史无前例的项目,团队成员经历了意想不到的挫折和磨难。由近50名设计师、工程师、科学家(包括天体物理学家在内)、建筑师及其他专业人员组成的团队,耗时三个月,构思、创作并建造了这一世界上最大的标识。这就是由65000块1平方英尺的彩色瓷砖拼装而成的太空可视肯德基标识。 The first shop in China in 1987, Beijing KFC and China 3300 franchised restraurants till the end of 2012 Chinese characteristics of KFC: Chinese menu and Chinese operating pattern Fast food industry in U.S.A. 美国的快餐业lBackground KnowledgelCharacteristics of fast food 快餐的特点快餐的特点lFast 快lFresh 新鲜lFried 油炸lFantasy 浪漫感lFordism 福特主义lFranchising 特许经营权2. Read the article and find out why more people prefer a career in marketing than in sales. Complete the table below with reasons from the text.Reasons for choosing marketingReasons for choosing sales- sounds better at dinner parties- has an air of glamour (whereas sales has an unglamorous image)- (many graduates believe) you work on creative PR campaigns and go on lots of jollies- marketing seems more attractive (than sales)- it isnt as bad as myths suggest- unlike marketing, sales is tangible- it has a direct impact on a companys results- you meet people and communicate with different personalities- in sales theres a buzz of a target-driven environment- you can manage millions of pounds of business- make customers happy- its incredibly rewardingTopic for discussion:lWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food restaurant, like KFC, McDonalds or Pizza Hut?lYour speech should obey the following pattern:lAdvantages: Disadvantages: l1topic sentence 1topic sentencel explanation explanationl2topic sentence 2topic sentencel explanation explanantionReading: The Man behind McDonalds 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人lText Structure AnalysisTime ownerscaleplaceFast food195419551961Today Richard and Maurice McDonaldsmallSan Bernardino, CaliforniaHamburgers, French fries, soft drinks and milkshakes.Ray KrocFranchised McDonaldsDes Plaines, IllinoisRay bought the business from the MacDonald brothers for $2.7 million31000restaurants100 countriesThe Man Behind McDonalds lIn 1954, two brothers ran a small, but busy, restaurant in San Bernardino, California. lThe restaurant featured a limited menu that included: hamburgers, fench fries, softdrinks and milkshakes. The milkshakes were very popular and the restaurant had purchased ten special “Multimixer” milkshake makers. Each one could mix five milkshakes at a time. lA salesman named Ray Kroc was the exclusive distributor of the “Multimixer” milkshake machines at that time. Ray decided to visit the restaurant; he wanted to find out why they had so many machines. lRay talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac) McDonald, the owners of the restaurant. He saw how they prepared the food using equipment that they had invented. The service in the restutant was fast and the prices were inexpensive. The Man Behind McDonaldslRay realised that this was a fantastic opportunity. He wanted to open more restaurants and so sell more multimixers. lIn April 1955, Ray opened his first franchised McDonalds restaurant in Des Plains, Illinois. First day sales were $366.12.lRay continued to franchise new restaurants and to expand. In 1961, he bought the business from the MacDonald brothers for $2.7million.lToday, McDonalds Corporation has over 31000 restaurants in over 100countries. There is even one in Kuwait City, which opened in 1994. On its first day, there were 15000 people lining up to eat at the restaurant. Grammar: The past simple 一般过去时lThe past simple (一般过去时)lTo talk about actions that happened in the paswt. The time is specified, or understood from the context. (谈论发生在过去的动作。时间已点明或从上下文可获知)lTo talk about past states. (谈论过去的状态)The past simple规则动词规则动词不规则动词不规则动词不定式形式过去时不定式形式过去时talkplaystopstudytravelprefertalkedplayedstoppedstudiedtravelledpreferredruneatsleepdrinkhavedoranatesleptdrankhaddidWork in pairs. How much do you remember about McDonalds? Ask each other these questions. Then look at the text again to check your answers.l1. Where was the original restaurant owned by the McDonald brother?lAnswer: In San Bernardino California.l2. What did it sell?lAnswer: Hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks, milkshakes. l3. Was it expensive?lAnswer: No, it was cheap. l4. When did Ray Kroc open the first McDonald franchise?lAnswer: In 1955.l5. How much money did they take on the first day?lAnswer: $366.12.l6. How much did Ray Kroc pay the borthers for the business?lAnswer: He paid them $2.7million. l7. When did the Kuwait City restaurant open?lAnswer: It opened in 1994. l8. Was the Kuwait City restaurant a success?lAnswer: Yes, it was. Reading: Company profiles 公司简介lBackground Knowledgel易捷航空公司是应该一家廉价航空公司,也是欧洲头号低成本航空公司。该公司成立于1995年, 由于只接受顾客通过网络订购机票服务,没有任何中间环节,如今已成为应该载客量第一的航空公司,其航线覆盖欧洲各大城市和旅游度假地。Reading: Company profiles 公司简介l英国在线预定公司是一家为消费者提供最后一分钟购买机票、预订饭店、假日旅游、娱乐演出入场券、餐馆定位以及送货上门等各种各样服务的公司。公司拥有几百万的注册客户,与万余家包括航空公司、饭店、租车公司、娱乐场所和旅店等机构建立了长期的合作关系。Reading: Company profiles 公司简介l美体小铺是一家著名的健康、美容品连锁店, 始创于1976年在应该开办第一家店铺开始, 迄今为止已经在全球建立了2,000家店铺, 在全球最杰出品牌的排列中居于第27位。美体小铺产品采用植物、果蔬调配而成,属纯天然产品。主要生产绿色美容保养品和化妆品。Work in pairs. Use the prompts to write questions about . Do you know the answers to any of these questions?l1.Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox/ the company(start)lWhere did Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox start the company?l2. the website(sell)lWhat did the website sell?l3. the company(expand into)lWhich countries did the company expand into?l4. they/after six years(have)lHow many employees did they have after six years?l5. the company(go public)lWhen did the company go public?l6. Martha/the company(leave)lWhen did Martha leave the company? Listen and write the answers to the questions in exercise 4:l1. In Brents living room; l2. Late flights and late hotel bookings; l3. France, Germany and Sweden; l4. 1400; l5. In 2000l6. In 2003Speaking: Presenting your company 介绍你的公司Company nameType of companyProduct/ Service offeredGot idea for business in (when)First business activity (when / where)Expanded (where to/ when)Speaking: Presenting your companyNotable successesKey dates/ achievementsCurrent operationsNumber of employeesCurrent value of companyCurrent personal worthUse your notes to write a short paragraph (6080words) about your company. You will not need to use all of the information. Choose the most relevant, interesting or unusual facts. Before you start, read the paragraphs about The Body Shop and easyJet again. Follow a similar organisation in your paragraph. lLoseW is a successful company that sells special shoes that make you lose weight by just wearing them. The idea came to a university student, Mark Zimmerman, when he added weight to his running shoes to burn more calories while jogging. He patented the idea in 2005 and started selling the shoes to his friends and relatives in Switzerland. The following year, he started taking orders from all over the world, thanks to the excellent website he set up. 3.2 Company performance 公司业绩lFocus 学习重点学习重点l熟悉与公司业务和业绩相关的词汇l学习掌握描述公司业绩的相关技能l练习在阅读过程中寻找具体信息l学习写公司新闻稿New Words & Expressionslperformance pf:mns n. 业绩,成绩;性能ldistribute distribjut vt. 配送,分发,分送lrecord profit 历史最高利润lvegetarian .veditrin n. 素食者,素食的lorganic :gnik adj. 使用有机肥料的lingredient ingri:dint n. 配料,成分lnutritious nju:tris adj. 有营养的limprove ones image 改善形象New Words & Expressionslbanquet bkwit n. 宴会lmanufacturer .mnjufktr n. 制造业者,厂商lguarantee .grnti: vt. & n. 保证,担保,担保人lsymbol simbl n. 象征,符号,记号linnovative inuveitiv adj. 创新的,革新的lsport utility vehicle ju:tiliti vi:ikl 运动型多用途车lcomponent kmpunnt n. 成分loptical instrument ptikl instrumnt光学仪器New Words & Expressionslvalidation .vlidein n. (可靠性)检测lcertify s:tifai vt. 证明,保证lapplication .plikein n. 应用,运用lassurance urns n. 保证,担保,确信,断言lfounder faund n. 创始人,奠基人lturnover t:n.uv n. 营业额ldramatically drmtikli adv. 戏剧地ladvertise dvtaiz vt. 做广告,登广告lannual report njul 年终报告,年终终结New Words & Expressionslshare price 股票价格lproactive pruktiv adj. 积极的,主动的ldedicated dedi.keitid adj. 专注的,献身的lunique ju:ni:k adj. 唯一的,独特的laccess kses n. 接近(进入)的机会,接近(进入l的权利;入口lconsolidate knslideit vt. 巩固lbrochure bruu n. 小册子lin this respect 在这个方面,在这个细节lmaximum mksimm n. 最大量,最大限度,极大Vocabulary: Verbs used to describe the activities of a companyldesign sell ldistribute providelmanage publish lmarket producelexport importlsupply organise lmanufactureFill in the fact file using information from the texts. Athens Daily MenuSISSOProducts/Servicesmeals, catering services, seats and interiors for cars, suv and vans,Customersmajor business hospitals, schools and colleges,clients in Europe and US,Other information15000 meals every lunchtime,exports up to 50% of its productionWriting: Press release 新闻稿lBackground Knowledgel(1) 新闻稿的“倒金字塔”结构l“倒金字塔”结构的特点就是将最重要、在最精彩的新闻事实置于第一句/段,通常称“导语”(the lead)l(2)新闻稿导语的特点l导语是龙头,导语写作是新闻稿成功的关键。导语要高度浓缩新闻的主要要素(Who? What? When? Where? and Why?) Listening: Company structure 公司结构lChief Executive Officer 执行总裁lQuality Assurance 质量保障部lR.&D. Department 研发部lMarketing & Sales 市场营销/ 销售部lIndustrial Department 产业部lAdministration & Finance 行政/财务部lProject Department 项目部lProduct Line 产品种类科lBusiness Development 业务拓展部lContract & Purchasing 合同/采购部Use the information below to write a similar press release for another company. Write 60-80 words. Read your partners text and make one suggestion for improvement. lSoap Heaven is pleased to announce that a new CEO is joining the company next year. Her name is Tanya Radcliffe and she has ambitious plans for expansion into new EU markets, especially Northern and Eastern Europe. The company is based in Portugal and produces natural soaps, shampoos and skin-care products that are very popular with teenagers, both male and female. lNigel Parker is presenting his company to a new potential business partner. Listen to this presentation. What is the companys core business?Answer: Hardware and software solutions for satellite technology. lListen to the presentation again and complete the organisational chart. lListen to the presentation again and check your answers.Vocabulary on Production, sales and share priceldecrease/ drop/ fall 下降lgo up/ increase/ rise上升llevel off 持平lremain steady 保持平稳lreach a peak / peak up 顶点高达lrecover rikv 反弹Listen to the CEO of Plastics giving a summary of the annual report. Choose the correct graph for production, sales and share price. Answer: Production: A Share prices: E Sales: D An agency built on proactive processesl(1) spiderWeb is one of the leading Web design agencies in Europe. l(2) We achieved this position through our quality design and commitment to meeting clients needs. We work hard to give clients a dedicated service, and we provide unique and individual web designs for each company. Our company organisation means that clients have esay access to our staff, and our clients webs go online on schedule and within budget. l(3) The company is growing steadily. Our UK location never limits us and two years ago we started working successfully with clients all over Europe. An agency built on proactive processesl(4) Last year we doubled our client base and our share price rose by 30 ber cent. In the coming yuear we are hoping to consolidate our leading position and to continue giving excellent returns to our invertors. l(5) With a solid reputation in a fast-growing market, spideWeb is facing a strong future. lRead the extract again and answer there questions.l1. Where is the company based?lAnswer: UK. l2. Where do its clients come from?lAnswer: All over Europe.Reading: An agency built on proactive processes 主动出击的代理商lText Structure AnalysisCompany SpiderWeb PositionOne of the leading Web design agencies in Europe.Services 1.2.Performance1.2.3.4.Future plan1.2.3 Provide unique and individual web design Clients have easy access to the staff, and clients webs go online on schedule and within budget.Consolidate the leading positionGrowing steadilyWorking successfully with clients all over EuropeDoubled the client baseShare price rose by 30 per centContinue giving excellent returns to the investorsFacing a strong future3.3 Listening Test 听力测试lExam Format 考试形式考试形式lThere are two types of listening:l1. Listening for gist the general meaning of a textl2. Listening for specific informationusually numbers (dates, times, percentages, prices, etc.) or spellings.Listening Test 听力测试题型介绍题型序号题型序号考查的主要技能考查的主要技能输入输入问题形式问题形式试题量试题量1听具体信息8个简短对话或独白,15-30秒选择题,3个选项82听具体信息简短电话对话或独白,1分半钟填空 数字和拼写73听具体信息独白,约2分钟记笔记74听大意/ 具体信息对话、采访、两人或以上讨论,约2分钟选择题,3个选项8Listening Test: Part One lAnswer the exam questions from Listening Part One below. Read the instructions and Exam Success before you listen to the recording. Follow the instrucions and write your answers on the Answer Sheet on the opposite page. Answers: 1.C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A