Tiffany, a symbol of American design, love and beauty, romance and dream as the theme.It is full of sensual beauty and soft, to meet all of the world womens fantacies and desires. At the beginning ,it is just a small stationery store.History The year was 1837.Charles Lewis Tiffany and his schoolmate Jone Young traveled from New England to New York City with an idea and a dream that were to become Tiffany&Co. While the first day of buainess brought a mere four dollars and 98 cents, the world of jewelry and luxury goods would never again be the same. 1837年,Charles Lewis Tiffany和他的同学Jone Young 从英格兰带着梦想来到纽约,创立了Tiffany&Co.。虽然第一天的销售只有4美元98没分,但这个珠宝与奢侈品的世界却由此而改变。 1886 The classic platinum six claw diamond ring of Tiffany , let the whole world discovered the beauty of original jewelry and minimalist style. Charles Lewis Tiffany went on to introduce the nations first retai catalorgue. And,his obsession with the simple elegance of classic silver design earned Tiffany &Co .the highly covoted Award of Merit at the Pairs Exposition Universelle in 1867.This was the first time on American company had been recognized by a European jury. Charles Lewis Tiffany 又推出了美国第一本零售商品目录。而他对银饰品简单而高雅的经典设计风格的执着追求壤Tiffany&Co.在1867年获奖,于是成为巴黎万国博览会上,成为第一家获得欧洲评审委员认可的美国公司。 Charles Lewis Tiffanys tireless search for one-of-a-kind objects charmed and fascinated the wealthy of New York. But when the store obtained some of the French crown jewels in 1887, Tiffanys fame spread for and wide. Charles Lewis Tiffany孜孜不倦寻求独一无二珍品的精神令纽约富豪们颠倒痴迷。至1887年购得了一些法国王室珠宝。Tiffany自此声名远扬。 1990 Tiffany first emerged in Paris Worlds Fair, attracted the global attention.Of the many individual achievements made under the leadership of Charles Lewis Tiffany,the introduction of the celebrated engagement ring in the 6-prong Tiffany®:Setting is one of the most noteworthy.But ,of course ,Charles Lewis Tiffanys grandest accomplishment was to establish Americas preeminent house of design and the worlds premier jeweler. 在Charles Lewis Tiffany领导下取得的诸多成就中 其首创的六爪镶嵌法Tiffany Setting 的订婚戒指最值得称道。当然,Charles Lewis Tiffany的最大成就是创建了美国和世界都首屈一指的珠宝设计公司。 Tiffany Keys A magical collection of Key pendants brimming with intrigue and allure .An exciting array of chains of varying lengths and materials 全新Tiffany Keys 系列魅惑撩人。于不同材质和长短的链式搭配,呈现绝妙美感。大胆将它们混搭,打造你独具一格的妩媚气质吧。 If you want to give your lover a surprise!Tiffany is you best chioce! 结束结束