Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date国际幼儿园食谱国际幼儿园食谱国际幼稚园食谱时间(Date):2月24日2月28日 星期Weeks餐点Meals星期一Monday24th February星期二Tuesday25th February星期三Wednesday26th February星期四Thursday28th February星期五Friday28th February早餐Breakfast红枣小米粥Porridge with red dates and millet乔麦馒头Wheat steamed bread杏仁花生豆浆Soybean milk with nut虎皮蛋糕 Cake 肉茸蒸肠粉Steamed vermicelli roll with meat波菜猪肝汤On soup with pig liver soup小白菜肉沫面条Noodle with vegetable and meat玉米棒corn花生白萝卜咸骨粥Porridge with nut ,white turnip and meat叉烧包Steamed bun stuffed早点Dessert豆浆Soybean milk风行纯牛奶Milk豆浆Soybean milk风行纯牛奶Milk鲜奶Fresh milk午餐Lunch米饭Rice豆腐干青蒜炒肉丁stir-fried dried tofu, garlic and diced meat番茄牛肉Beef steamed with tomato 炒波菜Vegetables黑豆鲫鱼汤Black bean and Crucian soup米饭Rice沫土豆泥Meat froth mashed potatoes莲藕肉片Lotus root and meat上汤娃娃菜Vegetables果味肉沫汤 Ou soup with meat五彩肉丁饭Mix kinds of rice 话梅肉排Plum candy ribsauce上汤菜心Vegetables大白菜红萝卜银鱼肉沫汤米饭Rice酸甜香菇双肉丸Sweet and sour burger with mashroom 沙葛丝炒肉片Fried meat with Yam bean shreds上汤君达菜Vegetables莲藕薏米猪骨汤 soup with lotus root and Job's-tears 米饭Rice虾仁炒青瓜The shelled shrimpfried Cucumber什锦豆腐Assorted Bean Curd蚝油包菜Vegetable双菇冬瓜肉沫汤On soup with Double mushroom winter melon meat froth水果Fruits沙糖桔Organge香蕉Banana青枣Green dates火龙果Dragon fruit苹果Apple圣女果Baby tomato雪梨Pear杨桃carambola 苹果Apple橙子Orange午点Dessert胡萝卜汁Carrot juice蛋挞Cake柴鱼花生猪骨粥Porridge with dried fish, peanut & bones馄吞Dumpling soup银耳雪梨百合冰糖水Sweet water by tremella , pear and lily 肉菜通心粉Rice noodles cooked with vegetable and meat注:根据市场采购供应情况,个别品种可能临时有调整,敬请各位家长酌情谅解。According to the available resources from the market, please make allowance for the case that some ingredients would be suddenly changed.-