高中物理第一轮复习知识点总结 5.docx
精品名师归纳总结of 16 session brought to a dher e to pe opl e-oriente d, all -round, coordinate d and sustaina ble scientific devel opme nt view, pr omoting e conomi c and social and human development. T he core of the scie ntific Outlook on devel opme nt is people-orient ed. Im plement the sci entific conce pt of devel opm ent and first impl ementati on of people-orient ed re quireme nts. Office of the Party Committee of this ye ar's work , we have t o firmly establish the i dea of pe opl e-oriente d philosophy, ri chness of understa ndi ng the people-orient ed, seriously impleme nt pe ople -ori ente d requirements corre ctly grasping the practi ce of pe opl e-oriente d, thr oug h pe ople-ori ente d "three servi ces" w orking pr oce ss, pushing t he city Party Committee Office w ork to a new level. Invest ee b investee by pe ople-oriente d, in t he final analysis is ce ntred, human premise, a huma n-power ed, human pur pose. Pe opl e-orie nted thi nking l ong. A s early as the spri ng and Autum n peri od of more t han 2000 years ag o, Qi Gua n Zhong: "ov erlor d of the beginning, a nd people-orient ed. Principle of the sol id. "For thousands of years, traditional Chine se political cult ure there i s a wide variety ofpeople-orie nted thoug ht. Pa n Ge ng's "pe ople" to the Duke of Zhou's "prot ect" and t hen t o Confucius ' "man", from his "your Ki ngLig ht "to the ide a of" Grand boat w ater "and then to a dvocate si nce t he Han a nd T ang dy nastie s" nation ", these useful i dea is, i s the country of the people, political sources. T he ruler s of "people", the "San Z hi bei ya n" the r ulers of "thin people", the n "die d sudde nly". The West ev er since the Re naissance, it is be cause of the ri se of humanism, re ally started t o self aware ness, self discov ery and self-refle ction. Pre decessors in criticism of Marx and E ngels thoug ht on the basi s of the outcome of, a ccording t o the great discovery of hi storical materialism, reveal s the true nature of huma n existence, t he ide ology wa s essential a nd str ongly suggest s, as pr ovide d. In 1894, the Eng els from Marx's writi ngs, singled out his favorite passage for t he ne w ce ntury we ekly solemn i nscriptions: "there, the free devel opment of each s the free development of all people". In m oder n society, people-orient ed thi nking mor e and more attenti on. People ge nerally regard it a s a kind of economi c and social development, a principle , a requirement,as a nee d to maintai n the i nterest of the pe ople of, a pursuit, a purpose. This i dea wa s praised, wit h the profound connotation and pra ctical sig nifica nce. Inve stee 1. people an sweri ng epist emologi cal questi ons and answered t he questi ons of methodol ogy. Pe ople contains a profound philosophi cal, epistem ologi cal and methodol ogica l significance of sci ence. Known as e pistem ology, refers t o the theorie s on t he relationship betwee n knowle dge and pra ctice. In the vie w of Marx and Engel s, "man is man's worl d, is the State, society, and hist ory writers a nd char cters. "In other words, the w orld is one w orld, society is human soci ety. We k now t he society, starti ng from the pe opl e to o bserve ; we know the practi ce, from the people to st udy ; we kne w Office w ork, from the people who set out to explore. Ig nori ng this, will she seek高中物理第一轮复习学问点总结力学问要点:一、力的概念:力是物体之间的相互作用。力的一种作用成效是使受力物体发生形变。另一种作用成效是使受力物体的运动状态发生变化,即产生加速度。这两句话既提示我们争论力学问题第一要确定争论对象(突出相互作用双方中的主体争论方向),又指出分析或量度受力可以从形变或加速度两个方面下手,这也就成为了争论力学问题的总动身点。二、力的单位:在国际单位制中,力的单位是牛顿。三、对力的概念的几点懂得:1、力的物质性。不论是直接接触物体间力的作用,仍是不直接接触物体间力的作用。不论是宏观物体间力的作用,仍是微观物体间力的作用,都离不开施力者,都离不开物质。2、力的相互性。施力者同时是受力者,作用力和反作用力大小相等,方向相反,同种性质,分别作用在相应的两个物体上。并同时存在,同时消逝。3、力的矢量性。物体受力所产生的成效,不但与力的大小有关,仍跟力的作用方向和作用位置有关。所以,力的大小、方向和作用点叫力的三要素。力的合成和分解遵从矢量平行四边形法就。4、力的作用离不开空间和时间。力的空间累积效应往往对应物体动能的变化。力的时间累积效应往往对应物体动量的变化。5、在力学范畴内,所谓形变是指物体外形和体积的变化。所谓运动状态的转变是指物体速度的变化,包括速度大小或方向的变化,即产生加速度。四、力的种类:力的分类方法特别多,常用的有按力的性质命名。按力的成效命名。按力的本质归结。比如:重力、弹力、摩擦力、分子力、电磁力、核力等等是按力的性质命名的。张力、压力、支持力、阻力、向心力等等是按力的成效命名的。自然界一切实在的相互作用,按本质说,都可以归结为四种,即:万有引力,电磁力,强相互作用力和弱相互作用力。高中物nd to form a pr oper understa ndi ng. Met hodol ogy refers to methods of knowing the worl d, transformi ng the w orld's t heory. Histori cal materialism tell s us that social dev elopment, leave i s impossi ble; all socia l progre ss, leavi ng pe opl e unable t o achieve. We do anythi ng, must first of all take i nto account t he human factor , to find way s to give full play to the i nitiative and human cr eativity, mobili zing people's e nthusiasm. T his is t he result of numer ous hist orical practi ce of most of the scientific met hod. Emper or Taizong"The w orld of excelle nce i nto my oppone nt" and "Zhe ngua n rule", Qing Zeng Guofan t o "more aide s for the first prere qui site" Zhong XING Mi ng Chen, ar e insi sting on methodology of successf ul model s. Pr omoting t he reform and devel opme nt, constructi on of well-off, more demands that w e as a pe opl e-oriente d scientific met hod. We do w ork in the country side, it is nece ssary to put farmers first we e ngage in State -ow ned enter prise reform, we m ust regard ex panding em ployment a s an important goal we cre ated ur ban, optimi zation-Ha bitat envir onme nt must be pur sue d. Pr omoti on Office, too, only ma n's subje ct status, to a chieverapid development. Investe e 2. people who responde d to the que stion, and repli ed to que stions de pe nding on w ho. Who issue s, is concerned wit h the pr oblem of the ruli ng party; depe ndi ng on who issues are que stions relati ng to the sour ce of power of the ruli ng party. Look at the trend of the world, t hroug hout the age s, no party's fate was not to be dominate d by people, no Albert i s not driven by the people of a nati on. Our party has al ways attache d importa nce t o pe ople, caring for people, his people as the col dest wi nter, parents of people as t heir ow n, but there w ere also some i n adhere t o people -ori ente d bia s, war "sufan ex pansion" peacetime "cult ural revol ution", has caused a great loss to t he revol ution and constr uct ion. T hrough hi story, our party prove d that when people, caring for pe opl e, and along the way t here is a powerful force; when to ignore pe opl e's thi nking, to ignore t he intere sts and ne eds of the pe opl e, the party's ca use will suffer setba cks. Pe ople -orie nted, power for the people, thi s is the m ost fundamental r ules g overni ng laws, large a nd small, every aspect i s also r uling is t he most e sse ntial requirement s. Set up thepeople-orie nted conce pt of governance, requires us to e stabli sh the mai n position, everything for the masses, r ely on t he masse s, an d consciously do right for t he pe ople , show concern for t he be nefit of pe ople a nd bring benefit to the pe ople, r eal pe ople a s masters of the country, construction of the main body and the cause of main. Fr om this per spe ctive, a dhere t o the people-orie nted a nd that i s power for the people is to uphol d the mass viewpoint a nd the mass li ne of the party. Office w ork is servi ng the overall work of the party. Only ar ound the service object s, servi ce, relying on the service pri nci pal to t he servi ce in order to S hun Water push the boat, a l ong -term perspectiv e, creati ng impressive perf ormance. Inve stee 3. people re sponded to a que stion of value s, again a nswer ing Outlo ok on questions. Val ues a nd Outlook are a n orga nic unity, a nd Outlook可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结of 16 session brought to a dher e to pe opl e-oriente d, all -round, coordinate d and sustaina ble scientific devel opme nt view, pr omoting e conomi c and social and human development. T he core of the scie ntific Outlook on devel opme nt is people-orient ed. Im plement the sci entific conce pt of devel opm ent and first impl ementati on of people-orient ed re quireme nts. Office of the Party Committee of this ye ar's work , we have t o firmly establish the i dea of pe opl e-oriente d philosophy, ri chness of understa ndi ng the people-orient ed, seriously impleme nt pe ople -ori ente d requirements corre ctly grasping the practi ce of pe opl e-oriente d, thr oug h pe ople-ori ente d "three servi ces" w orking pr oce ss, pushing t he city Party Committee Office w ork to a new level. Invest ee b investee by pe ople-oriente d, in t he final analysis is ce ntred, human premise, a huma n-power ed, human pur pose. Pe opl e-orie nted thi nking l ong. A s early as the spri ng and Autum n peri od of more t han 2000 years ag o, Qi Gua n Zhong: "ov erlor d of the beginning, a nd people-orient ed. Principle of the sol id. "For thousands of years, traditional Chine se political cult ure there i s a wide variety ofpeople-orie nted thoug ht. Pa n Ge ng's "pe ople" to the Duke of Zhou's "prot ect" and t hen t o Confucius ' "man", from his "your Ki ngLig ht "to the ide a of" Grand boat w ater "and then to a dvocate si nce t he Han a nd T ang dy nastie s" nation ", these useful i dea is, i s the country of the people, political sources. T he ruler s of "people", the "San Z hi bei ya n" the r ulers of "thin people", the n "die d sudde nly". The West ev er since the Re naissance, it is be cause of the ri se of humanism, re ally started t o self aware ness, self discov ery and self-refle ction. Pre decessors in criticism of Marx and E ngels thoug ht on the basi s of the outc ome of, a ccording t o the great discovery of hi storical materialism, reveal s the true nature of huma n existence, t he ide ology wa s essential a nd str ongly suggest s, as pr ovide d. In 1894, the Eng els from Marx's writi ngs, si ngled out his favorite passage for t he ne w ce ntury we ekly solemn i nscriptions: "there, the free devel opment of each i s the free development of all people". In m oder n society, people-orient ed thi nking mor e and mor