2022年QuizonEnglishLiterature含答案 .pdf
1 Quiz on English Literature . Multiple Choice Questions 1. In 1066, _, with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England. A. William the Conqueror B. Julius Caesar C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius 2. In the 14th century, the most important writer (poet) is _ . A. Langland B. Wycliffe C. Gower D. Chaucer 3. The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is _. A. novel B. drama C. romance D. essay 4. After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke _. A. French B. English C. Latin D. Swedish 5. The theme of _ to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances. A. loyalty B. revolt C. obedience D. mockery 6. The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called _. A. Morte dArthur B. Robin Hood C. The Canterbury Tales D. Piers the Plowman 7. _, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in about 1340. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon D. John Dryden 8. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in _. A. Flanders B. France C. Italy D. Westminster Abbey 9. In his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact on the wide range of his writings. Which one is not his career? _. A. engineer B. courtier C. office holder D. soldier E. ambassador F. legislator 10. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named _ based on Boccaccio s poem “Filostrato”. A. The Legend of Good WomenB. Troilus and Criseyde C. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD. Beowulf 11. Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of _ adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period. A. Christian B. knightly C. Greek D. primitive 12. The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely _. AWilliam Langland s Piers Plowman BGeoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales CJohn Gower s Confession Amantis 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 2 DSir Gawain and the Green Knight 13. The progress in industry at home stimulated the commercial expansion abroad. _ encouraged exploration and travel, which were compatible with the interests of the English merchants. A. Henry V. B. Henry VII C. Henry VIII D. Queen Elizabeth 14. _ was a forerunner of classicism in English literature. A. Ben Johnson B. William Shakespeare C. Thomas More D. Christopher Marlowe 15. The most gifted of the “university wits” was _. A. Lyly B. Peele C. Greene D. Marlowe 16. Utopia was written in the form of _. A. prose B. drama C. essay D. dialogue 17. Shakespeare s plays written between _ are sometimes called “romances” and all end in reconciliation and reunion. A. 1590 and 1594 B. 1595 and 1600 C. 1601 and 1607 D. 1608 and 1612 18. Shakespeare is one of the founders of _. A. romanticism B. realism C. naturalism D. classicism 19. Among many poetic forms, Shakespeare was especially at home (good at) with the _. A. dramatic blank verse B. song C. sonnet D. couplet 20. In the plays, Shakespeare used about _words. A. 15000 B. 16000 C. 17000 D. 18000 21. _has been called the summit of the English Renaissance. A. Christopher Marlow B. Francis Bacon C. W. Shakespeare D. Ben Johnson 22. _was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the 19th century. A. John Dryden B. Richard Steele C. Joseph Addison D. Alexander Pope 23. The most important classicist in the Enlightenment Movement is _. A. Steele B. Addison C. Pope D. Dryden 24. The masterpiece of Alexander Pope is _. A. Essay on CriticismB. The Rape of the LockC. Essay on Man D. The Dunciad25. Essay on Man is a _poem in heroic couplets. A. didactic B. satirical C. philosophical D. dramatic 26. _ was an intellectual movement in the first half of the 18th century. A. The Enclosure Movement B. The Industrial Revolution C. The Religious Reform D. The Enlightenment 27. The literature of the Enlightenment in England mainly appealed to the _ readers. A. aristocratic B. middle class C. low class D. intellectual 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 3 28. _ is a great classicist but his satire is not always just. A. Steele B. Milton C. Addison D. Pope 29. The main literary stream of the 18th century was _ . What the writers described in their works were mainly social realities. A. romanticism B. classicism C. realism D. sentimentalism 30. The 18th century was the golden age of the English _. The novel of this period spoke the truth about life with an uncompromising (unbending) courage. A. drama B. poetry C. essay D. novel 31. In a series of pamphlets Jonathan Swift denounced the cruel and unjust treatment of Ireland by the English government. One of the most famous is _. A. Essays on CriticismB. A Modest Proposal C. Gullivers Travels D. The Battle of the Books 32. “Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style.” This sentence is said by _, one of the greatest masters of English prose. A. Alexander Pope B. Henry Fielding C. Jonathan Swift D. Daniel Defoe 33. The sentence of “The plowman homeward plods his weary way, /And leaves the world to darkness and to me” is written by _.A. William Cowper B. George Crabbe C. Thomas Gray D. William Blake 34. _ is not written by William Blake. A. The Marriage of Heaven and HellB. Songs of ExperienceC. Auld Lang Syne D. Poetical Sketches35. The 18thcentury witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties, _, which were satirized by Jonathan Swift in his Gullivers Travels . A. the Whigs and the Tories B. the senate and the House of Representatives C. The upper House and lower House D. the House of Lords and the House of Commons 36. _ compiled the A Dictionary of the English Language which became the foundation of all the subsequent English dictionaries. A. Ben Johnson B. Samuel Johnson C. Alexander Pope D. John Dryden 37. Romanticism fights against the ideas of _. A. realism B. Renaissance C. Enlightenment D. feudalism 38. _ has another name called “ The Daffodils” . A. “ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”B. “ Tintern Abbey”C. “ Revolution”D. “ I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud ”39. Byron s _ is regarded as the great poem of the Romantic Age. A. Childe Harolds PilgrimageB. Hours of IdlenessC. LaraD. Don Juan40. Prometheus Unbound is _ masterpiece. A. Wordsworth s B. Byron s C. Shelley s D. Keats41. _ lived the longest life. 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 4 A. Wordsworth B. Byron C. Shelley D. Keats 42. Keats best ode is _. A. “ On a Grecian Urn ”B. “ To Autumn”C. “ To Psyche ”D. “ To a Nightingale”43. The publication of _ marks the beginning of the Romantic Movement in England. A. “ Tintern Abbey”B. Lyrical BalladsC. Frost at Night D. “ The Daffodils”44. _ is considered Wordsworth s masterpiece. A. The PreludeB. EndymionC. Don JuanD. Biographia Literaria45. The prose writers in the English Romantic Age developed a kind of _. A. models of classicism B. familiar essay C. rules of neo-romanticism D. ways of modernism 46. The best essayist in the English Romantic Age is _. A. Keats B. Walter Scott C. Charles Lamb D. William Hazlitt 47. The themes of Pride and Prejudice are _. A. pride and prejudice B. the writer s own personalities C. love and marriage D. Both A and C 48. _ is considered the father of historical novelist in the English Romantic Age. i.Jane Austen B. Charles Lamb C. William Hazlitt D. Walter Scott 49. Lamb is a romanticist of _. A. the city B. the countryside C. nature D. imagination 50. Critics agree that _ is a great romantic poet, standing with Shakespeare, Milton and Wordsworth in the history English literature. A. Keats B. Wordsworth C. Coleridge D. William 51. The reader can get a broad panorama of the social life of the English Romantic Age from _. A. Dun JuanB. The PreludeC. Kubla KhanD. Isabella52. Some critics think that some of Byron s poems show his _. A. individual heroism and pessimism B. love of nature and optimism C. love of old writers D. hatred for the imperialism 53. _ is Shelley s masterpiece. A. ZastrozziB. The Necessity of AtheismC. Queen MabD. Prometheus Unbound54. Because of _, Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University. A. The Masque of AnarchyB. A Defence of PoetryC. The Necessity of Atheism D. The Triumph of Life55. The Romantic Age began in_ and came to an end in _. A. 17891821 B. 17781823 C. 17981832 D. 17681819 56. Byron, Shelley and Keats belong to Romantic poets of _ generation. A. the first B. the second C. the third D. the forth 57. The Examiner is a famous _ in the English Romantic Age. A. novel B. poem C. periodical D. newspaper 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 5 - 58. _ is the greatest representative of English critical realism. A. Jane Austen B. Thackeray C. Dickens D. Charlotte 59. _ is Thackerays one of the best known works.A. Sense and Sensibility B. The Book of Snobs C. The Pickwick Papers D. The Song of Lower Class60. Pride and Prejudices first title is _.A. First Impression B. A Book Without a HeroC. The NewcomesD. Persuasion61. Vanity Fair has a sub-title. It is _. A. First Impression B. A Book Without a HeroC. The NewcomesD. Persuasion62. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend _ appeared. And it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. A. romanticism B. naturalism C. realism D. critical realism 63. English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of _ . A. novel B. drama C. poetry D. sonnet 64. _s Vanity Fair is a satirical portrayal of the upper strata( 阶层) of society. A. George Eliot B. Elizabeth Gaskell C. W. M. Thackeray D. John Buyan 65. The _ Movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th century. A. Enlightenment B. Renaissance C. Chartist D. Romanticist 66. The Chartist writers introduced a new theme into literature, the struggle of the _ for its rights. A. soldiers B. peasants C. bourgeoisie D. proletariat 67. The story of _ deals with the adventures of a retired old merchant. A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Pickwick Papers D. Oliver Twist68. Which novel makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education? A. Oliver TwistB. Hard TimesC. Great ExpectationsD. A Tale of Two Cities69. Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher society regardless of the social reality? A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Great ExpectationsD. Dombey and Son70. In the novel _, Dickens describes the Chartist Movement and shows his sympathy for the workers. 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 6 - A. Great Expectations B. A Tale of Two CitiesC. Hard Times D. Oliver Twist71. In the novel _, Dr. Manette is a typical bourgeois intellectual. A. David CopperfieldB. Wuthering HeightsC. Bleak HouseD. A Tale of Two Cities72. _ is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dickens in which the early life of the hero is largely based on the authors early life.A. The Curiosity ShopB. David CopperfieldC. Oliver TwistD. Great Expectations 73. Which of the following is Thackerays masterpiece?A. The VirginiansB. The Books of SnobsC. The NewcomesD. Vanity Fair74. The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken fro m Bunyans masterpiece _.A. The Pilgrims ProgressB. Child Harolds PilgrimageC. Gullivers TravelsD. The Canterbury Tales75. Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled _. A. Jane EyreB. Agnes GreyC. Wuthering Heights D. Emma 76. Dickens third literary period shows intensifying _.A. optimism B. excitement C. irritation D. pessimism 77. Tennysons In Memoriam is a collection of _ short poems. A. 130 B. 131 C. 132 D. 133 78. The Chartists refer to those _ in the early Victorian Age. A. Romantic writers B. working class writers C. realistic poets D. bourgeois writers 79. The Victorian Literature began in_ and ended in _. A. 1837 1900 B. 1835 1901 C. 1832 1902D. 1830 190380. The conflicts between the capitalists and the proletarian in industrial England caused the _. A. Enlightenment Movement B. Industrial Revolution C. Chartist Movement D. Romantic Movement 81. _ is the greatest among the critical realists of the Victorian Age. A. Earnest Jones B. Emily BrontC. Charlotte Bront D. Charles Dickens 82. Charles Dickens was impressive for his _. A. wide spread of critical realism B. his spirit of democracy and humanism C. his unforgettable figures with satire and simple and clear language D. including A, B and C 83. The two cities in A Tale of Two Cities refer to _. A. London and New York B. London and Paris C. Paris and New York D. Brussels and Washington 84. _ is the major literary form in the Victorian Period. A. essay B. poetry C. novel D. drama 85. _ is the main hero in the novel of Wuthering Heights. A. Rochester B. Heathcliff C. Manette D. Martin 86. Both Charlotte and Emily wrote about the _ around them. 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 7 - A. familiar things B. common people C. neighbors D. evils 87. The most important poet in the Victorian Age was _. A. Earnest Jones B. Elizabeth Gaskell C. Mr. Browning D. Alfred Tennyson 88. _ made Dickens famous overnight. A. Sketches by BozB. The Pickwick Papers C. Oliver TwistD. The Old Curiosity Shop89. Dickens writing is an encyclopedic knowledge of _.A. Paris B. New York C. London D. Portsmoth 90. The head of the gang of thieves is _. A. Fagin B. Gradgrind C. Pecksmiff D. Manette 91. _ ha s been called “the supreme epic of English life”.A. Nicholas NicklebyB. A Tale of Two CitiesC. Hard TimesD. The Pickwick Papers92. _marked a great advance in Dickens art of novel-writing with closely knit and logical plot of his maturer works. A. David CopperfieldB. Dombey and SonC. Little DorritD. The Chimes93. In the _ period, Charles Dickens believed that all the evils of the capitalist world would be remedies of only men who behaved to each other with kindliness, justice, and sympathetic understanding. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 94. Tennyson s _ expresses his optimistic attitude towards death when he is old. A. Break, Break, Break B. Crossing the Bar C. The Princess D. Maud 95. Henry James is the forerunner of the _. A. Imagism B. Chartism C. impressionism D. stream of consciousness 96. After writing _, Hardy turned to poetry. A. Under the Greenwood TreeB. The Return of the NativeC. Jude the ObscureD. The Mayor of Casterbridge97. Yeats s fame rests chiefly on his _, using a lot of symbols in his poem. A. novels B. poetry C. dramas D. prose 98. _ was a lead