Lesson Three Goods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change. Part I( Paras1-3) Globalization is reality but it is not sth completely new. What is new is the speed and scope of changes.The author begins the article by quoting Marx and Engels. He points out that globalization is a world movement and a movement of reformation of cultures. not merging of cultures but reformation of culturesIndicating the cultures in the world will continue to exist but they will not be the sameIn the throes of : in the act of struggling withWild: a state of disorder , disarrangement, confusionAssortment: varietyDislodge: to drive out , to force from a position or place where lodgedWant: sth needed or desired but lacking; need. Why an inexact term ?1. To show that globalization is the result of modern industry and world market2. to stress that it is a process and a history process Depend on where they live and how much money they have: determined by whether they are in the developed countries or not and whether they are among the haves or the have-not Yet globalization is not sth that you can accept or reject, it is already a matter of life which you will encounter and have to respond to every day. to venture: to undertake the risk of; to braveAfield : away from homeWrought: ( past participle of work) to produce result or to exert influencePeople in the world have been making commercial and cultural contact long before merchants on camelback took the risk to travel to places faraway from home.Dynamic: a force producing motion or changePart II. Paras(4-6) This part deals with views on globalization. Cloning (克隆 ):To make a product that functions like another. Cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software. The term clone is derived from the Ancient Greek word (kln, “twig”), referring to the process whereby a new plant can be created from a twig. In horticulture, the spelling clon was used until the twentieth century; the final e came into use to indicate the vowel is a long o instead of a short o.12 Since the term entered the popular lexicon in a more general context, the spelling clone has been used exclusively. In the United States, the human consumption of meat and other products from cloned animals was approved by the FDA on December 28, 2006, with no special labeling required. Cloned beef and other products have since been regularly consumed in the US without distinction. Such practice has met strong resistance in other regions, such as Europe, particularly over the labeling issue.Read more: http:/ about globalization: 1. result in the spread of American goods, American values and culture and the consequence will be inevitably be Americanization. munication in English. 3. “two-edged sword”: advantages and disadvanteges coexist 4. approach: make full use of the advantages and to minimize the negative effects.Agenda: program of things to be doneCrease: a fold or wrinkleMcWorld: a world filled with American goods and culture; a world modeled on McDonald.Popular factions: 反映公众情绪的派别; 得到公众支持的派别2.Political groups with broad support have come into being to take advantage of existing worries and uneasiness among the people about foreign “ cultural assaultXenophobia: hatred or f of foreigners or foreign things.Economic ambition: the desire to build China into a strong, industrialized country, to improve the livelihood of the Chinese people3.In China, the two treads of closed-door and open-door policies have long been struggling for dominance.Hollywood: American films (synecdoche提喻 )“Museum” : ancient life or backwardness, the kind of life you can only find in museum.“Showers that work” modern life with high-tech gadgets( 小工具 ).4. The Chinese people should continue to live a backward life while we live comfortably with all modern conveniences.Part III. ( Paras7-9) Three points are made in this part:1.Westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either( it is neither terribly bad or extremely good).2.Cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.3.Teenagers are one of the powerful engines of merging global culturesBe shot through with: to have a lot, as if full of holes after a shotgun blast.Inconsistencies : not uniform, inharmonious or self-contradictory factors.Bedfellow: an associate, ally, confederate, etc.5. westernization is a concept full of self-contradiction and held by people of very different backgrounds or views.To blast: to attack or criticize sharply.booster: enthusiastic supporterSalubrious: healthfulResourceful: to deal promptly and effectively with problem, difficulties, etc.Resilient: recovering strength, spirits, good humor, quickly; buoyantIn what way are cultures resourceful, resilient and unpredictable ?Three examples: 1. Hollywood High School in Los Angeles, the city which many people consider as a source of devaluing world cultures. Even in the place where Hollywood is located, you still find a school with 32 languages spoken. A sign of cultural diversity.2.Sesame Street in Shanghai, Sesame Street is a popular show in the U.S., yet the Chinese borrowed the form and filled with Chinese value and traditions. Showing how resourceful and resilient cultures can be.3. McDonalds in India. McDonalds is clever to cater to Indian cultures. When such unexpected things happen, it is right for the author to call cultures unpredictable.Why McDonalds serve mutton instead of beef in India? The religion of Hinduism regards the cow as sacred, so beef cant be eaten.Why the teenagers the powerful engines of merging global cultures? 1, the number is huge. 2. they have time and money to spend. 3. they are the source of fashion and fashion knows no national boundaries. They can easily pick up ( EG. RAP MUSIC)Hang out: to spend much of one time; frequentRap music: a style of black popular music with a pronounced beat to which words are recited rather than sung(说唱乐). A phenomenon of the60s in the U.S. A number of white teenagers of -well-to-do family backgrounds became alienated(疏远 ) from middle class values and conventions. They attempted to break away from suck shackles in a counter-culture movement. Rock music become a major vehicle for the counter-culture attack on the status quo.Cool hunter: 猎酷者To take sb in hand: to control sb., as to show him how to behave or act.Part IV. (paras10-13) This part tells the authors experience with Amanda Freeman, a cool hunter.Cool: (slang) fashionable in the eye of the young.Eye: eyemental awareness; a special knack or intuition6. In trying to find out what will be the future trend, you do not need to be fashionable yourself. All you need is awareness, that is to say, you need to be alert, to be observant.Diner: a small restaurant built to look like a dining car. Following an old-fashioned model.Seedy: shabby, rundownTrendy: of or in the latest fashion or trend; ultrafashionablePocket: an isolated area of a special type.Thrift shop: esp. US, a shop selling second-hand items usu. for charity.To catch on: to become popular.Part V ( Paras 14-19) In order to prove fusion is the trend , the author used Tom Sloper and mah-jon gg as an example.Why the author used Tom Sloper and mah-jon gg as an example?To illustrate fusion.Computers- a western high technology (West, technology)Mah-jongg- a traditional Chinese game (East, entertainment)A fusion of things previously unrelatedPassion: a strong emotion that has an overpowering or compelling effectThe small rooms in Asia: lower-middle-class people in Asia.The country club in Beverly Hills: rich, upper-class people in the U.S.Contrast: Asia vs the U.S. lower-middle-class vs rich upper- class people Men vs society women Full of smoke: 1. most probably, the players are men. 2.the room is stuffy and suffocating 3. the players are not well educated.Click: a slight, sharp sound, like that of a door latch snapping into place.Onomatopoeia ( 拟声): the formation of a word by imitating the natural sound associated with the object or action involved such as tinkle , buzz.Silence: absence of any sound or noise.Detached: not involved by emotion, interests, etc.7. He was moving around, playing a game through the Internet with people living in different time zones, thus their activity on the computer broke down time zone limit.Part VI (Para20) It serves as a transition. fast-forward blur: moving so fast into the future that outlines are blurred as if images on a video tap being played on fast forward.To unleash : to free from restraintPlunge: to extend far down in a revealing way.Part. VII ( Paras.21-24) This part describes the cultural trends in Shanghai.Why to investigate Shanghai: the largest city in China. has long been open to the west.Buick sails outlet : 别克轿车的销售网点 The author contrasts the old Shanghai and Shanghai in the 1990s. The author like old Shanghai more.Skyscraper is used to show that the building is very high, made of steel and glass, and without style or taste.To cramp: to confine; restrainThe conclusion: Modernization does not bring beauty and convenience to the people in Shanghai. The high-rises spoil the original beauty of Shanghai.( nostalgic feeling)Many carrying several shopping bags: 1. the purchasing power of the people is high. 2. a sign of economic prosperity.Mall: a completely enclosed, air-conditioned shopping center.8.The Guccci store did not expect that in the first two weeks of its opening in Shanghai business could be so good.Ambiguity: the quality of allowing of more than one interpretation.Whats the people attitude to the cultural dislocation? People do not consider the invasion of foreign goods and the change in life that goes with it as a problem. They accept such change and do not feel alarmed.Part VIII. ( Paras25-28) The author used the experience at Shanghai Theatre Academy to illustrate the point that the change is at the level of ideas.Potential: the capacity for use or development.Why a Western concept? Potential is a concept used in physics or electricity which are subjects first studied in the West.Lightening: the art , practice, or manner of using and arranging lights on a stage.Part IX. (Paras29-34) The author in this part introduced Tofflers view on conflict, change and world order.9.From the very beginning I know I need some theory as guideline to help me in my study of global culture as globalization, to guide me through such a variety of cultural phenomena.Order grows out of chaos: significant change come as a result of conflict.Conflict: wave conflicts, that is , conflicts between modes of production.Part X. ( Para 35 ) It talks about Brain Drain(人才流失).Why for Japanese, a new way of thinking? Japanese: Traditional. Loyalty to the firm is constantly stressed( life-long service in one firm, feel proud of such arrangement). American: emphasis on individualism ( ones fate is in ones own hands)Part XI.( Para. 36 ) There will not be a uniform world culture in the uture; the cultures will coexist and transform each other.To aspire to : to be ambitious to get or do sth, esp. sth lofty or grand; to yearnUtopian ideal: a uniform world cultureBerlins ideas: 1. a society should not pursue certain unrealistic good but should aim at sth more practical, more down-to-earth. 2.we should not pursue uniformity but we should cultivate tolerance towards diversity.Part XII. ( Paras37-39) The author again used an example in Shanghai to illustrate the transformation of cultures.Sterile: not stimulatingInfant: in a very early stageCongregation: an assembly of people for religious worship or teaching.Identity: the condition or fact of being a specific person or thing; individualityTo tone: to utter or recite in a singing tone or in prolonged monotonesWhy mention her experience at a Jewish gathering in Shanghai? 1. To prove different cultures can co-exist and learn from each other while maintaining their own identity. 2. there are things in common in all cultures. This is the basis for mutual understanding and co-existence.10. The way of showing repentance might be peculiar to the Jews, but the strong desire of gaining forgiveness from God is common, shared by all.Part VIII. ( Para 40) The author makes her clear view of globalization.Globalization is the inevitable-linking is humanitys natural impulse结束结束