YOUR LOGO原 创 文 档 请 勿 盗 版精选名师资料2017 高考英语作文10 大模版导语:英语高考作文应该怎么写呢?同学们可以适当运用模板,这样作文才会看起来条理清晰。下面是yuwenmi 小编为大家整理了优秀英语作文经典模板,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢 !高考英语作文模板图画/ 图表描述段【示例一】From thepicture(graph,chart,table,pie,bar),图表内容总概括 On the onewe know that ().that ( 情hand,theleft/firstpicturetellsus况一,图一/ 表一的内容 On the other hand, (the).情况right/second)picture informs us that (二,图二/ 表二的内容). It can easily be seen that ( 揭示图画 / 表寓意 ).【示例二】 As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the图表内容总概括 In thecartoon/picture, ().描述图 / 表一内容,如果是一个first picture, (表,则可左或上半部分). As is shown in the second描述图 / 表二内容,如果是一drawing/picture, (个 表 , 则 右 或 下 半 部 分 ). Itissafetodrawthe精品学习资料第 1 页,共 8 页精选名师资料提示寓意,或主题句,回应主conclusion that (题但不是主题句的重复).高考英语作文模板意义阐述段【示例一】Judging from the pictures, we can clearly infer s intention is (主题句 ).that the drawer ( 扩展句 ). Foronething/Firstofall/Firstly,第一个层面 ().Foranother/Besides/Moreover/Inaddition/Secondly,第二个层面 ().Thus/Asa总结句 ).result/Therefore/Finally, (【示例二】To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to (主 题句showusthat),yetthesymbolicmeaningssubtlyconveyedshouldbe takenmore seriously. (扩展句 )isnaturallyassociatedwith,tobe第一个层面 Besides/Moreover/Inspecific (). (第二个层面)。addition,Asa总结句 ).result/Therefore, (高考英语作文模板原因阐释段【示例一】 Therearemanyreasonsresponsibleforthis精品学习资料第 2 页,共 8 页精选名师资料phenomenon/case/instanceandthefollowingarethe The first reason is that (理typical ones.由一 ). The second reason is that (理由二 ).The third reason is that/A case in point is that/The理由三 ).typical example is that (【示例二】Therearemany reasonstoexplain/explainingtheeffect/phenomenon/case/instance.Themostcontributing one is/the main reason is no other than ( 理由一 ). What is more, (理由二 ). (理由三 )also play a role in this case.高考英语作文模板建议措施段【示例一】Consideringallthesereasons/thissituation/Confronted with such a problem, I think wemeasures. Ontheneed totakesomepositiveone hand,方法 / 建议一 On the other hand, it is (). (方 法 /建 议 二 ).necessaryforusto总结自己的观点Thus/Only in this way, can (/建议 / 态度 ).【示例二】In order to improve the situation/To sum up the精品学习资料第 3 页,共 8 页精选名师资料above argument/Confronted with such an issue/problem,we shouldfindseveralsolutionstoit/needtotakesomemeasures.On thepositiveone hand/Foronething,weshould ( 方法 / 建议一 ).On theotherhand/For方法建议二another, (/).段落Therefore/Thus/Only in this way, can (总结句 ).高考英语作文模板趋势预测段【示例一】Accordingly,itisvitalforustoderivepositiveimplicationsfromthesethough-provoking Onthedrawings.onehand,we can frequentlyuse them( 主 题 ). Onthe othertoenlightenthathand,we观点 / 态度 ).should be sensible enough to (by ( 段落总结句Only),and onlyinthisway canwe have a brilliant future.【示例二】The effectsofwhichhas producedon can be boiled First, (影响一 ).down to two major ones. (影 响 二 Hence,Moreimportantly,).I提 出 展 望 )./believethatwewillseea (或Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a (精品学习资料第 4 页,共 8 页精选名师资料反面展望 ).高考英语作文模板举例说明段【示例一】 Therearemanycases/examplestoexplain (主 题 句 ). Take asatypical阐述例example./The first example is that (子), (可进一步阐述).The second example isthat/In addition/Here is a counter example./Opposite第二case in point is that/On the contrary (个例 子 的内 容 或举 一 个反 面 例子 ). Therefore,/Only can (总结主题句 / 段落总结句).【示例二】(观 点 句 ). Itcanbebest/well例子 ). (阐述illustrated in/explained by(例 子 ). (进 一 步 阐 述 例 子 ). Therefore, ( 段落总结句:进一步总结观点句的必要性和重要性).高考英语作文模板观点阐释段【示例一】Nowadays,a heated ( 主题 )isdebateabout AunderwayinChina.closeinspectionofthisargumentwouldrevealhow flimsy(groundless)itis.精品学习资料第 5 页,共 8 页精选名师资料进一步说明 ).As a matter of fact, (【示例二】While the rhythm/pace/tempo of people s livingis speeding up, one of the topics many city residents (主 题 ). Asarediscussingispartofdomesticmodernization, needs tobe developed进一步说明urgently in china, for ().高考英语作文模板现象/ 现状说明段【示例一】 With the rapid advances of in recent (引 出 现 象 ). However,years, has提出问题). As a has , as (指出影响result, (),which has aroused closesocial attention from all walks of life.【示例二】 Withtherapiddevelopmentofscienceandtechnology(electronicindustry/highereducation),引more and more people come to realize that (出现象 ).Itisestimated,overthepastdecade,that ( 用具体数据说明现象).高考英语作文模板利弊说明段【示例一】精品学习资料第 6 页,共 8 页精选名师资料Recentlynot ( 讨theissueofwhetheror论话题 )has been in the limelight and has aroused wideThereconcerninthepublic.aretwomajorarguments For one thing, canthat can be made for.优点一 For another, itbring to ().iswidelyholdthatpeopleusually when ( 优点二 ). But we must not lose sight of thefact that there are also drawbacks to , among列举缺点 ). For instance, it canwhich are (be to ( 举例说明In).addition,many形容词第二个缺people find it ()to (点).【示例二】 Some people are in favor of the idea of doing (主 题 ). Theypointoutthefactthat ( 支持的第一个原因 They also argue that). ( 支 持 的 另 一 个 原 因 ). Theremightbesomethesepeople s However,elementoftruthinbelief. Theyotherpeoplestandonadifferentground.They firmlyconsideritharmfultodo .point反对的理由out that ().高考英语作文模板归纳结论段精品学习资料第 7 页,共 8 页精选名师资料【示例一】 Judgingfromthesefigures,wecandrawthe得出结论 ).The reason forconclusion that (给出this, as far as I am concerned is that (原因 ).It is high time that we (发出倡议 ).【示例二】Takingintoaccountofallthesefactors,we may结论 ). And withreach the conclusion that (theabovecontent,itwillshowmoreprofound进一步总结significance in ().以上是高三网小编整理的 XX高考英语作文10 大模版,想知道更多与高考有关的内容,请关注高三网。精品学习资料第 8 页,共 8 页