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    Step 1. Lead inIn the film festival, we can see many famous actors and actress.Can you guess which festival it is?The 66th Cannes Film FestivalIt was held May 15-26 in France.After the class, we will be able to1. Grasp the new language points and learn to put them into use through practice.2. Use what we have learned to write a speech for a film festival. Find out the phrases in the text book and get the meanings of them.1.把把视作视作2.由由提供经费提供经费3.为为辩护,保卫辩护,保卫4.高质量电影高质量电影5.不管,不顾不管,不顾6.对对不设限制不设限制7.让大众接触电影让大众接触电影8.可以使用可以使用9.对对情有独钟情有独钟10.各种各样的各种各样的11.给给颁奖颁奖12.全球各地全球各地 13.占少数占少数14.有好名声有好名声Task 1 Choose the meaning of the following key words according to the article. Tell us the correct Chinese meaning in our reading passage of each word 使接触,使体验使接触,使体验给给提供经费提供经费赞助商赞助商参赛作品参赛作品抵制抵制忽略忽略不太大的,不太贵的不太大的,不太贵的策划策划优势优势看起来像看起来像let someone experience something 使接触,使体验使接触,使体验 show sth that is usually hidden 暴露,显露暴露,显露tell the true facts of a person or a situation 揭露揭露 Task 2 Get familiar with some sentencestructures. Nowadays, if a film wins an award at Sundance, it is likely/ probable that it will become famous! there is a good chance that There is a good chance thatChances are thatThere is a probability thatIt is likely/ probable/ possible that很有可能很有可能中国导演贾樟柯电影天注定中国导演贾樟柯电影天注定(A Touch Of Sin )很有可能在戛纳电影节上获奖很有可能在戛纳电影节上获奖。There is a good chance that Chinese director Jia Zhangkes film A Touch Of Sin will win an award at the Cannes Film Festival. Finish the related exercises.Read the passage and review the language focus.Proofread the writing.Great thanks to every one of you!Can you guess which festival they attended?The 66th Cannes Film FestivalIt was held May 15-26 in France.3Berlin International Film Festival Venice Film Festival Toronto International Film Festival Shanghai International Film Festival Sundance Film Festival Cannes Film Festival 65412Besides the Cannes Film Festival, what other film festivals did we learn in the previous lesson? What are they? only includes , boycottfinanced by,expose tolargest, a broad range of, made with large budgets, resemble most international, give awards to, in the minority, films overlooked atsecond largest, give special awards toyoungest, has a good reputationWhat are the features of each film festival?oldest, viewas, make no restrictions onTell us the correct Chinese meaning in our reading passage of each word 使接触,使体验使接触,使体验给给提供经费提供经费赞助商赞助商参赛作品参赛作品抵制抵制忽略忽略不太大的,不太大的,不太贵的不太贵的策划策划优势优势看起来像看起来像3. It was then that Robert Redford became its sponsor and changed the focus to independent films, often made on very modest budgets. (L27)Emphasis 强调强调Can you change the following sentence into three different ways using emphasis? From May 15th to May 26th, lots of famous actors, actresses and directors attended the Cannes Film Festival. 强调时间状语强调时间状语It was from May 15th to May 26th that lots of famous actors, actresses and directors attended the Cannes Film Festival.强调主语强调主语It was lots of famous actors, actresses and directors that/ who attended the Cannes Film Festival from May 15th to May 26th.强调宾语强调宾语It was the Cannes Film Festival that lots of famous actors, actresses and directors attended from May 15th to May 26th.From May 15th to May 26th, lots of famous actors, actresses and directors attended the Cannes Film Festival.


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