Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date土建工程现场对话(双语版)Group 1木土工程现场对话Situational Dialogue at Civil Work Site1. 现场接待 (Site Reception)A. 欢迎你来到工地。我叫王聪,是这里的现场经理。今天我们的项目经理委托我来接待你,并带你参观工地。 A. Welcome to our site. My name is Wang Cong, site manager here. Today, our project manager has entrusted me to meet/receive/entertain you and take you around the site.B. 好的,谢谢你!能先介绍一下工地的大致情况吗?B. Fine, thank you! Can you firstly give me a general idea of what is happening now at the site?A. 当然。我们已正式进入施工阶段。目前你看到的工人大约有30人,其中一部分是来自当地的工人。A. Sure. We have officially started the construction proper. Now the workers you see at the site are about 30 people, some of them are local ones. B. 你们是几班倒?伙食是怎么解决的?B. How many shifts do you have a day? How do you provide food for workers? A. 三班倒,24小时施工。为工人提供免费伙食。你看到前面那个两层楼的房子吗? 一层是工人们吃饭的地方,二层是工人住的地方。比较简陋,但还算方便。A. Three shifts, 24 hours a day. We provide free food for the workers. Do you see the two-storied house in front of us/over there? The first floor is where the workers have meals and the second floor is where they stay/accommodate. It is raw and simple, but rather convenient.B. 哦,一会你带我去看看。施工安全有保障吗? B. I see. Please take me there to have a look in a while. How about the construction safety, it is guaranteed?A. 我们十分注重安全问题。 我们的安全经理是一个经验丰富、敬业心很强的人,一有问题会立刻得到妥善解决。到目前为止,还没有出现过安全问题。A. We attach great importance to safety here. Our safety manager is an very experienced and devoted fellow. Whenever anything seemingly unsafe appears, it is to be properly dealt with immediately. So far, no safety problem has ever occured.B. 那就好。那现在我们就去那边看看工人的食堂和宿舍,好吗?B. That's good. Now lets go there to see workers canteen and dormitory, OK?A. 好的,请这边走。 A. OK. This way, please.2会议通知 (Meeting Notice)A. 好, 今天的碰头会就开到这里。下次我们再召集大家,讨论一下修改施工方案的问题。 A. Well, today's meeting is over here. We'll call you next time to discuss something about how to modify the construction plan.B. 好的,没问题。下次开会大约定在什么时间,什么地点?B. OK, no problem. May I know when and where the next meeting to be held?A. 你看后天行不行?我们得抓紧时间,越快越好。A. What do you say to the day after tomorrow? We'd better lose no time, the sooner the better.B. 后天我们已经有安排了,是一个关于现场施工安全的会,早就定下来的。B. We have been engaged the day after tomorrow for a meeting about construction safety. It has been set/arranged for quite some time.A. 那我们的会定在本周四上午9点好吗? 地点在工地办公室,你看怎么样?A. Then, shall we set it at 9 a.m on Thursday? In the site office, what do you say?B. 可以的,星期四上午有时间。不过,工地办公室会不会太小?开会的人数大约有15人,其中包括2位外方代表(监理) C. All right, we are available on Thursday morning. However, do you think the site office is a bit too small? We will have about 15 people at the meeting, including two foreign representatives (supervisors).A. 那就将开会地点改在行政大楼3楼会议厅, 可以吗? B. How about changing the venue to the conference room on Floor 3, the Administration Building?B. 好的。我去落实一下, 到时将会议室留给我们用。另外,会前我们需要做哪些准备?B. All right. Ill check weather conference room will then be available to us. In addition, what are we supposed to prepare before the meeting?A. 请通知工地主任、外方现场代表、相关工程师和技术员,带上施工方案和相关图纸,准时到会。A. Please inform the site manager, the foreign representative on the site, relevant engineers and technicians to come to the meeting on time with the construction schemes and related drawings.B. 好的。需要做会议纪要吗?B. All right. Is it necessary to make meeting minutes?A当然。这次会议很重要,需要有现场口译,并要做详细的会议记录。A. Sure. As the meeting will be a very important one, on-the-spot interpretation will be required and the meeting minutes be made in detail. B. 好的,我这就去落实。B. OK. I will see to everything.3讨论图纸 (Discussion on Drawings)A. 到目前为止,我们只收到你方提供的部分技术资料和图纸。请问你方什么时候能提供全套技术资料和图纸?A. So far, weve received only some technical documents and drawings provided. Can you tell us what time you are able to provide the whole set of the technical documents and drawings?B. 我们会尽快。我们的工程师们正在对所有图纸进行最后的修改,估计这个月底能将全套技术资料和图纸提供给你方。B. We will as soon as possible. Our engineers are finalizing all the drawings right now. It is expected we can provide you with the whole set of technical documents and drawings at the end of this month.A. 希望如此。否则,我们将迟迟不能开工,影响整体的施工进度。A. I hope so. Otherwise, we wont get started until very late to affect the overall construction schedule.B. 理解。不过,我们向提供的技术资料和图纸都是英文的,你们的工程师们能读懂吗?B. So I understand. However, everything we will provide are in English, are your engineers able to read?A. 我们需要将它们翻译成中文,这需要一些时间。在资料翻译过程中,希望能得到你的帮助。A. We need to translate them into Chinese, it will take quite some time. In the process of translation, hope to get your help. B. 没问题。我们的合作,也包括这项工作,呵呵。B. No problem. Our cooperation also includes this part of work, hehe.A. 谢谢!对了,能说明一下你们现有的图纸为什么要进行这么大的修改吗?A. Thank you! By the way, can you explain why your existing drawings have to be made so big modifications?B. 这项工程原本是与日本合作的,但由于日方不接受我方提出的主要条件,最终未能成功。后来,我们对项目做了一些调整,重新招标,变成了与你们中铁20局3公司合作了,所以,就需要对相关资料和图纸做一些修改了。B. Well, the project was originally a cooperation with Japan, but the Japanese party refused to accept our major terms, so the cooperation failed. Later, we made some adjustments in the project and invited bidding again. It turned out that you company of CR20 has won the bid. So we need to do some modifications accordingly in the relevant documents and drawings.A. 明白。那我们就耐心等待吧。A. I understand. So we will be a bit patient.B. 好的,谢谢!B. Thank you for your understanding!4土建工程项目 (Civil Work Projects)A. 请问你方的土建施工范围有哪些? A. Could you tell me what are your scope of civil engineering construction?B. 我方的施工范围包括建造道路、建筑物、基础和钢筋混凝土结构。B. Our construction work includes construction of roads, buildings, foundations and reinforced concrete structure.A. 你公司有没有承包过国际工程项目?A. Has your company ever contracted any international engineering projects?B. 有啊。我们与安哥拉的合作,从项目洽谈、项目施工到项目交接,都是十分成功的。我公司在国际土建项目承包方面,在国内同业中是领先的。B. Yes. We have ever cooperated with Angola, which is a great success from project negotiation, project construction to project handover. My company takes a lead in the same line domestically in terms of contracting international construction projects.A. 在土建施工中,你方都使用国际先进的机械设备吗?A. In the civil work construction, do you use internationally advanced machinery and equipment?B. 是的。我们的施工机械是先进和完备的,大多数都是从国外进口的机械,比如德国、日本等。B. Yes. The construction machinery we use at the site is advanced and complete, most of them are imported from abroad, such as Germany, Japan, etc.A. 人员呢? 都是有专业背景并具有国际项目施工经验的吗?A. How about personnel? Do you all have a technical background and some experience international project construction?B. 是的。我公司对国际项目十分重视,选派的人员,包括管理人员,工程师、技术员、工人等,在个人品格、业务素质、专业技能等各方面都是经过严格筛选的。而且,他们都会点英语,现场交流没有问题。B. Yes. My company attaches great importance to the international project. Personnel, including management personnel, engineers, technicians, workers and so on are strictly selected based on their personal character, professional quality, professional skills and other aspects. Whats more, they all know some English so that they can communicate with foreign parties with little difficulty at the site.A. 能进行专业交流吗?比如开会、谈判等等。A. Can you handle technical communication? Such as meetings, negotiation and so on.B. 召开重要会议或进行专业谈判时,我们有训练有素的专业口译在场帮助交流,也不成问题。B. When having important meetings or technical negotiations, we have well-trained technical interpreters to help with the communication. There, there should be no problem, either. A. 那好。我们今天就可以签订意向书。A. That's good. Then we can sign a Letter of Intent today.B. 谢谢! 希望能尽快签订正式合作协议。B. Thank you! Hope to be able to sign a formal cooperation agreement as soon as possible.-