【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流英语公开课水果篇.精品文档.水果篇一 热身游戏红灯绿灯不许动 二. 课堂指令的学习 当老师说 OK? 时要求学生回答 OK! 并加手势 反复大声练习几次 Are you ready? Yes 。 Who wants to try? - Let me try! 反复大声练习几次 up ,down Stand up ! Sit down! 反复操练几次后学习儿歌 Left, left, right, right, up and down; Left, left, right, right, turning around; Left, left, right, right, jump, jump, jump; Left, left, right, right, we are strong.三:认水果: apple, pear, banana, orange, watermelon拿出水果卡片逐次认识,让学生跟读.小游戏: 将卡片放在地上,让两个学生根据老师说出的单词,以最快速度拍击相应的水果卡片,并大声读出来. 胜者发小奖品. 玩两到三组. 不能决出胜负者用石头剪子布老师提问:What is this?学生回答:Its (回答时击打卡片.one by one) 提问: What do you like? 回答:I like.游戏 :跳房子 单脚跳到什么卡片就大声读出来 四:1. Knitting, knitting 1, 2, 3. I knit the scarves for you and me. I love honey and I love tea.Knitting, knitting 1, 2, 3. 2. rain on the green grass,And rain on the tree,Rain on the house-topBut not on me.五:1. Apple round, apple red, Apple juicy apple sweet, Apple, apple I love you Apple sweet I love to eat.2. one banana , two bananas, three bananas ,four five bananas six bananas seven bananas, moreput them on the table long line a lanecount one to seven and start the song again.3. rain, rain go away, come again some other daylittle Johnny wants to play, rain, rain, go away.