各种衔接词:各种衔接词:Early in the morning 一大早 The other day = A few days ago 几天前 The next/following day 第二天(一般过去时)Just then, = Just at that moment 正在那时,After that, =Later on, . Then 然后,After a while 一会儿以后 Ultimately,finally, In the end,At last,Finally,Eventually 最后From then on 从那以后, From now on 从今以后At the same time, Meanwhile 与此同时Apparently, Unfortunately, Luckily, Amazingly, Unexpectedly,1.我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。My mood was as cheerful as a wave.2.明抑制不住内心的喜悦,像小鸟一样飞进了家门。Xiao Ming can not restrain the joy of heart, like a bird flying into the family.3.晶莹的泪珠,像断了线的珍珠,滚下面颊。Crystal tears, like broken pearls, roll down your cheeks.4.我的心绷得紧紧的。My heart is as tight as a string.5.我觉得脸上热辣辣的,手心里透出一片冷汗,心头像有千百个蚂蚁爬过。I felt hot on my face, cold sweat in my hands and thousands of ants crawling through my heart.6.我心里像喝了蜜一样,甜滋滋的。My heart is as sweet as honey.7.我心疼得像刀绞一样,眼泪不住地往下流。My heart ached like a knife and my tears kept running down.1.我永远不会忘记这次经历。I will never forget . 倒装句否定词置于句首Never will I forget this unforgettable experience.2.正是我的妈妈教会我这么宝贵的一课。 强调句It was mom who/that taught me the valuable lesson.3.从那时起,无论我遇到什么困难和问题,妈妈鼓励性的话语every cloud has a silver lining, 总会嬴荡在耳边。From then on, whenever I encountered difficulties or problems, Moms encouraging words - Every cloud has a silver lining, always rang in my ears.4.我逐渐明白只要我们在困境中不失去希望,永远都会有出路。It dawned on me that if we never lose hope in adversity, there will be a way out.5.我会尽我所能做的一切来帮助有需要有困难的人。I would like to do everything in my power to help those in trouble/need.6.我要学会珍惜并感激我所拥有的一切。I learn to cherish/treasure and be grateful for all that I had.7.这是我生命中一段意义深刻的时光,我会永远铭记在心。 It was a profound time in my life, which I would keep in mind forever.8.尽管外面天气很冷,但有了爱,他们的心不再寒冷。In this bitter winter, they would never felt cold because of love and kindness.Cold as the weather was, they felt warm like the sun shining on their body.9.即使是今天,我仍然将此番经历视为值得珍藏的记忆。Even today, I still regard the experience as treasured memory.10. 这个惊险的假期将永远不会从我的头脑中淡忘。The thrilling vacation will never fade from my mind.11. 坐在星空下,我回忆着当天的经历-这真是惊险刺激的一天。Sitting beneath the stars, I reflected on the day - a day of pure adventure.12. 躺在客房的床上,我回想着这次兴奋又危险的经历,它将永远的印在我的脑中。Lying in the bed of the guestroom,I reflected on the exciting yet dangerous experience which would be curved in my mind permanently.13.每朵花都散发着属于自己的芬芳。 Every flower gives pleasure in its own way.14.有时候,小小的善举在不经意间能带来巨大的影响。Sometimes, a small act of kindnesscsn make a huge difference.15.就是在那时我才开始意识到努力的价值。It was then that I came to realize the value of efforts.16.有时对待的方法不是而是。Sometimes the best way to deal with is not sth., but sth.17.尽管冷雨扑身,他的心从未如此温暖过。Cold as the rain was, great warmth filled his heart like never before.