2022年北师大版小学数学四年级下册第四单元测试题 .pdf
program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprises new pr oje ct preparation, proactive coordination, responsible for new employee safety, technical training; (I) the construction, reconstruction and expansi on engineering desig n, constr uction, commissioni ng pr ocess management, supervision of construction and expansi on proje ct ready for production work; ensure that relevant state labor safety and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the proje ct desig n, construction, and commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishing and perfecting the company produces information management network, post production operation management information in a timely manne r, guiding the enterprise s to develop i nformation excha nge; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the accident, be criticized and punished; (12) actively promote the safety qualitystandardization, clean production work, exploring new management methods and mea ns of production safety, establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined wit h the companys actual, organized safety evaluation, critical incident management, technol ogy monitoring, dam safety, reliability, management, flood control and other safety work, and check for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organization that belong to major acci dents investigation; typical accident a nalysis system of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no principles implementation; complete accident statistics, a nalysis, a nd re porti ng; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in the area of safety supervision, g uidance, coordination, and assume the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and industry codes, standards, supervision of implementation; (B) in accordance with theregulations to the relevant departments for safety information, and to communicate and coordinate with the relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely reporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rule s of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civilized construction and infrastructure projects, such as che cks, a nd urge rectification of identified problems, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspecti on, assessment, technology monitoring, reliability, management found in . (A) implementation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent compa ny. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety at all levels strengthen safety assurance system and the functions of the security monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production control; (D) establishment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessment mechanism, enhance employeessafety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management system of construction, norms and strengthening the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures and anti-accident measures pla ns, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, devel op corrective action plans to che ck list, do the corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical i ncident response mechanisms, orga nizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents in a timely manner; (11) special equipment, major hazards and the safe management of hazardous chemicals and special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintenance , techni cal innovation, e qui pment maintenance and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthen quality management ofinfrastructure projects; (13) the Organization will hold security meetings, monthly analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establi shment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious security a ssessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully and promptly report security incidents. Adhere to the four no principles of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recurring; (16) the timely, accurate and complete reporting personal and equipment safety, unplanned outage times of production indicators, reflecting safety critical issues i n a timely manner; (17) to establish a scientific mechanism of safety management and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety management. Section III article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outstanding contributions to the collective or individual, shoul d be given material and spiritual rewards. The 11th article: carbon company and the workshop, the workshop with various teams, signi ng safety responsibility between t he team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appropriate recognition and reward. 12th: the carbon inside the company, according to the Division of liability, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related personnel. 13th: the company incur s major personal injury accident and major equi pment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental pollution acci dent. Punishments made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: after an accident, of car bon according to the mandate and responsi bilities of the company, given by the carbon company. Fourth Sche dule article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units . 第四单元综合提优训练一、对号入座。 (请把正确答案的序号填在括号里。) (共 15 分)1、下面()是从号位置拍摄的。2、 1 元 5 分用小数表示为()元。A、1.5 B、1.05 C、0.15 3、下图中,涂色的部分用小数表示为() 。 A 、0.56 B、 5.6 C、0.44 4、用小正方体搭立体图形,从上面看是,从右边看是,从左边看是,搭这个立体图形需方块() 。A、4 个 B、3 个 C、6 个5、一个三位小数的最高位是个位,个位和百分位上都是0,这个数可以是() 。 A 、0.409 B、0.099 C、0.569 6、在一个直角三角形中,最小的角是40,另外一个角是() 。 A 、45 B、50 C、60精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes managed by the authority; responsible for the regulated enterprises new pr oje ct preparation, proactive coordination, responsible for new employee safety, technical training; (I) the construction, reconstruction and expansi on engineering desig n, constr uction, commissioni ng pr ocess management, supervision of construction and expansi on proje ct ready for production work; ensure that relevant state labor safety and industrial sanitation simultaneously with the principal part of the proje ct desig n, construction, and commissioni ng procedure implementation; (J) development of production information management system, establishing and perfecting the company produces information management network, post production operation management information in a timely manne r, guiding the enterprise s to develop i nformation excha nge; (11) to contribute to the safety offered to praise or reward, to have those responsible for the accident, be criticized and punished; (12) actively promote the safety qualitystandardization, clean production work, exploring new management methods and mea ns of production safety, establishi ng the long-term mechanism of safe production; (13) according to the carbon company, combined wit h the companys actual, organized safety evaluation, critical incident management, technol ogy monitoring, dam safety, reliability, management, flood control and other safety work, and check for implementation; (14) in its investigation on an accident of personal death and above; unit of organization that belong to major acci dents investigation; typical accident a nalysis system of the company, develop corrective actions. Supervision of four no principles implementation; complete accident statistics, a nalysis, a nd re porti ng; Eighth: Workshop safety responsibilities for related infrastructure proje cts in the area of safety supervision, g uidance, coordi nation, and assume the corresponding responsibility. (A) the implementation of national safety-related laws, regulations and industry codes, standards, supervision of implementation; (B) in accordance with theregulations to the relevant departments for safety information, and to communicate and coordinate with the relevant departments on relevant issues; (C) supervision of dam safety and flood prevention work and timely reporting to the carbon company relevant information; (D) urged to report carbon the rule s of safety indicators, reflect the internal safety critical issues; (E) the production of safe and civilized construction and infrastructure projects, such as che cks, a nd urge rectification of identified problems, significant problems in time to report to the company; (F) the related security supervision, inspecti on, assessment, technology monitoring, reliability, management found in . (A) implementation of safety laws, regulations and safety regulations, requirements for parent compa ny. Make perfect production safety rules, regulations and procedures; (B) according to the request of the parent company, this annual safety targets and implementation; (C) establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety at all levels strengthen safety assurance system and the functions of the security monitoring system; three-level safety net role into full play; four to realize safety production control; (D) establishment of safety education and training system and dynamic assessment mechanism, enhance employeessafety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management system of construction, norms and strengthening the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures and anti-accident measures pla ns, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, devel op corrective action plans to che ck list, do the corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical i ncident response mechanisms, orga nizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents in a timely manner; (11) special equipment, major hazards and the safe management of ha zardous chemicals and special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintena nce, techni cal innovation, e qui pment maintena nce and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthen quality management ofinfrastructure projects; (13) the Organization will hold security meetings, monthly analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establi shment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious security a ssessment, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff safety; (15) faithfully and promptly report security incidents. Adhere to the four no principles of accident prevention, avoid frequent or recurring; (16) the timely, accurate and complete reporting personal and equipment safety, unplanned outage times of production indicators, reflecting safety critical issues in a timely manner; (17) to establish a scientific mechanism of safety management and the use of advanced safety management methods, improve the level of safety management. Section III article tenth of rewards and punishments: safety responsibilities seriously, and made outstanding contributions to the collective or individual, shoul d be given material and spiritual rewards. The 11th article: carbon company and the workshop, the workshop with various teams, signi ng safety responsibility between t he team and the staff, upon completion of safety indicators and appropriate recognition and reward. 12th: the carbon inside the company, according to the Division of liability, punishment to the relevant department or unit heads and related personnel. 13th: the company incur s major personal injury accident and major equi pment failure, serious fire accidents, major environmental pollution acci dent. Punishments made by Group Chairman for approval. 14th: after an accident, of car bon according to the mandate and responsibilities of the company, given by the carbon company. Fourth Sche dule article 15th: under this approach, revision of this unit the units .7、一个三角形中,已知两条边的长度分别是5 厘米和 8 厘米,第三边可能是() 。 A 、2 厘米 B、3 厘米 C、4 厘米8、明明买一本书,价钱在15 元左右,下面最接近的价格是() 。 A 、15.18 元 B、14.98 元 C、15.03 元9、在 0. 6 0.5 中,应该填() 。 A 、0、1、2 这三个数字 B、4 C、0 4 这五个数字10、下面的()是从正面看到的形状。11、下面()是从上面看到的。12、一个长方形的长与宽都缩小到原来的21,面积也应该() 。 A、增大 B、缩小 C、不变13、乘法的积一定比乘数() 。 A、大 B、小 C、不能确定14、四( 1)班有 39 名同学,张老师准备为每个买一本数学游戏 ,大约要带()钱。 A 、240 元 B、250 元 C、241.8 元15、学校的校园里有棵香樟树,早晨小亮去上学,他渐渐地走进校园,看到香樟树() 。 A、越来越大 B、越来越小 C、一样大精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页program is enacted, implementation of in-house security training programmes msafety education, improving workers safety awareness; (E) establishment of technology monitoring network, reliability management, improve the safety level of the equipment; (F) implementation of the safety management system of construction, norms and strengthening the safety management of outsourcing; (G) implement annual security technology protection measures and anti-accident measures pla ns, and ensure the implementation of two measures program; (H) safety evaluation of production, infrastructure, devel op corrective action plans to che ck list, do the corrective work; (I) developing emergency response plan for accidents, establish critical i ncident response mechanisms, orga nizations plan drilling; (J) the organization security, elimination of production safety accidents in a timely manner; (11) special equipment, major hazards and the safe management of ha zardous chemicals and special operations personnel; (12) the unit maintena nce, techni cal innovation, e qui pment maintenance and daily work such as defect elimination, strengthen quality management ofinfrastructure projects; (13) the Organization will hold security meetings, monthly analysis. Find weaknesses in safety and to develop preventive measures; (14) the establi shment of security system of rewards and punishments, serious se