高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:_学号:_姓名:_外刊精选15年缘尽,硅谷传奇盟友分道扬镳【背景介绍】在合作近15年后,苹果与英特尔近日正式宣布“分手”。未来苹果Mac电脑将使用自主研发的芯片,逐步替代现有的英特尔芯片,这不仅标志着苹果的产品和生态进入全新阶段,也动摇着芯片行业的格局。苹果自研芯片的用意何在?这又会对以英特尔为代表的芯片行业有何影响?After 15 Years, Apple Prepares to Break Up With IntelBy Don Clark and Jack NicasSilicon Valley is bracing for a long-expected breakup of Apple and Intel, signaling both the end of one of the tech industrys most influential partnerships and Apples determination to take more control of how its products are built.Apples move is an indication of the growing power of the biggest tech companies to expand their abilities and reduce their dependence on major partners that have provided them with services for years.Since 2005, Macs have used effectively the same Intel chips that most PCs do. Making its own processors would give Apple even more control over how Mac computers work.Apples move would be a symbolic blow to Intel, particularly when civilian and military officials are concerned over the weakening of American leadership in chip manufacturing, which they regard as crucial to the countrys ability to retain an edge over China. 【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.long-expected adj. _2.signal snl vt. _3.determination dtmnen n. _4.move muv n. _5.effectively fektvli adv. _6.processor prses n. _7.symbolic smblk adj. _8.blow bl n. _9.crucial krul adj. _【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。1.分手_2.硅谷_3.做好准备_4.控制_5.意味着_6.依赖_7.对担忧,引起担忧_8.认为,视为_9.保持对的优势_拓展练习阅读理解The idea of dressing for success used to be relatively straightforward; wear formal clothes, the smarter the better. In traditional offices, those at the top of the pyramid would invariably be found in a suit.The rise of the tech sector shifted this fixed idea. Picture Silicon Valleys most high-profile leaders, and the clothes that spring to mind are jeans, hoodies and black turtlenecks. In 2020, the widespread switch to remote work overturned work dress codes altogether. With so many different dress codes at play across companies, is it possible to dress for the job you want?“Youre sending a message about where you position yourself and what you want to,” says career confidence coach Sarah Archer from London. “We might dress similarly to our peers to help us feel like we belong. Or if youre wanting to move forward in your career, you might dress as you perceive the leaders dress to show that youre ready to move into this group.”However, getting the balance wrong by overdressing can send a negative message. An estimated 79% of workplaces in the US now have a casual dress code. Turning up in a suit to signal ambition or promotion hopes could actually damage your reputation. “Youre going to look and feel like a fish out of water,” says Archer. “Overdressing shows that you havent read the culture, or you havent been observant, and that you dont necessarily fit in.”Still, dressing the part can help position you for success and the key to getting it right is careful observation. The right outfit might look very different in different workplaces, and showing you understand the unspoken rules of dress code could give you an edge.“Dressing for the job you want is still good advice,” says Joey Price, founder of Jumpstart. “As long as you have to impress somebody on the way up, your appearance really does play a role in that.”8.How does the author introduce the topic?A.By making comparisons.B.By listing examples.C.By stating arguments.D.By giving descriptions.9.What might be the reason behind dressing like the leaders?A.To value the job.B.To earn peers respect.C.To move up the career ladder.D.To be a fish out of water.10.What matters most about dressing the part?A.Dressing more formally.B.Dressing as one is told.C.Ignoring the unspoken rules.D.Watching closely.11.Whats Prices attitude towards “dressing for the job”?A.Doubtful.B.Unclear.C.Approving.D.Cautious.外刊精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.long-expected adj. 早见端倪的,早在预料之中的2.signal snl vt. 发信号;示意,意味着3.determination dtmnen n. 决心4.move muv n. 行为,举动5.effectively fektvli adv. 实际上,事实上6.processor prses n. 处理器7.symbolic smblk adj. 标志性的,象征的8.blow bl n. 打击9.crucial krul adj. 至关重要的,关键的【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。1.break up分手2.Silicon Valley硅谷3.brace for做好准备4.take control of控制5.an indication of意味着6.dependence on依赖7.be concerned over/with对担忧,引起担忧8.regard as认为,视为9.retain an edge over sth.保持对的优势【全文翻译】十五年缘尽,苹果准备与英特尔分手硅谷正准备应对苹果与英特尔之间早见端倪的分手,这既标志着科技行业最具影响力的合作之一走向终结,也表明苹果决心更多地控制其产品的制造方式。苹果这一举动意味着科技巨头拓展自我实力、减少合作商依赖的能力日益增强,这些主要合作商已为巨头们提供了数年服务。自2005年以来,苹果Mac电脑实际上和大部分个人电脑一样,用的都是英特尔芯片。开发自己的处理器将使苹果对Mac电脑的运行方式拥有更多自主权。苹果此举对英特尔的打击,具有标志性意义,尤其是在当下这个时候,文武官员都在担心美国芯片制造的领先地位受到削弱,他们认为这是美国保持对华优势的关键能力。拓展练习阅读理解参考答案8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 学科网(北京)股份有限公司