2022年初三化学总复习知识点归纳 .pdf
According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understanding mass line of connotation, insisted party of mass line, do masses work, followi ng main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education practice activities of major meaning Partys 18 major distinct proposed o focus on the partys advanced nature and purity, in the party, with pragmatic and clean for the people as the main content of the partys mass line and educational practice. This is comrade XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the partys major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the construction of learning-oriented service innovati on of Marxist partys major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. F irst, carry out the partys mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Partys 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 Chinas gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rural residents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialist modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the party, Comrade XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The ba sic connotation of the Chi nese dream, is the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep Chi na Road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion stre ngth of China, dream dreams of the peopleof China, but determined confidence , enhance self-awarene ss, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, Chi na, China, China. Strategic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichme nt and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, leading people t o hard to realize the Chi nese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and endi ng point. Strengthen the education of the partys mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideologi cal bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should hav e common language socialist countries must have unity of will. History hasproved that a people and a nation, if it does not have its own spiritual pillar, there is no unity of spiritual support, it means that no soul, will lose cohesion and vitality. Figuratively speaking, a sack of potatoes, qua ntity cannot be too a team, form a joint force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible, no difficult means of strength. National rejuvenation of Chinese dream, not only embodies the common interests and pursuits, and covers a variety of groups and classe s, ha s a wide applicability and inclusive, with a strong integrating force and lead the force. She embodies the aspirations of several generations of Chinese, reflecting today . Into sex and purity, a nd the inevitable requirement of constantly improving the partys governing capacity. Strengthening the construction of the advance d nature and purit y, the core probl em is always maintaining the partys flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, so that our party will always be the most whol ehearted support of the masses. Must take the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the peopl e as the party all the starting point and ending point, t he party has always bee n a common fate with the masses, this is the magic weapon for our party to always maintain the adva nced nature and purity. Strengthening the constructi on of partys advanced nature and purity and enha nci ng the partys ruling ability will eventually be implemented to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. All the work merits this is a measure of the partys fundamental standards, is a measure of the partys advanced nature and purity standards. Believe who, dependi ng on who, who, standing on the position of the overwhelming majority of the people are always, always realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of judgement, is also sign of Marxist party is different from other political parties. Marxist political party has a clear political position an d historical mission: for the interests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interests of the overwhelmingmajority of the people. From the day of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, always adhere to basic princi ples of historical materialism, for the interests of the most people as their goal, always serving as its fundamental pur pose and values. Fully trust the masses, closely rely on the masses maintain flesh -and-blood ties with the masses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the most determined in t he development of our party and our country. Consci entiously acce pt supervision by the masses, pay attention to listen to the masses assessment, which itself was the partys advanced nature and purity into practical action to realize the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. At present, the party committees and leading cadres and the Government generally value the close rel ations with the masses, do a lot of productive work, but there are still some化学总复习资料基本概念:1、化学变化 :生成了其它物质的变化2、物理变化 :没有生成其它物质的变化3、物理性质 :不需要发生化学变化就表现出来的性质(如:颜色、状态、密度、气味、熔点、沸点、硬度、水溶性等) 4、化学性质 :物质在化学变化中表现出来的性质(如:可燃性、助燃性、氧化性、还原性、酸碱性、稳定性等) 5、纯净物 :由一种物质组成6、混合物 :由两种或两种以上纯净物组成,各物质都保持原来的性质7、元素 :具有相同核电荷数(即质子数 )的一类原子的总称8、原子 :是在化学变化中的最小粒子,在化学变化中不可再分9、分子 :是保持物质化学性质的最小粒子,在化学变化中可以再分10、单质 :由同种元素组成的纯净物11、化合物 :由不同种元素组成的纯净物12、氧化物 :由两种元素组成的化合物中,其中有一种元素是氧元素13、化学式 :用元素符号来表示物质组成的式子14、相对原子质量 :以一种碳原子的质量的 1/12作为标准 ,其它原子的质量跟它比较所得的值某原子的相对原子质量= 相对原子质量 质子数+ 中子数(因为原子的质量主要集中在原子核) 15、相对分子质量:化学式中各原子的相对原子质量的总和16、离子 :带有电荷的原子或原子团17、原子的结构:原子、离子的关系:注:在离子里,核电荷数= 质子数核外电子数18、四种化学反应基本类型:化合反应:由两种或两种以上物质生成一种物质的反应如:A + B = AB分解反应:由一种物质生成两种或两种以上其它物质的反应如:AB = A + B置换反应:由一种单质和一种化合物起反应,生成另一种单质和另一种化合物的反应如:A + BC = AC + B 复分解反应:由两种化合物相互交换成分,生成另外两种化合物的反应如:AB + CD = AD + CB19、还原反应: 在反应中,含氧化合物的氧被夺去的反应(不属于化学的基本反应类型) 氧化反应 :物质跟氧发生的化学反应(不属于化学的基本反应类型) 缓慢氧化 :进行得很慢的,甚至不容易察觉的氧化反应自燃 :由缓慢氧化而引起的自发燃烧20、催化剂 :在化学变化里能改变 其它物质的 化学反应速率,而本身的质量和化学性在化学变化前后都没有变化的物质(注:2H2O2 = 2H2O + O2 此反应 MnO2是催化剂)21、质量守恒定律:参加化学反应的各物质的质量总和,等于反应后生成物质的质量总和。(反应的前后,原子的数目、种类、质量都不变;元素的种类也不变)22、溶液 :一种或几种物质分散到另一种物质里,形成均一的、稳定的混合物溶液的组成 :溶剂和溶质。 (溶质可以是固体、液体或气体;固、气溶于液体时,固、气是溶质,液体是溶剂;两种液体互相溶解时,量多的一种是溶剂, 量少的是溶质;当溶液中有水存在时,不论水的量有多少,我们习惯上都把水当成溶剂,其它为溶质。)23、固体溶解度 :在一定温度下,某固态物质在100 克溶剂里达到饱和状态时所溶解的质量,就叫做这种物质在这种溶剂里的溶解度24、酸:电离时生成的阳离子全部都是氢离子的化合物如: HCl=H+ + Cl - HNO3=H+ + NO3-H2SO4=2H+ + SO42-碱:电离时生成的阴离子全部都是氢氧根离子的化合物如: KOH=K+ + OH - NaOH=Na+ + OH -Ba(OH)2=Ba2+ + 2OH -盐:电离时生成金属离子和酸根离子的化合物如: KNO3=K+ + NO3- Na2SO4=2Na+ + SO42-BaCl2=Ba2+ + 2Cl -25、酸性氧化物 (属于非金属氧化物) :凡能跟碱起反应,生成盐和水的氧化物碱性氧化物 (属于金属氧化物) :凡能跟酸起反应,生成盐和水的氧化物26、结晶水合物 :含有结晶水的物质(如:Na2CO3.10H2O、CuSO4. 5H2O)27、潮解 :某物质能吸收空气里的水分而变潮的现象风化 :结晶水合物在常温下放在干燥的空气里,能逐渐失去结晶水而成为粉末的现象28、燃烧 :可燃物跟氧气发生的一种发光发热的剧烈的氧化反应燃烧的条件 :可燃物;氧气(或空气 );可燃物的温度要达到着火点。基本知识、理论:1、空气的成分:氮气占78%, 氧气占 21%, 稀有气体占0.94%, 区别:有没有新的物质生成区别:看化学式是不是只有一种元素符号如: O2是单质, CO2是化合物MnO2风化是化学变化,潮解是物理变化区别:在化学变化中,是否可以再分(单位为 “ 1” ,省略不写)三者的关系:缓慢氧化会引起自燃,两者都是氧化反应原子核原子核外电子()中子( 0)质子( +)注:在原子里, 核电荷数 =质子数 =核外电子数阳离子阴离子原子得 e 失 e 失 e 得 e 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentrated learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understanding mass line of connotation, insisted party of mass line, do masses work, followi ng main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education practice activities of major meaning Partys 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the partys advanced nature and purity, in the party, with pragmatic and clean for the people as the main content of the partys mass line and educational practice. This is comrade XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the partys major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the construction of learning-oriented service innovati on of Marxist partys major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. F irst, carry out the partys mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Partys 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, presents two 100 -year goal, namely, by 2020 Chinas gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rural residents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialist modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the party, Comrade XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The ba sic connotation of the Chi nese dream, is the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep Chi na Road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion stre ngth of China, dream dreams of the peopleof China, but determined confidence , enhance self-awarene ss, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, Chi na, China, China. Strategic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichme nt and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, leading people t o hard to realize the Chi nese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and endi ng point. Strengthen the education of the partys mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideologi cal bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. History hasproved that a people and a nation, if it does not have its own spiritual pillar, there is no unity of spiritual support, it means that no soul, will lose cohesion and vitality. Figuratively speaking, a sack of potatoes, quantity cannot be too a team, form a joint force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible, no difficult means of strength. National rejuvenation of Chinese dream, not only embodies the common interests and pursuits, and covers a variety of groups and classes, has a wide appli cability and i nclusive, with a strong integrating force and lead the force. She embodies the aspirations of several generations of Chinese, reflecting today . Into sex and purity, and the inevitable requirement of constantly improving the partys governing capacity. Stre ngthening the construction of the advance d nat ure and purity, the core probl em is always maintaining the partys flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, so that our party will always be the most wholehearted support of the masses. Must take the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the party all the starting point and endi ng point, the party has always bee n a common fate with the masses, this is the magic weapon for our party to always maintain the advanced nature and purity. Strengthening the construction of partys advanced nature and purity and enhancing the partys ruling ability will eventually be implemented to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. All the work merits this is a measure of the partys fundamental standards, is a measure of the partys advanced nature and purity standards. Believe who, depending on w ho, who, sta ndi ng on the position of the overwhelming majority of the people are always, always realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of judgement, is also sign of Marxist party is different from other political parties. Marxist political party has a clear political position and historical mission: for the interests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. From the day of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, always adhere to basic princi ples of historical materialism, for the interests of the most people as their goal, always serving as its fundamental pur pose and values. Fully trust the masses, closely rely on the masses maintain flesh -and-blood ties with the masses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the most determined in t he development of our party and our country. Consci entiously acce pt supervision by the masses, pay attention to listen to the masses assessment, which itself was the partys advanced nature and purity into practical action to realize the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. At present, the party committees and leading cadres and the Government generally value the close rel ations with the masses, do a lot of productive work, but there are still some2 氢(H) 氦(He) 锂(Li) 铍(Be) 硼(B) 碳(C) 氮(N) 氧(O) 氟(F) 氖(Ne) 钠(Na) 镁(Mg) 铝(Al) 硅(Si) 磷(P) 硫(S) 氯(Cl) 氩(Ar) 钾(K) 钙(Ca) +二氧化碳占0.03%,其它气体与杂质占0.03% 2、主要的空气污染物:NO2 、CO、SO2、H2S、NO 等物质3、其它常见气体的化学式:NH3(氨气) 、CO(一氧化碳) 、CO2(二氧化碳) 、CH4(甲烷) 、SO2(二氧化硫) 、SO3(三氧化硫)、NO(一氧化氮) 、NO2(二氧化氮) 、 H2S(硫化氢)、HCl (氯化氢)4、常见的酸根或离子:SO42-(硫酸根 )、NO3-(硝酸根 )、CO32-(碳酸根 )、ClO3-(氯酸 )、MnO4-(高锰酸根 )、MnO42-(锰酸根 )、PO43-(磷酸根 )、Cl-(氯离子 )、HCO3-(碳酸氢根 )、HSO4-(硫酸氢根 )、HPO42-(磷酸氢根 )、H2PO4-(磷酸二氢根 )、OH-(氢氧根 )、HS-(硫氢根 )、S2-(硫离子 )、NH4+(铵根或铵离子)、K+(钾离子 )、Ca2+(钙离子 )、Na+(钠离子 )、Mg2+(镁离子 )、Al3+(铝离子 )、Zn2+(锌离子 )、Fe2+(亚铁离子 )、Fe3+(铁离子 )、Cu2+(铜离子 )、Ag+(银离子 )、Ba2+(钡离子 ) 各元素或原子团的化合价与上面离子的电荷数相对应:课本P80一价钾钠氢和银,二价钙镁钡和锌;一二铜汞二三铁,三价铝来四价硅。(氧-2,氯化物中的氯为 -1,氟-1,溴为-1)(单质中,元素的化合价为0 ;在化合物里,各元素的化合价的代数和为0)5、化学式和化