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Urinary systemUrinary systemGenital systemGenital systemPUMCH PUMCH Radiology Dept. Radiology Dept. X ray plain filmX ray plain film Contrast enhanced - X rayContrast enhanced - X ray Urinary tract radiography (urograUrinary tract radiography (urography) phy) intravenous pyelography (urograpintravenous pyelography (urography) hy) retrograde pyelography (urographretrograde pyelography (urography)y)Retrograde cystographyRetrograde cystography Urography Urography 1-2 mins : renal parenchyma 15 30 mins : calyx, pelvis Release pressure : ureter, bladderMinor calyxMinor calyxMajor calyxMajor calyxPelvisPelvisContour Contour Ureter Ureter Bladder Bladder Normal anatomyNormal anatomy Ureter Ureter Segment? Stricture?Segment? Stricture?Bladder Bladder Intramural portion CT enhanced scan phasesCT enhanced scan phasesNon-contrast phase Corticomedullary phaseExcretive phaseParenchyma phase Cortex Medulla Pyramid Column Papilla CalyxPelvis Sinus Vein Artery Finding ureter in CT imagesFinding ureter in CT images CTUCTU Normal adrenal glandNormal adrenal gland Hysterosalpingography Hysterosalpingography 12345 1 immature; 2 mature; 3 degenerative; 4 atrophic 1 immature; 2 mature; 3 degenerative; 4 atrophic Genital system ( female )Genital system ( female ) Genital system ( male )Genital system ( male ) Prostate gland Prostate gland Male pelvis (Sagittal ) Female pelvis (Sagittal ) bladderbladder Plain film Plain film Calcification Calcification :StoneStone ( deer horn deer horn ) TBTBAneurysm Aneurysm RCCRCC Location, size and contourLocation, size and contour Abnormalities? Dilated / hydroceleDilated / hydrocele Right calyx/pelvis hydrRight calyx/pelvis hydrRight calyx/pelvis hydrRight calyx/pelvis hydroceleoceleoceleocele Ureter abnormalities? Urography Urography Size, number, location of the kidneySize, number, location of the kidneyParenchymaParenchyma No enhancement; delayed; fade; intensifiedNo enhancement; delayed; fade; intensifiedCalyx & pelvis Calyx & pelvis Dilated; traction; distortion; filling defect; destrDilated; traction; distortion; filling defect; destructionuctionUreter Ureter :Dilated / stenosis / filling defect / destructionDilated / stenosis / filling defect / destruction bladderbladder : Dilated / stenosis / filling defect / destructionDilated / stenosis / filling defect / destruction CT abnormalitiesCT abnormalities Kidney : Location, size, number, shape Parenchyma miscellaneous ) Calyx / pelvis ( stone 、 hydrocele 、 soft tissue mass ) Peri-renal (increased fat density, thickening of fascia) Ureter : Dilated ( stone, tumor, trauma ) Wall thickening ( tumor, infection ) Calcification Soft tissue mass bladder : mass ( tumor, clot, stone ) Wall thickening (diffused, localized) The end