医学词汇构词法医学词汇构词法i.Voc A Course of Learning English for Medical PurposesI. Target1.Mastering medical language: vocabulary and discourse level learning2. Practical application of medical communication: speaking and writing with MLElectr /o/ cardi /o/ gramrootrootroot心电图Combining formsprefixessuffixescyt/o : cellderm/o :skinbi/o : lifeaden/o :glandarthr/o : jointnephr/o :kidneyhepat/o : liverleuk/o :whiteoste/o : boneepi- :abovemulti-: manypoly-: manyex- : outendo- :insidetrans- : acrosshyper-: excessivehypo- :deficient-emia :blood condition-ectomy: excision-gram: record-cyte: cell-scope: instrument fro visually exam-itis: inflammation-ist : person specialized in-logy: process of study-oma: tumor-osis: abnormal condition-tomy: cutting2. To correlate an understanding of word elements with the basic anatomy, physiology, and disease processes of the human body. Such as hemat /o/ logy means the study of the blood.3. To be continually aware of spelling and pronunciation problems. Hepatoma: tumor of the liver 肝细胞瘤Hematoma: blood tumor 血肿OncologyNephrologyNeurologyGastroenterologyNephritisHepatitisBronchitisCarcinomaHematomahepatomaanatomy: process of cutting upgastrectomy: removal of the stomacharthrotomy: incision of a jointleukemia anemia erythremia Leukocytosis 白细胞增多Necrosis 坏死Erythrocytosis 红细胞增多The Roles of PronunciationMedical Terminology Systems Organs Tissues CellsEndocrine syst.Reproductive syst.Mastery of Medical WordsOrgansTissuesCellsDistribution of vocabulary in medical literatureEssential voc.Popular science voc.Medical termsThe 2nd category (15%) : hepatitis, appendicitis, encephalopathy, immunodeficiency syndromeThe 3rd category (15%) : distill, dilute , dissolve, filtration, magnetization, dynamics, meteorology, pigmentation The 1st category 70%: comment, investigate, studyDistribution of vocabularyMedical Terminology I. Conversion II. derivativeIII. Compoundingopportunist 条件致病菌physiology/-ist/ -gic asymptoma atic antivirusradioimmunoelectrophoresis 放射免疫电泳 I. Conversion 词义转换:由普通词汇转换成专业词汇; opportunist ; sympathetic block 交感神经阻滞术, sympathetic nerve , sympathomimetic 拟交感神经药; capsule 胶囊药,被膜 Reservoir 贮主(zhu) To protect trachea from collapsing the uncompromised host 不易受感染的宿主 space occupying lesion 占位性病变Derivatives Prefix: ir- il- im- mis- irregularity, irresistable illegal, illiterate immature immobile immodest immorality misbehavior mislead misfortune misstate mismanage Prefix Dis/dys- dishonest dysphonia disorder dyspnea disease in- inexperienced insufficiency inadequate inactivatedun- unconditioned reflex 非条件反射undifferentiated cell leukemia 未分化细胞白血病 unresolved pneumonia 未吸收肺炎unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸unstable angina 不稳定型心绞痛 none-nonsmokernonelectrolytenonstress testnonulcer dyspepsianonspecific immunitynonsense mutationnonself 非抽烟者 非电解质 无应激实验 非溃疡性消化不良 非特异性免疫 无义突变 非自我的 ex- exclusion excretion exhale ex- president ex-wife exclude 排斥 排泄 呼气 前总统 前妻 排除在外 Suffix: n. reliance resistance existence coldness consciousness decision collision inclusion treatment encouragement Adj. generous continuous miscellaneous congenital conspicuous scrupulous simultaneously apparently substantially V.-en.(a.+ en) whiten widen fasten(tie) lengthen shorten worsen weaken brighten lighten -al n. survival refusal arrival proposal withdrawal removal (but not: compose, compromise)Compounds Roots Organs and their rootsliver hepato/a-lung pulmono-kidney reno-/nephro-heart cardio-nerve neuro- spleen splen(o) brain cerebro- head cephal(o) eye ophthalm/ skin dermo- ear oto-(otology) chest thorac/o- arteri/o artery vaso vessel nose naso- / nasoantritis 鼻上颌窦炎 throat laryngo- Laryngitis 喉炎 Pharynx 咽 Pharyng (o)- Pharyngectomy 咽切除 描述人体器官方位: Anterior anterior band of colon 结肠前带 posterior posterior teeth 后牙 superior superior vena cava 上腔静脉 inferior inferior thyroid artery 甲状腺下动脉 inter- (between) interatrial 房间的 intra-(inside) intracellular endo-(intra- ) endocarditis poly-(many, much) polyarthritis multi- (many, much) -multicuspid 多尖的 hyper-(high, extra) hypertension hypo-(low,less) hypotension homo-( same) homolateral同侧的 homograft hetero-(different) heteroantigen 异种抗原 dys-(not) dysplasia发育不良 dyspnea 呼吸困难 dysphonia 发声困难 counter- 对抗,抑制 countercurrent 逆流 counterbalance 等衡 psycho- 精神/心理 psychology psychiatry psychobiology thrombo-血栓thrombolymphangitis 血栓性淋巴管炎Thromboendocarditis血栓性心内膜炎 meningo- 脑膜,脑脊膜meningoencephalomyelitis 脑脊膜脑脊髓炎 lympho- lymphocytopenia 淋巴细胞减少 radio- radionuclide- angiocardiography放射性核素心血管造影术 immuno- immunosuppression electro- electrosynthesis 电合成 staphylo- 葡萄,悬雍垂 staphylotoxin 葡萄球菌毒素 staphyloplasty 悬雍垂成形术 Strepto- Streptococcus Streptomycin Osteo bone osteocystoma 骨囊瘤 Lumb/o lumbar lumbodynia 腰痛 lumbocostal 腰肋的 Suffix: -itis (inflammation) hepatitis bronchitis nephritis colitis gastritis appendicitis otitis endocarditis panarthritis 多发性关节炎 -ectomy (removal) splenectomy appendectomy pharyngectomy -graphy(照像术) cephalography 测颅术 cardiography 心动描记法 - gram 照片 cardiogram 心动图 -scope (glass) ophthalmoscope stethoscope microscope telescope microscope telescope -cyte( cell) leukocyte myocyte -coccus 球菌球菌 staphylococci 葡萄球菌 meningococci pneumococci streptococci -logy (science) Psychology Sociology Pathology Pharmacology -ist ( scientist) Physiologist -cian physician, pediatrician technician clinician -oma (neoplasm)瘤 hepatoarcinoma adenoma 腺瘤 -emia -imia血症 leukemia lipidemia 脂血症 erythroblastemia 成红细胞血症 -pathy (disease) pathophysiology myopathy 肌病 -osis 异常,增多 leukocytosis erythroblastosis 成红细胞增多 -ia ( condition) otitis media otoneuralgia 耳神经痛 hypogammaglobulinemia cytomegalovirus mononuclear leukocytosis osteomyelitis encephalitis meningitis 低丙种球蛋白血症 细胞巨化病毒 单核细胞增多 白细胞增多, 骨髓炎 脑炎 脑膜炎Test YourselvesPoliomyelitisImmunocytochemistryImmunosuppressionLymphoproliferative syndromesLymphoangiologyLymphangiotomylymphangiosarcoma 脊髓灰质炎 免疫细胞化学 免疫抑制 淋巴细胞增生性 综合症 淋巴管学 淋巴管切开术 淋巴管肉瘤Thank you for your attention !