Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date九年级英语总复习集体备课教案九年级英语总复习集体备课教案九年级英语总复习集体备课教案张玉珊时间:2010年3月11日主备人:李先春参加人员:张玉珊 曹年丰 何云进地点:初三年教室一日三餐的复习教学 教 学 目 标一、知识目标1、 会读、会写单词“egg,sandwich,email,traditional,delicious”2、掌握句型:What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? She had二、技能目标1、培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。2、 培养学生运用上面句型谈论一日三餐的能力。三、思想情感目标使学生了解西方的饮食习惯。要注意科学饮食。教学重点运用上面句型谈论一日三餐。教学难点单词的读音以及句型的运用。教学课时1课时教学用具单词卡片、西方快餐图片、录音机、磁带、课件。 教 学 过 程教学内容与教师活动学 生 活 动 备 注 一、Warmer1. Reivew the words.Dirisdes the Ss into two groups. Divided two Ss come to the blackboard and write the words about food.二、Presentation1. “ I had bread and milk this morning. What did you have this morning?”2. Divided a S 转述。 GroupA and groupB have a race. Which group is write more? 1.Listen and answer. 2.He/She hadfor breakfast. 教 学 过 程3.“ We always have noodles, dumplings and rice for meals. What do English people usually have?”4. Write 课题 on the board.三、Learning.Step1. Look, listen and learn.1. Play the tape. 2. Ask: “ 这些食物是Linging在三餐中的哪一餐吃的?”(教师相机指导)3Teach the new words.课件出示图片帮助学生学习Sandwich,traditional,用鼻子嗅舔嘴唇学习delicious。做missing游戏让记单词4走向学生中Ask:“What did you have for lunch/dinner yesterday?5. Play the tape.6. Play the tape again.7. Teach the test.8. 让学生分角色读课文。3.Guess. Speak in Chinese. 4.Read it after teacher. 1Listen, look and underline the words about food.2. Answer.个别说其他人补充。3.看图片学习Sandwich,traditional,用表情语言体会学习delicious。Game记单词。4.Answer: “I hadforyesterday.”5.Listen .6.Listen and repeat7.Read after teacher.8.分角色读课文。教学过程四、Practice1. Play the tape. 2. Ask and answer.(Do SB/3.)3. Make a survey.What did you have for breakfast/lunch /dinneryesterday?4. Now ask and answer.五、Homework.1. 完成一份一日三餐的调查小报告。2Write the words for five times. 1. Do AB/1. Listen and tick.2. Work in pairs. 3. Work in their group. 4. Work in pairs.S1: Who hadfor breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?S2: 板书设计 English FoodShe had eggs and sausages.What did you have for breakfast?What did you have for lunch?What did you have dinner? 课内外作业与反馈 写一篇关于三餐的英语短文。 课后 反 思 成功之处:寓教于乐,体现了学生在玩中学,学中玩,激发了学生的英语学习兴趣。学生在快乐,轻松的学习氛围中掌握了关于三餐的英语知识。 不足之处:学生对于过去式的知识掌握不够好,以后多加强这方面的训练。-