分析化学(一)(下)教学大纲-正文内容开始- 分析化学(一)(下)课程教学大纲 课程代码:CHEM2036 课程类别:基础课程 授课对象:化学类 专业 开课学期:春季 学分:3学分 指定教材:Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. CrouchFundamentals of Analytical ChemistryBrooks Cole; 8 edition (August 7, 2022) 一、教学目的: 分析化学是化学专业类学生的主要基础课之一,它的理论知识和方法不仅是分析化学研究的基础,也是从事化学教育、化学、生物、地质、环境、材料等学科工作的基础。学习本课程的目的,在于使学生掌握定量及仪器分析的基本原理、基础知识和基本操作,培养学生实事求是的科学态度,建立起严格的“量”的概念,培养学生具有从事相关的理论研究与实际应用能力。 二、课程内容 Chapter 13 Introduction on chromatography 课时:1周,共3课时 Content 13.1 chromatographic methods and classification Teaching Outline: History and development; stationary phase and mobile phase; classification; 13.2 chromatogram and Nomenclature Teaching Outline: Basic concepts, baseline, dead time, retention time, retention volume, adjusted values, peak width; information obtained from a chromatogram 13.3 basic principles for chromatography Teaching Outline: Distribution process and distribution constant; capacity factor/retention factor; selectivity factors; related retention value; basic retention equation; plate theory, plate number and plate height; rate theory; separation resolution; basic separation equation Chapter 14 Gas Chromatography 课时:2周,共4课时 Content 14.1 Instrumentation of gas chromatography Teaching Outline: The construction, four subsystems: carrier gas, sample injection system, columns and temperature control system; programmed temperature control 14.2 detectors for gas chromatography Teaching Outline: Classification of detectors; standard for a good detector; thermal conductivity detector; flame ionization detector; electrode capture detector and flame photometery detector, their properties and applications 14.3 packed column gas chromatography Teaching Outline: Classification of stationary phase; Kovats constants; McReynolds constants; widely used stationary phases; bonded and cross-linked stationary phases; basic principle for chiral separation; 14.4 open tubular chromatography Teaching Outline: The advantages and disadvantages of open tubular columns; classification of open tubular columns; wall-coated open tubular column and porous-layer open tubular column; comparison with packed columns 14.5 qualitative and quantitative analysis Teaching Outline: Qualitative analysis, by retention value, GC-MS; quantitative analysis, peak area, internal standard; standard calibration curve 14.6 application of gas chromatography Teaching Outline: Same examples of the application Chapter 15 High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Supercritical Fluidic Chromatography 课时:2周,共4课时 Content 15.1 mobile and stati Teaching Outline: Effect of particle size of packing; requirement on mobile phases 15.2 instrumentation of liquid chromatography Teaching Outline: Construction of the instrument; commonly used detectors, ultraviolet detector, fluorescence detector, refractive index detector and electrochemical detector 15.3 liquid-solid chromatography Teaching Outline: The basic principles; commonly used stationary phase and mobile phase; 15.4 bonded-phase chromatography Teaching Outline: Preparations of bonded-phase columns; Normal- and reverse-phase packing, properties and applications; 15.5 ion-exchange chromatography Teaching Outline: Basic principle of ion-exchange chromatography; stationary phase and mobile phase; the instrumentation and process; 15.6 size-exclusion chromatography Teaching Outline: Basic principle of size-exclusion chromatography;,; gel filtration chromatography and gel permeation chromatography;, the stationary and mobile phase; 18.7 supercritical fluid chromatography Teaching Outline: Basic principle of supercritical fluid chromatography; the instrumentation; stationary and mobile phases; commonly used detectors for SFC; applications Chapter 16 introduction on spectroscopy 课时:2周,共6课时 16.1 basic of electromagnetic radiation Teaching Outline: Wave properties of electromagnetic radiation; electromagnetic spectrum; quantum-mechanical properties of radiation and photoelectric effect; 16.2 interactions of matter and light Teaching Outline: Absorption, emission, scattering, refraction, reflection and diffraction; 16.3 Spectroscopic method Teaching Outline: Absorption and emission spectroscopy; instrumentation for spectroscopy; source of radiation, continuum sources, line sources and laser sources; wave length selectors, filters, prism and grating monochromators, monochromator slits; radiation transducers; barrier-layer photovoltaic cells, vacuum phototubes, photomultiplier tubes; multichannel phototransducers,photodiode arrays, charge-coupled devices, charge-transfer devices; thermal transducers, thermal couples and bolometers Chapter 17 Atomic Emission Spectroscopy 课时:2周,共6课时 Content 17.1 basic principles of Atomic emission spectroscopy Teaching Outline: Origin of the spectrum; intensity of the spectrum lines; atomic line width; line broadening from the uncertainty effect; the effect of temperature 17.2 AES instrument Teaching Outline: Inductively coupled plasma source, sample introduction, plasma appearance and spectra, analyte atomization and ionization; characteristics of Arc and spark sources; glow-discharge, laser based AES systems, direct plasma and microwave-induced plasma 17.3 Application of AES Teaching Outline: Qualification with AES, quantitative and semi-quantitative detection with AES; Doppler, pressure, electric and magnetic field, self-absorption broadening; self-reversal Chapter 18 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 课时:2周,共6课时 Content 18.1 basic principles of Atomic absorption spectroscopy Teaching Outline: The process of AAS, resonance line and absorption line,; the number of ground atom and temperature of the flame; quantitative analysis with AAS 18.2 instrumentation for AAS Teaching Outline: Primary radiation source, hollow cathode lamp and electrodeless discharge lamp; flame and electrothermal atomizer; the optical dispersive system; detectors and signal measurements 18.3 measurements and interferences Teaching Outline: Quantitative measurements; spectral, chemical, and physical interferences; Zeeman effect 18.4 AAS method and its application Teaching Outline: sensitivity and detection limit; characteristic sensitivity ,characteristic concentration and characteristic mass; standard calibration curve and standard addition; 18.5 atomic fluorescence Teaching Outline: The process of atomic fluorescence, the intensity of atomic fluorescence; atomic fluorometer Chapter 19 Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy 课时:2周,共6课时 Content 19.1 basic principles of Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy Teaching Outline: the process of Ultraviolet-visible absorbance; the magnitude of molar absorptive molecular absorbing species and electron transition; absorbance of organic compound; absorption by inorganic species; the effect of slit width; detection of functional groups 19.2 Law of absorption Teaching Outline: Lambert-Beers law and absorptivity; apparent deviation from Beers law 19.3 Instrumentation Teaching Outline: Components of the instrument, sources, monochromators, sample containers and photon detectors; types of spectrophotometer, single-beam system, double-beam-in-space and double-beam-in-time spectrometer;diode-array instrument 19.4 application of UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy Teaching Outline: Application in qualitative analysis; quantitative analysis; application to absorbing and nonabsorbing species; procedural details, selection of wavelength, variables that influences absorbance; analysis of mixtures of absorbing substances; double-wavelength spectroscopic method; standard addition method; derivative spectroscopy Chapter 20 molecular Luminescence Spectroscopy 课时:1周,共3课时 Content 20.1 molecular fluorescence and phosphorescence Teaching Outline: Theory of fluorescence and phosphorescence; excited states producing fluorescence and phosphorescence,electron spin, single and triplet excited states; energy-level for photoluminescence molecules; deactivation processes, vibrational relaxation, internal conversion, external conversion, intersystem crossing, photophorescence; quantum yield; transition types in fluorescence; quantum efficiency and transition type, fluorescence and structure, effect of structural rigidity; fluoresce spectra, fluorescence excitation spectra, fluorescence emission spectra and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra; characteristic of fluorescence spectra, Stocks shift; variables affecting fluorescence and phosphorescence; 20.2 fluorescence spectroscopy and application Teaching Outline: Components of fluorometer and spectrofluorometers, sources, filters and monochromators, cells and cell components, detectors; Quantitative detection, relation between fluorescence intensity and concentration; direct and indirect measurements; fluorescence imaging 20.3 phosphorimetric spectroscopy Teaching Outline: Low temperature and room temperature phosphorescence; phosphoremeter and applications 20.4 chemiluminescence analysis Teaching Outline: Principle for chemiluminescence; types of chemiluminescence; measurement of chemiluminescence; application of chemiluminescence Chapter 21 Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy 课时:2周,共6课时 Content 21.1 theory of IR absorption spectrometry Teaching Outline: Dipole moment change during vibrations and rotations; rotation transitions, vibration-rotation transitions; types of molecular vibrations; mechanical model of a stretching vibration in a diatomic molecule; simple harmonic motion and anharmonic oscillator; IR absorption spectra 15.2 IR spectra and molecular structure Teaching Outline: Group frequencies of functional groups; important spectral region in infrared; the fingerprint region; factors affecting group frequencies, adjacent groups, hydrogen bonding, vibration coupling; inductive and conjugated effect; 15.3 instrument for IR spectroscopy Teaching Outline: Dispersive IR spectrometer, source, sample cell, monochromator, detectors; Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer and working mechanism; sample handling and pretreatment 15.4 application of IR spectroscopy Teaching Outline: Qualitative application for structural analysis; calculation of the degree of unsaturation; verification of structural analysis; quantitative analysis Chapter 22 nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 课时:2周,共6课时 Content 22.1 theory of NMR Teaching Outline: Quantum description of NMR; energy level on a magnetic field, relaxation process in NMR, spin-lattice relaxation and spin-spin relaxation, 22.2 NMR instrument Teaching Outline: Instrumentation, the magnet, the field sweep generator, the radiofrequency source, the signal detector and recorder system; sample handling 22.3 Chemical shift of proton in organic compounds; Teaching Outline: Source of the chemical shift; environmental effect on the chemical shift of proton NMR, effect of electron, effect of magnetic anisotropy; spin-spin coupling and splitting; coupling constant and its relation with molecular structure; first-order spectra and their interpretation 22.4 application of NMR method Teaching Outline: Identification of structure of organic compound Chapter 23 mass Spectroscopy 课时:2周,共4课时 Content 23.1 Principles of mass spectrometer Teaching Outline: Ion source, electron ionization, chemical ionization, field desorption, laser desorption, electrospary ionization; mass analyzer, double-focusing spectrometer, quadrupole mass spectrometer, time-of-flight analyzer, ion cyclotron resonance mass analyzer; signal detection and data processing; resolution of mass spectrometer 23.2 types of ions Teaching Outline: The electron impact ionization process; molecular ion; isotope peaks, peaks for collision products, fragmentation patterns 23.3 organic compound structure and mass spectroscopy and application of mass spectroscopy Teaching Outline: identification of structure of organic compounds; molecular weight determination; compound identification from comparison spectra; quantitative analysis, precision and accuracy; reaction mechanism; computerized library search system; analysis of mixture by hyphenated mass spectral methods 三、各章课时分配表 章序号 章内容 学时数 13 Introduction on chromatography 3 14 Gas Chromatography 4 15 High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Supercritical Fluidic Chromatography 4 16 introduction on spectroscopy 6 17 Atomic Emission Spectroscopy 6 18 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 6 19 Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy 6 20 molecular Luminescence Spectroscopy 3 21 Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy 6 22 nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 6 23 mass Spectroscopy 4 总计 54 参考书目 Gary D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, Wiley; 6 edition (March 14, 2022) Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Brooks Cole; 8 edition August 7, 2022) Robert Kellner, Jean-Michel Mermet, Matthias Otto, Miguel Valcarcel, H. Michael Widmer Analytical Chemistry: A Modern Approach to Analytical Science, Wiley-VCH; 2 edition (October 8, 2022) 第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页