2022年一年级数学上册知识要点归纳 2.pdf
amended Decre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peoples Republic of Chi na regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended Decre e No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insura nce regulations regarding industrial injurie s 2011.01.01 amendment, promulgated by Decree No. 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substances are use d to labour protection 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 352, 16 women workers . 4.6 reviewand revision 4.6.1 production technology section Office organized relevant departments units once a year to review the documentation issued by, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 processes, technology, material changes on or after an acci dent, and biotech branch and that the workshop should be timely to various reg ulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be fill ed in, indicating the causes and changes, approved by the Deputy in charge of security, General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover the original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements caminto force date enacted sector update record 1/standard number Peoples Republic of China 2, Chairman of the national peoples Congre ss made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1 People s Republic of China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the Presi dent of the 60th Peoples Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standi ng Committee 6th Peoples Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People s Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made the 47th, 6 Peopl es Republic of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national peopl es Congress made the 62nd Peoples Republi c of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amende d Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peopl es Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance,promulgated by De cree No. 406 of the State Council prom ulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporti ng, investigation and handling of Ordi nance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment, promulgated by Decree No. 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workpla ces where toxic substances are use d to labour prote ction 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 352, 16 women workers . 4.6. review and revise 4.6.1 production technology section Office once every year and organize relevant departments to review unit on the issuing of system files, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 proce sses, technology, material changes on or after an acci dent, and biote ch branch and that the workshop should be timely to various regulations a nd safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be filled in, indi cating the causes and changes, a pprove d by the Deputy in charge of security, General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post i s the latest file, recover the original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements came into force date enacted sector update record 1/standard number Peoples Republic of Chi na 2, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1 Peoples Republiof China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People s Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national peoples Congre ss Standing Committee 6th Peoples Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 Peoples Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made the 47th, 6 Pe oples Republic of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national people s Congress made the 62nd Peoples Republic of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national people s Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peoples Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice nse Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporti ng, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgated by Decree希望辅导托管中心一年级上册数学复习大纲一、 数一数1、 数一数、连一连2、 数一数二、 比一比1、比多少2、比长短、比高矮三、 1-10 的认识和加减法1、1-10 的组成2、第几和几的认识(1)第几的认识(从左数、从右数)(2)数序4、5、6( )() 9 3、1-10 的加减法(1)加减法计算6+4= 5+2= 3+6= 8+1= 6+2= 4+3= 7+2= 2+5= 9-5= 8-4= 7-5= 6-0= 5-4= 8-5= 6-4= 3-3= (2)填写未知数() +5=8 ( )-4=2 ( )+3=9 9-( )=6 (3)填上 +、2( )2=4 6 ( )6=0 7( )2=5 8( )5=3 (4)、填上、= 5+2( )8 8( )9 8-7( )9-4 (5)看图写两道加法、两道减法5+7=12 7+5=12 12-5=7 12-7=5(6)看图写算4+2=6 6-2=4C C C C C连加 4+3+2=9 连减 12-4-3=5 加减混合 4+7-3=8(7)连加连减、加减混合计算?个6?C C C名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - amended Decre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peoples Republic of Chi na regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insura nce regulations regarding industrial injurie s 2011.01.01 amendment, promulgated by Decree No. 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substances are used t o labour protection 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 352, 16 women workers . 4.6 reviewand revision 4.6.1 production technology section Office organized relevant departments units once a year to review the documentation issued by, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 processes, technology, material changes on or after an acci dent, and biotech branch and that the workshop should be timely to various reg ulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be fill ed in, indicating the causes and changes, ap prove d by the Deputy in charge of security, General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover the original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements caminto force date enacted sector update record 1/standard number Peoples Republic of China 2, Chairman of the national peoples Congre ss made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1 People s Republic of China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th Peoples Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standi ng Committee 6th Peoples Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People s Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made the 47th, 6 Peopl es Republic of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national peopl es Congress made the 62nd Peoples Republic of Chi na emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amende d Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peopl es Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance,promulgated by De cree No. 406 of the State Council prom ulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporti ng, investigation and handling of Ordi nance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment, promulgated by Decree No. 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workpla ces where toxic substances are use d to labour prote ction 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 352, 16 women workers . 4.6. review and revise 4.6.1 production technology section Office once every year and organize relevant departments to review unit on the issuing of system files, not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2 proce sses, technology, material changes on or after an acci dent, and biote ch branch and that the workshop should be timely to various regulations a nd safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change approval form should be filled in, indi cating the causes and changes, a pprovd by the Deputy in charge of security, Ge neral Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post i s the latest file, recover the original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements came into force date enacted sector update record 1/standard number Peoples Republic of Chi na 2, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made the 70th producton safety law 2002.11.1 Peoples Republiof China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People s Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national peoples Congre ss Standing Committee 6th Peoples Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 Peoples Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national peoples Congress made the 47th, 6 Pe oples Republic of China Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the national people s Congress made the 62nd Peoples Republic of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national people s Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 Peoples Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production lice nse Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporti ng, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgated by Decree四、认识物体和图形、分类1、认识立体图形2、认识平面图形3、分类(强调分类的方法)五、认识钟表1、认识钟面2、认识整时和半时(1)会认整时和半时(2)会写整时和半时(两种写法)(3)会画整时和半时的分针和时针(4)会认一小时前的时刻、会认一小时后的时刻六、 11 20 的认识和20 以内的进位加法1、1120 各数的组成(1)认识数位表(认识个位和十位)(2)读数和写数(3)1120 各数的组成(4)10 加几和相应的减法10+3= 12+5= 12+8= 15-5= 15-10= 2、20 以内的进位加法(1)理解 “ 凑十法 ”(2)会应用口诀计算(3)会应用口诀填写未知数知识点归纳(以下为本册数学所有要掌握的知识点)一、读数、写数。1、读 20 以内的数。顺数:从小到大的顺序0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 倒数:从大到小的顺序20 19 18 17 单数: 1、3、5、7、9 双数: 2、4、6、8、10 (注: 0 既不是单数,也不是双数,0 是偶数。在生活中说单双数,在数学中说奇偶数。)名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - 一年级数学上册知识要点归纳1、两位数(1)我们生活中经常遇到十个物体为一个整体的情况,实际上十个“1”就是一个“10”,一个“ 10”就是十个“ 1”。如:A:11 里有(1)个十和( 1)个一; 11 里有( 11)个一。12 里有(1)个十和( 2)个一; 12 里有( 12)个一13 里有(1)个十和( 3)个一; 13 里有( 13)个一14 里有(1)个十和( 4)个一; 14 里有( 14)个一15 里有(1)个十和( 5)个一; 15 里有( 15)个一19 里有(1)个十和( 9)个一;或者说, 19 里有( 19)个一20 里有(2)个十; 20 里有( 20)个一B:看数字卡片( 1120) ,说出卡片上的数是由几个十和几个一组成的。(2)在计数器上,从右边起第一位是什么位?(个位) 第 2 位是什么位?( 十位)个位上的 1 颗珠子表示什么? (表示 1 个一)十位上的 1 颗珠子表示什么?(表示 1 个十)(3)先读 11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20,再写出来。如:14,读作:十四,写作:14。个位上是 4,表示 4 个一,十位上数字是 1,表示 1 个十。二、比较大小和第几。1、例如给数字娃娃排队: 5、6、10、3、20、17,可以按从大到小的顺序排列,也可以按从小到大的顺序排列。(注意做题时,写一个数字,划去一个,做到不重不漏。)2、任意取 20 以内的两个数,能够用谁比谁大或谁比谁小说一句话。如:16 比 15 大,写出来就是 1615 9比 13 小,写出来就是 9133、 “比”字的用法看“比”字的后面是谁,比几大1 就要在几的基础上加1,比几小 1 就要在几的基础上减 1。如:比 5 小 2 的数是( 3) ,比 4 多 3 的数是( 7) 。3、几和第几观察图,说说有几个图形?(16 个图形) 从左数 第几位是什么? 从右数 第几位是什么?把 左边三个 圈起来;把 右边第 2 个圈起来。(复习此类知识时,分清左右,同时确定方向;知道几个和第几个的区别。)4、相邻数2 的前面是 1,2 的后面是 3,2 再添上 1 就是 3,3再去掉 1 就是 2,与 2 相邻的数是 1 和 3。3 的前面是 2,3 的后面是 4,3 再添上 1 就是 4,4再去掉 1 就是 3,与 3 相邻的数是 2 和 4。 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - amended Decre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People