TeaBrief introductionThree mealsConclusionContentContentGamethe west side of continent of EuropeNorth Atlantic Current LocationClimateProductwarm in winter and cool in summerrain all the yearplant feed crops and pasturedairy farmingBrief introductionCooking waysstewed, barbecue, friedspecial preference on beefSeasoning: butter and liquorSpice: nutmeg(肉豆蔻) and cinnamon(肉桂) Breakfast British breakfast is richer than any other countrys dinner. Usually have fruit, eggs, meat, porridge, bread, juice, jam and coffee, etc. Its not only abundant on variety, but also full of nutrition.croissanttoastsausagefried eggmushroombaconcoffeesoupLunch “packed lunch” 盒装午餐 a sandwich, a packet of chips, a piece of fruit and a drink. The packed lunch is kept in a plastic container. Some students might only have some chocolates, potato chips, an apple, or a banana. Sandwich is also known as a butty or sarnie in some parts of the UK. Eating sandwich as lunch will be more convenient. It can be made quickly, be ate quickly, even you can eat it when you are walking, and dont need to wash dishes, and it is very cheap.Dinner 1. Soup: the most common are British cream soup, corn soup and cream mushroom soup. 2. Appetizer(开胃菜): salad or lemon juice. 3. Main food: meat and vegetables. 4. Dessert: Apple pie, pudding.Tea Breakfast tea Source: Scotland Characteristics: strong and refreshing Ingredient: the mixture of a variety of black tea Indias tea (take its concentration)取其浓度 Ceylon tea (take its taste)取其味道 Kenyan tea (take its color)取其色泽 Sometimes will also have the Chinese black tea Afternoon teaOriginal story一般认为,英国下午茶的传统是维多利亚女王时代1840年期间由贝德芙公爵夫人安娜女士所开创的。那时候,午餐开始得很早,而通常直到晚上9点人们才开始吃晚餐。公爵夫人每到下午便感到百无聊赖甚至饥肠辘辘,便让女仆准备一些差点,面包,黄油以及蛋糕送往她的房间。很快,喝下午茶便流行起来。公爵夫人也开始邀请她的朋友共饮下午茶。Basic etiquette Time: between 3pm. and 5pm. Clothes: In the Victorian era, man wear a tuxedo(燕尾服), while woman wear robe(长袍). Refreshments: Three-layer snack plate From the first floor to the top, the taste should from light to heavy and salty to sweet. Tea ware porcelain teapot 瓷器茶壶 saucer 茶托 a set of cap teaspoon three-layer snack plate sugar pot milk bottleAfternoon tea Afternoon tea: India Darjeeling black tea印度的大吉岭红茶 Earl Grey tea 伯爵茶 Highlands of Ceylon tea锡兰高地红茶 Usually add milk or a slice of lemon.The trilogy(三部曲三部曲) of afternoon tea first: enjoy delicious snacks. second : enjoy delicate tea ware. third: enjoy tea.coffeesandwichtoastsalad French friesbaconpuddingApple pieConclusionSimple lunch 午餐从简Fast breakfast 早餐求快Formal dinner 晚餐正式Delicate tea 饮茶有讲究Drinking as a hobby 喝酒是喜好Diversified diet 饮食多元化Six major characteristics of the modern British diet culture进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老忆中的故乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少,个个手持一把,忽闪忽闪个不停,嘴里叨叨着少,个个手持一把,忽闪忽闪个不停,嘴里叨叨着“怎么这么热怎么这么热”,于是三,于是三五成群,聚在大树下,或站着,或随即坐在石头上,手持那把扇子,边唠嗑五成群,聚在大树下,或站着,或随即坐在石头上,手持那把扇子,边唠嗑边乘凉。孩子们却在周围跑跑跳跳,热得满头大汗,不时听到边乘凉。孩子们却在周围跑跑跳跳,热得满头大汗,不时听到“强子,别跑强子,别跑了,快来我给你扇扇了,快来我给你扇扇”。孩子们才不听这一套,跑个没完,直到累气喘吁吁,。孩子们才不听这一套,跑个没完,直到累气喘吁吁,这才一跑一踮地围过了,这时母亲总是,好似生气的样子,边扇边训,这才一跑一踮地围过了,这时母亲总是,好似生气的样子,边扇边训,“你你看热的,跑什么?看热的,跑什么?”此时这把蒲扇,是那么凉快,那么的温馨幸福,有母亲此时这把蒲扇,是那么凉快,那么的温馨幸福,有母亲的味道!蒲扇是中国传统工艺品,在我国已有三千年多年的历史。取材的味道!蒲扇是中国传统工艺品,在我国已有三千年多年的历史。取材于棕榈树,制作简单,方便携带,且蒲扇的表面光滑,因而,古人常会在上于棕榈树,制作简单,方便携带,且蒲扇的表面光滑,因而,古人常会在上面作画。古有棕扇、葵扇、蒲扇、蕉扇诸名,实即今日的蒲扇,江浙称之为面作画。古有棕扇、葵扇、蒲扇、蕉扇诸名,实即今日的蒲扇,江浙称之为芭蕉扇。六七十年代,人们最常用的就是这种,似圆非圆,轻巧又便宜的蒲芭蕉扇。六七十年代,人们最常用的就是这种,似圆非圆,轻巧又便宜的蒲扇。蒲扇流传至今,我的记忆中,它跨越了半个世纪,也走过了我们的扇。蒲扇流传至今,我的记忆中,它跨越了半个世纪,也走过了我们的半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长长的时间隧半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长长的时间隧道,袅道,袅