2022年小学数学课堂教学提问与反思的教学策略 .pdf
le arrangements for service. Patrol Brigade strengthe ned on County, and City Police Brigade of busi ness guide, perfect statewide mistake first half of, XX police make tube sector tightly around implementation five big Ganna n strategy, and advance five big Gannan construction, in-depth imple ment provincial government on strengthe ning road traffic security work of implementation views, and State Government implement Gansu Province Government on further strengthening and improved road traffic security management work of decided of views, policy regulations, to source management, and road tube control for focus, to improved style, and specification la w enforcement for hand, efforts upgrade anti-acci dent, a nd i nsurance smooth, and promoting developme nt Ability and level and strengthen three priorities and five big projects by fully perform the functions to ensure safety, smooth, protect the people s livelihood, the public security traffic management work achi eved initial tangible results. Main report are as follows: first, the first half of (a) improve the management system and mechanism, and further raise the level of acci dent prevention. 2013 from 1 June, the general proce dures for dealing with road traffic accidents occurred in the State, 29, left 12 people dead, 37 injured, direct property loss of 178,500. Compared with the sameperiod last year, reduce the number of accidents 3, down 9.38 respe ctively; the death toll decreased by 8, down 40 re spectively; 4 reducti on i n the number of people injure d, down 9.76 respectively; direct property loss reduction 131,460 Yuan, down 88.05 implementation shows an overall decli ne in trend. Not kill ed 3 ot hers road traffic accident, remained a good situation of road traffic security conditions continued to improve. Was brought t o the State the peoples Government of Ganna n T ibetan autonomous region peoples Government issued the opinions on further stre ngthening road traffic safety work and the people s Government of Gannan Tibetan Aut onomous Prefecture, on strengthening road traffic safety priority of the Office notice of the Division of labour, provi des systems for traffic management mecha nism. Second, improve the States mistake service linkage mechanism, scientific and reasonabservice linkage mechanism, monthly on t he County, and City Police Brigade violations of punishment, and ill egal information entry of normative, and service plans developed and the implementation situation and police in duty law enforcement work in the not carry security protection facilities equi pment, dress not specification, manners not dignified, language not civilization, law enforcement attitude gross, problem for Steering che ck. Meanwhile, da DUI traffic law case quality examination i nto the scope of routine assessment, using the opportunity to travel to the countryside, inspection Corps produced dossiers, corrective comments on the probl ems in the work, improve the quality of handli ng cases. Third i s to regulate the use of passe nger vehicles with electronic monitoring system. Strengthen t he supervision on the safetyle arrangements for service. Patrol Brigade strengthened on County, and City Police Brigade of business guide, perfect statewide mistake first half of, XX police make tube sector tightly around implementation five big Gannan strategy, and advance five big Gannan constructi on, in-depth implement provincial government on strengthening road traffic security work of implementation views, and State Government implement Gansu Pr ovince Government on further strengthening and improved roa d traffic security management work of decided of views, policy regulations, to source management, and road tube control for focus, to improved style, and spe cification law enforcement for hand, efforts upgrade anti-accident, and insurance smooth, and promoting development Ability and level and strengthen three priorities and five big projects by fully perform the functions to ensure safety, smooth, protect the peoples livelihood, the public security traffic management work achieved initial tangible results. Main report are as follows: first, the first half of (a) improve the management system and mechanism, and further raise the level of accident prevention. 2013 from 1 June, the general procedures for dealing with road traffic accidents occurred in the State, 29, left 12 people dead, 37 injure d, direct property loss of 178,500. Compared with the same period last year, reduce the number of accidents 3, down 9.38 respectively; the death toll decre ased by 8, down 40 respectively; 4 reduction in the number of people injured, down 9.76 respe ctively; direct pr operty loss reduction 131,460 Yuan, down 88.05 implementation shows an overall decline in trend. Not killed 3 others road traffic accident, remained a good situation of road traffic security conditions continued to improve. Was brought to the State the peopl es Government of Gannan Tibetan autonomous region peoples Government issued the opinions on further strengthening road traffic safety work and the people s Gover nment of Ganna n T ibetan Autonomous Prefecture, on stre ngthe ning road traffic safety priority of the Office notice of the Division of labour, provides systems for traffic management mechanism. Second, improve the States mistake service linkage mechanism, scientific and reasonabservice linkage mecha nism, monthly on the County, and City PoliceBrigade violations of punishment, and ill egal information entry of normative, and service plans developed and the implementaton situation and police i n duty law enforcement work in the not carry security protection facil ities equipment, dress not specification, manners not dignified, language not civilization, law enforcement attitude gross, problem for Steering check. Meanwhile, da DUI traffic law case quality examination into the scope of routine assessment, using t he opportunity to travel to the countryside, inspection Corps produced dossiers, corre ctive comments on the problems i n the work, improve the quality of handling cases. Third is to regulate the use of passenger vehicles with electronic monitoring system. Strengthen the supervision on the safety designated personnel in strict accordance with the XX road passenger vehicles through GPS system operation and management methods for dynamic monitoring of passenger vehicles, records log in time, release information, remind the driver safety operation, the use of GPS surveillance equipment, dynamic control, will focus on vehicle a nd driver management into the control. Further implement the system of passe nger vehicle a copy of traffic violations, to passenger vehicle traffic law for having a copy business unit. ( B) to promote . Made the XX2013 civilization model highway traffic to create a working implementation of the programme. Determined to create sections and set goals. Eight is the safety production month activities. Actively participate in the national safety production month activities to mobilize videos, carry out warning education week activities, accidents in work safety promotion and advi sory activities, safety culture, activities, safety emergency exercise weeks activities, production safety around the world activity. Nine further regulate the use of transportation tchnology, surveillance equipment, and management. Statewide total investigation and road signs in 1159, urban road 672, 118 troubleshoot traffic lights, troubleshoot technology traffic surveillance equipment 33. Ten is best during statehood celebration ofthe 60 years of transportation safety and security. According to State Boar d, and State Government Office on issued straddling Gannan Tibetan Autonomous statehood 60 annual celebrates activities General Programme of notification spirit, combined I state traffic management work act ual and the State celebrates activities schedule arrangements, develope d has Gannan T ibeta n Aut onomous statehood 60 annual cel ebrates activities traffic security defend work programme and the Ga nnan Tibetan Autonomous statehood 60 annual celebrates activities traffic security defend work emergency plans, in statewide range withi n organization carried out celebrate statehood 60 annual celebrates activities traffic order concentrated regulation action, For statehood 60 anniversary celebrations t o create a better traffic environment. By June, 93715 statewide have investigated and dealt with all kinds of traffic violations, including off-site programs investigate 40161, summarily investigate 52211, general procedures to investigate 1343, 22023 offsite law enforcement. 39 drunk driving , driving without a license, 579, bus overcrowding, 27, the overloading of 34 other illegal 62187. Warning 10578, suspended vehicle 691 units, withholding drivers license 75, detained 51 peopl e. (C) deepening the propaganda and education to further improve traffic quality ofcivilization. Ministry of propaganda and education of traffic safety on two propaganda line, effective implementation of propaganda and education of traffic safety plan to strengt hen oad safety campaigns construction, deepening network information, further promote traffic safety, Wu Jin promotionaldesig nated personnel in stri ct accordance with the XX road passenger vehicles through GPS system operation and management methods for dynami c monitoring of passenger vehi cles, records log in time, release information, remind the driver safety operation, the use of GPS surveillance e qui pment, dynamic control, will focus on vehicle a nd driver management into the control. Further implement the system of passenger vehicle a copy of traffic violations, to passenger vehicl e traffic law for having a copy business unit. (B) to promote . Made the XX2013 civilization model highway traffic to create a working implementation of the programme. Determined to create sections and set goals. Eight is the safety production month activities. Actively participate in the national safety production month activities to mobil ize videos, carry out warning education w eek activities, acci dents i n work safety promotion and advisory a ctivities, safety culture, activities, safety emergency exercise weeks activities, production safety around the world activity. Nine further regulate the use of transportation technology, surveillance equipment, and management. Statewide total investigation and r oad signs in 1159, urban road 672, 118 troubleshoot traffic lights, troubleshoot technology traffic surveillance e qui pment 33. Ten is best during statehood celebration of the 60 years of transportation safety and security. According to State Board, and State Government Office on issued straddling Gannan Tibeta n Autonomous statehood 60 annual celebrates activities General Programme of notification spirit, combined I state traffic management work actual and the State celebrates activities schedule arrangements, developed has Gannan T ibetan Autonomous statehood 60 annual celebrates activities traffic security defend work programme and the Ganna n T ibeta n Autonomous statehood 60 annual celebrates activities traffic security defend w ork emergency plans, in statewi de range within organization carried out celebrate statehood 60 annual celebrates activities traffic order concentrated regulation action, For statehood 60 anniversary celebrations to create a better traffic environment. By June, 93715 statewide have investigated and dealt with all kinds of traffic violations, incl uding off-site pr ograms investigate 40161, summarily investigate 52211, general procedures to investigate 1343, 22023 offsite law enforcement. 39 drunk driving, driving without a license, 579, bus overcrowding, 27, the overloading of 34 other illegal 62187. Warning 10578, suspended vehicle 691 units, withholding drivers license 75, detained 51 peopl e. (C) deepening the propaganda a nd education to further improve traffic quality of civilization. Ministry of propaganda and education of traffic safety on two propaganda line, effective implementation of propaganda and education of traffic safety plan to strengthen road safety campaigns constr ucti on, deepening network information, further promote traffic safety, Wu Jin promotional小学数学课堂提问策略一、课堂提问的含义和功能课堂提问的功能一位名师打过这样的比方:如果把学生的大脑比做一泓平静的池水,那么,教师的课堂提问就像投入池中的一块石子,激起学生思维的涟漪和心灵的浪花。可见,教师合理而巧妙的提问能够有效地点燃学生思维的火花,激发他们的求知欲,并为他们发现、解决疑难问题提供桥梁和阶梯,引导学生去探索达到目标的途径,获得知识的同时,也增长了智慧,养成勤于思考的习惯。其主要功能如下:(一)激发学生的学习动机和兴趣(二) 促进学生学习(三)为学生提供参与机会(四)培养能力(五)反馈教学信息(六)管理课堂教学二、课堂提问中存在的问题及对策:(一)教师提问现状调查与分析随着小学数学课堂改革的不断深入,数学教师越来越重视课堂上将学生置于主体地位,着重训练学生的思维能力,这种教学思路能否顺利地实施,课堂提问是一个关键。“问题是数学的心脏,有了问题,思维才有方向、才有动力、才有创新。”(二)课堂提问中存在的主要问题在小学数学课堂教学里头,教师在提问中存在的一些主要问题。( 1 )提问过于频繁。由表可知,小学数学各年级平均每节课提问数为37.8 个, 也就是说,大约每分钟就有一个左右的问题。其中一年级最多,每节课平均43.5 个;六年级最少,平均31 个。一堂课,一共才 40 分钟,平均每分钟就问一个问题,学生往往是在一个接着一个问题的“轰炸”下,“不假思索”地忙着回答和应付,哪有时间进行思考!有些老师喜欢问“是不是”、“好不好”、“对不对”等,这样的提问毫无价值,不利于学生思维训练,丧失了优化学生思维品质的机会。【(略)】( 2 )问题过于空泛,指向不清晰。提问的这个问题过于的空泛,指向不清晰,就是有时候问的这个问题太空了,学生不明白、不会回答,因为他不知道老师问的到底是什么,或者是说他不太容易一下就想起来怎么回答,比如说老师经常问,为什么?有的老师一堂课可能会问很多个为什么,这个地方为什么,那个地方为什么,咱们说关注为什么,关注问题背后的道理是很重要的, 可是我们说提问的方式有很多种,不一定非得用简简单单的为什么直接来提问。有的时候可以给孩子一些材料,有的时候可以结合着孩子的问题,具体来问,所以问题的指向应该是很清晰的。【案例: 1 亿有多大教学片断】( 3 )提问目标不明。有时提的问题太宽泛,教师又缺乏一定的机智,不能巧妙地引导,导致教学时间的浪费。【(略)】(4 )提问抓不住重难点。有时纠缠枝节,该问的不问。如五年级学习找规律,【(略)】( 5 )提问只针对少量学生,多数学生冷场。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 15 页le arrangements for service. Patrol Brigade strengthe ned on County, and City Police Brigade of busi ness guide, perfect statewide mistake first half of, XX police make tube sector tightly around implementation five big Gannan strategy, and advance five big Gannan construction, in-depth imple ment provincial government on strengthe ning road traffic security work of implementation views, and State Government implement Gansu Province Government on further strengthening and improved road traffic security management work of decided of views, policy regulations, to source management, and road tube control for focus, to improved style, and specification la w enforcement for hand, efforts upgrade anti-acci dent, a nd i nsurance smooth, and promoting developme nt Ability and level and strengthen three priorities and five big projects by fully perform the functions to ensure safety, smooth, protect the people s livelihood, the public security traffic management work achi eved initial tangible results. Main report are as follows: first, the first half of (a) improve the management system and mechanism, and further raise the level of acci dent prevention. 2013 from 1 June, the general proce dures for dealing with road traffic accidents occurred in the State, 29, left 12 people dead, 37 injured, direct property loss of 178,500. Compared with the sameperiod last year, reduce the number of accidents 3, down 9.38 respe ctively; the death toll decreased by 8, down 40 re spectively; 4 reducti on i n the number of people injure d, down 9.76 respectively; direct property loss reduction 131,460